Your search returned 3 reports.
   Published:  Last 3 Months
   Region: All Regions Central America Honduras

  • Consumer Health in Honduras

    Consumer Health in Honduras Consumer health is being shaped by rising prices, which is stimulating a change in consumer priorities in El Salvador in 2024. Lower cost options, especially in analgesics and digestive remedies, are benefiting, while preventive health categories, such as vitamins and die ... Read More

  • Honduras Dairy Products and Alternatives

    Dairy Products and Alternatives in Honduras Inflation rose substantially towards the end of the review period, prompting consumers to seek promotions and offers. Despite ongoing inflation in 2024, supply issues have stabilised, with brands adjusting prices and leveraging promotions to boost sales. L ... Read More

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  • Honduras Telecom Operators Country Intelligence Report

    Honduras Telecom Operators Country Intelligence Report Summary Honduras Telecom Operators Country Intelligence Report, a new Country Intelligence Report by GlobalData, provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Honduras today with detailed forecasts of key indicators up ... Read More

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