Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market

Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market

The Asia Pacific retail analytics market was valued at USD 1.79 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth at a CAGR of 19.63% during the forecast period. The Asia Pacific retail analytics market is witnessing a profound transformation, driven by a dynamic retail landscape and a growing realization of the pivotal role data-driven insights play in shaping the future of the industry. Spanning a vast and diverse geographical region, the Asia Pacific encompasses some of the world's largest and fastest-growing economies, making it a vibrant hub of retail activity. From the bustling metropolises of Tokyo and Shanghai to emerging markets in Southeast Asia, retailers across the region are increasingly turning to retail analytics to gain a competitive edge and thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

One of the primary catalysts fueling the growth of the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the changing landscape of consumer behavior and preferences within the region. As consumers become more digitally connected and discerning, their expectations from retailers are evolving rapidly. They demand personalized shopping experiences, seamless omnichannel interactions, and products tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Retailers in Asia Pacific are recognizing that the key to meeting these heightened expectations lies in harnessing the power of data analytics. By delving deep into consumer data, retailers can unlock invaluable insights into buying patterns, product preferences, and regional trends. This data-driven approach empowers retailers to refine marketing strategies, optimize supply chain management, and tailor pricing strategies to meet customer demands effectively. The rise of data-driven personalization is revolutionizing the retail landscape across Asia Pacific, and retailers are eager to embrace these transformative possibilities.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of retail analytics in the region. Retailers faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic, from supply chain disruptions to shifting consumer behaviors and demand patterns. In response, many turned to advanced analytics tools to gain real-time visibility into their operations and make data-driven decisions. The pandemic underscored the importance of agility and resilience in the retail sector, and analytics emerged as an indispensable tool for navigating these challenges. The pandemic also accelerated the adoption of e-commerce and digital channels, and retailers are leveraging retail analytics to optimize their online platforms. With the surge in e-commerce, businesses require insights into online consumer behavior, conversion rates, and website performance. Retail analytics helps retailers fine-tune their digital strategies, improve user experiences, and drive online sales growth. This shift towards digitalization is expected to continue in the post-pandemic era, making retail analytics even more crucial for success.

Additionally, governments and regulatory bodies in several Asia Pacific countries are actively promoting digitalization and innovation in the retail sector. Initiatives aimed at fostering digital transformation and improving infrastructure are creating an environment conducive to the adoption of analytics solutions. The public sector's involvement in supporting technological advancements is further accelerating the pace of change in the retail industry across the region. Another significant trend in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the increasing focus on sustainability and ethical consumerism. Consumers in the region are becoming more environmentally conscious and socially responsible, and retailers are using analytics to align their practices with sustainable and ethical standards. This includes optimizing supply chains for efficiency and reducing carbon footprints, sourcing products responsibly, and ensuring fair labor practices. Retail analytics plays a crucial role in helping retailers make these ethical and sustainable decisions. Moreover, the Asia Pacific region is characterized by its cultural and economic diversity, which poses both challenges and opportunities for retailers. Retail analytics solutions need to be adaptable and flexible to cater to the varied needs of different markets and customer segments within the region. This necessitates the development of localized strategies and the customization of analytics tools to address specific market nuances.

In conclusion, the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is experiencing a seismic shift, driven by factors such as evolving consumer expectations, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, government support for digitalization, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. Retailers in the region are increasingly recognizing that their ability to thrive and remain competitive hinges on their capacity to harness the power of data analytics. As this trend continues to gain momentum, the Asia Pacific retail analytics market offers immense potential for both regional and global players. It presents abundant opportunities for businesses to not only thrive but also to contribute to the transformation of the retail industry in this vibrant and diverse part of the world.

Key Market Drivers

Evolving Consumer Behavior and Expectations

One of the foremost drivers propelling the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the rapidly evolving behavior and expectations of consumers in the region. The Asia Pacific is home to a diverse and digitally connected population that is becoming increasingly discerning. Consumers expect personalized shopping experiences, seamless omnichannel interactions, and products that align with their specific needs and preferences. Retailers are realizing that to meet these heightened expectations, they must harness the power of retail analytics. Retail analytics enables retailers to gain deep insights into consumer behavior, such as buying patterns, product preferences, and regional trends. By analyzing this data, retailers can refine marketing strategies, optimize supply chain management, and tailor pricing strategies to meet customer demands effectively. The rise of data-driven personalization is revolutionizing the retail landscape in the Asia Pacific, and retailers are actively embracing these transformative possibilities to remain competitive and enhance customer satisfaction.

Accelerated Digital Transformation and E-commerce Growth

The Asia Pacific region has experienced an accelerated pace of digital transformation, further fueling the adoption of retail analytics. The COVID-19 pandemic expedited the shift towards e-commerce and digital channels as consumers turned to online shopping for safety and convenience. Retailers, both traditional and digital-native, are leveraging retail analytics to optimize their online platforms. With the surge in e-commerce, businesses require insights into online consumer behavior, conversion rates, and website performance. Retail analytics helps retailers fine-tune their digital strategies, improve user experiences, and drive online sales growth. This shift towards digitalization is expected to continue beyond the pandemic, making retail analytics even more critical for success.

Government Support for Digitalization and Innovation

Governments and regulatory bodies across several Asia Pacific countries are actively promoting digitalization and innovation in the retail sector. Initiatives aimed at fostering digital transformation and improving digital infrastructure are creating an environment conducive to the adoption of analytics solutions. The public sector's involvement in supporting technological advancements is further accelerating the pace of change in the retail industry across the region. Government incentives, funding programs, and policy reforms are encouraging retailers to invest in technology, including retail analytics, to enhance competitiveness, efficiency, and customer experiences. This support from authorities is driving the adoption of retail analytics solutions among retailers of all sizes, from multinational corporations to small businesses.

Growing Emphasis on Sustainability and Ethical Consumerism

A significant trend driving the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the increasing focus on sustainability and ethical consumerism. Consumers in the region are becoming more environmentally conscious and socially responsible, which is influencing their purchasing decisions. Retailers are responding by using retail analytics to align their practices with sustainable and ethical standards. Retail analytics helps retailers optimize their supply chains for efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, source products responsibly, and ensure fair labor practices. By tracking and analyzing data related to sustainability and ethical considerations, retailers can transparently communicate their efforts to consumers, building trust and loyalty. As sustainability and ethical concerns continue to gain prominence, retail analytics becomes a pivotal tool for retailers aiming to meet these values and engage ethically conscious consumers effectively.

Key Market Challenges

Data Privacy and Security Concerns

The Asia Pacific retail analytics market has witnessed substantial growth in recent years, driven by the increasing adoption of data analytics solutions by retailers to gain a competitive edge and enhance customer experiences. However, amidst this growth, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed. One of the foremost challenges is data privacy and security concerns.

Data Privacy Concerns: Retail analytics relies heavily on collecting and analyzing vast amounts of customer data, including personal information, purchasing behavior, and preferences. This data is crucial for retailers to tailor their marketing strategies, optimize inventory management, and improve customer service. However, the collection and use of this data raise concerns about data privacy. In many Asia Pacific countries, there is a growing awareness and regulatory focus on data privacy, with the introduction of laws such as the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore and the Personal Data Protection Bill in India. Retailers operating in multiple countries within the region must navigate a complex web of varying data protection regulations, making it challenging to ensure compliance across their operations.

Security Concerns: The security of customer data is another significant challenge for the Asia Pacific retail analytics market. As retailers gather and store vast datasets, they become attractive targets for cyberattacks. Data breaches not only lead to the compromise of sensitive customer information but also erode trust, damage brand reputation, and result in severe financial penalties. Retailers must invest heavily in robust cybersecurity measures, including encryption, access controls, and threat detection systems. However, staying ahead of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats remains a constant challenge, and the cost of maintaining a strong security posture can strain retailers' budgets.

Fragmented Retail Ecosystem and Data Silos

Another significant challenge facing the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the fragmented nature of the retail ecosystem and the existence of data silos within organizations.

Fragmented Retail Ecosystem: The Asia Pacific region is home to diverse retail markets, each with its own unique characteristics, consumer behaviors, and regulatory environments. This diversity creates challenges for retail analytics solution providers as they need to adapt their products to meet the specific needs of different markets. Moreover, the fragmented nature of the retail ecosystem often results in retailers using a variety of legacy systems and disparate data sources, making it difficult to integrate and analyze data effectively. Standardizing analytics solutions across a diverse region can be a complex and resource-intensive task.

Data Silos: Many retailers in the Asia Pacific region suffer from data silos, where data is stored and managed in isolated departments or systems, hindering the ability to gain a holistic view of customer behavior and operational performance. These silos can be a result of legacy systems, organizational structures, or a lack of data integration strategies. Without access to comprehensive and unified data, retailers struggle to derive meaningful insights, optimize supply chain operations, and personalize customer experiences effectively.

Key Market Trends

Advanced Personalization and Customer-Centric Strategies

One of the prominent trends shaping the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the increasing emphasis on advanced personalization and customer-centric strategies. As consumer behavior continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, retailers in the region are recognizing the need to deliver highly personalized shopping experiences. Retail analytics is at the forefront of this trend, enabling retailers to gain a deeper understanding of individual customer preferences, purchase histories, and engagement patterns. Incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), retailers can leverage retail analytics to create personalized product recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and dynamic pricing strategies. These strategies not only enhance customer satisfaction but also drive increased sales and customer loyalty. Retailers are investing in sophisticated analytics tools and platforms that can process vast amounts of customer data in real time, allowing for immediate adjustments to pricing, inventory, and marketing messages based on individual customer behaviors.

Moreover, retailers are extending personalization beyond the online realm, incorporating it into the brick-and-mortar shopping experience. Using beacon technology and in-store analytics, retailers can provide personalized offers and recommendations to shoppers as they browse physical stores. This trend is reshaping the way retailers engage with customers in both digital and physical channels, making retail analytics an indispensable tool for achieving customer-centricity.

Integration of Predictive Analytics for Inventory Optimization

Another notable trend in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is the growing integration of predictive analytics for inventory optimization. Inventory management has always been a critical aspect of retail operations, and it becomes even more complex in today's fast-paced, omnichannel retail environment. Retailers are turning to predictive analytics to gain a competitive edge in managing their inventory effectively. Predictive analytics leverages historical sales data, seasonality patterns, and external factors such as weather and economic trends to forecast demand accurately. Retailers can use these insights to optimize inventory levels, reduce stockouts and overstock situations, and improve overall supply chain efficiency. By accurately predicting demand, retailers can make informed decisions about procurement, distribution, and pricing, ultimately leading to increased profitability. Furthermore, predictive analytics can enhance the agility of retailers in responding to changing market conditions and consumer preferences. Retailers can adjust their inventory and replenishment strategies in real time, ensuring that they meet customer demand while minimizing excess inventory costs. This trend is particularly crucial in the Asia Pacific, where diverse markets and consumer behaviors require retailers to be agile and responsive to remain competitive.

Adoption of Cloud-Based Retail Analytics Solutions

The adoption of cloud-based retail analytics solutions is emerging as a significant trend in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market. Cloud computing offers several advantages for retailers, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. In a region characterized by diverse markets and digital transformation initiatives, cloud-based analytics solutions are gaining traction. Cloud-based retail analytics solutions provide retailers with the ability to access and analyze data from anywhere, enabling remote decision-making and collaboration. This feature is especially valuable for retailers operating across geographically dispersed markets in Asia Pacific. Retailers can centralize their data in the cloud, making it accessible to teams across different regions and ensuring consistency in analytics processes.

Additionally, cloud-based solutions reduce the upfront capital expenditure required for hardware and infrastructure, making retail analytics more accessible to small and medium-sized retailers in the region. These retailers can now leverage advanced analytics capabilities without the need for significant investments in on-premises infrastructure. Moreover, cloud-based solutions are well-suited for handling the vast amounts of data generated in the retail industry. With the growing importance of big data in retail analytics, the scalability and processing power of cloud-based platforms are helping retailers manage and derive actionable insights from their data effectively.

Segmental Insights

Component Insights

Based on the component, the software segment in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market is dominated and is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This dominance can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, software solutions in retail analytics have evolved significantly, offering retailers a wide array of tools and platforms that empower them to harness the power of data for decision-making. These software packages encompass diverse functionalities, including data collection, processing, predictive analytics, and business intelligence reporting. Secondly, the rapid digital transformation of the retail sector in the Asia Pacific region has accelerated the adoption of advanced software solutions. Retailers recognize the importance of real-time data analytics to enhance customer experiences, optimize inventory management, and fine-tune marketing strategies in an increasingly competitive market. As a result, they are heavily investing in software-based analytics solutions that provide them with actionable insights. Given these factors, it is highly likely that the software segment will continue to thrive, driving innovation and efficiency in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market in the years ahead.

Application Insights

Based on application, merchandising analytics segment emerged as the dominant force in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market and is projected to sustain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This dominance is underpinned by several compelling factors. Firstly, merchandising analytics plays a pivotal role in helping retailers optimize their product assortments, pricing strategies, and inventory management. In a region characterized by diverse consumer preferences and rapidly changing market trends, retailers rely on merchandising analytics to make data-driven decisions that maximize sales and profitability. Secondly, the growth of e-commerce and omnichannel retailing in the Asia Pacific region has heightened the importance of merchandising analytics. Retailers require comprehensive insights into consumer behaviour, demand forecasting, and supply chain optimization to meet the demands of an increasingly digital-savvy and discerning customer base. As a result, investments in merchandising analytics solutions have surged, solidifying its dominance in the market. With the continued evolution of retail dynamics in Asia Pacific, the merchandising analytics segment is poised to remain at the forefront, facilitating smarter and more agile retail operations.

Deployment Mode Insights

Based on deployment mode, the cloud deployment mode emerged as the dominant segment in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market and is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This commanding position can be attributed to several key factors that underscore the significance of cloud-based solutions in the retail analytics landscape. Firstly, cloud deployment offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, allowing retailers to easily adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands. This agility is of paramount importance in a region as diverse and rapidly evolving as Asia Pacific. Secondly, cloud-based retail analytics solutions provide cost-efficiency, as they eliminate the need for heavy upfront investments in infrastructure and hardware. This makes it particularly attractive for retailers, including smaller and medium-sized enterprises, who seek to access advanced analytics capabilities without the burden of substantial capital expenditures. Additionally, the cloud's ability to facilitate seamless remote access and real-time collaboration has become indispensable in an era of remote work and digital transformation. As a result, the cloud deployment mode is poised to remain the dominant choice for retailers in the Asia Pacific, empowering them with the tools and capabilities necessary to navigate the complexities of modern retail successfully.

Country Insights

China emerged as the dominant country in the Asia Pacific retail analytics market and is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This commanding position is a testament to China's unparalleled retail ecosystem, which boasts a combination of massive online and offline retail operations, a tech-savvy consumer base, and a thriving e-commerce landscape. Chinese retailers have been quick to embrace retail analytics solutions, leveraging them to gain a competitive edge in a highly dynamic marketplace. The key focus in China's retail analytics market lies in supply chain and inventory analytics, driven by the need to efficiently manage vast inventories, optimize logistics, and respond to rapidly changing consumer demands. Moreover, China's forward-thinking retail giants are increasingly integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into their analytics strategies, enabling them to predict consumer preferences and enhance customer experiences. As China continues to set trends in the retail industry, its dominance in the retail analytics sector remains unwavering, and its innovations are likely to influence the broader Asia Pacific market for years to come.

Key Market Players

IBM Corporation (Asia Pacific)

SAS Institute Inc. (Asia Pacific)

Oracle Corporation

SAP Asia Pte. Ltd

Tableau Software Inc. (acquired by Salesforce)

Microsoft Corporation

QlikTech International AB

MicroStrategy Incorporated

Manthan Systems Inc.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

Report Scope:

In this report, the Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By Component:
  • Software
  • Services
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By Deployment Mode:
  • Cloud
  • On-Premises
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By Organization Size:
  • SME’s
  • Large Organization
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By Application:
  • Customer Management
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Yield Analysis
  • Order & Fulfilment Management
  • Merchandising Analysis
  • Performance Analysis
  • Pricing Analysis
  • Cluster Planning & Transportation Management
  • Others
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By End User:
  • Offline
  • Online
  • Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market, By Country:
  • India
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Australia
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market.

Company Information
  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
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1. Service Overview
1.1. Market Definition
1.2. Scope of the Market
1.2.1. Markets Covered
1.2.2. Years Considered for Study
1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Objective of the Study
2.2. Baseline Methodology
2.3. Key Industry Partners
2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources
2.5. Forecasting Methodology
2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation
2.7. Assumptions and Limitations
3. Executive Summary
4. Impact of COVID-19 on Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market
5. Voice of Customer
6. Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market Overview
7. Asia Pacific Retail Analytics Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size & Forecast
7.1.1. By Value
7.2. Market Share & Forecast
7.2.1. By Component (Software, Service)
7.2.2. By Deployment Mode (Cloud, On-Premises)
7.2.3. By Organization Size (SME’s, Large Organization)
7.2.4. By Application (Customer Management, Inventory Analysis, Yield Analysis, Order & Fulfilment Management, Merchandising Analysis, Performance Analysis, Pricing Analysis, Cluster Planning & Transportation Management, and Others)
7.2.5. By End User (Offline, Online)
7.2.6. By Country (India, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam)
7.3. By Company (2022)
7.4. Market Map
8. India Retail Analytics Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size & Forecast
8.1.1. By Value
8.2. Market Share & Forecast
8.2.1. By Component
8.2.2. By Deployment Mode
8.2.3. By Organization Size
8.2.4. By Application
8.2.5. By End User
9. China Retail Analytics Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size & Forecast
9.1.1. By Value
9.2. Market Share & Forecast
9.2.1. By Component
9.2.2. By Deployment Mode
9.2.3. By Organization Size
9.2.4. By Application
9.2.5. By End User
10. Japan Retail Analytics Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size & Forecast
10.1.1. By Value
10.2. Market Share & Forecast
10.2.1. By Component
10.2.2. By Deployment Mode
10.2.3. By Organization Size
10.2.4. By Application
10.2.5. By End User
11. South Korea Retail Analytics Market Outlook
11.1. Market Size & Forecast
11.1.1. By Value
11.2. Market Share & Forecast
11.2.1. By Component
11.2.2. By Deployment Mode
11.2.3. By Organization Size
11.2.4. By Application
11.2.5. By End User
12. Australia Retail Analytics Market Outlook
12.1. Market Size & Forecast
12.1.1. By Value
12.2. Market Share & Forecast
12.2.1. By Component
12.2.2. By Deployment Mode
12.2.3. By Organization Size
12.2.4. By Application
12.2.5. By End User
13. Singapore Retail Analytics Market Outlook
13.1. Market Size & Forecast
13.1.1. By Value
13.2. Market Share & Forecast
13.2.1. By Component
13.2.2. By Deployment Mode
13.2.3. By Organization Size
13.2.4. By Application
13.2.5. By End User
14. Malaysia Retail Analytics Market Outlook
14.1. Market Size & Forecast
14.1.1. By Value
14.2. Market Share & Forecast
14.2.1. By Component
14.2.2. By Deployment Mode
14.2.3. By Organization Size
14.2.4. By Application
14.2.5. By End User
15. Indonesia Retail Analytics Market Outlook
15.1. Market Size & Forecast
15.1.1. By Value
15.2. Market Share & Forecast
15.2.1. By Component
15.2.2. By Deployment Mode
15.2.3. By Organization Size
15.2.4. By Application
15.2.5. By End User
16. Thailand Retail Analytics Market Outlook
16.1. Market Size & Forecast
16.1.1. By Value
16.2. Market Share & Forecast
16.2.1. By Component
16.2.2. By Deployment Mode
16.2.3. By Organization Size
16.2.4. By Application
16.2.5. By End User
17. Vietnam Retail Analytics Market Outlook
17.1. Market Size & Forecast
17.1.1. By Value
17.2. Market Share & Forecast
17.2.1. By Component
17.2.2. By Deployment Mode
17.2.3. By Organization Size
17.2.4. By Application
17.2.5. By End User
18. Market Dynamics
18.1. Drivers
18.2. Challenges
19. Market Trends and Developments
20. Company Profiles
20.1. IBM Corporation (Asia Pacific)
20.1.1. Business Overview
20.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.1.3. Recent Developments
20.1.4. Key Personnel
20.1.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.2. SAP Institute Inc. (Asia Pacific)
20.2.1. Business Overview
20.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.2.3. Recent Developments
20.2.4. Key Personnel
20.2.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.3. Oracle Corporation
20.3.1. Business Overview
20.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.3.3. Recent Developments
20.3.4. Key Personnel
20.3.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.4. SAP Asia Pte. Ltd
20.4.1. Business Overview
20.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.4.3. Recent Developments
20.4.4. Key Personnel
20.4.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.5. Tableau Software Inc. (acquired by Salesforce)
20.5.1. Business Overview
20.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.5.3. Recent Developments
20.5.4. Key Personnel
20.5.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.6. Microsoft Corporation
20.6.1. Business Overview
20.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.6.3. Recent Developments
20.6.4. Key Personnel
20.6.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.7. QlikTech International AB
20.7.1. Business Overview
20.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.7.3. Recent Developments
20.7.4. Key Personnel
20.7.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.8. MicroStrategy Incorporated
20.8.1. Business Overview
20.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.8.3. Recent Developments
20.8.4. Key Personnel
20.8.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.9. Manthan Systems Inc.
20.9.1. Business Overview
20.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.9.3. Recent Developments
20.9.4. Key Personnel
20.9.5. Key Product/Services Offered
20.10. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
20.10.1. Business Overview
20.10.2. Key Revenue and Financials
20.10.3. Recent Developments
20.10.4. Key Personnel
20.10.5. Key Product/Services Offered
21. Strategic Recommendations
22. About Us & Disclaimer

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