MedSuite: United States Patient Monitoring Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis - 2024-2030 - Includes: Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring, Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring, and 13 more

Patient Monitoring Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis - United States - 2024-2030 - MedSuite - Includes: Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring, Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring, and 13 more

The U.S. patient monitoring equipment market achieved a valuation of nearly $8.5 billion in 2023, projecting an anticipated increase throughout the forecast period at a CAGR of 4.1% to surpass $11.2 billion.

In this comprehensive medical market research, we analyzed over 140 patient monitoring companies in the U.S. Our analysis covered diverse segments, including multi-parameter vital signs monitoring, wireless ambulatory telemetry, remote patient monitoring, intracranial pressure monitoring, electromyogram (EMG) monitoring, electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring, cerebral oximetry monitoring, fetal and neonatal monitoring, pulse oximetry monitoring, cardiac output monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, temperature management, intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring, and capnography monitoring markets.


Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Size & Growth Trends
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Market Drivers & Limiters
Market Forecasts Until 2030, and Historical Data to 2020
Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
Company Profiles and Product Portfolios
Leading Competitors


The dominant trend in the patient monitoring equipment market revolves around the incorporation of monitoring devices into Internet of Things (IoT) environments. This trend is underscored by robust high-single-digit growth in the remote patient monitoring market, a trajectory anticipated to persist in the forecasted period. In addition to the development of monitoring devices tailored for non-professional care settings, numerous established patient monitors are undergoing upgrades to encompass wireless connectivity and software compatibility. This enhancement aims to facilitate seamless system integration, fostering improved workflows.


In 2023, Medtronic emerged as the primary contender in the entire U.S. patient monitoring equipment market, securing a prominent position in the remote patient monitoring (RPM), cerebral oximetry, pulse oximetry, intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM), and standalone capnography monitoring markets.
Philips Healthcare claimed the second-leading position in the U.S. patient monitoring equipment market in 2023, thanks to its active engagement in the multi-parameter vital signs, wireless ambulatory telemetry, remote patient monitoring, and fetal and neonatal monitoring markets.
GE Healthcare achieved noteworthy success across multiple segments, particularly in the multi-parameter vital signs, fetal and neonatal, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, and blood pressure monitoring markets. In 2023, GE Healthcare held the third-leading position in the overall U.S. patient monitoring equipment market.


Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Low-Acuity, Mid-Acuity, High-Acuity, Central Station
Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Patient-Worn Monitor, Central Station
Remote Patient Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Disease Conditions Management, Cardiac Implantable Electric Device
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring (ICP) – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: ICP Transducer, ICP Drainage, Advanced ICP Monitoring, Universal ICP Disposables
Electromyogram Monitoring (EMG) – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: EMG Monitor, EMG Consumables
Electroencephalogram Monitoring (EEG) – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Diagnostic EEG, Depth of Anesthesia EEG, Rapid EEG
Central Oximetry Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Monitor, Sensor
Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Fetal, Neonatal
Pulse Oximetry Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Setting: Hospital, Alternate care, OEM Circuit Board
Cardiac Output Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Pulmonary Artery Catheter, Minimally Invasive Monitoring, Non-Invasive Monitoring
Blood Pressure Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Personal Monitoring, Professional Monitoring, Blood Pressure Cuff
Electrocardiogram Monitoring (ECG) – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: ECG Monitor, ECG Electrode
Temperature Management – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Surface Pad Temperature Management, Intravascular Temperature Management, Forced-Air Warming Accessory
Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring (IONM) – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: System, Electrode
Standalone Capnography Monitor – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: Mainstream, Sidestream, and Microstream
*Train-of-Four (TOF) Monitoring – The market analysis is further broken down into segments by:

Device Type: TOF Monitor, TOF Electrode

*This segment is provided as an appendix only

Research Scope Summary
Regions : United States
Base Year: 2023
Forecast: 2024-2030
Historical Data: 2020-2022

Quantitative Coverage: Market Size, Market Shares, Market Forecasts, Market Growth Rates, Units Sold, and Average Selling Prices.

Qualitative Coverage: COVID19 Impact, Market Growth Trends, Market Limiters, Competitive Analysis & SWOT for Top Competitors, Mergers & Acquisitions, Company Profiles, Product Portfolios, FDA Recalls, Disruptive
Technologies, Disease Overviews.

Data Sources: Primary Interviews with Industry Leaders, Government Physician Data, Regulatory Data, Hospital Private Data, Import & Export Data, iData Research Internal Database

executive summary
U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Overview
Competitive Analysis
Market Trends
Market Developments
Procedures Included
Procedure Codes Investigated
Markets Included
Key Report Updates
Version History
research methodology
Step 1: Project Initiation & Team Selection
Step 2: Prepare Data Systems and Perform Secondary Research
Step 3: Preparation for Interviews & Questionnaire Design
Step 4: Performing Primary Research
Step 5: Research Analysis: Establishing Baseline Estimates
Step 6: Market Forecast and Analysis
Step 7: Identify Strategic Opportunities
Step 8: Final Review and Market Release
Step 9: Customer Feedback and Market Monitoring
impact of covid-19 on THE U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Analysis By Market Segment
2.2.1 Worst Case Scenario
2.2.2 Base Case Scenario
2.2.3 Best Case Scenario
Product Assessment
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Hospital Settings
3.3 Product Portfolios
3.3.1 Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring
3.3.2 Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Central Stations
3.3.3 Remote Patient Monitoring Market
3.3.4 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
3.3.5 Electromyogram Monitoring
3.3.6 Electroencephalogram Monitoring
3.3.7 Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring
3.3.8 Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Fetal Monitoring Neonatal Monitoring
3.3.9 Pulse Oximetry Monitoring
3.3.10 Cardiac Output Monitoring Pulmonary Artery Catheter Minimally and Non-Invasive Monitoring
3.3.11 Blood Pressure Monitoring
3.3.12 Electrocardiogram Monitoring
3.3.13 Temperature Management Market
3.3.14 Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market
3.3.15 Train-of-Four Monitoring Market
3.3.16 Standalone Capnography Monitor Market
3.4 Regulatory Issues and Recalls
3.4.1 Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.2 Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.3 Remote Patient Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.4 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.5 Electromyogram Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.6 Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.7 Cardiac Output Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.8 Blood Pressure Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.9 Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.4.10 Temperature Management Market FDA Recalls
3.4.11 Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market FDA Recalls
3.5 Clinical Trials
3.5.1 Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market
3.5.2 Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market
3.5.3 Remote Patient Monitoring Market
3.5.4 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market
3.5.5 Electromyogram Monitoring Market
3.5.6 Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market
3.5.7 Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market
3.5.8 Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market
3.5.9 Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market
3.5.10 Cardiac Output Monitoring Market
3.5.11 Blood Pressure Monitoring Market
3.5.12 Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market
3.5.13 Temperature Management Market
3.5.14 Train of Four Monitoring (TOF) Market
U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Monitoring Devices
4.1.2 Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring
4.2 Market Overview & Trend Analysis
4.3 Drivers and Limiters
4.3.1 Market Drivers
4.3.2 Market Limiters
4.4 Competitive Market Share Analysis
4.5 Mergers and Acquisitions
4.6 Company Profiles
4.6.1 Baxter International
4.6.2 Becton Dickinson
4.6.3 Edward Lifesciences
4.6.4 GE HealthCare
4.6.5 Honeywell Life Sciences
4.6.6 Masimo
4.6.7 Medtronic
4.6.8 Natus Medical
4.6.9 Nihon Kohden
4.6.10 Philips Healthcare
4.7 SWOT Analysis
4.7.1 Baxter International
4.7.2 Becton Dickinson
4.7.3 Edwards Lifesciences
4.7.4 GE HealthCare
4.7.5 Honeywell Life Sciences
4.7.6 Masimo
4.7.7 Medtronic
4.7.8 Natus Medical
4.7.9 Nihon Kohden
4.7.10 Philips Healthcare
Procedure Numbers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Procedures
5.2.1 Electromyography Procedures
5.2.2 Electroencephalography Procedures
5.2.3 Cerebral Oximetry Procedures
5.2.4 Electrocardiogram Procedures
Multi-Parameter Vital Signs MonitorinG Market
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 The Evolution of Multi-Parameter Patient Monitoring
6.2 Market Overview
6.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
6.3.1 Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Hospital Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Hospital Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor with ECG Waveforms Market Hospital Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor without ECG Waveforms Market Hospital Low-Acuity Spot-Check Monitor Market Alternate Care Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Alternate Care Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor with ECG Waveforms Market Alternate Care Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor without ECG Waveforms Market Alternate Care Low-Acuity Spot-Check Monitor Market
6.3.2 Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Hospital Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Alternate Care Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market
6.3.3 High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Hospital High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market Alternate Care High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market
6.3.4 Central Station Monitoring Market Low-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market Mid-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market High-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market
6.4 Drivers and Limiters
6.4.1 Market Drivers
6.4.2 Market Limiters
6.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Wireless Ambulatory TelemEtry Monitoring Market
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitors
7.1.2 Central Stations
7.1.3 System Infrastructure
7.2 Market Overview
7.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
7.3.1 Patient-Worn Monitor Market Hospital Patient-Worn Monitor Market Alternate Patient-Worn Monitor Market
7.3.2 Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Central Station Market
7.4 Drivers and Limiters
7.4.1 Market Drivers
7.4.2 Market Limiters
7.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Remote Patient Monitoring Market
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions
8.1.2 Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
8.1.3 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
8.1.4 Diabetes
8.1.5 Hypertension
8.1.6 Heart Conditions
8.2 Market Overview
8.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
8.3.1 Disease Conditions Management Remote Patient Monitoring Market Purchased Remote Patient Monitoring for Disease Conditions Management Market Leased Remote Patient Monitoring for Disease Conditions Management Market
8.3.2 Cardiac Implantable Electric Device Remote Patient Monitoring Market
8.4 Drivers and Limiters
8.4.1 Market Drivers
8.4.2 Market Limiters
8.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Indications Hydrocephalus Cerebral Edema
9.1.2 Applications
9.1.3 Complications
9.2 Market Overview
9.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
9.3.1 ICP Transducer System Market Internal ICP Transducer System Market External ICP Transducer System Market
9.3.2 ICP Drainage Device Market
9.3.3 Advanced ICP Monitoring Market Advanced ICP Monitor Market Monitor with Tissue Oxygen Saturation Market Advanced ICP Sensor Market
9.3.4 Universal ICP Disposables Market Universal ICP Cranial Access Kit Market Universal ICP Catheter Market Universal ICP Catheter Market by Catheter Type Universal ICP Catheter Market by Temperature Monitoring
9.4 Drivers and Limiters
9.4.1 Market Drivers
9.4.2 Market Limiters
9.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Electromyogram Monitoring Market
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Neuropathy
10.1.2 Myopathy
10.1.3 Applications
10.1.4 Complications
10.2 Market Overview
10.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
10.3.1 EMG Monitor Market by Setting Hospital EMG Monitor Market Alternate Care EMG Monitor Market
10.3.2 EMG Consumables Market EMG Consumables Market by Device Type EMG Concentric Needle Market EMG Monopolar Needle Market EMG Surface Electrode Market
10.4 Unit Analysis
10.4.1 EMG Consumables Units Sold by Setting
10.5 Drivers and Limiters
10.5.1 Market Drivers
10.5.2 Market Limiters
10.6 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market
11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 Epileptic Seizures
11.1.2 Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures
11.1.3 Applications
11.1.4 Device Types Clinical EEG Monitoring Long-Term EEG Monitoring ICU EEG Monitoring Research EEG Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia EEG Monitoring Rapid EEG Monitoring
11.1.5 Emerging Markets: Consumer EEG
11.2 Market Overview
11.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
11.3.1 Diagnostic EEG Market Clinical EEG Monitoring Market Hospital Clinical EEG Monitoring Market Alternate Care Clinical EEG Monitoring Market Long-Term EEG Monitoring Market ICU EEG Monitoring Market EEG Electrode Market EEG Electrode Market by Device Type EEG Electrode Market by Setting EEG Cap Market Pediatric EEG Cap Market Adult EEG Cap Market
11.3.2 Depth of Anesthesia EEG Market Standalone Module Market OEM Module Market Sensor Market Pediatric Sensor Market Adult Sensor Market
11.3.3 Rapid EEG Market Rapid EEG Monitoring Market Rapid EEG Electrode Market
11.4 Drivers and Limiters
11.4.1 Market Drivers
11.4.2 Market Limiters
11.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market
12.1 Introduction
12.1.1 Oximetry Technologies
12.1.2 Market Impacts
12.2 Market Overview
12.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
12.3.1 Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market Hospital Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market Alternate Care Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market
12.3.2 Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type Adult Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market Pediatric Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market by Setting Hospital Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market Alternate Care Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market
12.4 Drivers and Limiters
12.4.1 Market Drivers
12.4.2 Market Limiters
12.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market
13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Fetal Monitoring
13.1.2 Neonatal Monitoring
13.1.3 Invasive and Non-Invasive Monitoring
13.2 Market Overview
13.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
13.3.1 Fetal Monitoring Market
13.3.2 Neonatal Monitoring Market Hospital Neonatal Monitoring Market Alternate Care Neonatal Monitoring Market
13.4 Drivers and Limiters
13.4.1 Market Drivers
13.4.2 Market Limiters
13.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market
14.1 Introduction
14.1.1 Types of Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
14.1.2 Limitations of Pulse Oximetry
14.1.3 Emerging Technology: Laser Pulse Oximetry
14.2 Market Overview
14.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
14.3.1 Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Device Type Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Bedside Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Handheld Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Fingertip Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market
14.3.2 Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Device Type Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Bedside Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Handheld Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market Fingertip Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market
14.3.3 OEM Circuit Board Market
14.4 Drivers and Limiters
14.4.1 Market Drivers
14.4.2 Market Limiters
14.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Cardiac Output Monitoring Market
15.1 Introduction
15.1.1 The Fick Principle
15.1.2 Dilution Methods
15.1.3 Doppler Ultrasound Methods
15.1.4 Pulse Pressure Methods
15.1.5 Other Methods
15.2 Market Overview
15.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
15.3.1 Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market Standard (Bolus) Thermodilution Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market Specialty Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market
15.3.2 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring Market Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor Market Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Sensor Market
15.3.3 Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring Market Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor Market Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Sensor Market
15.4 Drivers and Limiters
15.4.1 Market Drivers
15.4.2 Market Limiters
15.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Blood Pressure Monitoring Market
16.1 Introduction
16.1.1 Aneroid versus Digital Blood Pressure Monitoring
16.2 Market Overview
16.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
16.3.1 Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market Digital Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market Aneroid Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market
16.3.2 Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market Digital Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market Aneroid Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market
16.3.3 Blood Pressure Cuff Market Reusable Blood Pressure Cuff Market Disposable Blood Pressure Cuff Market
16.4 Drivers and Limiters
16.4.1 Market Drivers
16.4.2 Market Limiters
16.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market
17.1 Introduction
17.1.1 Holter Monitoring
17.1.2 Stress Testing
17.2 Market Overview
17.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
17.3.1 ECG Monitor Market Resting Electrocardiogram Market Hospital-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market Office-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market Hospital-Based Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market Office-Based Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market Holter Monitoring Recorder Market Hospital-Based Holter Monitoring Recorder Market Office-Based Holter Monitoring Recorder Market IDTF Holter Monitoring Recorder Market
17.3.2 ECG Electrode Market ECG Electrode Market by Device Type Long-Term ECG Electrode Market Resting ECG Electrode Market Short-Term ECG Electrode Market Stress Testing ECG Electrode Market Neonatal ECG Electrode Market ECG Electrode Market by Setting Hospital ECG Electrode Market Clinic ECG Electrode Market Prehospital ECG Electrode Market
17.4 Drivers and Limiters
17.4.1 Market Drivers
17.4.2 Market Limiters
17.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Temperature Management Market
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Market Overview
18.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
18.3.1 Surface-Pad Temperature Management Market Surface-Pad Temperature Management Machine Market Surface-Pad Temperature Management Accessory Market
18.3.2 Intravascular Temperature Management Market Intravascular Temperature Management Machine Market Intravascular Temperature Management Accessory Market
18.3.3 Forced-Air Warming Accessory Market
18.4 Drivers and Limiters
18.4.1 Market Drivers
18.4.2 Market Limiters
18.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market
19.1 Introduction
19.1.1 Indications
19.1.2 Segmentation
19.2 Market Overview
19.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
19.3.1 Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring System Market
19.3.2 Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Electrode Market
19.4 Drivers and Limiters
19.4.1 Market Drivers
19.4.2 Market Limiters
19.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Standalone Capnography Monitoring Market
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Market Overview
20.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
20.3.1 Mainstream Capnography Monitoring Market
20.3.2 Sidestream Capnography Monitoring Market
20.3.3 Microstream Capnography Monitoring Market
20.4 Drivers and Limiters
20.4.1 Market Drivers
20.4.2 Market Limiters
20.5 Competitive Market Share Analysis
APPENDIX: Train-of-Four Monitoring Market
21.1 Introduction
21.1.1 Segmentation
21.2 Market Overview
21.3 Market Analysis and Forecast
21.4 Competitive Market Share Analysis
Chart 1-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S., 2023 – 2030
Chart 1-2: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Overview, U.S., 2023 & 2030
Chart 2-1: Multi-Scenario Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Forecast, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Chart 4-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 4-2: Leading Competitors, Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 5-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Procedures by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 6-1: Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 6-2: Leading Competitors, Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 7-1: Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 7-2: Leading Competitors, Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 8-1: Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 8-2: Leading Competitors, Remote Patient Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 9-1: Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 9-2: Leading Competitors, Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 10-1: Electromyogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 10-2: Leading Competitors, Electromyogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 11-1: Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 11-2: Leading Competitors, Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 12-1: Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 12-2: Leading Competitors, Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 13-1: Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 13-2: Leading Competitors, Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 14-1: Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 14-2: Leading Competitors, Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 15-1: Cardiac Output Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 15-2: Leading Competitors, Cardiac Output Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 16-1: Blood Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 16-2: Leading Competitors, Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 17-1: Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 17-2: Leading Competitors, Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 18-1: Temperature Management Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 18-2: Leading Competitors, Temperature Management Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 19-1: Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 19-2: Leading Competitors, Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 20-1: Standalone Capnography Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Chart 20-2: Leading Competitors, Standalone Capnography Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Chart 21-1: Leading Competitors, Train-of-Four Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 1-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Share Ranking by Segment, U.S., 2023 (1 of 3)
Figure 1-2: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Share Ranking by Segment, U.S., 2023 (2 of 3)
Figure 1-3: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market Share Ranking by Segment, U.S., 2023 (3 of 3)
Figure 1-4: Companies Researched in This Report, U.S., 2023 (1 of 3)
Figure 1-5: Companies Researched in this Report, U.S., 2023 (2 of 3)
Figure 1-6: Companies Researched in this Report, U.S., 2023 (3 of 3)
Figure 1-7: Factors Impacting the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S. (1 of 3)
Figure 1-8: Factors Impacting the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S. (2 of 3)
Figure 1-9: Factors Impacting the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S. (3 of 3)
Figure 1-10: Recent Events in the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2020 – 2023 (1 of 3)
Figure 1-11: Recent Events in the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2020 – 2023 (2 of 3)
Figure 1-12: Recent Events in the Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2020 – 2023 (3 of 3)
Figure 1-13: Patient Monitoring Equipment Procedures Covered
Figure 1-14: Procedure Codes Investigated
Figure 1-15: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (1 of 6)
Figure 1-16: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (2 of 6)
Figure 1-17: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (3 of 6)
Figure 1-18: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (4 of 6)
Figure 1-19: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (5 of 6)
Figure 1-20: Patient Monitoring Equipment Markets Covered (6 of 6)
Figure 1-21: Key Report Updates
Figure 1-22: Version History
Figure 2-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Worst Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (1 of 2)
Figure 2-2: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Worst Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (2 of 2)
Figure 2-3: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Base Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (1 of 2)
Figure 2-4: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Base Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (2 of 2)
Figure 2-5: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Best Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (1 of 2)
Figure 2-6: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, Best Case Scenario, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (2 of 2)
Figure 3-1: Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-2: Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-3: Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-4: Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-5: Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring Products by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-6: Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring Products by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-7: Electromyogram Monitoring Products by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-8: Electromyogram Monitoring Products by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-9: Electroencephalogram Monitoring (EEG) Products by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-10: Electroencephalogram Monitoring (EEG) Products by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-11: Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Products by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-12: Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Products by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-13: Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-14: Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-15: Cardiac Output Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-16: Blood Pressure Monitoring Products by Company (1 of 3)
Figure 3-17: Blood Pressure Monitoring Products by Company (2 of 3)
Figure 3-18: Blood Pressure Monitoring Products by Company (3 of 3)
Figure 3-19: Electrocardiogram Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-20: Electrocardiogram Monitoring Products by Company
Figure 3-21: Temperature Management Market by Company (1 of 2)
Figure 3-22: Temperature Management Market by Company (2 of 2)
Figure 3-23: Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market by Company
Figure 3-24: Train of Four Monitoring (TOF) Market by Company
Figure 3-25: Standalone Capnography Monitor Market by Company
Figure 3-26: Class 2 Device Recall EarlyVue VS30 Vitals Monitor
Figure 3-27: Class 2 Device Recall Welch Allyn Connex Spot Monitor
Figure 3-28: Class 2 Device Recall Philips EARLYVUE VS30 VITAL SIGNS MONITOR
Figure 3-29: Class 2 Device Recall Mindray BeneVision Distributed Monitoring System (DMS)
Figure 3-30: Class 2 Device Recall CARESCAPE ONE
Figure 3-31: Class 2 Device Recall Spacelabs Healthcare Xhibit Central Station (96102)
Figure 3-32: Class 2 Device Recall DIRECT SUPPLY Attendant VITAL SIGNS MONITOR
Figure 3-33: Class 2 Device Recall Expression MR400 MRI Patient Monitoring System
Figure 3-34: Class 2 Device Recall Rosebud Vital Signs Monitor
Figure 3-35: Class 2 Device Recall SureSigns VS3 NBP
Figure 3-36: Class 2 Device Recall Xhibit Telemetry Receiver, Model: 96280
Figure 3-37: Class 2 Device Recall Drager Infinity CentralStation
Figure 3-38: Class 2 Device Recall WMTS Telemetry Receiver, Multiple Patient Receiver
Figure 3-39: Class 2 Device Recall Infinity M300
Figure 3-40: Class 2 Device Recall ApexPro Telemetry System
Figure 3-41: Class 2 Device Recall ApexPro Telemetry Server System
Figure 3-42: Class 2 Device Recall IntelliVue MX40 Patient Monitor
Figure 3-43: Class 2 Device Recall Spacelabs Healthcare Xhibit Telemetry Receiver, Model 96280, software version 1.1
Figure 3-44: Class 2 Device Recall Boston Scientific Emblem
Figure 3-45: Class 2 Device Recall CardioMEMS
Figure 3-46: Class 2 Device Recall LATITUDE"" NXT Remote Patient Management System
Figure 3-47: Class 2 Device Recall EMBLEM SICD
Figure 3-48: Class 2 Device Recall CareLink SmartSync Device Manager
Figure 3-49: Class 1 Device Recall Assurity Pacemakers
Figure 3-50: Class 1 Device Recall St. Jude Endurity Pacemakers
Figure 3-51: Class 2 Device Recall EMBLEM
Figure 3-52: Class 2 Device Recall EMBLEM
Figure 3-53: Class 2 Device Recall LATITUDE
Figure 3-54: Class 2 Device Recall LATITUDE Programming System
Figure 3-55: Class 2 Device Recall CareLink 2090 Programmer System
Figure 3-56: Class 2 Device Recall Edwards TruWave/VAMP Kit
Figure 3-57: Class 2 Device Recall CereLink ICP Monitor
Figure 3-58: Class 2 Device Recall VentriClear
Figure 3-59: Class 2 Device Recall CADWELL
Figure 3-60: Class 2 Device Recall Ultraview SL (UVSL) Command Module
Figure 3-61: Class 2 Device Recall CARESCAPE ONE
Figure 3-62: Class 2 Device Recall IntelliVue MX800
Figure 3-63: Class 2 Device Recall IntelliVue MX800
Figure 3-64: Class 2 Device Recall CARESCAPE Patient Data Module
Figure 3-65: Class 2 Device Recall Pacific Medical GE Corometrics Nautilus Toco Transducer
Figure 3-66: Class 2 Device Recall
Figure 3-67: Class 3 Device Recall Starling
Figure 3-68: Class 2 Device Recall Cogent Hemodynamic Monitoring System
Figure 3-69: Class 2 Device Recall Cogent Hemodynamic Monitoring System
Figure 3-70: Class 2 Device Recall Cogent"" Hemodynamic Monitoring System
Figure 3-71: Class 2 Device Recall Cogent"" Hemodynamic Monitoring System
Figure 3-72: Class 2 Device Recall PulsioFlex Monitor
Figure 3-73: Class 1 Device Recall EV1000 Clinical Platform
Figure 3-74: Class 2 Device Recall ProBP 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device
Figure 3-75: Class 2 Device Recall Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor
Figure 3-76: Class 2 Device Recall Blood Pressure Cuffs Disposable, Neonate
Figure 3-77: Class 2 Device Recall Baxter Epiphany
Figure 3-78: Class 2 Device Recall Draeger Infinity M300
Figure 3-79: Class 2 Device Recall 3M Red Dot
Figure 3-80: Class 2 Device Recall ELI, Burdick and McKesson brand 280 Resting Electrocardiographs
Figure 3-81: Class 2 Device Recall MAC VU360, Electrocardiograph
Figure 3-82: Class 2 Device Recall Novaplus
Figure 3-83: Class 2 Device Recall ELI 10, ELI 350, ELI 150c, ELI 250c, ELI 230, ELI 280,
Figure 3-84: Class 1 Device Recall NORMOFLO
Figure 3-85: Class 2 Device Recall CritiCool
Figure 3-86: Class 2 Device Recall NormOTemp Hyperthermia System
Figure 3-87: Class 2 Device Recall Blanketrol II Model 233 HyperHypothermia System and CoolBlue Model 2501 HyperHypothermia System
Figure 3-88: Class 2 Device Recall Blanketrol II HyperHypothermia System, 222S
Figure 3-89: Class 2 Device Recall NIM Vital 4.0 Patient Interface
Figure 3-90: Class 2 Device Recall NIM Vital
Figure 3-91: Image-based Remote Monitoring in Cardiac Surgery Patients (FORSEE-3)
Figure 3-92: Validation of a Vital Signs Monitoring Wristband (MULTI-VITAL)
Figure 3-93: A Single Center Study to Demonstrate the Safety and Performance of Lifelight® First Software Application
Figure 3-94: The COSMOS Trial. A Pilot Study A Pilot Study
Figure 3-95: NIBP Validation Study
Figure 3-96: Dexcom CGM in Long-term Care
Figure 3-97: Detection of Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac Surgery
Figure 3-98: Feasibility and Success Trial of Remote Patient Monitoring in Heart Failure
Figure 3-99: FreeStyle Libre 2 Discharge Trial
Figure 3-100: Enhanced Pulmonary Rehabilitation With Digital Remote Home Monitoring
Figure 3-101: Remote Monitoring of Multiple Indicators of Heart Failure
Figure 3-102: Impact of the CareLink Express Remote Monitoring System on Early Detection of Atrial Fibrillation
Figure 3-103: Remote Patient Monitoring in Pediatric Obesity
Figure 3-104: A Pilot Study of Hypertension Management Using Remote Patient Monitoring
Figure 3-105: Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
Figure 3-106: Intracranial Pressure in Intensive Care (ICU) (SynapseICU)
Figure 3-107: Validation of Non-Invasive Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring Device
Figure 3-108: Informative of Surface Electromyography and Prognostic Factors in Assessing the Recovery of Balance and Gait after Stroke
Figure 3-109: Association of Perioperative Electroencephalography Spectral Analysis with Postoperative Complications
Figure 3-110: 48-Hour Ambulatory EEG Monitoring in Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease
Figure 3-111: Bispectral-Electroencephalography (EEG) in First Time Hemodialysis
Figure 3-112: Wearable Sensor for Responsive DBS for ET
Figure 3-113: Investigating Cerebral Oxygenation in the Newborn
Figure 3-114: Accuracy Performance Verification of the INVOS™ System in Pediatrics
Figure 3-115: Cerebral Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in Cardiac Surgery (COSMICS)
Figure 3-116: Role of Cerebral Oximetry in Reducing Postoperative End Organ Dysfunction/Failure after Complex Non-Cardiac Surgery
Figure 3-117: Validation of the O3 Regional Somatic Tissue Oxygenation Monitor
Figure 3-118: Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring in Newborns
Figure 3-119: Continuous Glucose Monitoring in At-Risk Newborns
Figure 3-120: Preliminary Study to the Conception of a Non-invasive Neonatal Monitoring System With Development of a Database
Figure 3-121: Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Neonates Receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy
Figure 3-122: U-TruSignal SpO2 Testing in Neonates
Figure 3-123: Pulse Oximetry Accuracy by Skin Color
Figure 3-124: Neonatal Pulse Oximetry Disparities due to Skin Pigmentation
Figure 3-125: Philps FAST2022 picoSAT Pulse Oximetry Desaturation Study
Figure 3-126: Oxygen Saturation Measurement with Pulse Oximetry and with Smart Phones and Smart Wearable
Figure 3-127: SpO2 Accuracy Validation of the OxySoft Sensor via Reference CO-Oximetry Motion Study
Figure 3-128: Home Pulse Oximeter Use in Patients with COVID-19
Figure 3-129: Feasibility and Performance Evaluation of INVSENSOR00024
Figure 3-130: BiOSENCY BORA Band SpO2 Validation Study
Figure 3-131: Feasibility and Performance Evaluation for INVSENSOR00024
Figure 3-132: Validation of CardioQ Versus PiCCO in Children
Figure 3-133: Pediatric Cardiac Output Monitoring Observational Study (POGO)
Figure 3-134: Association between the Use of Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Clinical Outcomes after Liver Transplantation
Figure 3-135: Non-invasive Continuous Cardiac Output Monitoring in Preterm Infants Study
Figure 3-136: ClearSight System CHN Study
Figure 3-137: Team-Based Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Figure 3-138: Comparison of Non-invasive and Invasive Blood Pressure Monitors
Figure 3-139: App-Based Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring
Figure 3-140: A Study of Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring in Healthy Participants
Figure 3-141: Noninvasive Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring for Cesarean Delivery
Figure 3-142: A Pilot Study of Hypertension Management Using Remote Patient Monitoring
Figure 3-143: Validation of Wrist Type Oscillometric Blood Pressure Monitorings
Figure 3-144: Hypertension Control and Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring
Figure 3-145: Validation of Noninvasive Blood Pressure Device
Figure 3-146: Clinical Validation of the Electrocardiogram Measurement
Figure 3-147: The Value of Wearable Electrocardiogram in the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Figure 3-148: Electrocardiogram Clinical Validation Study
Figure 3-149: Heated Humidification System Breathing Circuit for Maintenance of Body Temperature in Pediatric Patients
Figure 3-150: Determination of Core Body Temperature in Parturient Warmed with Upper or Underbody Forced Air Cover (Bair Hugger)
Figure 3-151: The Effect of Intraoperative Forced Air Warmer Use, on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Figure 3-152: Efficacy of Blanketrol III and Arctic Sun in Cooling Non-shivering Humans
Figure 3-153: Comparison of Electric Heating Pad Versus Forced-Air Warming to Prevent Inadvertent Perioperative Hypothermia
Figure 3-154: Two Warming Methods in Knee Arthroplasty
Figure 3-155: Comparison Neuromuscular Blockade Monitors
Figure 3-156: Train-of-four Monitoring Using the Tetragraph
Figure 3-157: Minimum Current for Train-of-Four Monitoring
Figure 4-1: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (1 of 2)
Figure 4-2: Patient Monitoring Equipment Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M) (2 of 2)
Figure 4-3: Leading Competitors, Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2023 (1 of 4)
Figure 4-4: Leading Competitors, Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2023 (2 of 4)
Figure 4-5: Leading Competitors, Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2023 (3 of 4)
Figure 4-6: Leading Competitors, Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, U.S., 2023 (4 of 4)
Figure 4-7: SWOT Analysis, Baxter
Figure 4-8: SWOT Analysis, Becton Dickinson
Figure 4-9: SWOT Analysis, Edwards Lifesciences
Figure 4-10: SWOT Analysis, GE HealthCare
Figure 4-11: SWOT Analysis, Honeywell Life Sciences
Figure 4-12: SWOT Analysis, Masimo
Figure 4-13: SWOT Analysis, Medtronic
Figure 4-14: SWOT Analysis, Natus Medical
Figure 4-15: SWOT Analysis, Nihon Kohden
Figure 4-16: SWOT Analysis, Philips Healthcare
Figure 5-1: Procedure Codes Investigated, U.S., 2023
Figure 5-2: Patient Monitoring Equipment Procedures by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 5-3: Electromyography (EMG) Procedures by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 5-4: Electroencephalography (EEG) Procedures by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 5-5: Cerebral Oximetry Procedures by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 5-6: Electrocardiogram (ECG) Procedures by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-1: Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-2: Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-3: Total Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-4: Hospital Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-5: Total Hospital Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-6: Hospital Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor with ECG Waveforms Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-7: Hospital Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor without ECG Waveforms Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-8: Hospital Low-Acuity Spot-Check Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-9: Alternate Care Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-10: Total Alternate Care Low-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-11: Alternate Care Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor with ECG Waveforms Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-12: Alternate Care Low-Acuity Bedside Monitor without ECG Waveforms Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-13: Alternate Care Low-Acuity Spot-Check Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-14: Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-15: Total Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-16: Hospital Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-17: Alternate Care Mid-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-18: High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-19: Total High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-20: Hospital High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-21: Alternate Care High-Acuity Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-22: Central Station Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 6-23: Low-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-24: Mid-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-25: High-Acuity Central Station Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 6-26: Leading Competitors, Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 7-1: Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 7-2: Patient-Worn Monitor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 7-3: Total Patient-Worn Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 7-4: Hospital Patient-Worn Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 7-5: Alternate Patient-Worn Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 7-6: Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Central Station Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 7-7: Leading Competitors, Wireless Ambulatory Telemetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 8-1: Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 8-2: Disease Conditions Management Remote Patient Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 8-3: Purchased Remote Patient Monitoring for Disease Conditions Management Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 8-4: Leased Remote Patient Monitoring for Disease Conditions Management Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 8-5: Cardiac Implantable Electric Device Remote Patient Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 8-6: Leading Competitors, Remote Patient Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 9-1: Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 9-2: ICP Transducer System Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 9-3: Total ICP Transducer System Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-4: Internal ICP Transducer System Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-5: External ICP Transducer System Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-6: ICP Drainage Device Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-7: Advanced ICP Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 9-8: Advanced ICP Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-9: Monitor with Tissue Oxygen Saturation Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-10: Advanced ICP Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-11: Universal ICP Disposables Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 9-12: Universal ICP Cranial Access Kit Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-13: Total Universal ICP Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-14: Universal ICP Catheter Market by Catheter Type, U.S., 2017 – 2027
Figure 9-15: Standard ICP Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-16: Antimicrobial ICP Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-17: Universal ICP Catheter Market by Temperature Monitoring, U.S., 2017 – 2027
Figure 9-18: Conventional ICP Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-19: Temperature Monitoring ICP Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 9-20: Leading Competitors, Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 10-1: Electromyogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 10-2: EMG Monitor Market by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 10-3: Total EMG Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-4: Hospital EMG Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-5: Alternate Care EMG Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-6: Total EMG Consumables Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-7: EMG Consumables Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 10-8: EMG Concentric Needle Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-9: EMG Monopolar Needle Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-10: EMG Surface Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-11: EMG Consumables Units Sold by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 10-12: Leading Competitors, Electromyogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 11-1: EEG Wave Indicators of Physiological State
Figure 11-2: Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-3: Diagnostic EEG Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-4: Clinical EEG Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-5: Total Clinical EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-6: Hospital Clinical EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-7: Alternate Care Clinical EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-8: Long-Term EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-9: ICU EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-10: Total EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-11: EEG Electrode Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-12: Non-MRI Conditional EEG Electrode Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-13: Total Non-MRI Conditional EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-14: Disposable Non-MRI Conditional EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-15: Reusable Non-MRI Conditional EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-16: MRI Conditional EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-17: EEG Electrode Market by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-18: Hospital Inpatient EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-19: Hospital Outpatient EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-20: Office EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-21: EEG Cap Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-22: Total EEG Cap Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-23: Pediatric EEG Cap Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-24: Adult EEG Cap Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-25: Depth of Anesthesia EEG Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-26: Standalone Module Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-27: OEM Module Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-28: Sensor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-29: Total Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-30: Pediatric Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-31: Adult Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-32: Rapid EEG Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 11-33: Rapid EEG Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-34: Rapid EEG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 11-35: Leading Competitors, Electroencephalogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 12-1: Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 12-2: Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 12-3: Total Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-4: Hospital Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-5: Alternate Care Cerebral Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-6: Total Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-7: Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 12-8: Adult Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-9: Pediatric Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-10: Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 12-11: Hospital Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-12: Alternate Care Cerebral Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 12-13: Leading Competitors, Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 13-1: Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 13-2: Fetal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 13-3: Neonatal Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 13-4: Total Neonatal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 13-5: Hospital Neonatal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 13-6: Alternate Care Neonatal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 13-7: Leading Competitors, Fetal and Neonatal Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 14-1: Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-2: Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-3: Total Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-4: Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-5: Disposable Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-6: Reusable Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-7: Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-8: Pediatric Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-9: Adult Hospital Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-10: Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-11: Total Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-12: Bedside Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-13: Handheld Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-14: Fingertip Hospital Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-15: Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-16: Total Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-17: Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-18: Disposable Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-19: Reusable Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-20: Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market by Patient Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-21: Pediatric Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-22: Adult Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-23: Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 14-24: Total Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-25: Bedside Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-26: Handheld Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-27: Fingertip Alternate Care Pulse Oximetry Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-28: OEM Circuit Board Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 14-29: Leading Competitors, Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 15-1: Cardiac Output Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 15-2: Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 15-3: Total Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-4: Standard (Bolus) Thermodilution Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-5: Specialty Pulmonary Artery Catheter Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-6: Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 15-7: Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-8: Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-9: Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 15-10: Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-11: Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Sensor Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 15-12: Leading Competitors, Cardiac Output Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 16-1: Blood Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 16-2: Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 16-3: Total Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-4: Digital Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-5: Aneroid Personal Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-6: Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 16-7: Total Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-8: Digital Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-9: Aneroid Professional Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-10: Blood Pressure Cuff Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 16-11: Total Blood Pressure Cuff Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-12: Reusable Blood Pressure Cuff Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-13: Disposable Blood Pressure Cuff Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 16-14: Leading Competitors, Blood Pressure Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 17-1: Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-2: ECG Monitor Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-3: Resting Electrocardiogram Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-4: Total Resting Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-5: Hospital-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-6: Office-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-7: Total Office-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-8: Purpose Built Office-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-9: PC-Based Office-Based Resting Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-10: Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-11: Total Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-12: Hospital-Based Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-13: Office-Based Stress Testing Electrocardiogram Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-14: Holter Monitoring Recorder Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-15: Total Holter Monitoring Recorder Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-16: Hospital-Based Holter Monitoring Recorder Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-17: Office-Based Holter Monitoring Recorder Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-18: IDTF Holter Monitoring Recorder Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-19: Total ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-20: ECG Electrode Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-21: Long-Term ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-22: Resting ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-23: Short-Term ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-24: Stress Testing ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-25: Neonatal ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-26: ECG Electrode Market by Setting, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 17-27: Hospital ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-28: Clinic ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-29: Prehospital ECG Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 17-30: Leading Competitors, Electrocardiogram Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 18-1: Temperature Management Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 18-2: Surface-Pad Temperature Management Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 18-3: Surface-Pad Temperature Management Machine Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 18-4: Surface-Pad Temperature Management Accessory Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 18-5: Intravascular Temperature Management Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 18-6: Intravascular Temperature Management Machine Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 18-7: Intravascular Temperature Management Accessory Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 18-8: Forced-Air Warming Accessory Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 18-9: Leading Competitors, Temperature Management Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 19-1: Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market by Device Type, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 19-2: Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring System Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 19-3: Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Electrode Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030
Figure 19-4: Leading Competitors, Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring Market, U.S., 2023
Figure 20-1: Standalone Capnography Monitoring Market by Segment, U.S., 2020 – 2030 (US$M)
Figure 20-2: Mainstream Capnography Monitoring Market, U.S., 2020 – 2030

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