Your search returned 3 reports.
   Published:  Last 3 Years
   Region: All Regions Oceania Solomon Islands

  • Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Solomon Islands

    Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Solomon Islands We lowered our GDP growth forecast for 2024 by 1.5ppts, although it is still expected to grow by 2.2% and pick up to 2.4% growth in 2025. The forecasted GDP growth for 2024 remains under the Asia Pacific average of 3.7%. The boost to GDP in 2023 h ... Read More

  • Country Review Solomon Islands

    Country Review Solomon Islands The Country Reviews are comprehensive and regularly updated reports on every recognized independent country available with Standard, Premium, Elite or Suite subscriptions to CountryWatch, Inc. These robust reports include coverage of a given country's history, economy, ... Read More

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  • Solomon Islands - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

    Solomon Islands - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses Somalia’s government making strides in improving telecom sector regulation Having undergone almost three decades in which there was no effective management over Somalia’s telecom sector, there have been considerab ... Read More

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