Your search returned 4 reports.
   Published:  Last 3 Years
   Region: All Regions Asia North Korea

  • Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - North Korea

    Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - North Korea We estimate that North Korea GDP in 2023 turned positive for the first time in three years, thanks to a sudden increase in ammunition sales to Russia and non-state armed actors. That said, we still expect North Korea's economic outlook to remain c ... Read More

  • Country Review Korea Dem Rep

    Country Review Korea Dem Rep The Country Reviews are comprehensive and regularly updated reports on every recognized independent country available with Standard, Premium, Elite or Suite subscriptions to CountryWatch, Inc. These robust reports include coverage of a given country's history, economy, g ... Read More

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  • North Korea - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

    North Korea - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses North Korea’s mobile services to fall under total state control following Koryolink’s demise Egyptian mobile operator Orascom was the private sector partner with government-owned North Korea Post and Telecommunication ... Read More

  • Country Economic Forecasts - North Korea

    Country Economic Forecasts - North Korea North Korea’s economy likely remained in deep recession in 2021, following a 4.5% contraction in 2020. Borders were closed for the second consecutive year to prevent the spread of Covid, which depressed trade even further and affected domestic activities. We ... Read More

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