Your search returned 7 reports.
   Publisher:  Latin Report
   Published:  Last 6 Months

  • Economy of Peru 2024

    Economy of Peru 2024 Peru experienced a severe downturn in the 1980's and ended that decade effectively a failed sate. In the 1990's the Government of Fujimori undertook reforms that restored order to the public finances. Since the Millennium Peru is a much better ruuuuuuuuuun country and regularly ... Read More

  • Economy of Colombia 2024

    Economy of Colombia 2024 Colombia has somewhat of a negative image in the West due to the drugs cartels but when viewed from the perspective of its progress as a State it is one of the most successful countries in Latin America. It joined the OECD in 2020, has manageable debt and deficits and has a ... Read More

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  • Economy of Brazil 2024

    Economy of Brazil 2024 Brazil achieved several decades of rapid growth up to the end of the 1970's. The 1980's were a lost decade as a result of the fallout from the Latin American debt crisis. Inflation was finally brought under control following the introduction of the Real in 1994 and considerab ... Read More

  • Economy of Chile 2024

    Economy of Chile 2024 Chile experienced the traum of the Piunochet dictatorship from 1973 to 1990 but at the same time that period created the basis for a funcioning economy which was bequeated to its democratic successors. Chile consistently grows in the 5-6% pa range and is considered a model coun ... Read More

  • Economy of English Speaking Caribbean - 2024

    Economy of English Speaking Caribbean - 2024 The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago are considered together in this study. The microstates of the region are not included. Issues discussed are internal budgets, external accounts, economic policies and, in some cases, levels of v ... Read More

  • Economy of Mexico 2024

    Economy of Mexico 2024 The Mexican economy has undergone massive change in the last few decades as it was drawn into the US industrial orbit. It now has a lagre modern manfucating sector with an export profile similar to an advanced country. A considerable part of the economy is still informal but ... Read More

  • Economy of South Africa 2024

    Economy of South Africa 2024 This study is data driven and looks at where South Africa is now, compared with the end of Apartheid, based on a number of economic and social metrics. Contrary to popular misconceptions both the internal accounts and external accounts are reasonably healthy and progres ... Read More

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