Global Trends in B2C E-Commerce & Innovations in Online Payments 2024

Global Trends in B2C E-Commerce & Innovations in Online Payments 2024

Global Trends in B2C E-Commerce & Innovations in Online Payments 2024: Reveals that globally, the B2C E-Commerce market is forecasted to reach EUR 7.6 trillion by 2026- A Deep Dive by

Global B2C E-Commerce Market Overview: Asia-Pacific Leads the Global E-Commerce Revolution

The global B2C E-Commerce market is expanding rapidly, especially in Asia-Pacific. By 2027, non-cash transaction volume in Asia-Pacific is expected to exceed 1 trillion, driven by technological innovations and increasing consumer trust. Asia-Pacific, led by China and India, is at the forefront of this growth. High internet and smartphone penetration and advancements in mobile commerce and AI are driving significant market expansion. China’s B2C E-Commerce market is expected to surpass EUR 3 trillion by 2027.

Innovations in Digital Payments

Innovations in digital payments, including mobile wallets, BNPL options, and real-time payments, are enhancing the global shopping experience. In-car payments are rising in Asia-Pacific, with China’s connected car service market forecasted to reach EUR 31 billion by 2025.

Regional Insights

North America’s market is robust, driven by high consumer spending and advanced payment solutions. Europe thrives on high online shopping adoption and seamless cross-border transactions. Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are growing significantly due to increased internet access and mobile connectivity.

1. Key Takeaways
2. Management Summary
3. Global
B2C E-Commerce Market Size, in USD trillion, 2021-2026f
B2C E-Commerce Market Size, in USD trillion, 2023e & 2026f
B2C E-Commerce Market Size, in USD trillion, 2022 & 2027f*
B2C E-Commerce Sales Value, in USD trillion, 2023f* & 2025f
Breakdown of Payment Method Types Used in B2C E-Commerce, in %, 2023e
Share of Online Shoppers Who Purchase From B2C E-Commerce Platforms at Least Several Times a Month, by Region, in % of Online Shoppers, November 2023
Share of Social Media Users Who Purchase From Social Media Platforms at Least Several Times a Month, by Region, in % of Social Media Users, November 2023
Trust in Different Shopping Platforms, by Region, in % of Online Shoppers, November 2023
Trust in Different Social Media Back-End Processes, by Region, in % of E-Sellers, November 2023
Number of New Shoppers, incl. “Online”, by Region, in millions, 2030f
4.0. Asia-Pacific
4.1. Regional
4.1.1. Regional Trends
Total Non-Cash Transaction Volume, in trillions, 2024f & 2027f
B2B E-Commerce Non-Cash Transaction Volume, in billions, 2024f & 2027f
Livestreaming Retail E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Year-On-Year Change, 2023e-2027f
Social Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Year-On-Year Change, 2023e-2027f
Breakdown of Retail E-Commerce Market, by Country, in %, 2022
Top 10 Retailers, incl. “Online Retailers”, by Retail Sales Value, in USD billion, 2022
4.1.2. Southeast Asia Regional
TikTok Shop Market Overview, February 2024
Digital Economy Value, in USD trillion, 2022 & 2030f
B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Year-On-Year Change, 2022-2026f
B2C E-Commerce Spending, by Payment Method, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f
B2C E-Commerce Sales Penetration, by Country, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2023e
Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Market Value, by Operators, in %, 2022
Top Product Categories Purchased on Online B2C E-Commerce Site Zalora Using BNPL, in % of BNPL Payments, Q3 2022
Breakdown of Payments Used on Online B2C E-Commerce Site Zalora, by Age Group, in % of Online Shoppers, Q3 2022
4.1.3. SEA, South Korea & Japan
Total B2C E-Commerce Revenue, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f
Total Cross-Border Revenue, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f
Digital Economy Value, by Payment Method, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f
4.2. Asia-Pacific Digital Commerce Overview
4.2.1. B2C E-Commerce China
Overview of B2C E-Commerce Market Trends, February 2024
Total B2C E-Commerce Market Value, in USD trillion, 2023e & 2027f
B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD trillion, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2023e-2027f
Year-On-Year Growth of B2C E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2022 & 2023e
Share of Online Retail Sales of Physical Goods Making Up Total Retail Sales of Physical Goods, in %, 2023
Online Retail Sales Value, in CNY trillion, 2022 & 2023
Total vs Online Retail Sales Value, in CNY trillion, H1 2022 & H1 2023
Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce Import And Export Value, in CNY trillion, H1 2022 & H1 2023
Number of People Working in the B2C E-Commerce Sector, in millions, 2018 & 2023
Number of Online Shoppers, in millions, And Share of Internet Users, in %, June 2021-June 2023
Growth of Online Retail Sales of Physical Goods, by Product Category, in % of Year-On-Year Change, 2023
Top 3 Domestic B2C E-Commerce Platforms, in % of Total B2C E-Commerce Market, 2023e
Online Retail Sales Value in Rural Areas, in CNY trillion, H1 2022 & H1 2023
Online Retail Sales Value of Agricultural Products, in CNY billion, H1 2022 & H1 2023
Share of Rural Online Merchants And Online Stores That Sell Agricultural Products Through Livestreaming, in %, H1 2023
Livestreaming Retail E-Commerce Buyers, in millions, in % of Year-On-Year Change, 2023e-2026f
Number of B2C E-Commerce Livestreaming Users, in millions, December 2022 & June 2023
Social Commerce Market Overview, February 2024
Overview of Discount B2C E-Commerce Market, February 2024 Japan
B2C E-Commerce Spending, by Payment Method, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f
Top 5 QR Code Mobile Payment Services, in % of QR Code Mobile Payment Users, January 2023 South Korea
B2C E-Commerce Payment Value, in USD trillion, 2022 & 2026f
B2C E-Commerce Spending, by Payment Method, in USD billion, 2022 & 2027f India
B2C E-Commerce Market Size, in USD billion, 2022e, 2024f, 2026f & 2030f
B2C E-Commerce Market Size, in USD billion, in % of Total Retail Market*, FY 2020-FY 2023
Annual Number of Online Shoppers, in millions, in % of Year-on-Year Change, FY 2021-FY 2023
Average Monthly Number of Online Shoppers, in millions, in % of Annual Online Shoppers, FY 2021-FY 2023
Card Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Number of Digital Payment Transactions, in billions, FY 2022-23 & FY 2026-27f
Value of Digital Payment Transactions, in INR trillion, FY 2022-23 & FY 2026-27f Australia
Breakdown of BNPL Revenue, by Age, in % of BNPL Users, February 2023 Indonesia
B2C E-Commerce Market Value, in USD billion, 2023 & 2028f
Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Market Value, by Operators, in %, 2022
Payment Methods Used For B2C E-Commerce Transactions, in % of Shoppers, 2022 Taiwan
B2C E-Commerce Payments Value, in USD billion, 2022 & 2026f
Breakdown of Most Preferred Online Payment Methods, in % of Internet Users, Q3 2022
4.2.2. Omnichannel Commerce Trends Southeast Asia Regional
Most Preferred B2C E-Commerce Delivery Options, in % of Online Shoppers, 2022 China
Share of Online Retail Sales of Physical Goods Making Up the Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods, in %, 2021 & 2022
Weekly Online Shopping Activities, in % of Internet Users, Q3 2022
Share of Online Shoppers Who Made Online Purchases, by Channel, in %, H1 2022
Number of Online Travel Booking Users, in millions, And Share of Internet Users, in %, June 2020-June 2022 Japan
Breakdown of Luxury Purchase Journey, in % of Adults, March 2022
Omnichannel Purchasing Behavior, in % of Luxury Shoppers, March 2022 South Korea
Share of Respondents Who Shop Using Omnichannel, in %, 2022
Attitude Towards Omnichannel Shopping, in % of Respondents, 2022 Australia
Weekly Online Shopping Activities, in % of Internet Users, Q3 2022
Share of Online Channels Making Up Total Retail Spend, in %, 2022
Breakdown of Total Variety Stores* Spend, by Channel, in %, 2022 India
Share of B2C E-Commerce Shoppers Who Picked Up Their Most Recent Online Purchase In-Store or Curbside, in %, October 2022
Offline Retail Market Size, by Channels, in USD trillion, 2022 & 2030f
Online Retail Market Size, by Channels, in USD billion, 2022 & 2030f Phiippines
Share of Internet Users Who Research Brands and Products Online, in %, Q3 2022
4.2.3. Luxury Fashion Online Recommerce China
Overview of Luxury Fashion Online Recommerce Market, January 2023 (1 of 2)
Overview of Luxury Fashion Online Recommerce Market, January 2023 (2 of 2)
Luxury Resale Market Size, in USD billion, 2020 & 2025f Japan
Share of Respondents Who Had Already Purchased Reused Products, in %, December 2022
Share of eBay Sellers Who Reported Their Sales to Have Increases Due to the Economy, in % of eBay Sellers, November 2022
4.3. Emerging Trends in Asia-Pacific Digital Payments
4.3.1. In-Car Payments Asia-Pacific Regional
Overview of In-Car Payment Solutions and Trends, May 2023 (1 of 2)
Overview of In-Car Payment Solutions and Trends, May 2023 (2 of 2) Southeast Asia Regional
Level of Consumer Interest in Select Connected Car Features, in % of Respondents, 2022 China
Penetration Rate of Connected Vehicles, in %, 2030f
Number of Connected Cars, in millions, 2021-2025f
Market Size of Intelligent Connected Car Application Services, in CNY billion, 2021-2025f
Share of Respondents Who Are Open to Using Digital Payments From Car, in %, February 2022
Level of Consumer Interest in Select Connected Car Features, in % of Respondents, 2022 Japan
Level of Consumer Interest in Select Connected Car Features, in % of Respondents, 2022 South Korea
Share of Connected Cars, in % of Registered Domestic Cars, April 2023
4.3.2. Real-Time Payment China
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f India
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Volume of UPI-Based Real-Time Payment Transactions, in billions, January – June 2022
Total Value of Transactions via UPI, in INR billion, January – June 2022 Japan
Zengin System Overview, January 2023
Volume of Small-Value Transactions in Zengin Core Time System, in thousands, & Value of Small Transactions, in JPY million, & Year-On-Year Change, in %, January - October 2022 South Korea
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f Australia
Overview of New Payments Platform (NPP), January 2023
Share of PayID Users Who Use It at Least Once a Week, in %, May 2022
Top Reasons for Registering for PayID, in % of PayID Users, May 2022
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f Singapore
Overview of Fast and Secure Transfer (FAST) & PayNow, January 2023
Breakdown of Transaction Volume, by Payments Instrument, in % of Total Payment Transaction Volume, 2022 vs 2027f
Breakdown of Spending Value, by Payments Instrument, in % of Total Payment Spending Value, 2022 vs 2027f Thailand
Volume of PromptPay Based Real-Time Payment Transactions, in millions, May - October 2022
Value of PromptPay Based Real-Time Payment Transactions, in THB billion, May - October 2022 Malaysia
Overview of Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet), January 2023
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f Philippines
Overview of InstaPay, January 2023
Total Value of Transactions via InstaPay, in PHP billion January - November 2021 & January - November 2022 Lanka
Real-Time Payment Market Overview, January 2023
Breakdown of Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Transaction Participants, by Value & by Volume, in % of Total RTGS Transactions, Q2 2022
4.3.3. Online Payment Methods Asia-Pacific Regional
Overview of the Online and Mobile Payment Trends, September 2023
B2C E-Commerce Payment Value, in USD trillion, 2023e & 2027f
BNPL Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2028f China
Number of Online Payment Users, in millions, and Penetration, in % of Internet Users, June 2021 & June 2022
Online Payment User Penetration, in % of Internet Users, June 2022
Number of Real-Time Payment Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Breakdown of Digital Wallet Use Frequency Among Adults, in %, May 2022
Mobile Wallet Ownership and Usage, in % of Adults, Q2 2022 Japan
Digital Payment Use, in % of Respondents, 2022
Most Used Payment Methods, in % of Respondents, January 2023
Share of Smartphone Payment Users, in % of Internet Users, February 2022 & February 2023
Breakdown of Attitude Towards Future Use of Mobile Payments, in % of Internet Users, February 2023
Breakdown of Smartphone Payment Service Use, by Number of Services Used, in % of Internet Users, January 2023
Breakdown of Smartphone Payment Use, by Amount of QR Code Payment and Contactless Payment Services, in % of Internet Users, January 2023
Top 5 Contactless Mobile Payment Services, in % of Contactless Mobile Payment Service Users, January 2023
Breakdown of Digital Wallet Use Frequency Among Adults, in %, May 2022 South Korea
Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Payment Methods, in %, 2022
Share of Population That Made a Digital Payment, in %, 2022
Number of Real-Time Payment Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f Australia
Card Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Share of Shoppers Using a Mobile Wallet For Last Physical Purchase, in %, Q3 2022 New Zealand
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022 Singapore
Card Payments Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Share of Adults That Made a Digital Payment, in %, 2022
Share of Adults That Used a BNPL Service, in %, Q3 2022
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, 2022e-2026 Taiwan
Share of Online Shoppers Who Prefer Payment Cards For Online Payments, in %, 2022
Share of Online Shoppers Who Prefer to Use Cash For Online Payments, in %, 2022
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022 Hong Kong
Number of Real-Time Payment Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Number of E-Wallet Users, by E-Wallet Provider, in millions, May 2023e
B2C E-Commerce Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Number of Real-Time Payment Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Number of BNPL Users, in millions, 2022e & 2027f
Mobile Wallet Payments Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Breakdown of Digital Wallet Use Frequency Among Adults, in %, May 2022
Digital Payment Platform Use, by Digital Payment Platform Type, in % of Internet Users, H1 2022
Digital Wallet and Mobile Banking Use, by Generation, in % of Respondents, H1 2022
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, 2022e-2026
Proximity Mobile Payment User Growth, in % of Y-o-Y Change, 2022e-2026f
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Share of Online Payments Making Up Total Payment Transactions, in %, 2023e
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, 2022e-2026
Proximity Mobile Payment User Growth, in % of Y-o-Y Change, 2022e-2026f
Share of Adults That Made a Digital Payment, in %, 2022
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Share of Adults That Used a BNPL Service, in %, Q3 2022
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, 2022e-2026
Proximity Mobile Payment User Growth, in % of Y-o-Y Change, 2022e-2026f
Card Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
Share of Adults Who Own a Mobile Wallet and Have Used It in the Past Year, in %, 2022
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, 2022e-2026
Proximity Mobile Payment User Growth, in % of Y-o-Y Change, 2022e-2026f
Card Payment Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2027f
4.3.4. POS Payment Methods Asia-Pacific Regional
POS Methods Overview and Trends, June 2023 China
Third-Party Integrated Payment Transactions, in CNY trillion, Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2022e-2026f
Share of Mobile Phone Users Using Mobile Payments Everyday, in %, 2022
Preferred Mobile Payment Method Among Mobile Payment Users in Offline Scenario, in % of Mobile Payment Users, 2022 Japan
Change in Cash Usage Frequency Compared to a Year Ago as of August-September 2022, in % of Respondents, March 2023
Use of Alternative Payment Methods Other Than Cash at POS, in % of Respondents, March 2023 (1 of 2)
Use of Alternative Payment Methods Other Than Cash at POS, in % of Respondents, March 2023 (2 of 2)
Breakdown of Respondents Using Smartphone Payment Services, by Payment Method, in %, January 2023
Top Places Where Smartphone Payments Are Used, in % Smartphone Payment Service Users, January 2023
Top Used Smartphone Payment Service, by Type of Payment, in % of Respondents, January 2023
Most Used Smartphone Payment Service, by Type of Payment, in % of Respondents, January 2023
Most Used QR Code Payment Service, in % of Respondents, January 2023
Top Reasons For Using QR Code Payment Services at POS, in % of Smartphone Payment Service Users, January 2023
Usage Frequency of QR Code Payment Services at Convenience Store, in % of Smartphone Payment Service Users, January 2023
Top Reasons For Using Smartphone Contactless Payments at POS, in % of Smartphone Payment Service Users, January 2023 South Korea
Total Payment Value, by Current Card Payment Method, in KRW billion, 2021 & 2022 Australia
Mobile Wallet Payment With Credit and Debit Card, by Volume, in % of All Card Transactions, 2022e
Breakdown of Non-Cash Retail Payment Methods, in % of Number of Payments, 2022e
Types of Digital Wallets That Respondents Used as Their Primary Means of Payment, in % of Respondents, October 2022
Share of Respondents Willing to Shop More With a Retailer If the Loyalty Program was Automatically Linked to the Payment Card, in %, 2022e India
Total Volume of Select Payment Method at POS, in millions & Value of Payment Method at POS, in INR trillion, Q3 2022
Share of Preferred Payment Methods, by Value and Volume, in %, Q3 2022
4.3.5. Buy Now Pay Later Asia-Pacific Regional
Share of BNPL Accounting for Total B2C E-Commerce Payments, in %, 2022 & 2026f
Payment Methods Used At Least 5 Times Per Month, in % of Respondents, September 2022 Southeast Asia Regional
Breakdown of Payment Methods Used to Purchase Luxury on Online B2C E-Commerce Site Zalora, in %, 2021 & 2022 China
BNPL Gross Merchandise Value, in USD billion, 2022 & 2028f
BNPL Usage, by Age, in % of Internet Users, 2022e Japan
Share of Respondents Using BNPL, in %, December 2022
Level of Usage of Buy Now Pay Later Services Compared to a Year Ago, in % of BNPL Users, December 2022 Australia
BNPL Sales, in AUD billion, FY 2021 & FY 2022
Breakdown of Total Transaction Value vs Volume, in %, FY 2022
Type of Debt Held, incl. BNPL Loans, in % of Consumers, Q4 2022
Level of Concern/Stress Over Type Debt, by Type of Debt, incl. BNPL Loan, Q4 2022
Current Outstanding Balances on Loans in Capital City, in AUD thousand, Q4 2022 New Zealand
BNPL Transaction Value, in USD billion, 2023e & 2026f India
BNPL Transaction Value, in USD billion, 2022e & 2026f Singapore
Breakdown of BNPL User Age, in %, April 2022
Breakdown of BNPL Users Aged 25 or Older Accounting for Total BNPL Transaction Value, in %, April 2022 Pakistan
BNPL Use, in % of Respondents, July 2022
4.3.6. Fraud and Security in Online Payments Asia-Pacific Regional
Overview of Fraud in Online Payments, February 2024
Share of Fraud Originating From Online Shopping Channels, by Country, in % of Total Channels Used For Fraud, November 2023 Australia
Payment Card Fraud Value, in AUD million, FY 2022 & FY 2023
Domestic Card-Not-Present (CNP) Fraud Value, in AUD million, FY 2022 & FY 2023
Overseas/Via Overseas Merchant Card-Not-Present (CNP) Fraud Value, in AUD million, FY 2022 & FY 2023
4.3.7. Digital Payment Forecasts 2023-2027 Asia-Pacific Regional
Real-Time Payments Volume, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Real-Time Payments Share of Total Electronic Payments, in %, 2022 & 2027f Southeast Asia Regional
Proximity Mobile Payment Users, by Country, in millions, 2022e-2026f Japan
Cashless Payment Market Size, in USD trillion, 2021-2025f
Share of Shoppers Who Paid For Their Most Recent Physical Purchase With a Mobile Payment, in % of Shoppers, Q1 2022, Q2 2022 & Q3 2022
Share of Online Shoppers Who Paid For Their Most Recent Online Purchase With a Mobile Wallet, in % of Online Shoppers, Q1 2022, Q2 2022 & Q3 2022 Indonesia
Digital Banking Transaction Value, in USD billion, January 2022 & January 2023 Singapore
Share of Shoppers Who Paid For Their Most Recent Physical Purchase With a Mobile Payment, in % of Shoppers, Q1 2022, Q2 2022 & Q3 2022
Share of Online Shoppers Who Paid For Their Most Recent Online Purchase With a Mobile Wallet, in % of Online Shoppers, Q1 2022, Q2 2022 & Q3 2022
Proximity Mobile Payment User Growth, in % of Y-o-Y Change, 2022e-2026f
4.4. Diverse Digital Commerce Sectors in Asia-Pacific
4.4.1. Digital Health Asia-Pacific Regional
Overview and Trends in Digital Health, May 2023
Total Digital Health Venture Capital Funding, in USD billion, Q1 2022-Q4 2022
Share of Healthcare Organizations That Will Have Data Governance Framework in Place to Prioritize Use of AI in Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Care, in %, 2026f
Number of Active Digital Health App Users, by Country, in thousands, November 2022 China
Digital Health Market Value, in CNY billion, 2020-2022e
Digital Medical Service Market Value, in CNY billion, 2020-2022e
Top Digital Health Areas in Which Healthcare Leaders Are Investing, in %, March 2022
Top Ways in Which Predicative Analysis Will Impact Healthcare, in % of Healthcare Leaders, March 2022 India
Top Usage of Healthcare Apps, in % of E-Commerce Users, 2022e
Breakdown of Revenue From Telemedicine, in % of Healthcare Leaders and Professionals, 2022
Share of Healthcare Leaders and Professionals Who Have Implemented Electronic Medical Records (EMR), in %, 2022
Share of Healthcare Professionals Who Want to Partner With Diagnostic Imaging and Screening Centers to Improve Patient Outcome and Care Delivery, in %, February 202
4.4.2. Digital Gaming Asia-Pacific Regional
Overview of Digital Gaming Market Trends, April 2023 (1 of 2)
Overview of Digital Gaming Market Trends, April 2023 (2 of 2) China
Mobile Gaming Market Size, in CNY billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2020-2024f
Total Number of Gamers, in millions, 2021-2022 & 2026f
Share of Gaming Industry Revenue, by Segments, in % of Total Gaming Revenue, January – June 2022
Breakdown of Mobile Game App Users, by Age, in %, Q3 2022
Sales Revenue of Self-Developed Games in Overseas Market, in CNY billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, January – June 2020 – January – June 2022 Japan
Breakdown of Respondents Playing Mobile Games in the Past Year, in %, August 2022
Mobile Game Revenue, by Channel, in USD billion, H1 2021 & H1 2022
Preferred Devices Used for Gaming, in % of Mobile Gamers, June 2022 South Korea
Domestic Game Industry Sales, in KRW billion, 2021 & 2022e
Mobile Game Revenue via Apple Store and Google Play Store, in USD billion, 2021 & 2022
Total Number of Mobile Game Downloads via Apple Store and Google Play Store, in billions, 2021 & 2022
Preferred Devices Used for Gaming, in % of Mobile Gamers, June 2022 India
PC and Mobile Gaming Revenue, in USD billion, 2022 & 2026f
Number of PC and Mobile Gamers, in millions, 2022 & 2026f
Breakdown of Gamers Playing Real-Money Games vs Those Playing Non-Real-Money Games, by Gender, in %, 2022e Indonesia
Preferred Devices Used for Gaming, in % of Mobile Gamers, June 2022
5. North America
5.1. Regional
B2C E-Commerce Sales Value of Top 3 Global Regions, in USD trillion, 2022
Breakdown of B2C E-Commerce Sales Value, by Global Regions, in %, 2022
Share of Payment Methods Used at Least 5 Times Per Month, in % of Consumers, September 2022
Breakdown of Primary Payment Methods For Online And In-Person Purchase of Large Products And Services, in % of Respondents, September 2022
Breakdown of Primary Payment Methods For Online And In-Person Purchases of Small Items, in % of Respondents, September 2022
Share of Internet Users Who Research Brands and Products Online, in %, Q3 2022
Share of Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce Transactions Making Up Total Sales, in %, January 2023
Expectations Towards Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce, in % of Organizations, January 2023
Technology Use in Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce, in % of Organizations, January 2023
Technology Use in Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce, in % of Organizations, January 2023
Share of Organizations That Find the Environment for Cross-Border Trade Difficult to Operate in, in %, January 2023
Top 5 Challenges When Sending B2C E-Commerce Goods Cross-Border, in % of Organizations, January 2023
Share of Organizations That Say That B2C E-Commerce Goods Are Frequently Delayed Due to Incorrect Classification And Documentation, in %, January 2023
Top 5 Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce Disruptions Expected to Worsen Over 2023 , in % of Organizations, January 2023
Online Payment Fraud Loss Value, by Global Regions, in USD billion, 2025f
Breakdown of Fraudulent B2C E-Commerce Transaction Value, by Global Regions, in %, 2023e
Real-Time Payments Volume, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Real-Time Payments Share of Total Electronic Payments, in %, 2022 & 2027f
Breakdown of Respondents Who Heard About the Term “Embedded Payments”, in %, April 2022
5.2. U.S. B2C E-Commerce Market & Payment Innovation Trends
5.2.1. E-Commerce Market B2C E-Commerce Market Overview
B2C E-Commerce Market Trends, April 2024 (1 of 2)
B2C E-Commerce Market Trends, April 2024 (2 of 2)
Retail E-Commerce Sales, in USD trillion, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2022-2027f
Retail Marketplace E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Total Retail E-Commerce Sales, 2023e-2027f
B2C E-Commerce Sales Value Compared to Other Countries/Regions, in USD trillion, 2025f
B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, Q4 2022 & Q4 2023e
Share of B2C E-Commerce Making Up Total Retail Sales, in %, Q4 2022 & Q4 2023e
Total vs. Online Retail Sales, in USD trillion, 2028f
Share of Population That Shops Online, in %, 2028f
Retail E-Commerce Sales, in USD trillion, in % of Total Retail Sales, 2022-2027f
Year-Over-Year Growth in Online Sales, in %, 2018-2027f B2C E-Commerce Product Categories
Retail E-Commerce Sales Share of Total Retail E-Commerce Sales, by Product Category, in % of Total Retail E-Commerce Sales, 2023e & 2027f
Breakdown of Total B2C E-Commerce Sales, by Product Category, in %, 2026f
Share of “Food And Beverage And Health, Personal Care, And Beauty” Making Up Total B2C E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2024e & 2028f
Share of “Health, Personal Care, And Beauty” Sales Originating From B2C E-Commerce, in %, 2024e & 2028f
Share of “Pet Products” Purchased Through B2C E-Commerce Channels, in %, 2028f B2C E-Commerce Channels
Channels Through Which Clothing Brands Or Products Were Discovered, in % of Clothing Buyers, September 2023 B2C E-Commerce Players
B2C E-Commerce Trends Online Retailers Believe Will Affect Their Business the Most in 2024, in % of Online Retailers, January 2024
Top 10 B2C E-Commerce Sites, by Monthly Visits, in millions, November 2023
Top B2C E-Commerce Marketplaces, by Sales Value, in USD billion, 2023e
Amazon’s B2C E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Total B2C E-Commerce Sales, 2020-2025f
Total Value of Amazon Business Product Sales, in USD billion & Share of Amazon Business Product Sales, in % of B2B E-Commerce Site Sales, 2022e-2026f
Comparison of Amazon, eBay and Walmart’s E-Commerce Marketplaces, July 2023 Mobile Commerce
Retail M-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, in % of Total Retail E-Commerce Sales, 2022-2027f
Share of Retail M-Commerce Making Up Total Retail E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2023e & 2027f Omnichannel Commerce
Proximity Mobile Transaction Value, in USD billion, in % of Year-On-Year Change, and % of Retail & Food Services, 2020-2027f
Click-And-Collect Sales Value, in USD billion, in % of Year-On-Year Change, and % of Retail E-Commerce Sales Value, 2020-2026f
Digital-Influenced Retail Sales Value, in USD trillion, 2022e & 2027f
Digital-Influenced Retail Sales Value, by Channel, in USD trillion, 2027f
Share of Digital-Influenced Retail Sales Making Up Total Retail Sales, in %, 2027f
Retailers Spending on Omnichannel Retail Solutions, in USD billion, 2022 & 2030f*
Retailers’ Planned Innovations For Omnichannel Retail, in % of Retailers, June 2023
Share of Omnichannel Consumer Data Adoption, by Retail Segments, in %, June 2023 Social Commerce
Social Commerce Market Overview, April 2024
Share of Social Commerce Making Up Total B2C E-Commerce Sales, in %, 2024e
Social Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2020, 2023e & 2027f
Social Commerce Sales Per Buyer, in USD, 2020, 2023e & 2027f
Number of Social Commerce Buyers, in millions, 2020, 2023e & 2027f
Breakdown of Social Commerce Shoppers, by Age, in %, September 2023
Social Networks Where Adults Are Likely to Make Purchases Directly, Gen Z vs. Total, in % of Adults, Q1 2023 Luxury Recommerce
Resale E-Commerce Sales, in USD billion, 2023e-2027f
Resale Apparel Market Size, in USD billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2021-2027f
Fashion Online Resale Marketplace Sales, in USD billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2021e-2026f
Share of Secondhand Sales Originating From Online Resale, in %, 2024f
Share of Secondhand Apparel Making Up an Average Adult’s Closet, in %, 2022 & 2032f
Top 10 Online Fashion Resale Brands, by Number of Resale Shop Listings, January 2023 Cross Border Commerce
Cross-Border B2C E-Commerce Market Overview, April 2024
5.2.2. Payment Innovation and Trends Payment Innovation Trends
Embedded Finance Transaction Value, in USD trillion, 2021 & 2026f
Embedded Consumer Payment Transaction Value, in USD trillion, 2021 & 2026f
Embedded Business-to-Business Payment Revenue, in USD billion, 2021 & 2026f
Revenues via Different Embedded Finance Segments, in USD billion, 2021 & 2026f Digital Payment Forecasts
Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Users, in millions, and Share of Total Smartphone Users, in %, 2021-2026f
Average Annual Proximity Mobile Payment Spending Value Per User, in USD, 2021-2026f Online Payment Trends
Share of Consumers Who Anticipate Increasing or Decreasing Their Use of Select Payment Method For Online Purchases in the Next 12 Months, in %, April 2023
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Payment Users, in millions, and Penetration Rate, in % of Smartphone Users, 2020-2027f
Share of Retailers Accepting International Payment Methods Such as Klarna and WeChat, in %, 2022 & 2023e
Share of Merchants Who Are Planning to Accept New APMs in the Next One to Three Years, in %, July 2023
Share of Merchants Who Recognize That Failing to Accept APMs Could Impact Sales And Revenue, in %, July 2023
Proximity Mobile Payment Transaction Value, in USD billion, and Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2020-2027f
Breakdown of Payment Methods Most Commonly Used For Purchases, in % of Population, 2022 & 2023e
Breakdown of Most Used Mobile Payment App/Wallet, Online vs. In-Store, in % of Adults, July 2023
Share of Respondents Who Use at Least One E-Wallet or Mobile Payment App For Online vs In-Store Purchases, in %, July 2023
Share of Respondents Identifying Top Features That Would Make Them More Comfortable When Making Online Purchases, in %, Apr. 2023
Share of Adults Who Used a Digital Wallet at Least Once in the Past Month, in %, February 2023 POS Payment Methods
Share of Shoppers Who Used or Are Willing to Use Self-Checkout via Smartphone, in %, April 2023
Top Benefits and Challenges of Self-Checkout, in % of Shoppers, April 2023
Breakdown of Shoppers Who Used a Smartphone (Apple Pay or Google Pay) to Pay at a Retail Store, in %, April 2023
Number of Smartphone QR Code Scanners, in millions, and Penetration, in % of Smartphone Users, 2022-2026f Real-Time Payments
Total Number of Real-Time Transactions, in billions, 2022 & 2027f
Share of Companies That Use Real-Time Payments, in %, June 2022 & 2024f AI Integration in Payments
Overview of AI Use in B2C E-Commerce, June 2023
Overview of AI Use in Payments, December 2023
Share of Retail Decision Makers Who Feel Ready to Deploy Generative AI Technology in 2024, in %, November 2023 Buy Now Pay Later
BNPL Payment Value, in USD billion, & Year-on-Year Change, in %, 2021-2026f
BNPL Users, in millions, and Penetration Rate, in % of Internet Users, 2021-2026f
BNPL User Penetration, by Generation, in % of Digital Buyers, 2022e & 2026f
Annual Growth of Online BNPL Purchase Share & BNPL Revenue, in % of Year-on-Year Growth, 2022 vs January-February 2023

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