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Region: Asia
Category: Metals
Category: Metals
Asia Metals
(626 reports matching your criteria)
Siding: China
Oct 31, 2020 | Published by: Freedonia Focus Reports | USD 900
... products such as exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), wood, and vinyl. Total demand is also segmented by market as follows: residential (new; improvement and repair) and nonresidential (new; improvement and repair). To illustrate historical ... Read More
Matching Categories
- Aluminum (163)
- Cobalt (6)
- Copper (35)
- Ferrous Metals (6)
- General Metals (61)
- Germanium (7)
- Iron & Steel (315)
- Manganese (7)
- Materials (11)
- Metals Company Reports (9)
- Nickel (45)
- Nonferrous Metals (44)
- Platinum (9)
- Precious Metals (49)
- Rare Earth Metals (20)
- Tantalum (3)
- Tin (3)
- Titanium (46)
- Tungsten (5)
- Zinc (16)
- Zirconium (5)
Countries in Asia
- Afghanistan (1)
- Armenia (4)
- Azerbaijan (5)
- Bangladesh (4)
- China (105)
- Georgia (3)
- India (65)
- Indonesia (13)
- Japan (34)
- Kazakhstan (7)
- Kyrgyzstan (3)
- Laos (3)
- Malaysia (11)
- Mongolia (3)
- Myanmar (1)
- Pakistan (4)
- Philippines (10)
- Russia (43)
- Singapore (11)
- South Korea (23)
- Sri Lanka (3)
- Taiwan (3)
- Thailand (11)
- Turkey (15)
- Uzbekistan (4)
- Vietnam (16)