The Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Network Ecosystem: 2021 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

The Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Network Ecosystem: 2021 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

As the 5G era advances, the cellular communications industry is undergoing a revolutionary paradigm shift, driven by technological innovations, liberal regulatory policies and disruptive business models. One important aspect of this radical transformation is the growing adoption of shared and unlicensed spectrum – frequencies that are not exclusively licensed to a single mobile operator.

Telecommunications regulatory authorities across the globe have launched innovative frameworks to facilitate the coordinated sharing of licensed spectrum, most notably the United States' three-tiered CBRS scheme for dynamic sharing of 3.5 GHz spectrum, Germany's 3.7-3.8 GHz licenses for private 5G networks, the United Kingdom's shared and local access licensing model, France's 2.6 GHz licenses for industrial LTE/5G networks, the Netherlands' local mid-band spectrum permits, Japan's local 5G network licenses, Hong Kong's geographically-shared licenses, and Australia's 26/28 GHz area-wide apparatus licenses. Collectively, these ground-breaking initiatives are catalyzing the rollout of shared spectrum LTE and 5G NR networks for a diverse array of use cases ranging from private cellular networks for enterprises and vertical industries to mobile network densification, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) and neutral host infrastructure.

In addition, the 3GPP cellular wireless ecosystem is also accelerating its foray into vast swaths of globally and regionally harmonized unlicensed spectrum bands. Although existing commercial activity is largely centered around LTE-based LAA (Licensed Assisted Access) technology whereby license-exempt frequencies are used in tandem with licensed anchors to expand mobile network capacity and deliver higher data rates, the introduction of 5G NR-U in 3GPP's Release 16 specifications paves the way for 5G NR deployments in unlicensed spectrum for both licensed assisted and standalone modes of operation.

Even with ongoing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic-induced economic slowdown, SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global investments in LTE and 5G NR RAN (Radio Access Network) infrastructure operating in shared and unlicensed spectrum will account for more than $1.3 Billion by the end of 2021. The market is expected to continue its upward trajectory beyond 2021, growing at CAGR of approximately 44% between 2021 and 2024 to reach nearly $4 Billion in annual spending by 2024.

The “Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Network Ecosystem: 2021 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts” report presents a detailed assessment of the shared and unlicensed spectrum LTE/5G network ecosystem including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, key trends, future roadmap, business models, use cases, application scenarios, standardization, spectrum availability/allocation, regulatory landscape, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also provides global and regional forecasts for shared and unlicensed spectrum LTE/5G RAN infrastructure from 2021 till 2030. The forecasts cover two air interface technologies, two cell type categories, two spectrum licensing models, 12 frequency band ranges, seven use cases and five regional markets.

The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report."

Chapter 1: Introduction
Executive Summary
Topics Covered
Forecast Segmentation
Key Questions Answered
Key Findings
Target Audience
Companies & Organizations Mentioned
Chapter 2: An Overview of Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Networks
Spectrum: The Lifeblood of the Wireless Communications Industry
Traditional Exclusive-Use Licensed Spectrum
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
Why Utilize Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum for LTE/5G Networks?
Alleviating Capacity Constraints on Mobile Operator Spectrum
New Business Models: Neutral Host, Enterprise & Private Cellular Networks
Resurgence of FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) Services
How Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum Differs From Traditional Licensed Frequencies
Exclusive vs. Shared Use
License Fees & Validity
Network Buildout & Service Obligations
Power Limits & Other Restrictions
Common Approaches to the Utilization of Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
Coordinated Sharing of Licensed Spectrum
Authorized Sharing of Licensed Spectrum
Sub-Leasing of Unused Mobile Operator Frequencies
Light Licensing
Local Area Licenses
Concurrent Shared Access
License-Exempt (Unlicensed) Operation
Dedicated Unlicensed Bands
Opportunistic Unlicensed Access
Database-Assisted Spectrum Coordination
Manual Coordination
Semi-Automated Coordination
Automated Coordination
DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Access)
The Value Chain of Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Networks
Semiconductor & Enabling Technology Specialists
Terminal OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
5G NR & LTE Infrastructure Suppliers
Service Providers
Public Mobile Operators
MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators)
Fixed-Line Service Providers
Neutral Hosts
Private 5G/4G Network Operators
Towercos (Tower Companies)
Cloud & Edge Platform Providers
End Users
Enterprises & Vertical Industries
Other Ecosystem Players
Market Drivers
Continued Growth of Mobile Data Traffic
New Revenue Streams: FWA, IoT & Vertical-Focused Services
Private & Neutral Host Network Deployments
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum Availability
Lower Cost Network Equipment & Installation
Expanding Ecosystem of Compatible Devices
Market Barriers
Cell Site & Network Deployment Challenges
Restricted Coverage Due to Transmit Power Limits
Interference & Congestion Concerns in Unlicensed Bands
Resistance From Other Spectrum Users
Competition From Non-3GPP Technologies
Economic & Supply Chain-Related Factors
Chapter 3: Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum Technologies
Coordinated Shared Spectrum Technologies
CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service): Three-Tiered Sharing
Dynamic Access to the 3.5 GHz Band in the United States
Tiers of Authorization
Tier 1 – Incumbent Access
Tier 2 – PALs (Priority Access Licenses)
Tier 3 – GAA (General Authorized Access)
CBRS System Architecture & Functional Elements
LSA (Licensed Shared Access): Two-Tiered Sharing
Database-Assisted Sharing of the 2.3 – 2.4 GHz Band in Europe
Functional Architecture of LSA Systems
eLSA (Evolved LSA): Frequency-Agnostic Sharing for Local Wireless Networks
AFC (Automated Frequency Coordination): License-Exempt Sharing
SP (Standard Power) Operation in the Unlicensed 6 GHz Band
AFC System Implementation Model & Architecture
Local Area Licensing of Shared Spectrum
Germany's 3.7 – 3.8 GHz & 26 GHz Licenses for 5G Campus Networks
United Kingdom's Shared & Local Access Licensing Model
France's Vertical Spectrum & Sub-Letting Arrangements
Netherlands' Geographically Restricted Mid-Band Spectrum Assignments
Switzerland's 3.4 – 3.5 GHz Band for NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Finland's 2.3 GHz & 26 GHz Licenses for Local 4G/5G Networks
Sweden's 3.7 GHz & 26 GHz Local Permits for Mobile Services
Norway's Regulation of Local Networks in the 3.8 – 4.2 GHz Band
Poland's Spectrum Assignment for Local Government Units & Enterprises
Bahrain's 3.8 – 4.2 GHz Private 5G Network Licenses
Japan's 4.6 – 4.9 GHz & 28 GHz Local 5G Network Licenses
South Korea's e-Um 5G Allocations in the 4.7 GHz & 28 GHz Bands
Taiwan's Provision of 4.8 – 4.9 GHz Spectrum for Private 5G Networks
Hong Kong's LWBS (Localized Wireless Broadband System) Licenses
Australia's PTS (Public Telecommunications Service) & Area-Wide Apparatus Licenses
Canada's Planned NCL (Non-Competitive Local) Licensing Framework
Brazil's SLP (Private Limited Service) Licenses
Local Licensing Schemes in Other National Markets
Other Coordinated Shared Spectrum Technologies
LTE & 5G NR in Unlicensed Spectrum
Channel Selection
CSAT (Carrier Sensing Adaptive Transmission)
Opportunistic On-Off Switching
LAA (Licensed Assisted Access)
LBT (Listen Before Talk): Category 4 & Category 2 LBT
FS3 (Frame Structure Type 3) for Unlicensed Carriers
Other LAA Design & Operational Aspects
eLAA (Enhanced LAA)
FeLAA (Further Enhanced LAA)
Supported Unlicensed Bands
Building on 3GPP-Specified LAA & eLAA Functionality
Modifications for Standalone Operation Without Licensed Anchor
Neutral Host Access, Cellular IoT Optimizations & Additional Capabilities
Japan's sXGP (Shared Extended Global Platform)
License-Exempt Operation of 1.9 GHz Private LTE Networks
LBT for Coexistence With PHS & Other sXGP Networks
Possible Use of 1.9 GHz as an Anchor Band for Local 5G Networks
5G NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum)
Modes of Operation
Anchored NR-U
Standalone NR-U
LBT-Based Channel Access
Air Interface Refinements for NR-U
Time-Synchronized NR-U & Future Developments
Chapter 4: Business Models, Use Cases & Applications
Business Models & Use Cases
Service Provider Networks
Mobile Network Densification & Buildouts
FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) Broadband
Mobile Networks for Cable Operators & New Entrants
Neutral Host Networks
Indoor Spaces
Large Public Venues
Transport Hubs & Corridors
High-Density Urban Settings
Remote & Rural Coverage
Private Cellular Networks/NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses
Vertical Industries
Governments & Municipalities
Oil & Gas
Retail & Hospitality
Other Verticals
Mobile Broadband
Home & Business Broadband
Voice & Messaging Services
High-Definition Video Transmission
Telepresence & Video Conferencing
Multimedia Broadcasting & Multicasting
IoT (Internet of Things) Networking
Wireless Connectivity for Wearables
Untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Real-Time Holographic Projections
Tactile Internet & Haptic Feedback
High-Precision Positioning & Tracking
Industrial Automation
Remote Control of Machines
Connected Mobile Robotics
Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles
BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight) Operation of Drones
Data-Driven Analytics & Insights
Sensor-Equipped Digital Twins
Predictive Maintenance of Equipment
Chapter 5: Spectrum Availability, Allocation & Usage
Coordinated (Licensed) Shared Spectrum
1.8 GHz (1,710 – 1,880 MHz)
2.3 GHz (2,300 – 2,400 MHz)
2.6 GHz (2,570 – 2,620 MHz)
3.4 GHz (3,300 – 3,500 MHz)
3.5 GHz CBRS PAL Tier (3,550 – 3,650 MHz)
3.7 – 3.8 GHz (3,700 – 3,800 MHz)
3.8 – 4.2 GHz (3,800 – 4,200 MHz)
4.6 – 4.9 GHz (4,600 – 4,900 MHz)
26 GHz (24.25 – 27.5 GHz)
28 GHz (26.5 – 29.5 GHz)
37 GHz (37 – 37.6 GHz)
Other Bands
Unlicensed (License-Exempt) Spectrum
600 MHz TVWS & Sub-1 GHz Bands (470 – 790/800/900 MHz)
1.8 GHz DECT Guard Band (1,780 – 1,785 MHz / 1,875 – 1,880 MHz)
1.9 GHz sXGP Band (1,880 – 1,920 MHz)
2.4 GHz (2,400 – 2,483.5 MHz)
3.5 GHz CBRS GAA Tier (3,550 – 3,700 MHz)
5 GHz (5,150 – 5,925 MHz)
6 GHz (5,925 – 7,125 MHz)
60 GHz (57 – 71 GHz)
Other Bands
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
Hong Kong
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Rest of Europe
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East & Africa
Latin & Central America
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Costa Rica
Rest of Latin & Central America
Chapter 6: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
Release 13: LAA for Downlink Operation
Release 14: eLAA, CBRS & LSA OAM
Release 15: FeLAA & 5G NR Air Interface
Release 16: 3GPP Support for 5G NR-U & NPNs
Release 17: NPN Refinements & Extension of Operation to 71 GHz
Release 18: Further Evolution of 5G NR in Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
5G Campus Network Alliance
Supporting the Market Development of 5G Campus Networks in Germany
5GMF (Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum, Japan)
Initiatives Related to Local 5G Networks in Japan
AGURRE (Association of Major Users of Operational Radio Networks, France)
Spectrum Access, Regulatory Framework & Industrial Ecosystem for Private Mobile Networks
ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
Deployment & Operational Requirements of 5G-Based NPNs
IMSI Assignment & Management for CBRS Networks
Additional Shared Spectrum-Related Efforts
BTG (Dutch Association of Large-Scale ICT & Telecommunications Users)
KMBG (Dutch Critical Mobile Broadband Users) Expert Group
CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
ECC (Electronic Communications Committee): Operational Guidelines for Spectrum Sharing in Europe
Involvement in OnGo Alliance's CBRS Product Certification Program
DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
Advocacy Efforts for Unlicensed & Dynamic Access to Spectrum
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
RRS (Reconfigurable Radio Systems) Technical Committee: Technical Specifications for LSA & eLSA
LSA in the 2.3 GHz (2,300 – 2,400 MHz) Band
Frequency Agnostic eLSA for Local Wireless Networks
Other Work Related to Temporary & Flexible Spectrum Access
BRAN (Broadband Radio Access Networks) Technical Committee: Harmonized Standards for Wireless Access Systems
TVWSD (TV White Space Devices) in the 470 – 694 MHz Band
RLANs (Radio Local Area Networks) in the 5 GHz & 6 GHz Bands
Multi-Gigabit Wireless Systems in the 60 GHz (57 – 71 GHz) Band
EUWENA (European Users of Enterprise Wireless Networks Association)
Catalyzing the Wider Adoption of 3GPP-Based Private Networks
EWA (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
Supporting the Private Wireless Industry in the United States
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
Standards & Protocols for Interworking Between 3GPP & Unlicensed Technologies
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
International Regulation of Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
LTE-U Forum (Defunct)
Technical Specifications for LTE-U in Unlicensed 5 GHz Spectrum
MFA (MulteFire Alliance)
Uni5G Technology Blueprints for Private 5G Networks
Network Identifier Program Supporting Private & Neutral Host Networks
MulteFire Specifications: LTE Operation in Unlicensed Spectrum
Certification Program for MulteFire Equipment
MulteFire OSU (Online Sign-Up) System
NGMN (Next-Generation Mobile Networks) Alliance
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum-Related Activates
NSC (National Spectrum Consortium)
Increasing Confidence in Spectrum Sharing Approaches
ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum Support in the Aether Private 5G Connected Edge Platform
OnGo Alliance
Promoting 4G & 5G OnGo Wireless Network Technology
Technical Specifications & Guidelines for 4G/5G-Based CBRS Networks
Certification Program Supporting Multi-Vendor Interoperability
Small Cell Forum
Work Related to License-Exempt & Shared Spectrum Small Cells
Spectrum for the Future
Advocating for Wireless Spectrum Sharing in the United States
WhiteSpace Alliance
Promoting the Use of 3GPP, IEEE & IETF Standards for TVWS Spectrum
WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum)
CBRS Standards for the Implementation of FCC Rulemaking
Specification of Sharing Arrangements in the 6 GHz Band
Other Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum-Related Efforts
XGP (eXtended Global Platform) Forum
Development & Promotion of the sXGP Unlicensed LTE Service
National Government Agencies & Regulators
Vertical Industry-Specific Associations
Non-3GPP Technology Alliances
Chapter 7: Case Studies of Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Deployments
ABP (Associated British Ports): Shared Access License-Enabled Private 5G Network for Port of Southampton
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
AccessParks: Capitalizing on CBRS Shared Spectrum for Wireless Access in National & State Parks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Airbus: Multi-Campus Private 4G/5G Network for Aircraft Manufacturing Facilities Across Europe
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Airport Authority Hong Kong: 28 GHz HKIA Public-Private 5G Infrastructure Project
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
ANA (All Nippon Airways): Local 5G-Powered Digital Transformation of Aviation Training
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
ArcelorMittal: 5G Steel Project for Industrial Digitization & Automation
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
AT&T: Tapping Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum for FWA & Private Cellular Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BAM Nuttall: Accelerating Innovation at Construction Sites With Private 5G Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BBB (BB Backbone Corporation): 1.9 GHz sXGP Private LTE Network Service
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BMW Group: 5G NR-Based CBRS Network for Autonomous Logistics in Spartanburg Plant
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BT Media & Broadcast: Portable Private 5G Networks for Live Sports Broadcasting
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BYD SkyRail: Unlicensed 5 GHz Wireless System for Railway Communications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University): Converged Public-Private 5G Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
CDA (Chicago Department of Aviation): Private Network for Chicago O'Hare International Airport
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Charter Communications: Transforming MVNO & FWA Service Offerings With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Chunghwa Telecom: Utilizing Unlicensed 5 GHz Spectrum to Enhance Mobile Broadband Experience
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
City of Las Vegas: Municipal Private Wireless Network for Businesses, Government & Educational Institutions
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Cologne Bonn Airport: Revolutionizing Internal Operations With Private 5G Campus Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China): 5G-Connected Intelligent Aircraft Manufacturing Factories
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Del Conca USA: Automating & Streamlining Production Processes With Private Wireless Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) International Airport: Private 5G Network for IoT & Digitization Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Dow: Modernizing Chemical Plant Maintenance With Private Cellular Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
EDF: Private Mobile Networks for Enhanced Connectivity at Nuclear Power Plants & Wind Farms
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
EHIME CATV: Gigabit-Grade FWA Service Using 28 GHz Local 5G Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Ferrovial: Standalone Private 5G Network for Silvertown Tunnel Project
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Fiskarheden: Local 3.7 GHz License-Based Private 5G Network for Transtrand Sawmill
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
FOX Sports: Private Wireless Network for Live Broadcast Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Fraport: Private 5G Campus Network for Future-Oriented Operations at Frankfurt Airport
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Frontier Communications: Leveraging CBRS Shared Spectrum for Rural Broadband
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Fujitsu: Japan's First 5G Network Installation Based on 28 GHz Local 5G Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Gale South Beach Hotel: CBRS Network for Guest Engagement & Hotel Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Geisinger (Kaiser Permanente): Private LTE Network for Telemedicine in Rural Pennsylvania
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Gogo Business Aviation: Leveraging Unlicensed 2.4 GHz spectrum for 5G-Based A2G (Air-to-Ground) Connectivity
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Groupe ADP: 3GPP-Based Private Mobile Network for Paris Airports
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Guident: Private 5G Testbed for Autonomous Vehicles & Smart City Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Helios Park Hospital: Enhancing Medical System Efficiency With Standalone 5G Campus Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Hiroshima Gas: Local 5G-Powered Safety Operations at Hatsukaichi LNG Terminal
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Hoban Construction: 4.7 GHz Private 5G Network for Apartment Complex Worksite
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Howard University: Delivering Secure & Enhanced Campus Connectivity With CBRS Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
HSG (Haslam Sports Group): 3GPP-Based Private Wireless Infrastructure for Stadium Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Hsinchu City Fire Department: Satellite-Backhauled Private 5G Network for PPDR Communications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Inventec Corporation: Standalone Private 5G Network for Taoyuan Guishan Plant
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
JBG SMITH Properties: National Landing Private 5G Infrastructure Platform
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
John Deere: Private Cellular Connectivity for Manufacturing Processes
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Kansai Electric Power: Enhancing Power Station & Wind Farm Maintenance Using Local 5G Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Kawasaki Heavy Industries: Connecting Smart Factory Robotics With Local 5G
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation): Private 5G Networks for Substation Management
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Kumagai Gumi: Unleashing the Potential of Unmanned Construction Using Local 5G Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Logan Aluminum: Enhancing Plant Safety & Efficiency Using Private Broadband Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Lufthansa Technik: Industrial-Grade 5G Campus Network for Hamburg Engine Shops
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mediacom Communications: Harnessing CBRS Spectrum for FWA Services in Rural America
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Memorial Health System: Temporary Private Cellular Network to Support COVID-19 Response Efforts
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mercedes-Benz Group: World's First 5G Campus Network for Automotive Production
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mercury Broadband: CBRS Network for Broadband Expansion in the Midwestern United States
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Meta: CBRS-Powered Neutral Host Wireless Network for Indoor Coverage in Office Buildings
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Midco (Midcontinent Communications): Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum for Rural Broadband Connectivity
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mitsubishi Electric: Local 5G-Based Industrial Wireless System for Factory Automation
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mori Building Company: 5G Core-Enabled 1.9 GHz sXGP Network for Building Management & Tenant Services
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
MTS (Mobile TeleSystems): Delivering Gigabit-Grade LTE Services Using LAA Technology
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
NetCity (GEOS Telecom): Unlicensed Sub-1 GHz LTE Network for AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
NFL (National Football League): Private Wireless Technology for Coach-to-Coach & Sideline Communications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Norfolk Southern Corporation: LTE-Based CBRS Network for Rail Yard Staff
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
NYPL (New York Public Library): Shrinking the Digital Divide With CBRS Technology
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Ocado: 4G-Based Unlicensed 5 GHz Wireless Control System for Warehouse Automation
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
OhioTT (Ohio Transparent Telecom): CBRS-Enabled Fixed Wireless Network for Rural Ohio
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Private LTE Network for Newark Liberty International Airport
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Port of Rotterdam: Locally Licensed 3.7 GHz LTE Network for Business-Critical Applications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Port of Tyne: Advancing Smart Port Transformation With Private 5G Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Pronto: Private Cellular-Enabled Driverless Trucks for Autonomous Haulage in Remote Mining Sites
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Purdue University: Private Wireless Networks for Smart City & Aviation Applications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
RCI (Rural Cloud Initiative): Building the Farm of the Future With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Ricoh: Accelerating Digital Transformation of Production Operations With Local 5G Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Robert Bosch: Automating & Digitizing Manufacturing Facilities With Private 5G Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Rudin Management Company: Neutral Host CBRS Network for Multi-Tenant Office Building
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric): pLTE (Private LTE) Network for Advanced Safety & Protection Technologies
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China): 5.8 GHz Private NR-U Network for Lanzhou East & Mogao Substations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SGP (Société du Grand Paris): 2.6 GHz Private LTE Network for Grand Paris Express Rapid Transit System
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Siemens: Independently Developed Private 5G Infrastructure for Industry 4.0 Applications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SmarTone: Effectively Managing Traffic Surges With Strategically Located LAA Small Cells
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SMC (Samsung Medical Center): On-Premise Private 5G Network for Medical Education
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Southern Linc: Expanding LTE Network Capacity for Utility Communications With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SSA Marine (Carrix): 3GPP-Based Private Wireless Network for Port of Seattle's Terminal 5
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
St. Vrain Valley School District: Private LTE Network for Connecting Low-Income Students
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Teltech Group: Private 4G/5G-Enabled Warehouse Automation & Industry 4.0 Capabilities
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
The Sound Hotel: Enhancing Guest Experience & Internal Operations With Private Wireless Technology
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Tokyo Metropolitan University: L5G (Local 5G) Project in Support of "Future Tokyo" Strategy
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
TotalEnergies: 3GPP-Based PMR (Professional Mobile Radio) Network for Critical Communications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
TOUA (Tohono O'odham Utility Authority): Bringing Advanced Broadband Connectivity to Tribal Residents
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Toyota Motor Corporation: Private LTE & Local 5G Networks for Industrial Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
U.S. Marine Corps: Private 5G for Smart Warehousing & Expeditionary Base Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara): Outdoor CBRS Network for On-Campus IoT Services
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
UIPA (Utah Inland Port Authority): CBRS-Enabled ICN (Intelligent Crossroads Network) for Utah's Supply Chain
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
URSYS: Bringing Cellular Connectivity to Rural Areas and Outlying Regions With Unlicensed Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Verizon Communications: Exploiting 3.5 GHz CBRS & 5 GHz Spectrum to Address Capacity Demands
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Vodacom Group: Employing Unlicensed 5 GHz Spectrum to Improve LTE Network Capacity & Performance
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Wells Fargo Center: Improving Critical Operations & Fan Experience With Private 4G/5G Connectivity
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
WiFrost: 4G/5G-Based Unlicensed TVWS System for FWA & Precision Agriculture
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
X Shore: Empowering Electric Boat Manufacturing With Private 5G Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary

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