Testing/Quality Control Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Software testing is an examination of products or services to ensure the functionality for stakeholders. Testing is performed by an objective, independent party that evaluates performance and risks associated with the software. Testing includes execution of code, application, or service and is intended to uncover errors, software bugs, or defects.

Software testing can happen at any time in the development process, however, is driven by the development and testing method employed in an organization. In a traditional development model, software testing occurs after requirements are defined and coding is complete. In an agile software development model, there are multiple rounds of testing as code is delivered for evaluation.

Software testing can be divided into two types: functional and non-functional. Functional testing verifies a specific action or function, usually documented in requirements or use cases. Functional tests answer the following questions: "Can the user do this?” or "Does this particular feature work?" Non-functional testing evaluates aspects of the software that may not be related to a specific function or user action, such as scalability or security.

Software quality control is similar to software testing. Whereas testing evaluates functionality, quality control is a review process to evaluate the quality of all factors involved in invention. This process delivers a report to management who ultimately make the decision to allow or deny the release of software. Testing attempts to improve and stabilize software while quality control identifies outstanding risks associated with deploying new software products.

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Testing/Quality Control Industry Research & Market Reports

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