The Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2022 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

The Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2022 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

With the commercial availability of 3GPP-standards compliant MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data), HPUE (High-Power User Equipment), IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety) and other critical communications features, LTE and 5G NR (New Radio) networks are increasingly gaining recognition as an all-inclusive public safety communications platform for the delivery of real-time video, high-resolution imagery, multimedia messaging, mobile office/field data applications, location services and mapping, situational awareness, unmanned asset control and other broadband capabilities, as well as MCPTT (Mission-Critical PTT) voice and narrowband data services provided by traditional LMR (Land Mobile Radio) systems. Through ongoing refinements of additional standards – specifically 5G MBS (5G Multicast-Broadcast Services), 5G NR sidelink for off-network D2D (Device-to-Device) communications, NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) integration, and support for lower 5G NR bandwidths – 3GPP networks are eventually expected to be in a position to fully replace legacy LMR systems by the mid-to-late 2020s. National public safety communications authorities in multiple countries have already expressed a willingness to complete their planned narrowband to broadband transitions within the second half of the 2020 decade.

A myriad of fully dedicated, hybrid government-commercial and secure MVNO/MOCN-based public safety LTE and 5G-ready networks are operational or in the process of being rolled out throughout the globe. In addition to the high-profile FirstNet (First Responder Network), South Korea’s Safe-Net (National Disaster Safety Communications Network) and Britain’s ESN (Emergency Services Network) nationwide public safety broadband projects, many additional national-level programs are making considerable headway in moving from field trials to wider scale deployments – most notably, France's RRF (Radio Network of the Future), Spain's SIRDEE mission-critical broadband network, Finland's VIRVE 2.0 broadband service, Sweden's Rakel G2 secure broadband system and Hungary's EDR 2.0/3.0 broadband network. Nationwide initiatives in the pre-operational phase include but are not limited to Switzerland's MSK (Secure Mobile Broadband Communications) system, Norway's NGN (Next-Generation Nødnett), Germany's planned hybrid broadband network for BOS (German Public Safety Organizations), Japan's PS-LTE (Public Safety LTE) project, Australia's PSMB (Public Safety Mobile Broadband) program and Canada's national PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Network).

Other operational and planned deployments range from the Halton-Peel region PSBN in Canada's Ontario province, China's city and district-wide Band 45 (1.4 GHz) LTE networks for police forces, Royal Thai Police’s Band 26 (800 MHz) LTE network, Qatar MOI (Ministry of Interior), ROP (Royal Oman Police) and Nedaa's mission-critical LTE networks in the oil-rich GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region, Brazil's state-wide Band 28 (700 MHz) networks for both civil and military police agencies, Barbados' Band 14 (700 MHz) LTE-based connectivity service platform, and Zambia's 400 MHz broadband trunking system to local and regional-level private LTE networks for first responders in markets as diverse as Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Cameroon, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritius, Canary Islands, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Trinidad & Tobago, as well as multi-domain critical communications broadband networks such as MRC's (Mobile Radio Center) LTE-based advanced MCA digital radio system in Japan, and secure MVNO platforms in Mexico, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Estonia and several other countries.

Even though critical public safety-related 5G NR capabilities defined in the 3GPP's Release 17 specifications are yet to be commercialized, public safety agencies have already begun experimenting with 5G for applications that can benefit from the technology's high-bandwidth and low-latency characteristics. For example, the Lishui Municipal Emergency Management Bureau is using private 5G slicing over China Mobile's network, portable cell sites and rapidly deployable communications vehicles as part of a disaster management and visualization system. In neighboring Taiwan, the Hsinchu City Fire Department is using an emergency response vehicle that can be rapidly deployed to disaster zones to establish high-bandwidth, low-latency emergency communications by means of a satellite-backhauled private 5G network based on Open RAN standards.

In addition, first responder agencies in Germany, Japan and several other markets are beginning to utilize mid-band and mmWave (Millimeter Wave) spectrum available for local area licensing to deploy portable and small-scale 5G NPNs (Non-Public Networks) to support applications such as UHD (Ultra-High Definition) video surveillance and control of unmanned firefighting vehicles, reconnaissance robots and drones. In the near future, we also expect to see rollouts of localized 5G NR systems for incident scene management and related use cases, potentially using up to 50 MHz of Band n79 spectrum in the 4.9 GHz frequency range (4,940-4,990 MHz), which has been designated for public safety use in multiple countries including but not limited to the United States, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and Qatar.

SNS Telecom & IT estimates that annual investments in public safety LTE and 5G infrastructure will reach nearly $1.6 Billion by the end of 2022, driven by both new build-outs and the expansion of existing dedicated, hybrid government-commercial and secure MVNO/MOCN networks. Complemented by a rapidly expanding ecosystem of public safety-grade LTE/5G devices, the market will further grow at a CAGR of approximately 13% between 2022 and 2025, eventually accounting for more than $2.3 Billion by the end of 2025. Despite the positive outlook, a number of significant challenges continue to plague the market. The most noticeable pain point is the lack of a D2D communications capability.

The ProSe (Proximity Services) chipset ecosystem has failed to materialize in the LTE era due to limited support from chipmakers and terminal OEMs. However, the 5G NR sidelink interface offers a clean slate opportunity to introduce direct mode, D2D communications for public safety broadband users, as well as coverage expansion in both on-network and off-network scenarios using UE-to-network and UE-to-UE relays respectively. Another barrier impeding the market is the non-availability of cost-optimized COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) RAN equipment and terminals that support operation in certain frequency bands such as Band 68 (698-703 MHz / 753-758 MHz), which has been allocated for PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) broadband systems in multiple European countries.

The “Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2022 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts” report presents an in-depth assessment of the public safety LTE and 5G market, including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, operational models, application scenarios, key trends, future roadmap, standardization, spectrum availability/allocation, regulatory landscape, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents global and regional market size forecasts from 2022 till 2030, covering public safety LTE/5G infrastructure, terminal equipment, applications, systems integration and management solutions, as well as subscriptions and service revenue.

The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report, as well as a list and associated details of over 1,150 global public safety LTE/5G engagements – as of Q4’2022.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Executive Summary
Topics Covered
Forecast Segmentation
Key Questions Answered
Key Findings
Summary of Recent Market Developments
Target Audience
Companies & Organizations Mentioned
Chapter 2: An Overview of the Public Safety LTE & 5G Market
Narrowband LMR (Land Mobile Radio) Systems in the Public Safety Sector
LMR Market Size
Analog LMR
Other LMR Technologies
The Limitations of LMR Networks
Adoption of Commercial Mobile Broadband Technologies
Why Use Commercial Technologies?
The Role of Mobile Broadband in Public Safety Communications
Can Mobile Broadband Technologies Replace LMR Systems?
An Introduction to the 3GPP-Defined LTE & 5G Standards
LTE: The First Global Standard for Cellular Communications
LTE-Advanced: Delivering the Promise of True 4G Performance
LTE-Advanced Pro: Laying the Foundation for the 5G Era
Public Safety Communications Support in LTE-Advanced Pro
5G: Accelerating 3GPP Expansion in Vertical Industries
5G Service Profiles
eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications)
mMTC/mIoT (Massive Machine-Type Communications/Internet of Things)
5G-Advanced & the Evolution to 6G
5G Application Scenarios for Public Safety
Why Adopt LTE & 5G for Public Safety Broadband?
Performance, Reliability & Security Characteristics
Coexistence, Interoperability & Spectrum Flexibility
3GPP Support for Mission-Critical Applications
Future-Proof Transition Path Towards 6G Networks
Thriving Ecosystem of Chipsets, Devices & Network Equipment
Economic Viability of Deployment & Operational Costs
Public Safety LTE/5G Network Operational Models
Fully Dedicated Private Broadband Network
Shared Core Network With Independent RANs
Hybrid Government-Commercial Network
Secure MVNO & MOCN (Dedicated Mobile Core)
Access Over Commercial Broadband Networks
Sliced Private Network for Public Safety Communications
Other Approaches
Financing & Delivering Dedicated Public Safety LTE/5G Networks
National Government Authority-Owned & Operated
Local Government/Public Safety Agency-Owned & Operated
BOO (Built, Owned & Operated) by Critical Communications Service Provider
Government-Funded & Commercial Carrier-Operated
Other Forms of PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships)
Public Safety LTE/5G Value Chain
Enabling Technology Providers
RAN, Mobile Core & Transport Infrastructure Suppliers
Terminal Equipment Vendors
System Integrators
Application Developers
Test, Measurement & Performance Specialists
Mobile Operators
Public Safety & Government Agencies
Market Drivers
Growing Demand for High-Speed & Low-Latency Data Applications
Recognition of LTE & 5G as the De-Facto Platform for Wireless Connectivity
Spectral Efficiency & Bandwidth Flexibility
National & Cross-Border Interoperability
Consumer-Driven Economies of Scale
Endorsement From the Public Safety Community
Limited Competition From Other Wireless Broadband Technologies
Control Over QPP (QoS, Priority & Preemption) Policies
Support for Mission-Critical Functionality
Data Privacy & Network Security
Market Barriers
Limited Availability of Licensed Spectrum for Public Safety Broadband
Financial Challenges Associated With Large-Scale & Nationwide Networks
Technical Complexities of Network Implementation & Operation
Smaller Coverage Footprint Than Legacy LMR Systems
Delayed Standardization & Commercialization of Mission-Critical Functionality
ProSe/Sidelink Chipset Ecosystem for Direct Mode Communications
COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) Equipment-Related Challenges
Conservatism of End User Organizations
Chapter 3: System Architecture & Technologies for Public Safety LTE/5G Networks
Architectural Components of Public Safety LTE/5G Networks
UE (User Equipment)
Smartphones & Handportable Terminals
Mobile & Vehicular Routers
Fixed CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment)
Tablets & Notebook PCs
Smart Wearables
Cellular IoT Modules
Add-On Dongles
RAN (Radio Access Network)
eNBs – LTE Base Stations
NG-RAN – 5G NR Access Network
gNBs – 5G NR Base Stations
en-gNBs – Secondary Node 5G NR Base Stations
ng-eNBs – Next-Generation LTE Base Stations
Architectural Components of eNB/gNB Base Stations
RUs (Radio Units)
Integrated Radio & Baseband Units
DUs (Distributed Baseband Units)
CUs (Centralized Baseband Units)
Transport Network
Physical Transmission Mediums
Fiber & Wireline Transport Technologies
Microwave & mmWave (Millimeter Wave) Wireless Links
Satellite Communications
Mobile Core
EPC (Evolved Packet Core) – LTE Mobile Core
SGW (Serving Gateway)
PGW (Packet Data Network Gateway)
MME (Mobility Management Entity)
HSS (Home Subscriber Server)
PCRF (Policy Charging & Rules Function)
5GC (5G Core) – Core Network for Standalone 5G Implementations
AMF (Access & Mobility Management Function)
SMF (Session Management Function)
UPF (User Plane Function)
PCF (Policy Control Function)
NEF (Network Exposure Function)
NRF (Network Repository Function)
UDM (Unified Data Management)
UDR (Unified Data Repository)
AUSF (Authentication Server Function)
AFs (Application Functions)
NSSF (Network Slice Selection Function)
NWDAF (Network Data Analytics Function)
Other 5GC Elements
Services & Interconnectivity
IMS (IP-Multimedia Subsystem) & Application Service Elements
IMS Core & VoLTE-VoNR (Voice-Over-LTE & 5G NR)
MBMS, eMBMS, FeMBMS & 5G MBS/5MBS (5G Multicast-Broadcast Services)
Group Communications & MCS (Mission-Critical Services)
ProSe (Proximity-Based Services) for Direct D2D (Device-to-Device) Discovery & Communications
Interconnectivity With 3GPP & Non-3GPP Networks
3GPP Roaming & Service Continuity
National & International Roaming
Service Continuity Outside Network Footprint
Gateways Supporting Non-3GPP Network Integration
IWF (Interworking Function) for LMR-3GPP Interoperability
Key Enabling Technologies & Concepts
MCPTT (Mission-Critical PTT) Voice & Group Communications
Functional Capabilities of the MCPTT Service
Performance Comparison With LMR Voice Services
Mission-Critical Video & Data
MCVideo (Mission-Critical Video)
MCData (Mission-Critical Data)
ProSe & Sidelink-Enabled Direct Mode Communications
Direct Communication for Coverage Extension
Direct Communication Within Network Coverage
Infrastructure Failure & Emergency Scenarios
Additional Capacity for Incident Response & Special Events
Discovery Services for Disaster Relief
UE-Related Enhancements
Ruggedization to Meet Critical Communications User Requirements
Dedicated PTT Buttons & Functional Enhancements
Long-Lasting Batteries
HPUE (High-Power User Equipment)
Wireless Connection Bonding
IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety)
Ensuring Resilience & Service Continuity for Critical Communications
Localized Mobile Core & Application Capabilities
Support for Regular & Nomadic Base Stations
Isolated RAN Scenarios
No Backhaul
Limited Backhaul for Signaling Only
Limited Backhaul for Signaling & User Data
Cell Site & Infrastructure Hardening
Overlapping Cell Site Coverage
Geo-Redundant Data Centers
Multiple Backhaul Connections
Backup Power Sources
Structural Hardening
Physical Security Measures
Rapidly Deployable LTE & 5G Network Systems
Key Operational Capabilities
RAN-Only Systems for Coverage & Capacity Enhancement
Mobile Core-Integrated Systems for Autonomous Operation
Backhaul Interfaces & Connectivity
NIB (Network-in-a-Box): Self-Contained Portable Systems
Tactical Cases
Pre-Integrated Racks
Wheeled & Vehicular-Based Deployables
COW (Cell-on-Wheels)
COLT (Cell-on-Light Truck)
SOW (System-on-Wheels)
VNS (Vehicular Network System)
Aerial Cell Sites
Other Aircraft
Maritime Cellular Platforms
Network Coverage Extension
UE-to-Network & UE-to-UE Relays
Indoor & Outdoor Small Cells
DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems)
IAB (Integrated Access & Backhaul)
Mobile IAB: VMRs (Vehicle-Mounted Relays)
NCRs (Network-Controlled Repeaters)
NTNs (Non-Terrestrial Networks)
ATG/A2G (Air-to-Ground) Connectivity
QPP (QoS, Priority & Preemption)
3GPP-Specified QPP Capabilities
Access Priority: ACB (Access Class Barring) & UAC (Unified Access Control)
Admission Priority & Preemption: ARP (Allocation & Retention Priority)
Traffic Scheduling Priority: QCI (QoS Class Indicator) & 5QI (5G QoS Identifier)
Emergency Scenarios: MPS (Multimedia Priority Service)
Additional QPP Enhancements
E2E (End-to-End) Security
3GPP-Specified Security Architecture
UE Authentication Framework
Subscriber Privacy
Air Interface Confidentiality & Integrity
Resilience Against Radio Jamming
RAN, Core & Transport Network Security
Security Aspects of Network Slicing
Application Domain Protection & E2E Encryption
National Requirements & Other Considerations
Quantum Cryptography Technologies
3GPP Support for NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Types of NPNs
SNPNs (Standalone NPNs)
PNI-NPNs (Public Network-Integrated NPNs)
SNPN Identification & Selection
PNI-NPN Resource Allocation & Isolation
CAG (Closed Access Group) for Cell Access Control
Mobility, Roaming & Service Continuity
Interworking Between SNPNs & Public Networks
UE Configuration & Subscription-Related Aspects
Other 3GPP-Defined Capabilities for NPNs
Network Slicing
Logical Partitioning of Network Resources
3GPP Functions, Identifiers & Procedures for Slicing
RAN Slicing
Mobile Core Slicing
Transport Network Slicing
UE-Based Network Slicing Features
Management & Orchestration Aspects
Infrastructure Sharing
Service-Specific PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) IDs
DNN (Data Network Name)/APN (Access Point Name)-Based Isolation
GWCN (Gateway Core Network): Core Network Sharing
MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network): RAN & Spectrum Sharing
MORAN (Multi-Operator RAN): RAN Sharing Without Spectrum Pooling
DECOR (Dedicated Core) & eDECOR (Enhanced DECOR)
Roaming in Non-Overlapping Service Areas
Passive Sharing of Infrastructure Resources
IoT-Focused Technologies
eMTC, NB-IoT & mMTC: Wide Area & High-Density IoT Applications
5G NR Light: RedCap (Reduced Capability) UE Type
URLLC Techniques: High-Reliability & Low-Latency Enablers
5G LAN (Local Area Network)-Type Service
Integration With IEEE 802.1 TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) Systems
Native 3GPP Support for TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications)
High-Precision Positioning
Assisted-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
RAN-Based Positioning Techniques
RAN-Independent Methods
Spectrum Sharing & Management
Public Safety Spectrum Sharing & Aggregation
SDR (Software-Defined Radio)
Cognitive Radio & Spectrum Sensing
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum Usage
CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service): Three-Tiered Sharing
LSA (Licensed Shared Access): Two-Tiered Sharing
Local Area Licensing of Shared Spectrum
LTE-U, LAA (Licensed Assisted Access), eLAA (Enhanced LAA) & FeLAA (Further Enhanced LAA)
MulteFire: Standalone LTE Operation in Unlicensed Spectrum
License-Exempt 1.9 GHz sXGP (Shared Extended Global Platform)
5G NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum)
MEC (Multi-Access or Mobile Edge Computing)
Optimizing Latency, Service Performance & Backhaul Costs
3GPP-Defined Features for Edge Computing Support
Public vs. Private Edge Computing
Cloud-Native, Software-Driven & Open Networking
Cloud-Native Technologies
Microservices & SBA (Service-Based Architecture)
Containerization of Network Functions
NFV (Network Functions Virtualization)
SDN (Software-Defined Networking)
Cloud Compute, Storage & Networking Infrastructure
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
Open RAN & Core Architectures
Network Intelligence & Automation
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Machine & Deep Learning
Big Data & Advanced Analytics
SON (Self-Organizing Networks)
Intelligent Control, Management & Orchestration
Support for Network Intelligence & Automation in 3GPP Standards
Chapter 4: Public Safety LTE/5G Application Scenarios & Use Cases
Mission-Critical HD Voice & Group Communications
Group Calls
Private Calls
Broadcast Calls
System Calls
Emergency Calls & Alerts
Imminent Peril Calls
Ambient & Discrete Listening
Remotely Initiated Calls
Real-Time Video & High-Resolution Imagery
Mobile Video & Imagery Transmission
Group-Based Video Communications
Video Conferencing for Small Groups
Private One-To-One Video Calls
Video Pull & Push Services
Ambient Viewing
Video Transport From Fixed Cameras
Aerial Video Surveillance
Messaging, File Transfer & Presence Services
SDS (Short Data Service)
RTT (Real-Time Text)
File Distribution
Multimedia Messaging
Presence Services
Secure & Seamless Mobile Broadband Access
IP Connectivity & Data Streaming for Mission-Critical Services
Email, Internet & Corporate Intranet
Remote Database Access
Mobile Office & Field Applications
Wireless Telemetry
Bulk Multimedia & Data Transfers
Seamless Data Roaming
Public Safety-Grade Mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Location Services & Mapping
Network Assisted-GPS/GNSS
Indoor & Urban Positioning
Floor-Level & 3D Geolocation
Advanced Mapping & Spatial Analytics
AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) & Fleet Management
Field Personnel & Asset Tracking
Navigation for Vehicles, Vessels & Aircraft
Geo-Fencing for Public Safety Operations
Command & Control
CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch)
Situational Awareness
Common Operating Picture
Integration of Critical IoT Assets
Remote Control of Drones, Robots & Other Unmanned Systems
Digital Signage & Traffic Alerts
5G & Advanced Public Safety Broadband Applications
UHD (Ultra-High Definition) Video Transmission
Massive-Scale Surveillance & Analytics
AR, VR & MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Smart Glasses for Frontline Police Officers
5G-Connected AR Headgear for Firefighters
Telehealth & Remote Surgery for EMS (Emergency Medical Services)
AR Overlays for Police Cruisers, Ambulances, Fire Engines & Helicopters
Holographic Command Centers
Wireless VR/MR-Based Training
Real-Time Physiological Monitoring of First Responders
5G-Equipped Autonomous Police Robots
Unmanned Aerial, Ground & Marine Vehicles
Powering the IoLST (Internet of Life Saving Things)
5G MBS/5MBS Multicast-Broadcast Services in High-Density Environments
5G NR Sidelink-Based Direct Mode Voice, Video & Data Communications
Coverage Expansion Through UE-To-Network & UE-to-UE Relaying
Satellite & NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network)-Assisted 5G NR Access
Centimeter-Level Positioning for First Responder Operations
Practical Examples of 5G Era Public Safety Applications
Area X.O (Invest Ottawa): 5G Mobile Command Center
Blueforce Development: 5G & Edge Computing for Real-Time Situational Awareness
Citymesh: 5G-Connected Safety Drones for Emergency Services
Cosumnes Fire Department: AR Firefighting Helmets
DRZ (German Rescue Robotics Center): 5G-Equipped Mobile Robotics for Rescue Operations
Dubai Police: AI-Enabled Identification of Criminals
Dublin Fire Brigade: Coordinating Emergency Incidents With 5G Connectivity
Edgybees: Real-Time Augmented Visual Intelligence
Government of Catalonia: 5G-Equipped Emergency Medical Vehicles
Guardia Civil (Spanish Civil Guard): Tactical 5G Bubbles for Drone-Based Security & Surveillance Missions
Hsinchu City Fire Department: Digital Resiliency Through Private 5G & Satellite Communications
Kaohsiung City Police Department: Sliced 5G Network for Smart Patrol Cars
Leuven Police: Combating Illegal Dumping & Public Nuisances With 5G-Connected Mobile Cameras
Lishui Municipal Emergency Management Bureau: 5G-Enabled Natural Disaster Management System
Maebashi City Fire Department: 5G for Emergency Response & Rescue Services
National Police of the Netherlands: AR-Facilitated Crime Scene Investigations
New Zealand Police: Aerial Surveillance Through 5G NR Connectivity
NHS (National Health Service, United Kingdom): 5G-Connected Smart Ambulances
Norwegian Air Ambulance: Private 5G Network for Search & Rescue Operations
PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police): 5G-Enabled Safe City Solution for Langkawi
Shenzhen Public Security Bureau: 5G-Connected Unmanned Police Boats
SPF (Singapore Police Force): 5G-Equipped Police Robots
V-Armed: Preparing Officers for Active Shooter Scenarios Through VR Training
Chapter 5: Review of Public Safety LTE/5G Engagements Worldwide
North America
United States: Leading the Way With FirstNet – The World's Largest Purpose-Built Public Safety Broadband Network
Canada: Shared Network Approach for Nationwide PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Network)
Asia Pacific
Australia: Establishing a National PSMB (Public Safety Mobile Broadband) Capability
New Zealand: Nationwide Critical Communications Platform Based on Commercial LTE & 5G NR Networks
China: Private 5G Slicing & Band 45 (1.4 GHz) LTE Networks for Police Forces
Hong Kong: 700 MHz Mission-Critical Broadband Network for Public Safety Agencies
Taiwan: Private 5G-Equipped Emergency Response Vehicles, Network Slicing & Hybrid P25-Broadband Communications
Japan: Multiple Options for Fully Dedicated & Secure MVNO-Based Public Safety Broadband Networks
South Korea: Safe-Net – Spearheading Nationwide Public Safety LTE Network Deployments
Singapore: LTE-Based Broadband Overlay to Complement TETRA
Malaysia: Evaluating Multiple Delivery Models for Mission-Critical Broadband
Indonesia: Field Trials of 700 MHz Public Safety LTE Networks
Philippines: Rapidly Deployable LTE Systems for Disaster Relief
Thailand: Band 26 (800 MHz) LTE Network for the Royal Thai Police
Laos: LTE-Based Emergency Communications Networks for Local Governments
Myanmar: Possible Rollout of a 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network
India: Proposed Deployment of a National Hybrid Broadband PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) Network
Pakistan: Dedicated Band 26 (800 MHz) LTE Networks for Safe City Projects
Bangladesh: Portable LTE Networks for VIP Protection Operations
United Kingdom
Great Britain: ESN – Pioneering the Use of Resilient Commercial RAN Infrastructure for Emergency Communications
Northern Ireland: Planned Transition From TETRA to Broadband
Republic of Ireland: Early Field Trials of Dedicated LTE/5G-Ready Systems for First Responders
France: RRF (Radio Network of the Future) – Transitioning From Tetrapol to Mission-Critical Broadband
Germany: Planned Rollout of the BOS Hybrid Broadband Network
Belgium: Government-Owned Secure MVNO With Priority & National/Cross-Border Roaming
Luxembourg: MCX Over Commercial Networks & RRVs (Rapid Response Vehicles) for Security Missions
Netherlands: Proposed Adoption of Hybrid Government-Commercial Network Model
Switzerland: Field Trials for the Nationwide MSK (Secure Mobile Broadband Communications) System
Austria: Possibility to Use Both Dedicated & Commercial RAN Infrastructure Options
Italy: Public Safety LTE Service for Mission-Critical Broadband Communications
Spain: SIRDEE – Establishing European Leadership With Dedicated 450 MHz & 700 MHz Infrastructure
Portugal: Preliminary Trials of 5G for Emergency Services
Sweden: Rakel G2 Secure Broadband System & Teracom AGA Network for Aerial Coverage
Norway: Nytt Nødnett – Mission-Critical Communications Over Commercial 3GPP Networks
Denmark: Secured Shared 4G/5G Infrastructure for Mission-Critical Broadband Services
Finland: VIRVE 2.0 – MOCN-Based Mission-Critical Broadband Service
Estonia: State-Owned MVNO for Public Safety Broadband
Czech Republic: National Roaming & Priority for Public Safety Traffic Over 700 MHz Spectrum
Poland: Leveraging LTE to Modernize Existing Police Radio Communications Systems
Türkiye: Domestically-Produced 4G/5G Base Stations for Public Safety & Emergency Communications
Cyprus: Planned Deployment of 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network
Greece: TETRA-Broadband Integration & LTE-Equipped Portable Emergency Command Systems
Bulgaria: Hybrid TETRA-LTE Implementation to Meet Mission-Critical Communications Needs
Romania: Possible Deployment of a 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network
Hungary: EDR 2.0/3.0 – Hybrid PPDR Broadband Network
Slovenia: Setting 5G PPDR Projects in Motion
Serbia: LTE-Connected Safe City & Surveillance Systems
Russia: Secure 450 MHz LTE Network for Police Forces, Emergency Services & the National Guard
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia: Unified TETRA-Broadband Network for Mission-Critical Communications
United Arab Emirates: Emirate-Wide Band 28 (700 MHz) Public Safety LTE Networks
Qatar: The Middle East's First Dedicated Public Safety Broadband Network
Oman: Nationwide Band 20 (800 MHz) LTE Network for the ROP (Royal Oman Police)
Bahrain: Planned 700 MHz PPDR Broadband Rollout
Kuwait: Ongoing Narrowband to Broadband Transition
Iraq: Local LTE-Based Wireless Communications Systems for Security Forces
Jordan: Pilot LTE Network for the Jordanian Armed Forces
Lebanon: LTE Network for Internal Security Forces
Israel: Mission-Critical LTE/5G-Ready Networks for Military & Public Safety Communications
Egypt: Security-Oriented LTE Networks for Safe City Initiatives
Tunisia: Dedicated Band 28 (700 MHz) Spectrum for Public Safety Broadband
South Africa: Demand for Access to Sub-1 GHz PPDR Broadband Spectrum
Botswana: Planned Band 87 (410 MHz) Public Safety Broadband Network
Zambia: 400 MHz Private Broadband System for Safe City Project
Kenya: Custom-Built LTE Network for the Kenyan Police Service
Uganda: Planned Implementation of 400 MHz PPDR Broadband System
Madagascar: LTE-Based Secure Communications Network for the Madagascar National Police
Mauritius: Private LTE Network for the MPF (Mauritius Police Force)
Angola: TETRA-LTE Integration Through Commercial Mobile Operators
Republic of the Congo: LTE-Equipped ECVs (Emergency Communications Vehicles)
Cameroon: LTE Connectivity for Video Surveillance & Broadband Applications
Nigeria: Planned Rollouts of Public Safety LTE Networks for Safe City Initiatives
Ghana: 1.4 GHz LTE-Based National Security Communications Network
Côte d'Ivoire: Purpose-Built LTE Network for the Ministry of Interior and Security
Mali: LTE-Based Safe City Network for Police & Security Forces
Senegal: LTE-Enabled Smart City & Video Surveillance System
Mauritania: Public Safety LTE Network for Urban Security in Nouakchott
Latin & Central America
Brazil: Regional Dedicated LTE Networks for Public Security & Military Police Forces
Mexico: Secure MVNO Broadband Services for Public Safety & Defense Authorities
Argentina: Hybrid TETRA-Broadband Solutions & Tactical LTE Systems for Incident Response
Colombia: LTE Network Field Trials by the National Police of Colombia
Chile: Potential Rollout of a Band 28 (700 MHz) Public Safety LTE Network
Peru: Unified LMR-LTE Implementation for Mission-Critical Voice & Broadband Data Services
Venezuela: LTE-Equipped VEN 911/SIMA Video Surveillance & Emergency Response System
Ecuador: LTE-Based Communications for the ECU-911 Emergency Response Program
Bolivia: Private LTE Networks for the BOL-110 Citizen Security System & Other Safe City Projects
Barbados: Band 14 (700 MHz) LTE-Based Connectivity Service Platform
Trinidad & Tobago: Rapidly Deployable 400 MHz LTE System for National Security Applications
Chapter 6: Public Safety LTE/5G Case Studies
Nationwide Public Safety LTE/5G Projects
United States' FirstNet (First Responder Network)
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
FirstNet Service Plans & Pricing
Integration of Early Builder Band 14 Networks
Retrofitted & Purpose-Built FirstNet Cell Sites
Rapidly Deployable Cellular Assets for Temporary Coverage & Capacity
Certification of Terminal Equipment, Accessories & Applications
HPUE Solutions for Coverage Enhancement
In-Building FirstNet Connectivity
5G NR Access for First Responders
Multiple 3GPP-Complaint MCPTT Service Offerings
Interoperability With Legacy LMR Systems
New Zealand's NGCC (Next-Generation Critical Communications) Public Safety Network
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Transition Timeline
Japan's PS-LTE (Public Safety LTE) Project
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
PS-LTE Demonstration Tests
Implementation of National PS-LTE Service
Key Applications
Service Evolution Plans
South Korea’s Safe-Net (National Disaster Safety Communications Network)
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Government-Owned RAN & Mobile Core Equipment
RAN Sharing With Commercial Mobile Operators
Interworking With LTE-Based Railway & Maritime Networks
3GPP Standards-Compliant MCPTT Service
Planned Evolution Towards 5G
Experimentation With D2D Communications
Royal Thai Police's LTE Network
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Broadband Access for Other Government & PPDR Users
Use of Deployable LTE Assets During the Tham Luang Cave Rescue
Great Britain’s ESN (Emergency Services Network)
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
ESN Products
EE's LTE Network Expansion & Additional Low-Band Spectrum
Government-Funded RAN Assets for Remote Areas
London Underground Coverage
Overlay A2G (Air-to-Ground) Network
In-Building ESN Coverage Enhancement
Deployable Assets for Temporary Coverage
Direct Mode Solution for ESN Terminals
Replacement of the Airwave TETRA Network
France's RRF (Radio Network of the Future)
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
PCSTORM PoC (Proof-of-Concept) Project
Nationwide Mission-Critical RRF Network
Key Applications
Interworking With Legacy Networks
Expansion of the RRF Network to Overseas Territories
RFIs to Address Direct Mode, A2G (Air-to-Ground), LSA (Licensed Shared Access) & Other Issues
Germany's Planned BOS Hybrid Broadband Network
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Hybrid Broadband Network Trial
KoPa_45 Project Mission-Critical Broadband Development Environment
Planned Nationwide Rollout of Broadband Network
Key Applications
Interoperability With TETRA & Bundeswehr's Cellular Assets
Spectrum, Direct Communications & Other Areas of Interest
Belgium's ASTRID BLM (Blue Light Mobile)
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Priority & Preemption Service Levels
VPN Tunneling for Secure Connectivity
ASTRID Cloud: Application Hosting & Sharing
5G Connectivity & Future Plans for Service Evolution
Possible Rollout of Complementary RAN Infrastructure
Switzerland's MSK (Secure Mobile Broadband Communications) Program
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Pilot Project & PoC (Proof-of-Concept) Trials
Planned Nationwide Mission-Critical Broadband Network Rollout
Key Applications
MSK System Requirements
Interconnectivity With POLYCOM & SDVS
Italian Ministry of Interior's Public Safety LTE Service
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Dedicated Frequencies for Guaranteed Bandwidth
5G Connectivity & Service Evolution
Plans for TETRA-to-Broadband Migration
Spain's SIRDEE Mission-Critical Broadband Network
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Specific Requirements for Mission-Critical Broadband Network
Preparing for Tetrapol to Broadband Transition
Sweden's Rakel G2 Secure Broadband Communications System
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Early Pilot Projects for Public Safety Broadband Capabilities
Stage 1: Initial Procurement of Dedicated Core, RAN Coverage & SIM Cards
Stage 2: Planned Rollout of State-Owned RAN Infrastructure
Key Applications
Cross-Border Cooperation
Timeline for Rakel to Rakel G2 Migration
Finland's VIRVE 2.0 Mission-Critical Broadband Service
Operational Model
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Key Applications
Legislative Support for the Rollout of VIRVE 2.0
Migration From Existing TETRA Network to VIRVE 2.0
Hungary's EDR 2.0/3.0 PPDR Broadband Network

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