Recent Product Consumption Research for March 2025
Impact of Political Uncertainty on Consumer Anxiety - Trend Pulse, Consumer Insight and Brand Implications Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption |
Dominican Republic in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, General Product Consumption Regions: Dominican Republic |
Egypt in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Egypt |
Hong Kong (China SAR) Retail Banking Analysis by Consumer Profiles (Older Gen Z, Younger Millennial, Older Millennial, Younger Gen X, Older Gen X and SME owner) Topics: Retail Banking, Small & Medium Business (SMB), Generation Y, Financial Regions: Hong Kong |
Wellbeing - Consumer Behavior Case Study Topics: COVID-19/Coronavirus, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage |
Tanzania Cities Review Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Tanzania |
Consumer Goods Purchase Drivers - Consumer Behavior Tracking Q3 2021 Topics: Brands, Private Label, Consumer Behavior, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage |
Bulgaria in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Bulgaria |
Carrefour, France (Food and Grocery) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning Topics: Grocers, Food & Beverage, Retailing Company Reports Regions: France |
Tunisia Cities Review Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Tunisia |
Inflation - Retailers Strategies and Consumers Attitudes and Behaviour Topics: Accessories, Footwear, Supply Chain Management, Pricing & Markets, General Product Consumption, General Retailing |
Venezuela in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, General Product Consumption Regions: Venezuela |
Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Consumer Goods - Thematic Intelligence Topics: Consumer Goods Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Consumer Goods Regions: Russia, Ukraine |
Baobab - ForeSights Topics: Fruits & Vegetables, Food & Beverage |
United Kingdom (UK) Consumer Spending Intentions for Black Friday 2021 - Analysing Buying Dynamics, Channel Usage, Spending and Retailer Selection Topics: Consumer Goods, E-Commerce & Online Retailing, General Retailing, Home Centers & Hardware Stores, Apparel Retailing Regions: United Kingdom |
Sharing Economy - Consumer Behavior Case Study Topics: General Product Consumption |
Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: United Arab Emirates |
Uganda Cities Review Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Uganda |
Kazakhstan Cities Review Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Kazakhstan |
Welcia, Japan (Health and Beauty) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning Topics: W - Companies, Consumer Goods & Retailing Company Reports, Women, General Product Consumption Regions: Japan |
Yonghui Superstores, China (Food and Grocery) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning Topics: Y - Companies, Consumer Goods & Retailing Company Reports, Grocers, Food & Beverage |
Skincare Market Overview - Consumer Behavior, Innovations, News and Deals Analysis, 2022 Topics: Skin Care, Consumer Goods |
The Philippines in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, General Product Consumption Regions: Philippines |
Lithuania in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, General Product Consumption Regions: Lithuania |
Consumer Attitude towards Environmental Responsibility - Exploring How and Why Changes in Consumer Behavior Influence Demands for Sustainability and Ethics - Case Study Topics: COVID-19/Coronavirus, Consumer Behavior, Food & Beverage, Food & Grocery Retailing |
Plant-Based (Vegan) Food Preferences - Drivers for Consumption and Category Preferences (Diary and Meat) within Plant-based Alternatives Topics: Fruits & Vegetables, Meat & Poultry, Vegan, Healthy, Trends, Food & Beverage |
Plunkett's Insurance Industry Almanac 2022: Insurance Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends and Leading Companies Topics: Baby Boomers, Adults (18-55), Insurance & Managed Care, General Insurance, Health, Life Insurance, Property & Casualty, Technology, Internet of Things IoT, Market Research, Financial Regions: Global |
Country Economic Forecasts - Congo Rep Topics: General Product Consumption, Financial Regions: Congo, Democratic Republic of the |
Thailand Cities Review Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Thailand |
Iran Cities Review Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Iran |
Country Economic Forecasts - United States Topics: Market Research, General Product Consumption, Financial Regions: United States |
Country Economic Forecasts - Romania Topics: Market Research, General Product Consumption, Financial Regions: Romania |
Nursultan in Kazakhstan Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Kazakhstan |
Next, United Kingdom (UK) (Clothing and Footwear) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning Topics: General Apparel, Footwear, General Product Consumption Regions: United Kingdom |
Big Bazaar, India (Food and Grocery) Shoppers Profile, Market Share and Competitive Positioning Topics: Grocers, Food & Beverage, Food & Grocery Retailing Regions: India |
Megatrends in Singapore Topics: Census, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Singapore |
New Consumer Landscape: A Global Overview Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Global |
Megatrends in Morocco Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Morocco |
Angola in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Angola |
Megatrends in Egypt Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Egypt |
Megatrends in Argentina Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Argentina |
Global Isoprene Rubber Latex Market Size study, by Application (Medical Gloves, Condoms, Medical Balloons, Catheters, Adhesives), by End-Use (Medical, Consumer Goods, Industrial) and Regional Forecasts 2021-2027 Topics: Equipment & Supplies, Catheters, Disposables, Rubber, Consumer Goods, Reproductive Health Regions: Global |
The Changing World of Health and Wellness for the Family Topics: Diet Food & Weight Loss, Consumer Behavior, Food & Beverage Regions: Global |
Economy, Finance and Trade in Asia Pacific Topics: International Trade, Financial Regions: Asia, Oceania |
Income and Expenditure in Western Europe Topics: Furniture, Major Appliances, General Product Consumption Regions: Europe |
Megatrends in Poland Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Electronics, Financial, Food & Beverage Regions: Poland |
Germany in 2040: The Future Demographic Topics: Census, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Germany |
Consumer Types in Sweden Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption Regions: Sweden |
Megatrends in Sweden Topics: Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption Regions: Sweden |
Consumer Lifestyles in Japan Topics: General Age, Consumer Goods, General Product Consumption, Food & Beverage Regions: Japan |
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