Category: Heavy Industry
Heavy Industry market research reports by Verdict Retail
The European EV market 2014 - 2019; How the European EV market is being supported and how it is expected to evolve
The European EV market 2014 - 2019; How the European EV market is being supported and how it is expected to evolve Summary Europe’s electric vehicle (EV) parc grew 17% between 2014 and 2015, with 70,912 EVs being added to the parc. The number of EVs registered in 2015 across Europe was 13% more than ... Read More
The Furniture and Floor coverings Market 2011 - 2021; Market size, market forecast and recommendations
The Furniture and Floor coverings Market 2011 - 2021; Market size, market forecast and recommendations Summary Furniture and floor coverings was one of the most impacted retail sectors between 2008 and 2011 due to the challenging economic conditions. A deteriorating housing market, high levels of un ... Read More
The European Consumables Market 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations
The European Consumables Market 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations Summary The consumables market in Europe is forecast to grow in value, after a period during which volumes have remained flat as a result of falling replacement rates. Hypermarkets are set to benefit as consu ... Read More
The European Tyres Market, 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations
The European Tyres Market, 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations Summary Tyres are everywhere. Their primary function is to hold the vehicle on the road as a primary safety measure; however, they also have other very important functions, such as providing steering response and ... Read More
The European Accessories Market 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations
The European Accessories Market 2011-2019; Market size, market forecast and recommendations Summary Accessories sales (those considered here) are a €10.2 billion market. Consumers consistently spend heavily on vehicle accessories, including floor mats, roof boxes, roof bars, tow bars, in-car enterta ... Read More