Category: ISPs
ISPs market research reports by IDC
Defining Enterprise-Grade Internet Access and Enhancements to Broadband Needed to Be Considered "Enterprise Grade"
Defining Enterprise-Grade Internet Access and Enhancements to Broadband Needed to Be Considered "Enterprise Grade" This IDC Market Note provides an in-depth overview of the definition and features of enterprise-grade broadband internet access. It highlights the features and functionality required fo ... Read More
Impact of Fixed Wireless Access on Cable and Fiber Internet Access Services for Business
Impact of Fixed Wireless Access on Cable and Fiber Internet Access Services for Business This IDC Perspective intends to illustrate the impact of FWA on cable, fiber, and DSL internet access connections over time in the enterprise and business services space. FWA is expected to gain a significant ma ... Read More
The Internet Exchange Ecosystem in India
The Internet Exchange Ecosystem in India Internet exchanges (IXs) facilitate the exchange of internet traffic reducing latency and cost of bandwidth. They are a crucial component of the Digital India campaign. IX is a physical infrastructure that directly interconnects Internet service providers (IS ... Read More
Building the Ecosystem for Internet Exchanges in Asia/Pacific
Building the Ecosystem for Internet Exchanges in Asia/Pacific This IDC Market Perspective investigates the current state of technology and business models of leading internet exchanges (IXs) in Asia/Pacific and the largest IX in Europe. Since the mid-1990s, when the first IXs were established, the t ... Read More