Your search returned 3 reports.
   Published:  Last Month
   Region: All Regions Middle East Iran

  • Iran Cities Review

    Iran Cities Review Tehran and Ahvaz are Iran’s most economically active cities, due to their positions in terms of population size, disposable income and labour markets. Meanwhile, Karaj holds the highest potential for future economic expansion thanks to expected GDP growth. However, challenges for ... Read More

  • Automatic Speech Recognition Market in Iran (Islamic Republic of)

    Automatic Speech Recognition Market in Iran (Islamic Republic of) This market report delves into the Automatic Speech Recognition Market in Iran (Islamic Republic of). Uncover essential market data including size, growth patterns, and forecasts spanning the years 2021 to 2029. Gain insights into a c ... Read More

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  • Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Iran, Islamic Rep.

    Macro - Country Economic Forecasts - Iran, Islamic Rep. We've upgraded our FY2024 GDP growth forecast for Iran by 0.1ppt to 3.0%, on stronger-than-expected oil production and exports. Still, this is a marked slowdown from 5.0% growth in FY2023. ... Read More

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