Your search returned 1,362 reports.
   Published:  Last 2 Years
   Region: All Regions Central America

  • Panama City in Panama

    Panama City in Panama The Panama City in Panama report provides comprehensive city level information benchmarked against other cities in the country and region. The report includes historic data and forecasts on city population, consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other consumer to ... Read More

  • Colón in Panama

    Colón in Panama The Colón in Panama report provides comprehensive city level information benchmarked against other cities in the country and region. The report includes historic data and forecasts on city population, consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other consumer topics. On top ... Read More

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  • Panama In-depth PEST Insights

    Panama In-depth PEST Insights Summary This PEST country analysis report on Panama provides a holistic view of the country, with insightful analysis of current and future issues, supplemented with relevant quantitative data to support trend analysis.Synopsis Understand the political system in Panama ... Read More

  • Consumer Health in Panama

    Consumer Health in Panama Consumer health sales recorded stronger growth in 2024 than that seen in 2023 when consumers prioritised spending on essential goods over preventive health. As a result, vitamins and dietary supplements and weight management and wellbeing returned to positive growth. Sports ... Read More

  • Consumer Health in Costa Rica

    Consumer Health in Costa Rica While total current value sales growth for consumer health in Costa Rica in 2024 is set to be well down on 2023, this is mainly because the country experienced persistent deflation over the first half of the year amidst the strong appreciation of the colón against the U ... Read More

  • Dietary Supplements in Guatemala

    Dietary Supplements in Guatemala While not as popular as vitamins, dietary supplements also account for sizeable value sales in Guatemala in 2024. The offerings continue to expand, both targeting specific ailments or as a preventative measure. In addition, offerings are becoming more segmented, with ... Read More

  • Vitamins in Guatemala

    Vitamins in Guatemala Vitamins continues to account for significant value sales in Guatemala in 2024. It is only second behind cough and cold remedies and in 2024 is expected to register the highest current value growth of all consumer health products. Following the unprecedented boom in sales of vi ... Read More

  • Wound Care in Costa Rica

    Wound Care in Costa Rica While the recent spell of deflation in Costa Rica has caused growth in wound care current value sales to slow in 2024, the category is set to register an improved performance in retail volume growth terms. This is partly because falling prices have encouraged many households ... Read More

  • Weight Management and Wellbeing in Costa Rica

    Weight Management and Wellbeing in Costa Rica Most weight management and wellbeing categories in Costa Rica are set to expand in volume terms in 2024. Growth continues to be underpinned by the fact that increasing numbers of people in the country are becoming overweight or obese, and recognise that ... Read More

  • Paediatric Consumer Health in Costa Rica

    Paediatric Consumer Health in Costa Rica While paediatric consumer health in Costa Rica has performed reasonably well on the whole in 2024, volume growth potential continues to be constrained by slowing birth rates. Sales have been further subdued by stretched household budgets in the wake of the sp ... Read More

  • Digestive Remedies in Costa Rica

    Digestive Remedies in Costa Rica Digestive remedies in Costa Rica has shown another solid performance in 2024, with the majority of categories set to post growth in retail volume and current value terms for the entire year. Overall demand continues to be buoyed by the trend towards busier lifestyles ... Read More

  • Sports Nutrition in Costa Rica

    Sports Nutrition in Costa Rica Interest in sports nutrition has remained strong in Costa Rica in 2024, with all categories poised to record healthy growth in volume terms. Sales continue to be lifted by the fact that increasing numbers of people are now attempting to improve their physical and menta ... Read More

  • Wound Care in Guatemala

    Wound Care in Guatemala Wound care is expected to see volume sales continue to fall in 2024, though at a slower pace than in the previous year. Sales continue to be subdued by high levels of consumer budget consciousness in a challenging economic environment, with consumers reacting to problems rath ... Read More

  • Weight Management and Wellbeing in Guatemala

    Weight Management and Wellbeing in Guatemala It is a mixed performance for weight management and wellbeing in Guatemala in 2024. Despite higher prices and persistent inflationary pressures across certain segments, there is expected to be moderate current value growth. However, constant value growth ... Read More

  • Herbal/Traditional Products in Costa Rica

    Herbal/Traditional Products in Costa Rica Demand for herbal/traditional products has remained robust in Costa Rica in 2024, with all categories expanding in volume terms. Sales continue to be underpinned by increasing concerns about the potentially harmful side effects and contraindications of activ ... Read More

  • Dermatologicals in Costa Rica

    Dermatologicals in Costa Rica 2024 has been a good year for dermatologicals in Costa Rica, with volume growth remaining robust in most categories and several set to post slightly improved results in this respect. Sales have been bolstered by the fact that the incidence of common skin- and hair-relat ... Read More

  • Paediatric Consumer Health in Guatemala

    Paediatric Consumer Health in Guatemala Paediatric consumer health is expected to register modest current value growth, though there will be a marginal fall in constant value sales. This is similar to the review period, where paediatric consumer health products managed some modest gains in terms of ... Read More

  • Sports Nutrition in Guatemala

    Sports Nutrition in Guatemala Sports nutrition is expected to register moderate current value growth in Guatemala in 2024. While sports nutrition products tend to be costly, unit prices have stabilised, due in large part to improvements made in the global supply chain, especially in proteins and oth ... Read More

  • Herbal/Traditional Products in Guatemala

    Herbal/Traditional Products in Guatemala Herbal/traditional products is expected to perform well in Guatemala in 2024, with both current and constant value growth. These is a strong culture and history of using natural remedies and medicines to treat certain conditions or ailments and this continues ... Read More

  • Dietary Supplements in Costa Rica

    Dietary Supplements in Costa Rica Dietary supplements has been one of the better performing areas of Costa Rica’s consumer health market in 2024, with all categories poised to register solid growth in volume terms for the year as a whole. Like with vitamins, buoyant demand is testament to the increa ... Read More

  • Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Costa Rica

    Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Costa Rica Cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies in Costa Rica is poised to record robust growth in total current value sales in 2024, with overall demand remaining reasonably stable. Following the return to pre-pandemic routines and the abandon ... Read More

  • Dermatologicals in Guatemala

    Dermatologicals in Guatemala Current value growth for dermatologicals in Guatemala is expected to see growth in 2024, but consumers are spending cautiously in response to elevated prices in recent years and there is expected to be uneven growth across the large and diverse offerings. For example, fo ... Read More

  • Analgesics in Costa Rica

    Analgesics in Costa Rica Analgesics in Costa Rica has performed positively on the whole in 2024, with most categories expanding in volume terms. While growth in total current value sales is set to be slower than in 2023, this is mainly explained by persistent deflation during the first half of the y ... Read More

  • Analgesics in Guatemala

    Analgesics in Guatemala While in 2024, analgesics in Guatemala is expected to register current value growth, constant value sales are expected to fall, as high costs continue to hit profit margins. Acetaminophen continues to account for most value sales and is perceived by consumers by being effecti ... Read More

  • Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Guatemala

    Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Guatemala Cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies are expected to register moderate current value growth, though constant value growth will be more muted, as high costs continue to hit profit margins in spite of inflation easing. These products ar ... Read More

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