Your search returned 14 reports.
   Published:  Last Month
   Region: All Regions Europe Macedonia

  • Skopje in North Macedonia

    Skopje in North Macedonia The Skopje in North Macedonia report provides comprehensive city level information benchmarked against other cities in the country and region. The report includes historic data and forecasts on city population, consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other con ... Read More

  • Digestive Remedies in North Macedonia

    Digestive Remedies in North Macedonia Digestive remedies in North Macedonia has shown another positive performance in 2024, with growth in total current value sales remaining strong and most categories poised to record improved results in volume growth terms. The resumption of pre-pandemic routines ... Read More

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  • Paediatric Consumer Health in North Macedonia

    Paediatric Consumer Health in North Macedonia Despite slowing birth rates in North Macedonia, paediatric consumer health has performed reasonably well in 2024, with overall current value growth remaining strong and all categories expanding in volume terms. Sales continue to be buoyed by rising healt ... Read More

  • Sports Nutrition in North Macedonia

    Sports Nutrition in North Macedonia Sports nutrition is set to outperform all of the other main areas of North Macedonia’s consumer health market in current value growth terms in 2024. While this is partly because sales are emerging from a comparatively low base, interest in the category is increasi ... Read More

  • Consumer Health in North Macedonia

    Consumer Health in North Macedonia Consumer health in North Macedonia has performed positively on the whole in 2024. While growth in total current value sales looks set to be down on 2023, this is mainly because the recent spike in inflation fuelled by the global recovery from COVID-19 and the fallo ... Read More

  • Dermatologicals in North Macedonia

    Dermatologicals in North Macedonia Demand for dermatologicals in North Macedonia has remained reasonably stable in 2024, with all categories expanding in volume terms. Sales continue to be buoyed by the fact that various acute and chronic skin-related problems are becoming more prevalent among the p ... Read More

  • Wound Care in North Macedonia

    Wound Care in North Macedonia With the recent spike in inflation now steadily receding, total current value sales growth for wound care in North Macedonia in 2024 looks set to be down slightly on 2023. Conversely, the category is poised to record an improved performance in volume growth terms. This ... Read More

  • Herbal/Traditional Products in North Macedonia

    Herbal/Traditional Products in North Macedonia Demand for herbal/traditional products in North Macedonia has remained robust in 2024, with all categories poised to register solid growth in volume terms. Sales continue to be buoyed by the fact that as consumers become more health-conscious, they are ... Read More

  • Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in North Macedonia

    Cough, Cold and Allergy (Hay Fever) Remedies in North Macedonia Total current value sales growth for cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies in North Macedonia in 2024 looks set to be down on 2023. This is partly because pricing pressures are easing as inflation steadily recedes, but also refle ... Read More

  • Kumanovo in North Macedonia

    Kumanovo in North Macedonia The Kumanovo in North Macedonia report provides comprehensive city level information benchmarked against other cities in the country and region. The report includes historic data and forecasts on city population, consumer expenditure, digital penetration, wealth and other ... Read More

  • Dietary Supplements in North Macedonia

    Dietary Supplements in North Macedonia Interest in dietary supplements has continued to rise in North Macedonia in 2024, with all categories poised to record solid growth in volume terms for the entire year. As is the case with vitamins, buoyant demand is underpinned by the increasing willingness of ... Read More

  • Vitamins in North Macedonia

    Vitamins in North Macedonia Vitamins has been one of the better performing areas of North Macedonia’s consumer health market in 2024, with growth in total current value sales remaining impressive and volume growth rates for most categories set to surpass those recorded in 2023. Strong demand reflect ... Read More

  • Analgesics in North Macedonia

    Analgesics in North Macedonia Analgesics in North Macedonia has performed well in 2024, with growth in total current value sales remaining robust and most categories expanding in retail volume terms. Buoyant demand continues to be underpinned by the fact that Macedonians are increasingly confident a ... Read More

  • Weight Management and Wellbeing in North Macedonia

    Weight Management and Wellbeing in North Macedonia Weight management and wellbeing in North Macedonia has continued to perform strongly in 2024, with growth in total current value sales remaining impressive and most categories poised to register improved results in volume terms. Robust demand reflec ... Read More

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