The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts

The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts

Historically a niche segment of the wider cellular communications industry, private cellular networks – also referred to as NPNs (Non-Public Networks) in 3GPP terminology – have rapidly gained popularity in recent years due to privacy, security, reliability and performance advantages over public mobile networks and competing wireless technologies as well as their potential to replace hardwired connections with non-obstructive wireless links. With the 3GPP-led standardization of features such as MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data), URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications), TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications), SNPNs (Standalone NPNs), PNI-NPNs (Public Network-Integrated NPNs) and network slicing, private networks based on LTE and 5G technologies have gained recognition as an all-inclusive connectivity platform for critical communications, Industry 4.0 and enterprise transformation-related applications. Traditionally, these sectors have been dominated by LMR (Land Mobile Radio), Wi-Fi, industrial Ethernet, fiber and other disparate networks.

The liberalization of spectrum is another factor that is accelerating the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks. National regulators across the globe have released or are in the process of granting access to shared and local area licensed spectrum. Examples include but are not limited to the three-tiered CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) spectrum sharing scheme in the United States, Canada's planned NCL (Non-Competitive Local) licensing framework, United Kingdom's shared and local access licensing model, Germany's 3.7-3.8 GHz and 28 GHz licenses for 5G campus networks, France's vertical spectrum and sub-letting arrangements, Netherlands' geographically restricted mid-band spectrum assignments, Finland's 2.3 GHz and 26 GHz licenses for local 4G/5G networks, Sweden's 3.7 GHz and 26 GHz permits, Norway's regulation of local networks in the 3.8-4.2 GHz band, Poland's spectrum assignment for local government units and enterprises, Bahrain's private 5G network licenses, Japan's 4.6-4.9 GHz and 28 GHz local 5G network licenses, South Korea's e-Um 5G allocations in the 4.7 GHz and 28 GHz bands, Taiwan's provision of 4.8-4.9 GHz spectrum for private 5G networks, Hong Kong's LWBS (Localized Wireless Broadband System) licenses, Australia's apparatus licensing approach, India's CNPN (Captive Non-Public Network) leasing framework and Brazil's SLP (Private Limited Service) licenses. Even China – where mobile operators have been at the forefront of initial private 5G installations – has started allocating private 5G spectrum licenses directly to end user organizations. Vast swaths of globally and regionally harmonized license-exempt spectrum are also available worldwide that can be used for the operation of unlicensed LTE and 5G NR-U equipment for private networks. In addition, dedicated national spectrum in sub-1 GHz and higher frequencies has been allocated for specific critical communications-related applications in many countries.

LTE and 5G-based private cellular networks come in many different shapes and sizes, including isolated end-to-end NPNs in industrial and enterprise settings, local RAN equipment for targeted cellular coverage, dedicated on-premise core network functions, virtual sliced private networks, secure MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) platforms for critical communications, and wide area networks for application scenarios such as PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) broadband, smart utility grids, railway communications and A2G (Air-to-Ground) connectivity. However, it is important to note that equipment suppliers, system integrators, private network specialists, mobile operators and other ecosystem players have slightly different perceptions as to what exactly constitutes a private cellular network. While there is near universal consensus that private LTE and 5G networks refer to purpose-built cellular communications systems intended for the exclusive use of vertical industries and enterprises, some industry participants extend this definition to also include other market segments – for example, 3GPP-based community and residential broadband networks deployed by non-traditional service providers. Another closely related segment is multi-operator or shared neutral host infrastructure, which may be employed to support NPN services in specific scenarios.

Despite the somewhat differing views on market definition, one thing is clear – private LTE and 5G networks are continuing their upward trajectory with deployments targeting a multitude of use cases across various industries, ranging from localized wireless systems for dedicated connectivity in factories, warehouses, mines, power plants, substations, offshore wind farms, oil and gas facilities, construction sites, maritime ports, airports, hospitals, office buildings and university campuses to regional and nationwide sub-1 GHz private wireless broadband networks for utilities, FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System)-ready networks for train-to-ground communications, and hybrid government-commercial public safety LTE networks, as well as rapidly deployable systems such as the German Armed Forces' ZNV (Deployable Cellular Networks) solution, Hsinchu City Fire Department's satellite-backhauled portable 5G network for emergency communications and BBC's (British Broadcasting Corporation) temporary private 5G network used during King Charles' coronation. Custom-built cellular networks have also been implemented in locations as remote as Antarctica and there are even plans for installations on the moon's surface and outer space.

SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global spending on private LTE and 5G network infrastructure for vertical industries will grow at a CAGR of approximately 18% between 2023 and 2026, eventually accounting for more than $6.4 Billion by the end of 2026. As much as 40% of these investments – nearly $2.8 Billion – will be directed towards the build-out of standalone private 5G networks that will become the predominant wireless communications medium to support the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution for the digitization and automation of manufacturing and process industries. This unprecedented level of growth is likely to transform private LTE and 5G networks into an almost parallel equipment ecosystem to public mobile operator infrastructure in terms of market size by the late 2020s.

The “Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts” report presents an in-depth assessment of the private LTE and 5G network ecosystem, including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, operational and business models, vertical industries, application scenarios, key trends, future roadmap, standardization, spectrum availability and allocation, regulatory landscape, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies. The report also presents global and regional market size forecasts from 2023 till 2030. The forecasts cover three infrastructure submarkets, two technology generations, four spectrum licensing models, 15 vertical industries and five regional markets.

The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report, as well as a database of over 6,000 global private LTE/5G engagements – as of Q2’2023.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Executive Summary
Topics Covered
Forecast Segmentation
Key Questions Answered
Key Findings
Summary of CBRS Network Deployments
Target Audience
Companies & Organizations Mentioned
Chapter 2: An Overview of LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks
Spectrum: The Lifeblood of the Wireless Communications Industry
Traditional Exclusive-Use Licensed Spectrum
CBRS Shared Spectrum
How CBRS Spectrum Differs From Traditional Licensed Frequencies
Exclusive vs. Shared Use
License Fees & Validity
Network Buildout & Service Obligations
Power Limits & Other Restrictions
Why Utilize CBRS Spectrum for LTE & 5G NR Networks?
Alleviating Capacity Constraints on Mobile Operator Spectrum
New Business Models: Neutral Host, Enterprise & Private Cellular Networks
Resurgence of FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) Services
The Value Chain of LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks
Semiconductor & Enabling Technology Specialists
Terminal OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
RAN, Core & Transport Infrastructure Suppliers
Service Providers
Public Mobile Operators
MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators)
Fixed-Line Service Providers
Neutral Hosts
Private 4G/5G Network Operators
Towercos (Tower Companies)
Cloud & Edge Platform Providers
End Users
Enterprises & Vertical Industries
Other Ecosystem Players
Market Drivers
Continued Growth of Mobile Data Traffic
New Revenue Streams: FWA, IoT & Vertical-Focused Services
Private & Neutral Host Network Deployments
CBRS Shared Spectrum Availability
Lower Cost Network Equipment & Installation
Expanding Ecosystem of Compatible Devices
Market Barriers
Cell Site & Network Deployment Challenges
Restricted Coverage Due to Transmit Power Limits
Interference & Congestion Concerns for GAA (General Authorized Access)
Competition From Non-3GPP Technologies
Economic & Supply Chain-Related Factors
Chapter 3: Technical Aspects of CBRS Networks
Dynamic Three-Tiered Sharing
Air Interface Technologies for CBRS
Other Technologies
CBRS Spectrum
3.5 GHz (3,550-3,700 MHz) CBRS Band
Technical Rules for Shared Commercial Use
3GPP-Defined Bands to Support LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks
Band 48 – LTE-TDD CBRS Deployments
Band 49 – LAA (Licensed Assisted Access) Operation
Band n48 – 5G NR-Based CBRS Systems
Tiers of Authorization
Tier 1 – Incumbent Access
Tier 2 – PALs (Priority Access Licenses)
Tier 3 – GAA (General Authorized Access)
CBRS System Architecture & Functional Elements
EUDs (End User Devices)
CBSDs (Citizens Broadband Radio Service Devices)
BTS-CBSD (Base Transceiver Station-CBSD)
CPE-CBSD (Customer Premises Equipment-CBSD)
Category A CBSD (Lower Power)
Category B CBSD (Higher Power)
Domain Proxy
SAS (Spectrum Access System)
ESC (Environment Sensing Capability)
Other Technical Aspects
Functional Requirements & Protocols
Equipment Certification
CBRS Security
Core Network Integration
Service Provider Hosted Core
MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network)
NHN (Neutral Host Network)
Private Network
Hybrid Network
Shared HNI (Home Network Identity)
Designated Protection Zones
DPAs (Dynamic Protection Areas) for Military Radar Systems
FSS (Fixed Satellite Service) Earth Station Exclusion & Protection Zones
Temporary GWPZs (Grandfathered Wireless Protection Zones)
Quiet Zones
Border Areas
PAL Protection & Opportunistic GAA Operation
Secondary Market for PAL Licenses
Spectrum Leasing
Chapter 4: Business Models, Use Cases & Applications
Business Models & Use Cases
Service Provider Networks
Mobile Network Densification & Buildouts
FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) Broadband
Mobile Networks for Cable Operators & New Entrants
Neutral Host Networks
Indoor Spaces
Large Public Venues
Transport Hubs & Corridors
High-Density Urban Settings
Remote & Rural Coverage
Private Cellular Networks
Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses
Vertical Industries
Governments & Municipalities
Oil & Gas
Retail & Hospitality
Other Verticals
Mobile Broadband
Home & Business Broadband
Voice & Messaging Services
High-Definition Video Transmission
Telepresence & Video Conferencing
Multimedia Broadcasting & Multicasting
IoT (Internet of Things) Networking
Wireless Connectivity for Wearables
Untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Real-Time Holographic Projections
Tactile Internet & Haptic Feedback
High-Precision Positioning & Tracking
Industrial Automation
Remote Control of Machines
Connected Mobile Robotics
Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles
BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight) Operation of Drones
Data-Driven Analytics & Insights
Sensor-Equipped Digital Twins
Predictive Maintenance of Equipment
Chapter 5: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
Release 14: Introduction of LTE Band 48 for CBRS
Release 15: LAA/eLAA (Enhanced LAA) Operation in CBRS Spectrum
Release 16: Support for 5G NR Band n48 & NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Release 17: NPN Enhancements & Expansion of IIoT (Industrial IoT) Features
Release 18: 5G-Advanced, Additional NPN Refinements & Intelligent Automation
ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
IMSI Assignment & Management for CBRS Networks
Additional CBRS-Related Efforts
OnGo Alliance
Promoting 4G & 5G OnGo Wireless Network Technology
Technical Specifications & Guidelines for 4G/5G-Based CBRS Networks
Certification Program Supporting Multi-Vendor Interoperability
Involvement in OnGo Alliance's CBRS Product Certification Program
DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
Advocacy Efforts for Unlicensed & Dynamic Access to Spectrum
ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
CBRS Support in the Aether Private 5G Connected Edge Platform
U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Regulation of CBRS Spectrum
U.S. NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
CBRS-Related Spectrum Management Work
WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum)
CBRS Standards for the Implementation of FCC Rulemaking
Optional Feature Enhancements to CBRS Baseline Standards
Administration of Root Certificate Authority, Professional Installer Training & CBSD Certification Programs
Chapter 6: Case Studies of CBRS Network Deployments
AccessParks: CBRS-Enabled Wireless Access in National & State Parks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
AT&T: Tapping CBRS Shared Spectrum for FWA & Private Cellular Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
BMW Group: 5G NR-Based CBRS Network for Autonomous Logistics in Spartanburg Plant
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University): Converged Public-Private 5G Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary LTE-Based CBRS Network for Bridging the Digital Divide in Rural California
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
California National Guard: Rapidly Deployable Private 5G Network for Emergency Response
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Charter Communications: Transforming MVNO & FWA Service Offerings With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
City of Las Vegas: Municipal Private Wireless Network for Businesses, Government & Educational Institutions
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit): CBRS-Powered Smart Media & Communications Platform
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Del Conca USA: Automating & Streamlining Production Processes With Private Wireless Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) International Airport: Private 5G Network for IoT & Digitization Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Dow: Modernizing Chemical Plant Maintenance With Private Cellular Networks
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Faena Hotel & Forum: Private LTE Network for Improving Mobile Connectivity
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
FII (Foxconn Industrial Internet): Powering Smart Manufacturing Through CBRS Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
FOX Sports: Private Wireless Network for Live Broadcast Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Frontier Communications: Leveraging CBRS Shared Spectrum for Rural Broadband
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Gale South Beach Hotel: CBRS Network for Guest Engagement & Hotel Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Geisinger (Kaiser Permanente): Private LTE Network for Telemedicine in Rural Pennsylvania
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Guident: Private 5G Testbed for Autonomous Vehicles & Smart City Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Howard University: Delivering Secure & Enhanced Campus Connectivity With CBRS Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
HSG (Haslam Sports Group): 3GPP-Based Private Wireless Infrastructure for Stadium Operations
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
JBG SMITH Properties: National Landing Private 5G Infrastructure Platform
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
John Deere: Private Cellular Connectivity for Manufacturing Processes
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Logan Aluminum: Enhancing Plant Safety & Efficiency Using Private Broadband Network
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mediacom Communications: Harnessing CBRS Spectrum for FWA Services in Rural America
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Memorial Health System: Temporary Private Cellular Network to Support COVID-19 Response Efforts
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Mercury Broadband: CBRS Network for Broadband Expansion in the Midwestern United States
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Meta: CBRS-Powered Neutral Host Wireless Network for Indoor Coverage in Office Buildings
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Murray City School District: LTE-Based Private CBRS Network for K-12 Education
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
NFL (National Football League): Private Wireless Technology for Coach-to-Coach & Sideline Communications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Norfolk Southern Corporation: Private LTE Network for Rail Yard Staff
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
NYPL (New York Public Library): Shrinking the Digital Divide With CBRS Technology
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
OhioTT (Ohio Transparent Telecom): CBRS-Enabled Fixed Wireless Network for Rural Ohio
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Private LTE Network for Newark Liberty International Airport
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Pronto: Private Cellular-Enabled Driverless Trucks for Autonomous Haulage in Remote Mining Sites
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Purdue University: Private Wireless Networks for Smart City & Aviation Applications
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
RCI (Rural Cloud Initiative): Building the Farm of the Future With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Rudin Management Company: Neutral Host CBRS Network for Multi-Tenant Office Building
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric): pLTE (Private LTE) Network for Advanced Safety & Protection Technologies
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Southern Linc: Expanding LTE Network Capacity for Utility Communications With CBRS Shared Spectrum
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
SSA Marine (Carrix): 3GPP-Based Private Wireless Network for Port of Seattle's Terminal 5
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
St. Vrain Valley School District: Private LTE Network for Connecting Low-Income Students
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Teltech Group: Private 4G/5G-Enabled Warehouse Automation & Industry 4.0 Capabilities
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
The Sound Hotel: Enhancing Guest Experience & Internal Operations With Private Wireless Technology
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
TOUA (Tohono O'odham Utility Authority): Bringing Advanced Broadband Connectivity to Tribal Residents
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
U.S. Navy: Standalone Private 5G Network for NAS (Naval Air Station) Whidbey Island
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
UIPA (Utah Inland Port Authority): CBRS-Enabled ICN (Intelligent Crossroads Network) for Utah's Supply Chain
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Verizon Communications: Exploiting CBRS Shared Spectrum to Address Wireless Capacity Demands
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
WCU (West Chester University): Outdoor CBRS Network for Public Safety Surveillance & IoT Use Cases
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Wells Fargo Center: Improving Critical Operations & Fan Experience With Private 4G/5G Connectivity
Spectrum Type
Integrators & Suppliers
Deployment Summary
Chapter 7: Market Sizing & Forecasts
Future Outlook for LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks in the United States
RAN, Mobile & Transport Network Infrastructure Investments
CBRS-Supported Terminal Equipment Sales
CBRS Network Infrastructure
Infrastructure Submarkets
Small Cell RUs (Radio Units)
DUs/CUs (Distributed & Centralized Baseband Units)
Mobile Core
Transport Network
Segmentation by Air Interface Technology
LTE EPC (Evolved Packet Core)
LTE Transport
5GC (5G Core)
5G Transport
Segmentation by Cell Type
Indoor Small Cells
Outdoor Small Cells
Segmentation by Use Case
Mobile Network Densification
FWA (Fixed Wireless Access)
Cable Operators & New Entrants
Neutral Hosts
Private Cellular Networks
Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses
Vertical Industries
Segmentation by Vertical Industry
Governments & Municipalities
Oil & Gas
Retail & Hospitality
Other Verticals
CBRS Terminal Equipment
Segmentation by Air Interface Technology
Segmentation by Form Factor
Smartphones & Handheld Terminals
Mobile & Vehicular Routers
Fixed CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment)
Tablets & Notebook PCs
IoT Modules, Dongles & Others
Chapter 8: Key Ecosystem Players
ABiT Corporation
Accuver (InnoWireless)
ADRF (Advanced RF Technologies)
Affirmed Networks (Microsoft Corporation)
Airspan Networks
Airtower Networks
Airwavz Solutions
Akoustis Technologies
Alef (Alef Edge)
Allen Vanguard Wireless
Alpha Wireless
Amazon/AWS (Amazon Web Services)
American Tower Corporation
AMIT Wireless
ANS – Advanced Network Services (Charge Enterprises)
Antenna Company
Aquila (Suzhou Aquila Solutions)
Arctic Semiconductor (Formerly SiTune Corporation)
Artemis Networks
Askey Computer Corporation (ASUS – ASUSTeK Computer)
ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer)
ATEL (Asiatelco Technologies)
Athonet (HPE – Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
ATN International
Aviat Networks
Azcom Technology
Ballast Networks
BBK Electronics
BEC Technologies (Billion Electric)
Black Box
BLiNQ Networks (CCI – Communication Components Inc.)
Blue Arcus Technologies
Boingo Wireless (DigitalBridge Group)
Boldyn Networks (Formerly BAI Communications)
Branch Communications
BTI Wireless
Bureau Veritas/7Layers
BVSystems (Berkeley Varitronics Systems)
CableFree (Wireless Excellence)
Cambium Networks
Cambridge Consultants (Capgemini Invent)
Capgemini Engineering
Casa Systems
CCI (Communication Components Inc.)
CCN (Cirrus Core Networks)
CellAntenna Corporation
Centerline Communications
Cisco Systems
Codium Networks
Comba Telecom
CommAgility (E-Space)
Commnet Wireless (ATN International)
Compal Electronics
Connectivity Wireless Solutions (M/C Partners)
Council Rock
Cradlepoint (Ericsson)
Crown Castle International Corporation
CTS (Communication Technology Services)
Dejero Labs
Dell Technologies
Dense Air (SIP – Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners)
DGS (Digital Global Systems)
Digi International
DKK (Denki Kogyo)
Doodle Labs
Druid Software
EDX Wireless
EION Wireless
Element Materials Technology
Encore Networks
ExteNet Systems (DigitalBridge Group)
Federated Wireless
Fenix Group
Fortress Solutions
Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group)
Future Technologies Venture
G REIGNS (HTC Corporation)
G+D (Giesecke+Devrient)
GCT Semiconductor
GE (General Electric)
Gemtek Technology
Getac Technology Corporation
Global Telecom
Goodman Telecom Services
Google (Alphabet)
Granite Telecommunications
Green Packet
GS Lab (Great Software Laboratory)
GXC (Formerly GenXComm)
HCL Technologies
HFR Networks
Horizon Powered
HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation)
HTC Corporation
Hughes Network Systems (EchoStar Corporation)
iBwave Solutions
Infinite Electronics
Infomark Corporation
Inseego Corporation
Insta Group
Intel Corporation
Intenna Systems
IPLOOK Networks
JACS Solutions
JATONTEC (Jaton Technology)
JCI (Japan Communications Inc.)
JIT (JI Technology)
JMA Wireless
JRC (Japan Radio Company)
Juniper Networks
Key Bridge Wireless
Keysight Technologies
Kisan Telecom
KLA Laboratories
KORE Wireless
Kumu Networks
Kyocera Corporation
Kyrio (CableLabs)
Landmark Dividend (DigitalBridge Group)
Lekha Wireless Solutions
Lemko Corporation
Lime Microsystems
Lindsay Broadband
Linx Technologies
LIONS Technology
LS telcom
Maven Wireless
Metaswitch Networks (Microsoft Corporation)
MiCOM Labs
Microlab (RF Industries)
Microsoft Corporation
MitraStar Technology (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
Mobile Mark
MobileComm Professionals (UST)
MosoLabs (Sercomm Corporation)
Motorola Mobility (Lenovo)
Motorola Solutions
MRT Technology (Suzhou)
MSB (M S Benbow & Associates)
MTI (Microelectronics Technology, Inc.)
MTI Wireless Edge
Multi-Tech Systems
NEC Corporation
NewEdge Signal Solutions
NTT Group
NuRAN Wireless
Oceus Networks
Oracle Communications
Panasonic Connect
Panorama Antennas
Parallel Wireless
Parsec Technologies
Pavlov Media
PBE Axell (Formerly Axell Wireless)
PCTEST Lab (PCTEST Engineering Laboratory)
Pente Networks
Pierson Wireless
Pivot Technology Services
Pivotal Commware
Polaris Networks (Motorola Solutions)
Pollen Mobile
QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology)
QuadGen Wireless Solutions
Quantum Wireless
Qucell Networks (InnoWireless)
Quectel Wireless Solutions
Qulsar (VIAVI Solutions)
Radisys (Reliance Industries)
Rakuten Symphony
Ranplan Wireless
RED Technologies
RF Connect
RFS (Radio Frequency Systems)
Rivada Networks
RKTPL (RK Telesystem Private Limited)
Rohde & Schwarz
RuggON Corporation
Saankhya Labs (Tejas Networks)
SAC Wireless (Nokia)
SBA Communications
Select Spectrum
Seowon Intech
Sequans Communications
Sercomm Corporation
Shared Access
Sharp Corporation (Foxconn – Hon Hai Technology Group)
Sierra Wireless (Semtech Corporation)
Silicom Connectivity Solutions
Sinclair Technologies (Norsat International/Hytera Communications)
Skyworks Solutions
SMAWave (Shanghai SMAWave Technology)
Sonim Technologies
Sony Group Corporation
Spectrum Effect
Spirent Communications
Sporton International
SSC (Shared Spectrum Company)
Star Solutions
Sunwave Communications
Supermicro (Super Micro Computer)
SureSite Consulting Group
System Innovation Group
T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics)
Tait Communications
Tango Networks
Tarana Wireless
TE Connectivity
Teal Communications
Tecore Networks
TeleWorld Solutions (Samsung)
Telit Cinterion
Telrad Networks
TESSCO Technologies/Ventev
Tillman Global Holdings
TIL-TEK Antennae
Titan.ium Platform
TLC Solutions
Vapor IO
Vertical Bridge (DigitalBridge Group)
Verveba Telecom
VIAVI Solutions
VVDN Technologies
Westell Technologies
Wilson Electronics
WIN Connectivity (Wireless Information Networks)
Winncom Technologies
WNC (Wistron NeWeb Corporation)
WorldCell Solutions
Wytec International
Zebra Technologies
Zinwave (Wilson Electronics)
Zmtel (Shanghai Zhongmi Communication Technology)
Zyxel (Unizyx Holding Corporation)
Chapter 9: Conclusion & Strategic Recommendations
Why is the Market Poised to Grow?
Future Roadmap: 2023 – 2030
2023 – 2025: Continued Investments in LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Network Deployments
2026 – 2029: Widespread Adoption of Standalone 5G Implementations in CBRS Spectrum
2030 & Beyond: Ubiquity of CBRS Across Private, Neutral Host & Service Provider Networks
Which Use Cases Will Dominate the CBRS Market?
Fostering Innovation Through Spectrum Sharing
Spurring the Entry of New Players in the Cellular Industry
Densification of Public Mobile Operator Networks in the 5G Era
Accelerating Fixed Wireless Broadband Rollouts in Rural & Underserved Markets
Expanding In-Building Access to Mobile Coverage Using Neutral Host CBRS Small Cells
Private Cellular Networks for IIoT, Enterprise Connectivity, Distance Learning & Smart Cities
Laying the Foundation for Industry 4.0 & Advanced Applications With 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks
The Secondary Market for Leasing & Monetizing Under-Utilized PAL Spectrum
COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on CBRS Shared Spectrum Deployments
Prospects of Non-3GPP Technologies in CBRS Spectrum
Strategic Recommendations
LTE/5G Equipment Suppliers & System Integrators
Mobile Operators, Neutral Hosts & Other Service Providers
Enterprises & Vertical Industries
Figure 1: Value Chain of LTE & 5G NR-Based CBRS Networks
Figure 2: CBRS Tiers of Authorization
Figure 3: CBRS System Architecture
Figure 4: Power Limits for CBRS Equipment
Figure 5: Standardization of CBRS-Related Features in 3GPP Releases 14 – 18
Figure 6: WInnForum's CBRS Standards
Figure 7: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 8: CBRS Network Revenue by Infrastructure Submarket: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 9: CBRS RAN Unit Shipments: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 10: CBRS RAN Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 11: CBRS Small Cell RU Shipments: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 12: CBRS Small Cell RU Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 13: CBRS DU/CU Shipments: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 14: CBRS DU/CU Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 15: CBRS Mobile Core Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 16: CBRS Transport Network Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 17: CBRS Network Revenue by Air Interface Technology: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 18: LTE-Based CBRS Network Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 19: CBRS LTE RAN Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 20: CBRS LTE EPC Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 21: CBRS LTE Transport Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 22: 5G NR-Based CBRS Network Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 23: CBRS 5G RAN Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 24: CBRS 5GC Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 25: CBRS 5G Transport Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 26: CBRS Small Cell RU Shipments by Cell Type: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 27: CBRS Small Cell RU Revenue by Cell Type: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 28: Indoor CBRS Small Cell RU Shipments: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 29: Indoor CBRS Small Cell RU Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 30: Outdoor CBRS Small Cell RU Shipments: 2023 – 2030 (Thousands of Units)
Figure 31: Outdoor CBRS Small Cell RU Revenue: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 32: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue by Use Case: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 33: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Mobile Network Densification: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 34: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for FWA: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 35: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Cable Operators & New Entrants: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 36: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Neutral Hosts: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 37: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Private Cellular Networks: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 38: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Offices, Buildings & Corporate Campuses: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 39: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue for Vertical Industries: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 40: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue by Vertical Industry: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 41: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Education Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 42: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Governments & Municipalities Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 43: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Healthcare Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 44: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Manufacturing Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 45: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Military Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 46: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Mining Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)
Figure 47: CBRS Network Infrastructure Revenue in the Oil & Gas Vertical: 2023 – 2030 ($ Million)

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