Your search returned 622 reports.
   Published:  Last Year
   Region: All Regions Europe Ireland

  • Tourism Flows in Ireland

    Tourism Flows in Ireland Ireland’s residents continue to increase their overall frequency of travel in 2024. Although domestic travel remains popular, the key trend in 2024 is a shift in favour of outbound departures. Immediately following the lifting of pandemic restrictions, Irish tourists conside ... Read More

  • Lodging (Destination) in Ireland

    Lodging (Destination) in Ireland Value sales of lodging in Ireland continue to increase, although growth is increasingly driven by rising prices rather than greater occupancy. Hotel occupancy in Ireland in the first half of 2024 was marginally up on 2023, which is also the forecast for the full year ... Read More

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  • Travel in Ireland

    Travel in Ireland Travel activity to, from and within Ireland continues to recover in 2024, although patterns within travel are shifting. The strong inflation of recent years is subsiding, meaning that growth is being driven more by volume, rather than inflation. Nevertheless, Ireland remains a rela ... Read More

  • Booking in Ireland

    Booking in Ireland Travel activity in Ireland continues to rise in 2024. Irish consumers have become increasingly confident in taking trips to long-distance destinations, driving up overall spending on booking. This is opposed to the trend in previous years, when growth was driven both by a return t ... Read More

  • Airlines in Ireland

    Airlines in Ireland Given the geographical position of Ireland, air transport is the predominant travel mode in terms of outbound travel in the country, and accounts for the vast majority of outbound trips. As the number of outbound departures from Ireland continues to grow in 2024, so does air trav ... Read More

  • Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Ireland

    Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Ireland We kept our GDP growth forecasts for Ireland unchanged at -1.3% for 2024 and 4.4% for 2025. GDP fell 1% q/q in Q2, a fifth decline in six quarters. Our projections for H2 anticipate a solid rebound, but this is far from guaranteed, leaving risks skewed to ... Read More

  • Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Ireland

    Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Ireland Cough, cold, and allergy (hay fever) remedies is expected to be back on a normal growth track in Ireland in retail current value terms in 2024, after the disruption during and after the pandemic. While 2022 and 2023 saw big jumps in sales due t ... Read More

  • Digestive Remedies in Ireland

    Digestive Remedies in Ireland Although the rate of retail current value increase is set to slow compared with the previous two years, digestive remedies is expected to maintain solid growth in Ireland in 2024. There are two opposing trends which are contributing to limited growth. On the one hand, i ... Read More

  • Vitamins in Ireland

    Vitamins in Ireland 2020, and to a lesser extent 2022, were years when consumers purchased vitamins to bolster their health due to pandemic fears. However, with the end of the pandemic, peaks of growth are now in the past. Therefore, although vitamins is expected to maintain retail volume and curren ... Read More

  • Dietary Supplements in Ireland

    Dietary Supplements in Ireland Sales of dietary supplements are expected to enjoy dynamic retail current value growth in Ireland in 2024, although growth is set to slow compared with the previous two years. Concerns surrounding COVID-19 led more Irish consumers to start taking dietary supplements on ... Read More

  • Dermatologicals in Ireland

    Dermatologicals in Ireland In 2023, dermatologicals in Ireland saw only a slow retail current value growth rate, and this slow rate of increase is set to be maintained in 2024, demonstrating rather a stagnant performance. This category did not experience such significant turbulence over the pandemic ... Read More

  • Consumer Health in Ireland

    Consumer Health in Ireland In 2024, consumer health in Ireland is expected to continue to see retail current value growth, despite inflationary pressures and changing consumer habits. Growth is mainly being driven by more people becoming aware of self-medication options, a stronger focus on health a ... Read More

  • Sleep Aids in Ireland

    Sleep Aids in Ireland Consumer demand for sleep aids saw significant growth in Ireland in 2023, and double-digit retail current value growth is set to continue in 2024, driven by higher stress levels and greater awareness of the need for sufficient good quality sleep to maintain good health. Sleep a ... Read More

  • Wound Care in Ireland

    Wound Care in Ireland Wound care in Ireland is set to see moderate but slower retail volume and current value growth in 2024, with increases across all categories, driven by consistent consumer demand for basic first aid supplies to keep at home. Despite the economic uncertainties in the country, th ... Read More

  • Weight Management and Wellbeing in Ireland

    Weight Management and Wellbeing in Ireland Weight management and wellbeing in Ireland is set to see another consecutive year of retail current value decline in 2024. An increasing number of consumers are sceptical about the efficacy of using such products, with some concerns about unhealthy ingredie ... Read More

  • NRT Smoking Cessation Aids in Ireland

    NRT Smoking Cessation Aids in Ireland NRT smoking cessation aids is set to see solid retail current value and volume growth in Ireland in 2024. Most smokers are now aware of the dangers to health of smoking, and many are turning to such products to help them quit. The smoking population in Ireland i ... Read More

  • Analgesics in Ireland

    Analgesics in Ireland Sales of analgesics demonstrated significant retail current value growth in Ireland during 2022 and 2023. Growth was boosted by the tripledemic of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), flu, and COVID-19 during these years. However, growth steadily slowed afterwards, to see a negat ... Read More

  • Herbal/Traditional Products in Ireland

    Herbal/Traditional Products in Ireland Retail current value growth is expected to be maintained in herbal/traditional products in Ireland in 2024, although the rate of increase is set to slow significantly compared with the previous year. This slowdown comes as consumer spending normalises after a p ... Read More

  • Paediatric Consumer Health in Ireland

    Paediatric Consumer Health in Ireland Paediatric consumer health is set to maintain retail current value growth in Ireland in 2024, although the rate of increase is expected to slow significantly compared with the double-digit growth rates seen in the previous two years. In addition to cases of COVI ... Read More

  • Eye Care in Ireland

    Eye Care in Ireland Eye care in Ireland is expected to continue to see dynamic retail current value growth in 2024. Growing consumer awareness of eye health is driving demand for eye care products. This trend is reflected in the steady growth of standard eye care in particular, which continues to le ... Read More

  • Sports Nutrition in Ireland

    Sports Nutrition in Ireland Sports nutrition is set to maintain double-digit retail current value growth in Ireland in 2024, as the trend of an increasing number of mainstream consumers purchasing such products is continuing. More people are attending a gym and/or participating in sports, many for t ... Read More

  • Residential Nursing Care in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report

    Residential Nursing Care in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report Residential Nursing Care in Ireland There are over 460 nursing homes in Ireland that provide care to more than 25,000 people across the country, according to Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI). People are ageing, supporting the demand fo ... Read More

  • Freight Road Transport in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report

    Freight Road Transport in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report Freight Road Transport in Ireland Collectively, Irish road hauliers operate the most extensive transport network of all freight modes, providing much-needed flexibility and the convenience of door-to-door delivery. According to data ... Read More

  • Meat Processing in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report

    Meat Processing in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report Meat Processing in Ireland The Meat Processing industry has had a volatile performance over recent years. Irish meat processors derive the majority of their revenue from selling products abroad. Subdued export demand adversely impacted rev ... Read More

  • Computer & Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report

    Computer & Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing in Ireland - Industry Market Research Report Computer & Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing in Ireland The Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing industry has performed robustly, driven by the strong performance of major companies Apple Operation ... Read More

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