Publisher: iData Research, Inc.
Category: Stem Cell
Category: Stem Cell
Stem Cell market research reports by iData Research, Inc.
(1 reports matching your criteria)
Orthopedic Biomaterials Market Size, Share and Trends Analysis - Europe - 2024-2030 - MedSuite - Includes: Bone Graft Substitutes, Orthopedic Growth Factors, and 3 more
Orthopedic Biomaterials Market Size, Share and Trends Analysis | Europe | 2024-2030 | MedSuite | Includes: Bone Graft Substitutes, Orthopedic Growth Factors, and 3 more In 2023, the European market for orthopedic biomaterials was valued at over €554 million. This market is projected to grow at a com ... Read More