Education Publishing Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Until the 21st century, textbooks defined educational publishing for the K-12 and higher education markets. Around this core, the educational publishing industry expanded with standardized testing, workbooks, test prep, story books and classroom magazines supporting the delivery of core curriculum material.

But now technology is disrupting the traditional business models of the $16 billion educational publishing industry, putting more emphasis on delivery of online courses and course material across the grade spectrum and in meeting the demand for professional development services for educators. E-textbooks, video-streaming, digital delivery, gaming and cloud computing are the catch-words of educational publishing.

Enrollment in higher education—a key metric for industry growth—is projected to begin growing again in 2015 after several years of decline, increasing almost 14% by 2020 to 23.9 million students. Post-recession, pent-up demand in the K-12 school market is expected to boost the roughly $11 billion state spending on instructional materials such as textbooks, software and other instructional media for the 48 million public school students.’s collection of market research studies on the educational publishing industry will help you stay competitive and grow in this dynamic market. We offer a full array of studies on subjects ranging from pet food and supplies to specific segments of the market, including publishing for the pre-K through college markets, online and tablet usage, testing, supplemental products, textbook adoptions, teacher professional development, the Common Core and subject-specific markets (e.g., reading, social sciences, math, science).

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Education Publishing Industry Research & Market Reports

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