Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market

Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast

Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market was valued at USD 130.27 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 7.02% through 2028. IoT is the base of digital transformation worldwide, helping to transform many consumer, industrial, government, and defense applications. Even though IT spending fell in 2022, it is expected to grow in 2023. IoT will drive this IT expenditure with approximately 19% growth in 2023, as mentioned in a report by IoT Analytics. IoT deployment helps overcome labor shortages and could speed up digital transformation initiatives.

Integrating 5G and IoT can promote many sustainability use cases in various industries. 83% of organizations have improved their efficiency by introducing IoT technology. For instance, with IoT applications in Water Industry, the utility company can recognize, monitor, manage, and monetize water distribution effectively in regions impacted by water scarcity. Smart Water solutions.

Key Market Drivers

Increased Connectivity

Increased connectivity is a pivotal driver propelling the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market into a new era of innovation and adoption. This surge in connectivity is reshaping the way Industrials interact with their surroundings, creating a world where everyday objects and devices are interconnected, intelligent, and responsive to our needs. The ubiquity of high-speed internet, coupled with the widespread availability of Wi-Fi and cellular networks, has set the stage for the explosive growth of Industrial IoT. This connectivity provides the essential backbone for IoT devices to communicate with each other and with users, enabling seamless data exchange and real-time control.

Smart homes, in particular, have benefited immensely from this increased connectivity. Industrials are drawn to the idea of homes that are not just places of shelter but intelligent ecosystems that adapt to their preferences. From thermostats and lighting to security cameras and voice assistants, IoT devices offer enhanced convenience and efficiency, and they rely on robust connectivity to deliver on these promises. Moreover, the proliferation of smartphones and mobile apps plays a pivotal role in driving Industrial IoT. These devices serve as the command centers for IoT ecosystems, allowing users to remotely monitor and control their smart devices. This level of accessibility has transformed the way we manage our homes, adding a new layer of convenience to our lives.

Increased connectivity also fuels the growth of the Industrial IoT market by enabling innovative applications in various sectors. Health and wellness devices, wearable technology, and remote monitoring solutions leverage connectivity to keep users informed about their well-being. Additionally, Industrials are embracing IoT devices that promote energy efficiency, helping them reduce their environmental footprint and lower utility costs. In conclusion, the rise of increased connectivity is a fundamental catalyst for the Global Industrial Internet of Things market. It not only facilitates the interconnection of devices but also enhances user experience, convenience, and the potential for further innovation. As connectivity technologies continue to advance, the Industrial IoT market is expected to thrive, opening up new horizons for a smarter, more interconnected world.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Security and privacy concerns are emerging as powerful drivers of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market, shaping Industrial preferences and industry standards. As the IoT ecosystem expands and becomes an integral part of everyday life, individuals and organizations are increasingly aware of the vulnerabilities and risks associated with interconnected devices and data, prompting a heightened focus on safeguarding personal information. The escalating number of IoT devices in our homes, offices, and even our bodies has raised red flags about data breaches, unauthorized access, and the potential misuse of personal information. This growing awareness of security and privacy issues is driving demand for IoT solutions that prioritize user protection and data integrity.

Industrials are seeking assurance that their connected devices are resistant to cyber threats. This need for security drives the development of robust encryption protocols, secure authentication methods, and regular software updates to patch vulnerabilities. In response, IoT manufacturers are placing a greater emphasis on building security measures directly into their products, a shift that is reshaping the industry. Privacy concerns are equally significant. Industrials are wary of how their data is collected, shared, and utilized by IoT devices and service providers. They demand transparent privacy policies and consent mechanisms, as well as greater control over their personal information. This push for privacy protection is pushing companies to implement stringent data protection measures and invest in technologies that anonymize or pseudonymize user data.

Legislation and regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California's Industrial Privacy Act (CCPA), are also influencing the IoT landscape. These regulations impose strict requirements on data handling, notification of breaches, and user consent, which impact IoT manufacturers and service providers operating in these regions and beyond. Security and privacy concerns are catalyzing the development of secure IoT ecosystems, fostering collaboration among stakeholders to establish industry standards and best practices. This proactive approach is essential for ensuring that Industrials can fully embrace the potential of IoT without compromising their personal safety and privacy.

In conclusion, security and privacy concerns are powerful drivers of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. They not only inform Industrial choices but also encourage industry stakeholders to raise the bar in terms of security and privacy protections. As the IoT market matures, addressing these concerns will be vital in building trust and sustaining growth in this interconnected world.

Key Market Challenges

Privacy Issues

Privacy issues loom as a formidable challenge that has the potential to impede the growth and adoption of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. As the IoT ecosystem expands, the collection, storage, and utilization of vast amounts of personal data raise significant concerns about individual privacy, data security, and user consent, which can undermine user trust and limit the market's potential. One of the primary concerns is the extensive data generated by IoT devices. These devices can monitor and collect data on a wide range of user behaviors, from home activities to personal health information. The sheer volume and granularity of this data create a risk of misuse, unauthorized access, and potential breaches, making Industrials apprehensive about the privacy of their personal information.

Additionally, data sharing is often a core component of IoT services. To provide functionality, IoT devices and platforms may need to share data with manufacturers, third-party service providers, or even government entities. This sharing can raise concerns about the control and transparency of data usage, leaving Industrials uncertain about who has access to their information and for what purposes. Furthermore, the issue of user consent is crucial. Industrials need to be aware of what data is being collected and for what purposes, and they should have the option to opt in or out of data collection and sharing. However, many IoT devices and services may not provide clear and easily understandable consent mechanisms, leaving users in the dark about their data's usage and privacy implications.

The implementation of strong security measures is essential to protect the personal data generated and stored by IoT devices. Inadequate security can lead to data breaches, identity theft, and other privacy violations, further eroding Industrial trust. To address privacy issues and bolster the Industrial IoT market, it's vital for manufacturers and service providers to prioritize robust data protection mechanisms. This includes encryption, secure authentication, regular security updates, and anonymization or pseudonymization of data to prevent the identification of individuals. Clear and transparent privacy policies and consent processes must be established, making it easy for users to control their data and understand how it is used.

Moreover, governments and regulatory bodies play a crucial role in establishing legal frameworks and guidelines that safeguard Industrial privacy in the IoT space. Initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Industrial Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States are steps in the right direction. In conclusion, addressing privacy issues is paramount for the Industrial IoT market to flourish. Building trust by respecting user privacy rights and securing their data is not only a moral imperative but also a key factor in ensuring the long-term success and growth of the Global Industrial Internet of Things market. By proactively addressing privacy concerns, stakeholders can create an environment where Industrials feel secure and comfortable embracing the benefits of IoT technology.

Complexity and User Experience

Complexity and user experience are significant challenges that have the potential to hinder the growth of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. The increasing complexity of IoT ecosystems, coupled with challenges in delivering a seamless user experience, can create barriers to widespread adoption. One of the central issues is the inherent complexity of IoT systems. As the number of connected devices and services in a typical Industrial IoT setup continues to grow, managing and configuring these devices can become overwhelming for users. Setting up, troubleshooting, and maintaining IoT devices often require technical expertise, which may alienate less tech-savvy Industrials. This complexity can deter potential users who may be hesitant to invest in IoT solutions due to concerns about the steep learning curve and the perceived difficulty of managing these devices.

The lack of standardized user interfaces across different IoT devices also contributes to complexity. Each manufacturer may develop its own app or interface, leading to a fragmented user experience. Industrials have to navigate various apps and interfaces to control different devices, which can be confusing and inconvenient. Furthermore, the user experience can be compromised by issues like connectivity problems, device compatibility, and frequent software updates. Users may encounter frustrating situations where devices fail to communicate effectively, leading to unreliable or inconsistent performance. This, in turn, can erode trust and confidence in IoT technology.

In many cases, user data and privacy concerns also add to the complexity. Industrials worry about how their data is collected, used, and shared by IoT devices and the associated services. Understanding and controlling the data-sharing settings for each device can be a cumbersome process. Simplifying the user experience is crucial for the broader adoption of IoT. Manufacturers and developers should prioritize user-friendly design, intuitive interfaces, and seamless device integration. Standardization efforts in user interfaces can help create a more consistent experience, making it easier for Industrials to manage and interact with IoT devices from various manufacturers.

To address the complexity challenge, there's also a need for better user education and support. Manufacturers should invest in clear and comprehensive user guides and customer support systems to assist users in setting up and maintaining their IoT ecosystems. In conclusion, addressing the complexity and user experience issues in the Industrial IoT market is vital to unlock its full potential. A user-friendly, intuitive, and standardized approach to IoT device management and operation will not only improve Industrial satisfaction but also drive broader adoption and growth in the Global Industrial Internet of Things market. By addressing these challenges, the IoT industry can create a more accessible, reliable, and user-centric ecosystem.


Interoperability stands out as a significant challenge that has the potential to hamper the growth and adoption of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. It is a critical issue because it pertains to the ability of IoT devices and systems to work seamlessly together, regardless of their manufacturer or communication protocols. The lack of interoperability can lead to a fragmented and frustrating user experience, inhibiting the realization of the full potential of IoT. One of the primary issues with interoperability is the diversity of devices and standards in the IoT landscape. Various manufacturers produce IoT devices with their proprietary communication protocols, creating siloed ecosystems. This means that Industrials who invest in one brand of IoT products may find it challenging to integrate devices from other manufacturers into their existing setup.

Moreover, the absence of universally accepted industry standards further compounds the problem. Different regions and industries often adopt their own IoT standards, which can hinder cross-compatibility. This lack of standardization makes it difficult for developers to create IoT solutions that are universally compatible, adding complexity and cost to the development process. Interoperability challenges can impact not only the Industrial experience but also the scalability and efficiency of IoT deployments. When devices cannot communicate effectively, it limits the scope of potential applications. For instance, in a smart home environment, devices such as thermostats, lighting, and security systems may not be able to collaborate seamlessly, reducing the overall convenience and efficiency that IoT promises.

The significance of interoperability becomes even more pronounced in larger-scale deployments, such as smart cities or industrial IoT applications, where multiple devices and systems need to work cohesively for effective operation. Without interoperability, achieving the full potential of IoT in improving urban infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, and more becomes a daunting task. To address this challenge and unlock the true potential of the Industrial IoT market, stakeholders including IoT device manufacturers, industry standards organizations, and policymakers must prioritize the development and adoption of open, widely accepted standards. Creating a more interconnected and interoperable IoT ecosystem is crucial not only for user convenience but also for the continued growth and expansion of the Global Industrial Internet of Things market. It will enable a more holistic and integrated IoT experience that offers enhanced value to Industrials and society as a whole.

Key Market Trends

Smart Home Ecosystems

Smart home ecosystems are emerging as a powerful driver behind the growth of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. These ecosystems encompass a range of interconnected devices, from smart thermostats and lighting to security cameras and voice assistants, all designed to enhance convenience, energy efficiency, and security within the home.

The allure of smart homes lies in their ability to transform traditional living spaces into technologically advanced, responsive environments. Industrials are increasingly embracing these ecosystems as they offer a seamless and interconnected way to manage and monitor various aspects of daily life. Smart thermostats, for instance, optimize energy consumption, reducing utility costs while ensuring comfort. Smart lighting systems provide convenience and energy efficiency, allowing users to control lighting remotely and set schedules. Security cameras and smart locks enhance home security, granting homeowners peace of mind.

Voice assistants, integrated into these ecosystems, further simplify user interactions. Users can control and coordinate various smart devices using natural language, making the smart home experience more intuitive and user-friendly. The global smart home market continues to expand as manufacturers innovate and develop new devices, and as Industrials recognize the value of these solutions. The growth of smart home ecosystems not only benefits Industrials by providing greater convenience and efficiency but also contributes to the broader Industrial IoT market's expansion. As more Industrials embrace these technologies, they become increasingly interconnected in their daily lives, fostering the continued growth of the IoT ecosystem as a whole.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is poised to be a driving force behind the growth of the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) market. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and health monitoring wearables, have gained immense popularity due to their ability to seamlessly integrate technology into daily life.

Health and wellness monitoring are at the forefront of this trend, as Industrials increasingly prioritize their well-being. Wearables provide real-time data on aspects like heart rate, activity levels, sleep patterns, and even stress levels, empowering individuals to take charge of their health. This has led to a surge in the adoption of wearables for fitness tracking and health management. Moreover, wearable technology has expanded beyond health, offering convenience and connectivity. Smartwatches, for example, enable users to receive notifications, control smart home devices, and access information on the go. They serve as personal assistants that can enhance productivity and simplify daily tasks.

The integration of voice assistants into wearables further extends their functionality, enabling users to interact with other IoT devices using voice commands. Wearables are becoming central hubs for controlling and monitoring various IoT devices, making them indispensable in the connected world. As technology continues to advance and wearables become more sophisticated, their role in the Industrial IoT market is only expected to grow. Their appeal lies in their ability to seamlessly merge technology with daily life, making Industrials more connected, informed, and in control, which in turn will contribute significantly to the expansion of the Global Industrial IoT market.

Segmental Insights

Application Insights

Manufacturing will dominate the market, Amongst the industries, the manufacturing industry holds a major share of investment and market share, with both discrete and process manufacturing intensely investing in IoT adoption. In addition to this, management in the industry is keen on the adoption of IoT; With the advent of Industry 4.0, IIoT is gaining traction in both discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing as IIoT is offering means of optimizing operations, reducing downtime, increasing efficiency, and help make data-driven decisions is increasing the profit margin and reduce cost with short ROIs on the IoT adoption.

In the upcoming years, utilities, discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, and life sciences sectors will spend the most on IoT solutions. Most use cases are anticipated to continue enhancing asset tracking, asset life, and the ability to enforce physical distance through condition-based equipment tracking and maintenance.

Regional Insights

North America is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. North America is a pioneer in adopting most technological innovations and advancements, and the adoption of IoT is reshaping various industrial and Industrial sectors throughout the region. The 5G adoption in the region is high, and a total of 108 million 5G connections have been laid by Q3 2022. The autonomous 5G deployments that are underway will drive the market for IoT as a whole.

February 2023 - Canadian-based IoT company, Eleven-x, will help North America municipal parking with the smart parking system that will monitor parking spots and provide real-time data on availability. This will reduce congestion in the area and optimize parking enforcement, further improving urban mobility.

August 2022 - North America’s biggest IOT Pay platform was acquired by GrubMarket. This acquisition will help GrubMarket to use IOT Pay’s technology and payments infrastructure to streamline the food supply chain industry. IOT Pay is also looking forward to rolling out a digital banking solution for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

Key Market Players

AT&T Inc.

Microsoft Corporation

Sony Corporation

Apple Inc.

LG Electronics

Alphabet Inc.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

Honeywell International Inc.

Cisco Systems Inc.

Intel Corporation

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
  • Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Type:
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Services
  • Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Application:
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Oil and Gas
  • Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Region:
  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Indonesia
  • Europe
  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Egypt
  • UAE
  • Israel
Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market.

Company Information
  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
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1. Product Overview
1.1. Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Market
1.3. Markets Covered
1.4. Years Considered for Study
1.5. Key Market Segmentations
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Objective of the Study
2.2. Baseline Methodology
2.3. Key Industry Partners
2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources
2.5. Forecasting Methodology
2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation
2.7. Assumptions and Limitations
3. Executive Summary
4. Voice of Customers
5. Global Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size & Forecast
5.1.1. By Value
5.2. Market Share & Forecast
5.2.1. By Type (Hardware, Solutions, Services)
5.2.2. By Application (Manufacturing, Transportation, Oil, and Gas)
5.2.3. By Region
5.3. By Company (2022)
5.4. Market Map
6. North America Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Type
6.2.2. By Application
6.2.3. By Country
6.3. North America: Country Analysis
6.3.1. United States Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
6.3.2. Canada Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
6.3.3. Mexico Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
7. Asia-Pacific Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Type
7.2.2. By Application
7.2.3. By Country
7.3. Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis
7.3.1. China Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
7.3.2. India Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
7.3.3. Japan Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
7.3.4. South Korea Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
7.3.5. Indonesia Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
8. Europe Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Type
8.2.2. By Application
8.2.3. By Country
8.3. Europe: Country Analysis
8.3.1. Germany Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
8.3.2. United Kingdom Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
8.3.3. France Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
8.3.4. Russia Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
8.3.5. Spain Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
9. South America Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Type
9.2.2. By Application
9.2.3. By Country
9.3. South America: Country Analysis
9.3.1. Brazil Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
9.3.2. Argentina Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
10. Middle East & Africa Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Type
10.2.2. By Application
10.2.3. By Country
10.3. Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis
10.3.1. Saudi Arabia Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
10.3.2. South Africa Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
10.3.3. UAE Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
10.3.4. Israel Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
10.3.5. Egypt Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Type By Application
11. Market Dynamics
11.1. Drivers
11.2. Challenge
12. Market Trends & Developments
13. Company Profiles
13.1. AT&T Inc.
13.1.1. Business Overview
13.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.1.3. Recent Developments
13.1.4. Key Personnel
13.1.5. Key Product/Services
13.2. Microsoft Corporation
13.2.1. Business Overview
13.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.2.3. Recent Developments
13.2.4. Key Personnel
13.2.5. Key Product/Services
13.3. Sony Corporation
13.3.1. Business Overview
13.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.3.3. Recent Developments
13.3.4. Key Personnel
13.3.5. Key Product/Services
13.4. Apple Inc.
13.4.1. Business Overview
13.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.4.3. Recent Developments
13.4.4. Key Personnel
13.4.5. Key Product/Services
13.5. LG Electronics
13.5.1. Business Overview
13.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.5.3. Recent Developments
13.5.4. Key Personnel
13.5.5. Key Product/Services
13.6. Alphabet Inc.
13.6.1. Business Overview
13.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.6.3. Recent Developments
13.6.4. Key Personnel
13.6.5. Key Product/Services
13.7. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
13.7.1. Business Overview
13.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.7.3. Recent Developments
13.7.4. Key Personnel
13.7.5. Key Product/Services
13.8. Honeywell International Inc.
13.8.1. Business Overview
13.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.8.3. Recent Developments
13.8.4. Key Personnel
13.8.5. Key Product/Services
13.9. Cisco Systems Inc.
13.9.1. Business Overview
13.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials
13.9.3. Recent Developments
13.9.4. Key Personnel
13.9.5. Key Product/Services
14. Strategic Recommendations
15. About Us & Disclaimer

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