Your search returned 4 reports.
   Publisher:  Gilardini Realty, Ltd
   Published:  Last 3 Years

  • German Healthcare Real Estate: Market Overview

    German Healthcare Real Estate: Market Overview This report is produced by Gilardini Realty, a leading private investment firm specializing in the European Healthcare Real Estate (HCRE) market. In 2023, the German HCRE market was valued at approximately €0.9 billion, reflecting a decline in transacti ... Read More

  • Spanish Healthcare Real Estate: Market Overview

    Spanish Healthcare Real Estate: Market Overview This document is produced by Gilardini Realty, a specialist investor in the European Health Care Real Estate (HCRE) market, which was worth c. €9.8b in 2023 after decreasing by 28% compared to 2022 (Jll, 2024). The HCRE in the United States (US) also s ... Read More

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  • Italian HCRE Market Report

    Italian HCRE Market Report The Italian healthcare real estate (HCRE) market in 2023 was worth c. €600 million (Dils, 2024). Its analysis reveals that despite its small size relative to other countries, the sector has been increasingly attracting the attention of the investors thanks to the rising de ... Read More

  • UK Healthcare Real estate Market

    UK Healthcare Real Estate Market This report takes a deep dive into the United Kingdom (UK) HCRE market, worth c. £2.1b in 2022 (Knight Frank 2023). It can be used as guide for investors and other stakeholders seeking to increase their exposure to this segment of the real estate market. The analyses ... Read More

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