Your search returned 4 reports.
   Publisher:  IDATE
   Published:  Last 3 Months

  • Key digital trends 2024

    Key digital trends 2024 This study provides a broad yet in-depth view of the key digital trends being adopted. The study provides an analysis of three main trends: AI: where we stand in terms of current development, regulation, governance and ethical considerations, what is the role of telecom opera ... Read More

  • 5G Satellite Integration

    5G Satellite Integration The convergence of satellite services with 5G holds the promise of revolutionising communications by offering increased connectivity in underserved areas and boosting network resilience. This synergy between satellites and 5G is driven by the growing need for reliable connec ... Read More

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  • Cryptography within Telcos

    Cryptography within Telcos Quantum computing poses a significant threat to cybersecurity primarily due to its potential to break widely used cryptographic algorithms. The aim of this study is to analyze the evolution of cyberthreat risks, particularly from the angle of telecoms companies and to high ... Read More

  • e-SIM: Technological developments and market sizing

    e-SIM: Technological developments and market sizing This report provides an in-depth analysis of the e-SIM (embedded SIM) ecosystem, a technology that, after a period of stagnation, is entering a new phase of development. Despite the initial challenges related to its democratization, e-SIM has seen ... Read More

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