Private 5G/4G Cellular Networks for Utilities: 2023 – 2030

Private 5G/4G Cellular Networks for Utilities: 2023 – 2030

Private 5G/4G cellular networks – also referred to as NPNs (Non-Public Networks) in 3GPP terminology – are rapidly gaining popularity across a diverse range of vertical industries. The utilities sector is no exception to this trend and will see global spending on dedicated cellular networks grow at a CAGR of 15% over the next three years. Estimated to account for nearly $2 Billion in cumulative infrastructure spending between 2023 and 2026, private cellular networks for utilities range from wide area 3GPP networks – operating in 410 MHz, 450 MHz, 900 MHz and other sub-1 GHz spectrum bands – for smart grid communications to purpose-built 5G and LTE networks aimed at providing localized wireless connectivity in critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants, substations and offshore wind farms. Some notable examples are listed below:

- American utility companies have made substantial investments in acquiring 900 MHz and 3.5 GHz CBRS PAL (Priority Access License) spectrum within their service territories. Ameren, Evergy, Hawaiian Electric, LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority), SCE (Southern California Edison), SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric), Southern Company and Xcel Energy are among the growing number of utilities that are implementing 3GPP-based private wireless networks in support of grid modernization programs.

- 450connect is rolling out a nationwide 450 MHz LTE network for the digitization of energy and water utilities as well as other critical industries in Germany.

- Using its 410 MHz spectrum holdings, ESB Networks is implementing a national private mobile network to meet the wireless connectivity needs of smart grid applications for the control, protection and management of Ireland’s utility assets.

- French multinational electric utility group EDF is deploying private mobile networks to bring secure cellular connectivity to its nuclear power plants.

- Enel's global private communications platform leverages a multi-national secure MVNO service for connectivity across the Italian energy giant's global footprint and end-to-end private LTE/5G networks to provide localized wireless coverage for reliable communications in business-critical areas.

- Following the conclusion of pilots, pre-implementation testing and procurement contracts, PGE (Polish Energy Group) is implementing a 450 MHz mission-critical LTE network for the wide area operations of electricity and gas DSOs (Distribution System Operators) across Poland.

- Bahrain's EWA (Electricity and Water Authority) has deployed a 410 MHz private LTE network as part of an effort to modernize, digitize and automate its distribution infrastructure for improved grid efficiency, performance and security.

- CSG (China Southern Power Grid) relies on both LTE-based private cellular systems and end-to-end 5G network slicing over commercial mobile operator networks to fulfill the wireless communications needs of its smart electric power grid.

- SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China) has deployed a private 5G NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum) network – operating in license-exempt Band n46 (5.8 GHz) spectrum – to support video surveillance, mobile inspection robots and other 5G-connected applications at its Lanzhou East and Mogao substations in China's Gansu province.

- KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) has implemented private 5G network infrastructure – operating in 4.7 GHz and 28 GHz spectrum – at two of its substation sites to enhance real-time monitoring and control capabilities through digital twin technology, 5G-connected wearable cameras and autonomous robots.

- Kansai Electric Power is using a local 5G network and 5G-connected drones at the Eurus Akita Port wind farm in Akita (Tohoku), Japan, to enhance the maintenance and inspection of wind turbine blades.

- Edesur Dominicana relies on a custom-built 2.3 GHz LTE network to connect critical grid assets that require high availability close to 100%.

- CPFL Energia has set up a 250 MHz private LTE network in São Leopoldo (Rio Grande do Sul), Brazil, to facilitate the automation of devices in distribution and transmission networks.

The Private 5G/4G Cellular Networks for Utilities: 2023 – 2030 research package provides detailed market analysis and forecasts for private 5G and LTE networks across 15 vertical industries, including utilities. The package includes the full edition of SNS Telecom & IT's Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 – 2030 – Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts report and a datasheet with additional private 5G/4G infrastructure investment forecasts for the utilities sector.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Executive Summary
Topics Covered
Forecast Segmentation
Key Questions Answered
Key Findings
Summary of Private 5G Engagements
Target Audience
Chapter 2: An Overview of Private 5G Networks
An Introduction to the 3GPP-Defined 5G Standard
What is 5G?
5G Service Profiles
eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications)
mMTC/mIoT (Massive Machine-Type Communications/Internet of Things)
5G Advanced & the Evolution to 6G
The Significance of Vertical Industries in the 5G Era
Why Utilize 5G for Private Wireless Networks?
Performance, Mobility, Reliability & Security Characteristics
Ability to Address Both Wide Area & Localized Coverage Needs
Variety of Frequency Bands, Bandwidth Flexibility & Spectral Efficiency
Interworking With Public Mobile Networks & Non-3GPP Technologies
3GPP Support for Industrial-Grade & Mission-Critical Applications
Future-Proof Transition Path Towards 6G Networks
Thriving Ecosystem of Chipsets, Devices & Network Equipment
Economic Viability of Deployment & Operational Costs
Key Themes Influencing the Adoption of Private 5G Networks
Industry 4.0-Driven Wireless Connectivity Requirements
Critical Communications Broadband Evolution
Localized Cellular Coverage for Enterprise Transformation Initiatives
Neutral Hosting, Smart Cities, Community Broadband & Other Themes
Practical Aspects of Private 5G Networks
5G Technology Deployment Modes
NSA (Non-Standalone) 5G
SA (Standalone) 5G
Spectrum Options
National Spectrum for Specific Applications
Defense & PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief)
Utilities & Critical Infrastructure Industries
Aviation, Maritime & Railway Communications
Other Segments
Local Area Licensed Spectrum
Local Area Licenses for Enterprises & Vertical Users
Local Leasing of Public Mobile Operator Frequencies
ASA (Authorized Shared Access) & Light Licensing
Unlicensed Spectrum
Designated License-Exempt Bands
Opportunistic Unlicensed Access
Network Size & Geographic Reach
Wide Area Private Cellular Networks
Medium-Scale Local Area Networks
On-Premise Campus Networks
Operational Scenarios
Isolated NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Public Mobile Operator-Integrated NPNs
Dedicated Mobile Operator RAN Coverage
Shared RAN With On-Premise Core
Shared RAN & Control Plane
NPNs Hosted By Public Networks
Virtual Sliced Private Networks
Hybrid Public-Private Networks
Shared Core Private Networks
Secure MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) Arrangements
Other Approaches
Business Models
Fully Independent Private Networks
Service Provider-Managed Private Networks
Hybrid Ownership, Management & Control
Private NaaS (Network-as-a-Service)
Other Business Models
The Value Chain of Private 5G Networks
Semiconductor & Enabling Technology Specialists
Terminal OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
RAN, Core & Transport Infrastructure Suppliers
Service Providers
Critical Communications, Industrial, OT & IT System Integrators
Pure-Play Private 5G Network Operators
National Mobile Operators
Neutral Hosts
Towercos (Tower Companies)
Cloud & Edge Platform Providers
Fixed-Line Service Providers
Fiber Network Operators
Satellite Communications Service Providers
End User Organizations
Other Ecosystem Players
Market Drivers
Growing Demand for High-Bandwidth & Low-Latency Wireless Applications
Endorsement From the Industry 4.0 & Critical Communications Sectors
Limited Public Cellular Coverage in Indoor, Industrial & Remote Environments
Availability of Suitable Spectrum Options for Private Use
Guaranteed Connectivity & QoS (Quality-of-Service) Control
Greater Levels of Network Security & Data Privacy
Operators' & Vendors' Desire for New Revenue Sources
Government-Funded 5G Innovation Initiatives
Market Barriers
Cost & ROI (Return-On-Investment) Justification
Technical Complexities of Network Deployment & Operation
Integration With Existing Infrastructure & Applications
Limited Scale Effects Due to Lack of Spectrum Harmonization
Competition From Non-3GPP Technologies & Solutions
5G Terminal Equipment-Related Challenges
Skills Gap & Shortage of Proficient Engineers
Conservatism & Slow Pace of Change
Chapter 3: System Architecture & Technologies for Private 5G Networks
Architectural Components of Private 5G Networks
UE (User Equipment)
Smartphones & Handportable Devices
Industrial-Grade Routers & Gateways
Mobile Hotspots & Vehicular Terminals
Fixed Wireless CPEs (Customer Premises Equipment)
Tablets & Notebook PCs
Smart Wearables
Cellular IoT Modules
Add-On Dongles
RAN (Radio Access Network)
NG-RAN – 5G NR Access Network
gNBs – 5G NR Base Stations
en-gNBs – Secondary Node 5G NR Base Stations
ng-eNBs – Next-Generation LTE Base Stations
Architectural Components of gNB Base Stations
RUs (Radio Units)
Integrated Radio & Baseband Units
DUs (Distributed Baseband Units)
CUs (Centralized Baseband Units)
Mobile Core
5GC (5G Core): Core Network for Standalone 5G Implementations
Access, Mobility & Session Management
AMF (Access & Mobility Management Function)
SMF (Session Management Function)
UPF (User Plane Function)
Subscription & Data Management
AUSF (Authentication Server Function)
AAnF (AKMA Anchor Function)
UDM (Unified Data Management)
UDR (Unified Data Repository)
UDSF (Unstructured Data Storage Function)
UCMF (UE Radio Capability Management Function)
5G-EIR (5G Equipment Identity Register)
Policy & Charging
PCF (Policy Control Function)
CHF (Charging Function)
Signaling & Routing
SCP (Service Communication Proxy)
SEPP (Security Edge Protection Proxy)
BSF (Binding Support Function)
Network Resource Management
NEF (Network Exposure Function)
NRF (Network Repository Function)
NSSF (Network Slice Selection Function)
NSSAAF (Network Slice-Specific & SNPN Authentication-Authorization Function)
NSACF (Network Slice Admission Control Function)
Data Analytics & Automation
NWDAF (Network Data Analytics Function)
AnLF (Analytics Logical Function)
MTLF (Model Training Logical Function)
DCCF (Data Collection Coordination Function)
ADRF (Analytics Data Repository Function)
MFAF (Messaging Framework Adaptor Function)
Location Services
LMF (Location Management Function)
GMLC (Gateway Mobile Location Center)
Application Enablement
AFs (Application Functions)
SMSF (Short Message Service Function)
CBCF (Cell Broadcast Center Function)
5G DDNMF (5G Direct Discovery Name Management Function)
TSCTSF (Time-Sensitive Communication & Time Synchronization Function)
TSN AF (Time-Sensitive Networking Application Function)
EASDF (Edge Application Server Discovery Function)
Multicast-Broadcast Support
MB-SMF (Multicast-Broadcast SMF)
MB-UPF (Multicast-Broadcast UPF)
MBSF (Multicast-Broadcast Service Function)
MBSTF (Multicast-Broadcast Service Transport Function)
Transport Network
Fronthaul: RU-to-DU Transport
Midhaul: DU-to-CU Transport
Backhaul: RAN-to-Core Transport
Physical Transmission Mediums
Fiber & Wireline Transport Technologies
Owned, Lit & Dark Fiber
Ethernet & IP-Based Transport
WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
PON (Passive Optical Network)
OTN (Optical Transport Network)
DOCSIS, & Other Technologies
Microwave & mmWave (Millimeter Wave) Wireless Links
Traditional Bands (6 – 42 GHz)
V-Band (60 GHz)
E-Band (70/80 GHz)
W-Band (92 – 114.25 GHz)
D-Band (130 – 174.8 GHz)
Satellite Communications
GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit)
MEO (Medium Earth Orbit)
LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
Services & Interconnectivity
End User Application Services
Generic Broadband, Messaging & IoT Services
IMS Core: VoNR (Voice Over NR) & MMTel (Multimedia Telephony)
5G MBS/5MBS (5G Multicast-Broadcast Services)
Group Communications & MCS (Mission-Critical Services)
IIoT (Industrial IoT), Cyber-Physical Control & Domain-Specific Connected Services
ProSe (Proximity-Based Services) for Direct D2D (Device-to-Device) Discovery & Communications
Vehicular, Aviation, Maritime & Railway-Related Applications
3GPP Service Frameworks for Vertical Industries
CAPIF (Common API Framework)
SEAL (Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals)
EDGEAPP (Architecture for Enabling Edge Applications)
VAL (Vertical Application Layer) Enablers
V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything)
UAS (Uncrewed Aerial Systems)
5GMARCH/MSGin5G (Messaging in 5G)
FF (Factories of the Future)
PINAPP (Personal IoT Networks), XR (Extended Reality) & Others
Interconnectivity With 3GPP & Non-3GPP Networks
3GPP Roaming & Service Continuity
National & International Roaming
Service Continuity Outside Network Footprint
Non-3GPP Network Integration
N3IWF (Non-3GPP Interworking Function)
TNGF (Trusted Non-3GPP Gateway Function)
TWIF (Trusted WLAN Interworking Function)
NSWOF (Non-Seamless WLAN Offload Function)
W-AGF (Wireline Access Gateway Function)
IWF (Interworking Function) for LMR (Land Mobile Radio)
ATSSS (Access Traffic Steering, Switching & Splitting)
Key Enabling Technologies & Concepts
3GPP Support for NPNs (Non-Public Networks)
Types of NPNs
SNPNs (Standalone NPNs)
PNI-NPNs (Public Network-Integrated NPNs)
SNPN Identification & Selection
PNI-NPN Resource Allocation & Isolation
CAG (Closed Access Group) for Cell Access Control
Mobility, Roaming & Service Continuity
Interworking Between SNPNs & Public Networks
UE Configuration & Subscription-Related Aspects
Other 3GPP-Defined Capabilities for NPNs
Mobile Broadband Evolution
Massive MIMO, Beamforming & Advanced Antenna Systems
Air Interface Design & Optimizations
CA (Carrier Aggregation) & Multi-Carrier Operations
Expansion Into Higher Frequency Spectrum Bands
Industry 4.0 & Cellular IoT
URLLC Techniques: High-Reliability & Low-Latency Enablers
5G LAN (Local Area Network)-Type Service
Integration With IEEE 802.1 TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) Systems
Native 3GPP Framework for TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications)
Support for IETF DetNet (Deterministic Networking)
5G NR Light: RedCap (Reduced Capability) UE Type
eMTC, NB-IoT & mMTC: Wide Area & High-Density IoT Applications
Critical Communications
MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data)
QPP (QoS, Priority & Preemption)
IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety)
Cell Site & Infrastructure Hardening
HPUE (High-Power User Equipment)
Other UE-Related Functional Enhancements
High-Precision Positioning
Assisted-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
RAN-Based Positioning Techniques
RAN-Independent Methods
Edge Computing
Optimizing Latency, Service Performance & Backhaul Costs
3GPP-Defined Features for Edge Computing Support
Public vs. Private Edge Computing
Network Slicing
Logical Partitioning of Network Resources
3GPP Functions, Identifiers & Procedures for Slicing
RAN Slicing
Mobile Core Slicing
Transport Network Slicing
UE-Based Network Slicing Features
Management & Orchestration Aspects
Network Sharing
Service-Specific PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) IDs
DNN (Data Network Name)-Based Isolation
GWCN (Gateway Core Network): Core Network Sharing
MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network): RAN & Spectrum Sharing
MORAN (Multi-Operator RAN): RAN Sharing Without Spectrum Pooling
DECOR (Dedicated Core) & eDECOR (Enhanced DECOR)
Roaming in Non-Overlapping Service Areas
Passive Sharing of Infrastructure Resources
E2E (End-to-End) Security
UE Authentication Framework
Subscriber Privacy
Air Interface Confidentiality & Integrity
Resilience Against Radio Jamming
RAN, Core & Transport Network Security
Security Aspects of Network Slicing
Application Domain Protection
Other Security Considerations
Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum
DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing): LTE & 5G NR Coexistence
CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service): Three-Tiered Sharing
LSA (Licensed Shared Access) & eLSA (Evolved LSA): Two-Tiered Sharing
AFC (Automated Frequency Coordination): License-Exempt Sharing
Local Area Licensing of Shared Spectrum
5G NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum)
Rapidly Deployable 5G Network Systems
NIB (Network-in-a-Box) Systems
Vehicular COWs (Cells-on-Wheels)
Aerial Cell Sites
Maritime Cellular Platforms
Direct Communications & Coverage Expansion
Sidelink for Direct Mode D2D Communications
UE-to-Network & UE-to-UE Relays
Indoor & Outdoor Small Cells
DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems)
IAB (Integrated Access & Backhaul)
Mobile IAB: VMRs (Vehicle-Mounted Relays)
NCRs (Network-Controlled Repeaters)
NTNs (Non-Terrestrial Networks)
ATG/A2G (Air-to-Ground) Connectivity
Cloud-Native, Software-Driven & Open Networking
Cloud-Native Technologies
Microservices & SBA (Service-Based Architecture)
Containerization of Network Functions
NFV (Network Functions Virtualization)
SDN (Software-Defined Networking)
Cloud Compute, Storage & Networking Infrastructure
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
Open RAN & Core Architectures
Network Intelligence & Automation
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Machine & Deep Learning
Big Data & Advanced Analytics
SON (Self-Organizing Networks)
Intelligent Control, Management & Orchestration
Support for Network Intelligence & Automation in 3GPP Standards
Chapter 4: Key Vertical Industries & Applications
Cross-Sector & Enterprise Application Capabilities
Mobile Broadband
FWA (Fixed Wireless Access)
Voice & Messaging Services
High-Definition Video Transmission
Telepresence & Video Conferencing
Multimedia Broadcasting & Multicasting
IoT (Internet of Things) Networking
Wireless Connectivity for Wearables
Untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality)
Real-Time Holographic Projections
Tactile Internet & Haptic Feedback
Precise Positioning & Tracking
Industrial Automation
Remote Control of Machines
Connected Mobile Robotics
Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles
BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight) Operation of Drones
Data-Driven Analytics & Insights
Sensor-Equipped Digital Twins
Predictive Maintenance of Assets
Vertical Industries & Specific Application Scenarios
Intelligent Monitoring of Crop, Soil & Weather Conditions
IoT & Advanced Analytics-Driven Yield Optimization
Sensor-Based Smart Irrigation Control Systems
Real-Time Tracking & Geofencing in Farms
Livestock & Aquaculture Health Management
Video-Based Remote Veterinary Inspections
Unmanned Autonomous Tractors & Farm Vehicles
Robots for Planting, Weeding & Harvesting
5G-Equipped Agricultural Drones
Connected Greenhouses & Vertical Farms
Inflight Connectivity for Passengers & Cabin Crew
Connected Airports for Enhanced Traveler & Visitor Experience
Coordination of Ground Support Equipment, Vehicles & Personnel
ATM (Air Traffic Management) for Drones & Urban Air Mobility Vehicles
Wireless Upload of EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) & IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) Updates
Aircraft Data Offload for Operational & Maintenance Purposes
Video Surveillance of Airport Surface & Terminal Areas
5G-Enabled Remote Inspection & Repair of Aircraft
Navigation, Weather & Other IoT Sensors
Smart Baggage Handling
Asset Awareness & Tracking
Passenger Flow & Resource Management
Automation of Check-In & Boarding Procedures
Intelligent Airport Service Robots
3GPP-Based PMSE (Program Making & Special Events)
Live AV (Audio-Visual) Media Production Using NPNs
Private 5G-Enabled Production in Remote Locations
Network Slicing for Contribution Feeds
Wire-Free Cameras & Microphones
Multicast & Broadcast Content Distribution
Wireless Connectivity for Construction Sites & Field Offices
Instantaneous Access to Business-Critical Applications
5G-Based Remote Control of Heavy Machinery
Autonomous Mobile Robots for Construction
IoT Sensor-Driven Maintenance of Equipment
Video Surveillance & Analytics for Site Security
Real-Time Visibility of Personnel, Assets & Materials
Aerial Surveying & Monitoring of Construction Sites
Remote & Distance Learning Services
Mobile Access to Academic Resources
5G-Connected Smart Classrooms
Automation of Administrative Tasks
Personalized & Engaging Learning
AR/VR-Based Immersive Lessons
5G-Enabled Virtual Field Trips
Educational Telepresence Robots
Wireless Connectivity for Forestry Operations & Recreation
5G-Facilitated Teleoperation of Forestry Equipment
Autonomous Harvesting & Milling Machinery
Real-Time Tracking of Equipment, Vehicles & Personnel
Cellular IoT Sensors for Biological & Environmental Monitoring
Wireless Cameras for Wildlife Observation, Conservation & Security
Early Wildfire Detection & Containment Systems
Drones for Search & Rescue Operations
5G-Connected Smart Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities
Wireless Transmission of Medical Imagery & Rich Datasets
Real-Time Monitoring of Patients in Acute & Intensive Care
Telehealth Video Consultations for Visual Assessment
Connectivity for AI-Based Healthcare Applications
AR Systems for Complex Medical Procedures
Remote-Controlled Surgery & Examination
Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Robotics
Immersive VR-Based Medical & Surgical Training
Connected Ambulances for EMS (Emergency Medical Services)
Untethered Connectivity for Production & Process Automation
Wireless Motion Control & C2C (Control-to-Control) Communications
Cellular-Equipped Mobile Control Panels
Mobile Robots & AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles)
Autonomous Forklifts & Warehouse Robotics
AR-Facilitated Factory Floor Operations
Machine Vision-Based Quality Inspection
Closed-Loop Process Control
Process & Environmental Monitoring
Precise Indoor Positioning for Asset Management
Remote Access & Maintenance of Equipment
5G-Based Tactical Battlefield Communications
Smart Military Bases & Command Posts
ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance)
Command & Control of Weapon Systems
Remote Operation of Robotics & Unmanned Assets
AR HUD (Heads-Up Display) Systems
Wireless VR/MR-Based Military Training
Perimeter Security & Force Protection
Safety-Critical Communications in Remote Mining Environments
Wireless Control of Drilling, Excavation & Related Equipment
Automated Loading, Haulage & Train Operations
Video-Based Monitoring of Personnel & Assets
Underground Positioning & Geofencing
Smart Ventilation & Water Management
Real-Time Operational Intelligence
AR & VR for Mining Operations
Oil & Gas
Wireless Connectivity for Remote Exploration & Production Sites
Critical Voice & Data-Based Mobile Workforce Communications
Push-to-Video & Telepresence Conferencing for Field Operations
Cellular-Equipped Surveillance Cameras for Situational Awareness
IoT Sensor-Enabled Remote Monitoring & Automation of Processes
SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) Communications
Location Services for Worker Safety & Asset Tracking
AR Smart Helmets for Hands-Free Remote Assistance
Predictive Maintenance of Oil & Gas Facilities
Mobile Robots for Safety Hazard Inspections
Ports & Maritime Transport
Critical Communications for Port Workers
Automation of Port & Terminal Operations
5G-Connected AGVs for Container Transport
Remote-Controlled Cranes & Terminal Tractors
Video Analytics for Operational Purposes
Environmental & Condition Monitoring
Port Traffic Management & Control
AR & VR Applications for Port Digitization
Unmanned Aerial Inspections of Port Facilities
Private Cellular-Enabled Maritime Communications
Wireless Ship-to-Shore Connectivity in Nearshore Waters
5G-Facilitated Remote Steering of Unmanned Vessels
Public Safety
Mission-Critical PTT Voice Communications
Real-Time Video & High-Resolution Imagery
Messaging, File Transfer & Presence Services
Secure & Seamless Mobile Broadband Access
Location-Based Services & Enhanced Mapping
Multimedia CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatch)
Massive-Scale Video Surveillance & Analytics
Smart Glasses & AR Headgear for First Responders
5G-Equipped Police, Firefighting & Rescue Robots
5G MBS/5MBS in High-Density Environments
Sidelink-Based Direct Mode Communications
FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System)
Train-to-Ground & Train-to-Train Connectivity
Wireless Intra-Train Communications
Rail Operations-Critical Voice, Data & Video Services
ATO (Automatic Train Operation) & Traffic Management
Video Surveillance for Operational Safety & Security
Smart Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure
Intelligent Management of Logistics Facilities
Onboard Broadband Internet Access
PIS (Passenger Information Systems)
Smart Rail & Metro Station Services
Multi-Service FANs (Field Area Networks)
Critical Applications for Field Workforce Communications
AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
DA (Distribution Automation) Systems
Microgrid & DER (Distributed Energy Resource) Integration
5G-Enabled VPPs (Virtual Power Plants)
Low-Latency SCADA Applications for Utilities
Teleprotection of Transmission & Distribution Grids
Video Monitoring for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Sensor-Based Detection of Water & Gas Leaks
AR Information Overlays for Repairs & Maintenance
Drone & Robot-Assisted Inspections of Utility Assets
Local Wireless Connectivity for Remote & Offshore Facilities
Warehousing & Other Verticals
Chapter 5: Spectrum Availability, Allocation & Usage
National & Local Area Licensed Spectrum
Low-Band (Sub-1 GHz)
200 – 400 MHz
410 & 450 MHz
600 MHz
700 MHz
800 MHz
900 MHz
Mid-Band (1 – 6 GHz)
1.4 GHz
1.6 GHz
1.8 GHz
1.9 GHz
2.1 GHz
2.3 GHz
2.4 GHz
2.5 GHz
2.6 GHz
3.4 GHz
3.5 GHz CBRS PAL Tier
3.7 – 3.8 GHz
3.8 – 4.2 GHz
4.6 – 4.9 GHz
Other Bands
High-Band mmWave (Millimeter Wave)
26 GHz
28 GHz
37 GHz
Other Bands
License-Exempt (Unlicensed) Spectrum
Sub-1 GHz Bands (470 – 790/800/900 MHz)
1.8 GHz DECT Guard Band
1.9 GHz sXGP Band
2.4 GHz (2,400 – 2,483.5 MHz)
3.5 GHz CBRS GAA Tier
5 GHz (5,150 – 5,925 MHz)
6 GHz (5,925 – 7,125 MHz)
60 GHz (57 – 71 GHz)
Other Bands
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
Hong Kong
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
Czech Republic
Rest of Europe
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Republic of the Congo
Rest of the Middle East & Africa
Latin & Central America
Dominican Republic
Trinidad & Tobago
Rest of Latin & Central America
Chapter 6: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
Release 15: 5G eMBB Capabilities, Introduction of Network Slicing & New Operating Bands
Release 16: 3GPP Support for NPNs, 5G URLLC, TSN, NR-U & Vertical Application Enablers
Release 17: NPN Enhancements, Edge Computing, TSC, Expansion of IIoT Features, RedCap & NTN Connectivity
Release 18: 5G Advanced, Further NPN Refinements, DetNet, Intelligent Automation, Spectrum Flexibility & XR Services
Releases 19, 20, 21 & Beyond: Succession From 5G Advanced to the 6G Evolution
450 MHz Alliance
Promoting 3GPP Technologies in the 380 – 470 MHz Frequency Range
5G-ACIA (5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation)
Maximizing the Applicability of 5G Technology in the Industrial Domain
5GAIA (5G Applications Industry Array)
Advancing the Development of China's 5G Applications Industry
5G Campus Network Alliance
Supporting the Market Development of 5G Campus Networks in Germany
5GDNA (5G Deterministic Networking Alliance)
Industry Collaboration & Promotion of 5GDN (5G Deterministic Networking)
5GFF (5G Future Forum)
Accelerating the Delivery of 5G MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) Solutions
5G Forum (South Korea)
Expanding Convergence Between 5G Technology & Vertical Industries
5G Health Association
Interfacing 5G-Based Connectivity & Healthcare Applications
5G-MAG (5G Media Action Group)
5G-Based NPNs in Media Production
5GMF (Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum, Japan)
Initiatives Related to Local 5G Networks in Japan
5GSA (5G Slicing Association)
Addressing Vertical Industry Requirements for 5G Network Slicing
6G-IA (6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association)
Private 5G-Related Projects & Activities
AGURRE (Association of Major Users of Operational Radio Networks, France)
Spectrum Access, Regulatory Framework & Industrial Ecosystem for Private Mobile Networks
APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials) International
Public Safety 5G-Related Advocacy Efforts
ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
Deployment & Operational Requirements of 5G-Based NPNs
Shared HNI & IBN Administration for CBRS Spectrum
Other Private 5G-Related Initiatives
BTG (Dutch Association of Large-Scale ICT & Telecommunications Users)
KMBG (Dutch Critical Mobile Broadband Users) Expert Group
B-TrunC (Broadband Trunking Communication) Industry Alliance
B-TrunC Standard for 3GPP-Based Critical Communications
CAMET (China Association of Metros)
Adoption of 3GPP Networks for Urban Rail Transit Systems
CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
Common Spectrum Policies for Local 5G, PPDR Broadband & FRMCS
DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
Promoting Unlicensed & Dynamic Access to Spectrum
Electricity Canada (Canadian Electricity Association)
PVNO & Dedicated Spectrum for Smart Grid Communications
ENTELEC (Energy Telecommunications and Electrical Association)
Policy Advocacy & Other Private 5G-Related Activities
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute)
Research & Guidelines in Support of 3GPP-Based Utility Communications
ERA (European Union Agency for Railways)
Evolution of Railway Radio Communication Project
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
Technical Specifications for FRMCS, PPDR Broadband, MCX & TETRA-3GPP Interworking
Other Work Relevant to Private 5G Networks
EU-Rail (Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking)
FRMCS-Related Research & Innovation Activities
EUTC (European Utilities Telecom Council)
Addressing 5G-Related Requirements for European Utilities
EUWENA (European Users of Enterprise Wireless Networks Association)
Catalyzing the Wider Adoption of 3GPP-Based Private Networks
EWA (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
Supporting the Private Wireless Industry in the United States
Open-Source 5GC Software
GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers Association)
Advocacy for Private Mobile Networks
GSMA (GSM Association)
Guidelines for 5G Private & Dedicated Networks
GUTMA (Global UTM Association)
ACJA (Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity) Initiative
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
International & Regional Harmonization of 5G Spectrum
Defining the Role of IMT-2020 to Support Vertical Applications
JOTS (Joint Operators Technical Specification) Forum
NHIB (Neutral Host In-Building) Specification

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