Digital Identity Solutions Market

Digital Identity Solutions Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast,

Global Digital Identity Solutions Market was valued at USD 27.97 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 17.31% through 2028. The Global Digital Identity Solutions Market is experiencing remarkable growth due to several key drivers that are transforming the digital landscape. These drivers are propelling the adoption of digital identity solutions across various industries and are shaping the way individuals and organizations manage and secure their digital identities. Here are the major drivers for the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market:

The ongoing digital transformation across industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and government, is a significant driver for digital identity solutions. As more services and transactions move online, the need for robust digital identity verification and authentication becomes paramount.

The rise in cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and identity theft incidents has heightened awareness about the importance of digital identity security. Organizations and individuals are seeking advanced identity solutions to protect their sensitive information and digital assets.

Stringent regulations and compliance requirements, such as GDPR in Europe and KYC/AML regulations in the financial sector, necessitate the implementation of robust digital identity verification processes. Compliance obligations are driving the adoption of digital identity solutions to meet regulatory standards.

Consumers and users expect a seamless and convenient digital experience. Digital identity solutions enable frictionless access to online services, making it easier for users to access accounts, make transactions, and engage with digital platforms securely.

The shift towards remote work and the increased reliance on online services, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the need for secure digital identity solutions. Employees, customers, and partners need secure access to systems and data from anywhere.

Emerging technologies like blockchain are contributing to the development of decentralized identity solutions, which empower individuals to have greater control over their digital identities. This trend is gaining traction and driving innovation in the digital identity space.

The integration of biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, in digital identity solutions enhances security and user convenience. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is also becoming a standard practice for identity verification.

The widespread adoption of digital wallets and mobile devices has created a platform for digital identity solutions. Mobile-based identity verification methods, including QR codes, are gaining popularity due to their ease of use.

Digital identity solutions are not limited to specific industries but have cross-industry applications. They are used in banking, healthcare, government services, e-commerce, travel, and more, reflecting their versatility and demand.

Governments around the world are investing in digital identity solutions as part of e-government initiatives. These solutions enable citizens to access government services online securely, reducing bureaucracy and enhancing citizen engagement.

In conclusion, the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market is at the forefront of a profound transformation, driven by the imperative of delivering secure and convenient digital identity solutions in an increasingly digital world. These solutions are reshaping how individuals and organizations manage and protect their digital identities, offering enhanced security, compliance, and user experience. As digital interactions continue to grow, digital identity solutions will play a pivotal role in shaping a more secure and efficient digital landscape, fostering innovation and advancing the field of digital identity.

Key Market Drivers:

Rapid Digital Transformation

The rapid digital transformation taking place across various industries is a major driving force behind the growth of the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market. This transformation is characterized by the widespread adoption of digital technologies, the shift to online services, and the increasing digitization of personal and business activities.

Industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and government are embracing digitalization to improve efficiency, reach wider audiences, and enhance customer experiences. As a result, there is a growing need for robust digital identity solutions to facilitate secure and seamless digital interactions.

One key aspect of this digital transformation is the move towards paperless and remote processes. Traditional methods of identity verification, such as physical documents and face-to-face interactions, are being replaced by digital alternatives. This shift is driven by the desire for convenience, cost savings, and accessibility, making digital identity solutions a critical enabler of the digital economy.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the pace of digital transformation, as remote work, telehealth, online shopping, and contactless transactions became the norm. Digital identity solutions played a pivotal role in ensuring secure access to services and data during this period. As organizations and individuals adapt to this digital-first world, the demand for advanced digital identity solutions continues to grow.

Increasing Cybersecurity Concerns

The rise in cybersecurity concerns, data breaches, and identity theft incidents is a significant driver fueling the adoption of digital identity solutions. Organizations and individuals alike are increasingly aware of the risks associated with inadequate identity protection in the digital realm.

Cyberattacks, ranging from phishing scams to sophisticated hacking attempts, pose a constant threat to personal and business information. Breaches of sensitive data, such as financial records, medical histories, and personal identifiers, can have severe consequences, including financial loss and reputational damage.

In response to these growing threats, businesses and government agencies are seeking advanced digital identity solutions that offer robust security features. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), biometric authentication, and encryption technologies are integral components of these solutions, providing layers of protection against unauthorized access and identity fraud.

Compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe and HIPAA in the healthcare sector, also requires organizations to implement strong identity verification processes. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions. This regulatory landscape further drives the adoption of digital identity solutions as organizations strive to ensure compliance and safeguard customer data.

Regulatory Compliance

Stringent regulatory requirements and compliance standards are compelling organizations to adopt digital identity solutions to meet legal obligations and protect sensitive data. Various industries, including finance, healthcare, and government, are subject to specific regulations related to identity verification, data protection, and privacy.

For instance, the financial industry faces Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations that mandate thorough identity verification procedures for customer onboarding and transactions. Similarly, healthcare organizations must comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations to safeguard patient data and ensure secure access to electronic health records.

To adhere to these regulations, organizations are turning to digital identity solutions that offer robust identity verification, secure data storage, and audit trails. These solutions provide the necessary tools to establish and maintain compliance while streamlining identity-related processes. Furthermore, evolving privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require organizations to prioritize data protection and user consent. Digital identity solutions enable organizations to manage user consent and provide individuals with control over their personal data, ensuring compliance with these privacy regulations.

In summary, the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market is driven by the rapid digital transformation of industries, increasing cybersecurity concerns, and the need to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. These drivers collectively underscore the critical role of digital identity solutions in enhancing security, facilitating compliance, and enabling seamless digital interactions in our increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Key Market Challenges

Privacy Concerns and Data Protection

One of the primary challenges facing the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market revolves around privacy concerns and data protection. As digital identity solutions collect and process sensitive personal information, there is a heightened focus on safeguarding individuals' privacy rights and ensuring that their data is handled securely.

The proliferation of data breaches and cyberattacks has eroded trust in organizations' ability to protect personal information. High-profile incidents have exposed vulnerabilities in digital identity systems, leading to concerns about identity theft and unauthorized access to sensitive data. Consumers and regulatory authorities are demanding stronger data protection measures, transparency, and user consent mechanisms.

Compliance with stringent privacy regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), presents a complex challenge for businesses operating across borders. These regulations require organizations to obtain explicit consent for data processing, implement robust security measures, and enable individuals to exercise their rights regarding their personal data.

Balancing the need for strong identity verification with privacy protection is a delicate challenge. Digital identity solution providers must develop technologies that offer both security and privacy, ensuring that individuals' personal information is adequately safeguarded while enabling seamless and convenient online interactions.

Interoperability and Standards

Interoperability and the lack of universally accepted standards pose significant challenges to the Digital Identity Solutions Market. In a digital landscape characterized by diverse platforms, devices, and services, it is essential that digital identity solutions can seamlessly integrate and communicate with each other. Currently, many organizations and service providers operate their proprietary digital identity systems, each with its own set of protocols and standards. This fragmentation hinders the ability of individuals to use their digital identities across various platforms and services. For instance, a digital identity used for online banking may not be compatible with a healthcare provider's system, requiring individuals to manage multiple digital identities. The absence of standardized protocols for identity verification and authentication complicates the development of interoperable digital identity solutions. To address this challenge, industry stakeholders, governments, and standards organizations are working towards establishing common frameworks and protocols. Initiatives like OpenID Connect and the FIDO Alliance aim to create open standards for secure and interoperable digital identities. Overcoming the interoperability challenge is crucial for the widespread adoption of digital identity solutions, as it would enable individuals to use a single digital identity across various online services, enhancing convenience and security while reducing identity management overhead.

Identity Fraud and Cybersecurity Threats

Identity fraud and cybersecurity threats are persistent challenges in the Digital Identity Solutions Market. As digital identity systems become more prevalent, malicious actors are continually seeking ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to personal information.

Identity fraud encompasses a range of activities, from stolen credentials and identity theft to sophisticated social engineering attacks. Fraudsters target weaknesses in identity verification processes, attempting to impersonate legitimate users and gain access to sensitive accounts and services. To counter these threats, digital identity solution providers must constantly innovate and enhance security measures. This includes the development of robust authentication methods, such as biometrics, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and behavioral analytics, to verify users' identities more effectively.

Moreover, the evolving landscape of cyber threats necessitates continuous monitoring and adaptation of security practices. Organizations must invest in threat detection and response capabilities to identify and mitigate potential breaches promptly. Regulatory authorities are also increasingly focused on combating identity fraud and enhancing cybersecurity. Compliance with cybersecurity regulations and industry standards is essential for digital identity solution providers. Failure to implement robust security measures can result in reputational damage, legal consequences, and financial losses.

In summary, the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market faces significant challenges related to privacy concerns and data protection, interoperability and standards, and the persistent threats of identity fraud and cybersecurity attacks. Overcoming these challenges requires collaboration among stakeholders, innovative technologies, and a commitment to balancing security and convenience in the digital identity ecosystem.

Key Market Trends

Biometric Authentication and Identity Verification

One of the prominent trends in the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market is the increasing adoption of biometric authentication and identity verification methods. Biometrics, which involve the use of unique physiological or behavioral characteristics for identification, are gaining traction due to their superior security and convenience.

Biometric authentication methods include fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris scanning, and voice recognition. These technologies offer a higher level of security compared to traditional usernames and passwords, as they are extremely difficult to replicate or forge. Biometrics also provide a more user-friendly experience, reducing the friction associated with complex password management.Fingerprint recognition, in particular, has become ubiquitous on smartphones and other devices, allowing individuals to unlock their devices, make payments, and access applications securely. Facial recognition is also on the rise, enabling quick and contactless identity verification for various applications, from smartphone unlocking to airport security checks.

In addition to convenience and security, biometrics offer the potential for seamless cross-platform and cross-service authentication. As more organizations and service providers implement biometric authentication methods, individuals can use their biometric data to access a wide range of online services, from banking and healthcare to e-commerce and travel.

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Decentralized Identity

Another notable trend in the Digital Identity Solutions Market is the emergence of self-sovereign identity (SSI) and decentralized identity solutions. SSI represents a paradigm shift in digital identity, placing individuals at the center of identity management and giving them full control over their personal information.

SSI leverages blockchain and decentralized ledger technologies to enable individuals to create, own, and manage their digital identities independently of centralized authorities or service providers. In an SSI ecosystem, individuals store their identity attributes, such as credentials and personal information, in a secure digital wallet. They can then selectively share these attributes with trusted entities, such as government agencies, financial institutions, or healthcare providers, without revealing unnecessary details.This trend aligns with growing concerns about privacy and data security. Individuals are increasingly wary of centralized identity systems that collect and store vast amounts of personal data, making them potential targets for data breaches and privacy violations. SSI empowers individuals to share only the information necessary for a specific transaction, reducing the risk of data exposure and misuse. Decentralized identity solutions are gaining momentum in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and government. Governments and organizations are exploring the use of blockchain-based identity systems to enhance security, reduce fraud, and improve user experiences. As decentralized identity solutions mature, they have the potential to disrupt traditional identity management models.

Regulatory Initiatives and Digital Identity Standards

Regulatory initiatives and the development of digital identity standards are shaping the landscape of the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market. Governments and regulatory authorities around the world are recognizing the need to establish clear frameworks for digital identity, data protection, and privacy.

In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has set stringent data protection standards and requirements for the handling of personal data. GDPR emphasizes individuals' rights over their data, including the right to know how their data is used, the right to access their data, and the right to have their data erased. Compliance with GDPR is a significant driver for organizations adopting robust digital identity solutions that prioritize data protection and user consent.

Similarly, initiatives like the European Digital Identity Wallet and the Digital Identity Trust Framework in the United States aim to create standardized approaches to digital identity. These initiatives seek to establish common principles, interoperability standards, and best practices for digital identity verification and authentication. The development of digital identity standards is essential for ensuring compatibility and trust in the digital identity ecosystem. Standardization enables individuals to use their digital identities across different services, platforms, and jurisdictions, promoting convenience and reducing fragmentation.

In conclusion, the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market is witnessing trends such as biometric authentication, self-sovereign identity, and the development of regulatory initiatives and digital identity standards. These trends are driven by the need for enhanced security, privacy protection, and user-centric identity management in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. As the digital identity landscape evolves, organizations and individuals alike will benefit from innovative and secure identity solutions.

Segmental Insights

Component Insights

The dominating segment in the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market by component is Solutions.

Digital identity solutions are software solutions that help organizations to create, manage, and authenticate digital identities. Digital identity solutions typically include a variety of features, such as:

Identity creation and management: Digital identity solutions can help organizations to create and manage digital identities for their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This includes features such as user registration, user authentication, and user access management.

Identity authentication: Digital identity solutions can help organizations to authenticate digital identities. This includes features such as multi-factor authentication and single sign-on.

Identity fraud prevention: Digital identity solutions can help organizations to prevent identity fraud. This includes features such as identity verification and fraud detection.

Digital identity solutions are in high demand as organizations are increasingly looking for ways to protect their digital assets and to comply with regulations. Digital identity solutions can help organizations to improve their security, reduce their risk of fraud, and improve their compliance with regulations.

The services segment is also growing, but at a slower rate than the solutions segment. This is because digital identity solutions are typically complex and require a high level of expertise to implement and manage. Digital identity services providers can help organizations to implement, manage, and support their digital identity solutions.

The solutions segment is expected to continue to dominate the global digital identity solutions market over the forecast period. This growth will be driven by the factors mentioned above, as well as the increasing adoption of digital identity solutions by small and medium-sized organizations.

Here are some examples of how digital identity solutions are being used in the global digital identity solutions market today:

Financial services companies use digital identity solutions to authenticate their customers and to prevent fraud. For example, banks use digital identity solutions to verify the identity of their customers when they open new accounts or apply for loans.Healthcare organizations use digital identity solutions to protect their patient data and to comply with regulations. For example, hospitals use digital identity solutions to authenticate their employees and to prevent unauthorized access to patient records.

Government agencies use digital identity solutions to provide citizens with access to online services. For example, tax authorities use digital identity solutions to allow citizens to file their taxes online.Digital identity solutions are an essential tool for organizations of all sizes to protect their digital assets and to comply with regulations. As the world becomes increasingly digital, we can expect to see digital identity solutions become even more widely adopted and sophisticated.

Regional Insights

North America is the dominating region in the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market.

The factors driving the growth of the digital identity solutions market in North America include:

The high adoption of digital technology and the growing need for strong identity protection

The increasing awareness of the benefits of digital identity solutions among organizations and individuals

The increasing government regulations related to data privacy and security

Some of the key countries in North America for digital identity solutions include the United States and Canada.

The United States is the largest market for digital identity solutions in North America. The country has a large number of businesses and government agencies that use digital identity solutions to protect their data and assets.

Canada is another major market for digital identity solutions in North America. The country is experiencing rapid growth in the adoption of digital identity solutions by businesses and individuals alike.

The digital identity solutions market in North America is expected to continue to grow rapidly over the forecast period. This growth will be driven by the factors mentioned above, as well as the increasing adoption of digital identity solutions by new industries, such as healthcare and retail.

Here are some examples of how digital identity solutions are being used in the global digital identity solutions market today:

Financial services companies use digital identity solutions to authenticate their customers and to prevent fraud. For example, banks use digital identity solutions to verify the identity of their customers when they open new accounts or apply for loans.

Healthcare organizations use digital identity solutions to protect their patient data and to comply with regulations. For example, hospitals use digital identity solutions to authenticate their employees and to prevent unauthorized access to patient records.

Government agencies use digital identity solutions to provide citizens with access to online services. For example, tax authorities use digital identity solutions to allow citizens to file their taxes online.

Key Market Players

Gemalto N.V.


MorphoTrust USA

NEC Corporation




Okta, Inc.

Ping Identity

RSA Security LLC

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
  • Digital Identity Solutions Market, By Component:
  • Solution
  • Services
  • Digital Identity Solutions Market, By Identity Type:
  • Biometric
  • Non-biometric
  • Digital Identity Solutions Market, By Solution Type:
  • Identity Verification
  • Authentication
  • Identity Lifecycle Management
  • Other
  • Digital Identity Solutions Market, By End-user:
  • Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance
  • Retail and Ecommerce
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Government and Defence
  • IT and Telecommunication
  • Others
  • Digital Identity Solutions Market, By Region:
  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Europe
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • South Korea
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Chile
  • Peru
  • Middle East & Africa
  • South Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Turkey
  • Israel
Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Digital Identity Solutions Market.

Company Information
  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
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1. Product Overview
1.1. Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Market
1.2.1. Markets Covered
1.2.2. Years Considered for Study
1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Objective of the Study
2.2. Baseline Methodology
2.3. Formulation of the Scope
2.4. Assumptions and Limitations
2.5. Sources of Research
2.5.1. Secondary Research
2.5.2. Primary Research
2.6. Approach for the Market Study
2.6.1. The Bottom-Up Approach
2.6.2. The Top-Down Approach
2.7. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares
2.8. Forecasting Methodology
2.8.1. Data Triangulation & Validation
3. Executive Summary
4. Voice of Customer
5. Global Digital Identity Solutions Market Overview
6. Global Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size & Forecast
6.1.1. By Value
6.2. Market Share & Forecast
6.2.1. By Component (Solution, Services)
6.2.2. By Identity Type (Biometric, Non-biometric)
6.2.3. By Solution Type (Identity Verification, Authentication, Identity Lifecycle Management, Other)
6.2.4. By End-user (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance, Retail and Ecommerce, Travel & Hospitality, Government and Defence, IT and Telecommunication, Others)
6.2.5. By Region (North America, Europe, South America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific)
6.3. By Company (2022)
6.4. Market Map
7. North America Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Component
7.2.2. By Identity Type
7.2.3. By Solution Type
7.2.4. By End-user
7.2.5. By Country
7.3. North America: Country Analysis
7.3.1. United States Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
7.3.2. Canada Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
7.3.3. Mexico Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8. Europe Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Component
8.2.2. By Identity Type
8.2.3. By Solution Type
8.2.4. By End-user
8.2.5. By Country
8.3. Europe: Country Analysis
8.3.1. Germany Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8.3.2. France Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8.3.3. United Kingdom Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8.3.4. Italy Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8.3.5. Spain Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
8.3.6. Belgium Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
9. South America Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Component
9.2.2. By Identity Type
9.2.3. By Solution Type
9.2.4. By End-user
9.2.5. By Country
9.3. South America: Country Analysis
9.3.1. Brazil Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
9.3.2. Colombia Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
9.3.3. Argentina Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
9.3.4. Chile Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
9.3.5. Peru Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
10. Middle East & Africa Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Component
10.2.2. By Identity Type
10.2.3. By Solution Type
10.2.4. By End-user
10.2.5. By Country
10.3. Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis
10.3.1. Saudi Arabia Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
10.3.2. UAE Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
10.3.3. South Africa Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
10.3.4. Turkey Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
10.3.5. Israel Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11. Asia Pacific Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook
11.1. Market Size & Forecast
11.1.1. By Component
11.1.2. By Identity Type
11.1.3. By Solution Type
11.1.4. By End-user
11.1.5. By Country
11.2. Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis
11.2.1. China Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.2. India Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.3. Japan Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.4. South Korea Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.5. Australia Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.6. Indonesia Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
11.2.7. Vietnam Digital Identity Solutions Market Outlook Market Size & Forecast By Value Market Share & Forecast By Component By Identity Type By Solution Type By End-user
12. Market Dynamics
12.1. Drivers
12.2. Challenges
13. Market Trends and Developments
14. Company Profiles
14.1. Gemalto N.V.
14.1.1. Business Overview
14.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.1.3. Recent Developments
14.1.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.1.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.2. IDEMIA
14.2.1. Business Overview
14.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.2.3. Recent Developments
14.2.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.2.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.3. MorphoTrust USA
14.3.1. Business Overview
14.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.3.3. Recent Developments
14.3.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.3.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.4. NEC Corporation
14.4.1. Business Overview
14.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.4.3. Recent Developments
14.4.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.4.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.5. Daon
14.5.1. Business Overview
14.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.5.3. Recent Developments
14.5.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.5.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.6. ForgeRock
14.6.1. Business Overview
14.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.6.3. Recent Developments
14.6.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.6.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.7. Okta, Inc.
14.7.1. Business Overview
14.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.7.3. Recent Developments
14.7.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.7.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.8. Jumio
14.8.1. Business Overview
14.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.8.3. Recent Developments
14.8.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.8.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.9. Ping Identity
14.9.1. Business Overview
14.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.9.3. Recent Developments
14.9.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.9.5. Key Product/Services Offered
14.10. RSA Security LLC
14.10.1. Business Overview
14.10.2. Key Revenue and Financials
14.10.3. Recent Developments
14.10.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person
14.10.5. Key Product/Services Offered
15. Strategic Recommendations
16. About Us & Disclaimer

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