Your search returned 12 reports.
   Published:  Last Month
   Region: All Regions Central America Costa Rica

  • Consumer Health in Costa Rica

    Consumer Health in Costa Rica While total current value sales growth for consumer health in Costa Rica in 2024 is set to be well down on 2023, this is mainly because the country experienced persistent deflation over the first half of the year amidst the strong appreciation of the colón against the U ... Read More

  • Wound Care in Costa Rica

    Wound Care in Costa Rica While the recent spell of deflation in Costa Rica has caused growth in wound care current value sales to slow in 2024, the category is set to register an improved performance in retail volume growth terms. This is partly because falling prices have encouraged many households ... Read More

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  • Weight Management and Wellbeing in Costa Rica

    Weight Management and Wellbeing in Costa Rica Most weight management and wellbeing categories in Costa Rica are set to expand in volume terms in 2024. Growth continues to be underpinned by the fact that increasing numbers of people in the country are becoming overweight or obese, and recognise that ... Read More

  • Paediatric Consumer Health in Costa Rica

    Paediatric Consumer Health in Costa Rica While paediatric consumer health in Costa Rica has performed reasonably well on the whole in 2024, volume growth potential continues to be constrained by slowing birth rates. Sales have been further subdued by stretched household budgets in the wake of the sp ... Read More

  • Digestive Remedies in Costa Rica

    Digestive Remedies in Costa Rica Digestive remedies in Costa Rica has shown another solid performance in 2024, with the majority of categories set to post growth in retail volume and current value terms for the entire year. Overall demand continues to be buoyed by the trend towards busier lifestyles ... Read More

  • Sports Nutrition in Costa Rica

    Sports Nutrition in Costa Rica Interest in sports nutrition has remained strong in Costa Rica in 2024, with all categories poised to record healthy growth in volume terms. Sales continue to be lifted by the fact that increasing numbers of people are now attempting to improve their physical and menta ... Read More

  • Herbal/Traditional Products in Costa Rica

    Herbal/Traditional Products in Costa Rica Demand for herbal/traditional products has remained robust in Costa Rica in 2024, with all categories expanding in volume terms. Sales continue to be underpinned by increasing concerns about the potentially harmful side effects and contraindications of activ ... Read More

  • Dermatologicals in Costa Rica

    Dermatologicals in Costa Rica 2024 has been a good year for dermatologicals in Costa Rica, with volume growth remaining robust in most categories and several set to post slightly improved results in this respect. Sales have been bolstered by the fact that the incidence of common skin- and hair-relat ... Read More

  • Dietary Supplements in Costa Rica

    Dietary Supplements in Costa Rica Dietary supplements has been one of the better performing areas of Costa Rica’s consumer health market in 2024, with all categories poised to register solid growth in volume terms for the year as a whole. Like with vitamins, buoyant demand is testament to the increa ... Read More

  • Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Costa Rica

    Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in Costa Rica Cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies in Costa Rica is poised to record robust growth in total current value sales in 2024, with overall demand remaining reasonably stable. Following the return to pre-pandemic routines and the abandon ... Read More

  • Analgesics in Costa Rica

    Analgesics in Costa Rica Analgesics in Costa Rica has performed positively on the whole in 2024, with most categories expanding in volume terms. While growth in total current value sales is set to be slower than in 2023, this is mainly explained by persistent deflation during the first half of the y ... Read More

  • Vitamins in Costa Rica

    Vitamins in Costa Rica Demand for vitamins in Costa Rica has remained robust in 2024, with all categories poised to record positive performances in volume terms. Sales continue to be underpinned by the growing focus on preventive health, which is leading more people to regularly supplement their nut ... Read More

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