Category: Wearable Fitness Tracker
Wearable Fitness Tracker market research reports by IDC
The Future of Health and Fitness as a Service
The Future of Health and Fitness as a Service This IDC Market Perspective examines the consumer-centric trends around health and fitness as a service and safety as a service. In addition to discussing the challenges and opportunities associated with these trends, it brings to light examples of curre ... Read More
U.S. Wearable Device Installed Base Forecast, 2022–2026
U.S. Wearable Device Installed Base Forecast, 2022–2026 This IDC study provides a forecast for the U.S. wearable device installed base for the 2022–2026 period."With wearables gaining salience in the United States, we expect the installed base for these devices to hold steady over the next several y ... Read More
U.S. Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker Ownership, 2022
U.S. Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker Ownership, 2022 This IDC Survey looks at smartwatch and fitness tracker ownership in the United States. We polled 1,411 current smartwatch and fitness tracker owners on what brand of device they own, whether it was the same brand as their smartphone, and how impor ... Read More