Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and Purification Services Market (2nd Edition): Focus on Research, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications, 2021-2031

Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and Purification Services Market (2nd Edition): Focus on Research, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications, 2021-2031


Post the marketing of Vitravene®, the first antisense oligonucleotide-based therapy to receive approval (in 1998), various stakeholders have undertaken multiple research initiatives to verify the potential of oligonucleotides as therapeutic agents. The known applications of oligonucleotides in research and diagnostics, in addition to their therapeutic use, have significantly increased. It is worth mentioning that these molecules play a crucial role in genetic testing, molecular testing protocols and various analytical testing procedures, such as artificial gene synthesis and polymerase chain reaction. In fact, several preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated the potential of oligonucleotides as a safe and effective treatment modality, owing to their unique characteristics, such as high target specificity and superior pharmacokinetic profile. , As a result, over 14 oligonucleotide-based therapies have been approved till date. Notable examples of recently approved products include (in reverse chronological order of year of approval) AMONDYS 45 (2021), Oxlumo™ (2020) and Viltepso™ (2020). Further, over 350 oligonucleotide-based therapies are currently being evaluated across different development stages.

Oligonucleotides are usually manufactured using chemical synthesis approaches, such as phosphoramidite synthesis and solid-phase synthesis (used for manufacturing small molecules). Given to the intricacy of the aforementioned synthesis procedures, production of oligonucleotides is often associated with several challenges, such as lack of purification and analytical expertise among the stakeholders. Presently, a significant portion of the existing manufacturing capabilities and expertise in this domain belong to contract service providers. Therefore, several researchers and therapy / diagnostic developers engaged in this domain prefer to outsource their oligonucleotide manufacturing operations. Moreover, with the rise in global disease burden, there has been an increase in the demand for effective targeted therapies. Specifically, post the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant rise in the demand for oligonucleotides, given their use in COVID-19 testing kits. Consequently, contract service providers are expanding their existing capacities and capabilities in order to cater to the growing demand. In addition, we believe that encouraging clinical trial results and extensive research activity related to oligonucleotides, coupled to their growing demand, is likely to result in lucrative opportunities for custom / contract service providers, in the foreseen future.


The “Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and Purification Services Market: Focus on Research, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications (2nd Edition), Distribution by Type of Manufacturing (Custom Manufacturing and Contract Manufacturing), Type of Oligonucleotide Manufactured (Antisense, siRNA, shRNA, miRNA and Others), Scale of Operation (Clinical and Commercial), Purpose of Production (In-house Operations and Outsourced Operations), Type of Operation (API and FDF), Size of Manufacturer (Small, Mid-sized and Large), Key Therapeutic Areas (Autoimmune Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Genetic Disorders, Infectious Diseases, Metabolic Disorders, Neuromuscular Disorders, Oncological Disorders, Ophthalmic Disorders, And Other Therapeutic Areas) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2021-2031” report features a detailed study of the current scenario and future potential of the custom synthesis, modification and purification services market for oligonucleotides, which are intended for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. Further, the study underlines an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of service providers engaged in this domain. In addition to other elements, the study covers:

A detailed overview of the current market landscape of oligonucleotide manufacturers focused on research and diagnostic and therapeutic applications, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, scale of operation (preclinical, clinical, and commercial), location of headquarters, number of manufacturing facilities, along with information on the location of facility (country-wise), regulatory accreditations and certifications received, type of oligonucleotide manufactured (antisense oligonucleotides, aptamers, decoys, miRNA, shRNA, siRNA, specialty amidites and others), type of offering (custom synthesis, modification and purification), type of manufacturing service(s) offered (process development and characterization, method validation and testing, analytical development, sequencing capabilities, stability studies, quality assurance and control, fill / finish, regulatory support, data analytics and reporting, and others), type of modification(s) offered (amino modifiers, backbone modifications, fluorescent probes, dyes and quenchers, modified bases, phosphorylation, thiol modifications and others) and type of purification method(s) used (desalting, cartridge purification, HPLC, ion exchange purification, PAGE and others).

An insightful company competitiveness analysis, highlighting the key oligonucleotide manufacturers focused on research and diagnostic, and therapeutic applications, based on supplier strength (on the basis of size of employee base and its experience) and service strength (on the basis of scale of operation, type of oligonucleotide manufactured, type of offering, type of manufacturing service(s) offered, type of modification(s) offered, type of purification method(s) used, and number and location of manufacturing facilities).

Elaborate profiles of key players engaged in offering custom synthesis, modification and purification of oligonucleotides for research and diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. Each profile includes an overview of the company, its financial performance (if available), information related to its service portfolio, manufacturing facilities, details on partnerships inked, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

A qualitative analysis highlighting the various factors that need to be considered by players engaged in this domain, while deciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engage the services of a service provider.

A detailed review of the various oligonucleotide-based manufacturing initiatives undertaken by big pharma players (on the basis of revenues generated by top 5 pharmaceutical companies in 2020), highlighting trends across parameters, such as year of initiative, type of initiative and type of oligonucleotide.

An analysis of recent partnerships inked between players engaged in oligonucleotide manufacturing, during the period 2014-2021, based on several parameters, such as year of partnership, type of partnership, type of partner, most active players (in terms of number of partnerships signed), and region.

An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertaken by service providers engaged in this domain, during the period 2016-2021, along with information on several relevant parameters, such as year of expansion, type of expansion (capability expansion, capacity expansion, facility expansion and new facility), scale of operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), type of application (research and manufacturing operations), and location of manufacturing facility.

An in-depth analysis of over 90 oligonucleotide-based therapy developers that are likely to partner with contract service providers engaged in this domain, based on several relevant parameters, such as developer strength (on the basis of company size and its experience), pipeline strength and maturity (on the basis of number of drugs in pipeline and their stage of development) and other manufacturing capabilities.

A detailed analysis of completed and ongoing clinical research studies of various oligonucleotide-based drugs, based on several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, phase of development, type of oligonucleotide, current trial recruitment status, study focus area, key therapeutic areas (in terms of number of trials undertaken / conducted), enrolled patient population and trial location, and leading industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of trials undertaken / conducted).

An estimate of the global, installed capacity for the manufacturing of oligonucleotides, based on information provided by various industry stakeholders in the public domain. It also features distribution of available oligonucleotide synthesis capacity on the basis of company size (small, mid-sized and large firms), scale of operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of the world).

An informed estimate of the annual commercial demand for oligonucleotide-based drugs (in kilograms), based on several relevant parameters, such as target patient population, dosing frequency and dose strength. The annual clinical demand for oligonucleotide-based drug products was also estimated, taking into account ongoing clinical trials.

An elaborate discussion on how the recent COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact the oligonucleotide synthesis market, along with information on the key initiatives undertaken by players engaged in this domain to overcome the challenges faced due to the pandemic.

A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers and challenges, under an elaborate SWOT framework, which are likely to impact the industry’s evolution, including a Harvey ball analysis, highlighting the relative effect of each SWOT parameter on the overall industry.

A survey analysis featuring inputs solicited from various experts who are directly / indirectly involved in providing custom synthesis, modification and purification services for oligonucleotides.

One of the key objectives of this report was to evaluate the current opportunity and the future potential within the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market, over the next decade. Based on multiple parameters, such as anticipated growth in number of oligonucleotide-focused projects, cost of goods sold, and direct manufacturing costs, we have developed informed estimates of the likely evolution of the market over the coming decade. Additionally, the report features the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across [A] type of manufacturing (custom manufacturing, and contract manufacturing), [B] type of oligonucleotide manufactured (antisense oligonucleotides, miRNA, shRNA, siRNA, and others), [C] scale of operation (clinical and commercial), [D] purpose of production (in-house operations and outsourced operations), [E] type of operation (active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and finished dosage form (FDF)) [F] size of manufacturer (small, mid-sized, and large companies), [G] key therapeutic areas (autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, genetic disorders, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, neuromuscular disorders, oncological disorders, ophthalmic disorders, and other therapeutic areas), and [H] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific and rest of the world). In order to account for the uncertainties associated with the growth of the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three forecast scenarios, portraying the conservative, base and optimistic tracks of the market’s evolution.

The opinions presented in this study were influenced by inputs (through an industry-wide survey) of several key players in this domain. In addition, the report features detailed transcripts of interviews held with the following individuals:

Arun Shastry (Co-Founder and Managing Director, Hanugen Therapeutics)

Hans-Peter Vornlocher (Managing Director, Axolabs)

Joachim Bertram (Chief Scientific Officer and Managing Director, IBA Life Sciences)

Tobias Pohlmann (Founder and Managing Director, BianoScience)

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we have conducted interviews with various experts in this domain (academia, industry and other associations) in order to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. This is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Where possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:

Annual reports

Investor presentations

SEC filings

Industry databases

News releases from company websites

Government policy documents

Industry analysts’ views

While the focus has been on forecasting the market till 2031, the report also provides our independent view on various non-commercial trends emerging in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.


Who are the leading players offering oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services for research, diagnostic and therapeutic applications?

What are the preferred modification and purification methods used for oligonucleotides?

What are the key challenges faced by stakeholders engaged in this domain?

What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted by industry stakeholders?

What are the recent expansion initiatives undertaken by service providers within this domain?

Which therapy developers are likely to partner with oligonucleotide manufacturing service providers?

What is the annual, clinical and commercial demand for oligonucleotides?

What is the current, installed manufacturing capacity for oligonucleotides?

What percentage of oligonucleotide manufacturing operations are outsourced to service providers?

What factors should be taken into consideration while deciding whether the manufacturing operations for oligonucleotides should be kept in-house or outsourced?

What are the different initiatives undertaken by big pharma players engaged in this domain, in the recent past?

What are the opportunities in emerging markets for oligonucleotide manufacturing?

How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?

What are the anticipated future trends related to oligonucleotide manufacturing?


Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the key insights captured in our research. It offers a high-level view on the likely evolution of the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market in the mid-long term.

Chapter 3 presents a general introduction to oligonucleotides, featuring information on the oligonucleotide-based products available in the market. Further, it features a detailed discussion on different steps involved in custom synthesis, chemical modification and purification of oligonucleotides, along with information on the key challenges associated. In addition, the chapter includes a brief discussion on the need for outsourcing within the oligonucleotides market. Furthermore, it lists the commonly outsourced oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification operations, along with information on the key factors that need to be considered while selecting a service provider. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the key growth drivers and roadblocks associated with oligonucleotide manufacturing, as well as upcoming trends in this field.

Chapter 4 provides a detailed review of the current status of the market with respect to oligonucleotide manufacturers focused on research and diagnostic applications. The chapter features information on the year of establishment, company size, scale of operation (small, medium, and large), location of headquarters, number of manufacturing facilities, along with their locations (country-wise), and regulatory accreditations and certifications received by them, type of oligonucleotide manufactured (antisense oligonucleotides, aptamers, decoys, miRNA, shRNA, siRNA, specialty amidites, and others), type of offering (custom synthesis, modification and purification), type of manufacturing service(s) offered (process development and characterization, method validation and testing, analytical development, sequencing capabilities, stability studies, quality assurance and control, scale-up, fill / finish, downstream processing, regulatory support, data analytics and reporting, and others), type of modification(s) offered (amino modifiers, backbone modifications, fluorescent probes, dyes and quenchers, modified bases, phosphorylation, thiol modifications, and others) and type of purification method(s) used (desalting, cartridge purification, HPLC, ion exchange purification, PAGE, and others).

Chapter 5 provides a detailed review of the current status of the market with respect to oligonucleotide manufacturers focused on therapeutic applications. The chapter features information on the year of establishment, company size, scale of operation (preclinical, clinical, and commercial), location of headquarters, number of manufacturing facilities, along with their locations (country-wise), and regulatory accreditations and certifications received by them, type of oligonucleotide manufactured (antisense oligonucleotides, aptamers, decoys, miRNA, shRNA, siRNA, specialty amidites, and others), type of offering (custom synthesis, modification and purification), type of manufacturing service(s) offered (process development and characterization, method validation and testing, analytical development, sequencing capabilities, stability studies, quality assurance and control, fill/finish, regulatory support, data analytics and reporting, and others), type of modification(s) offered (amino modifiers, backbone modifications, fluorescent probes, dyes and quenchers, modified bases, phosphorylation, thiol modifications, and others) and type of purification method(s) used (desalting, cartridge purification, HPLC, ion exchange purification, PAGE, and others).

Chapter 6 features an insightful company competitiveness analysis of oligonucleotide manufacturers for research and diagnostic applications, based in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, that we came across during our research. The analysis compares companies within each geography on the basis of supplier strength (which was calculated by considering the size of employee base of a company and its experience in this field) and service strength (quantified based on scale of operation, expertise in manufacturing different types of oligonucleotides, type of offering, type of manufacturing service(s) offered, type of modification(s) offered, type of purification method(s) used, as well as number and location of manufacturing facilities).

Chapter 7 features an insightful company competitiveness analysis of oligonucleotide manufacturers for therapeutic applications, based in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, that we came across during our research. The analysis compares companies within each geography on the basis of supplier strength (which was calculated by considering the size of employee base of a company and its experience in this field) and service strength (quantified based on scale of operation, expertise in manufacturing different types of oligonucleotides, type of offering, type of manufacturing service(s) offered, type of modification(s) offered, type of purification method(s) used, as well as number and location of manufacturing facilities).

Chapter 8 includes elaborate profiles of key industry players (shortlisted on the basis of company competitiveness analysis scores) that offer a diverse range of capabilities for the custom synthesis, modification and purification of oligonucleotides for use in research and diagnostic applications. Each profile includes an overview of the company, its financial performance (if available), information related to its service portfolio, manufacturing facilities, details on partnerships, recent developments (expansions), and awards received by the firm, as well as an informed future outlook.

Chapter 9 includes elaborate profiles of key industry players (shortlisted on the basis of company competitiveness analysis scores) that offer a diverse range of capabilities for the custom synthesis, modification and purification of oligonucleotides for use in therapeutic applications. Each profile includes an overview of the company, its financial performance (if available), information related to its service portfolio, manufacturing facilities, details on partnerships, recent developments (expansions), and awards received by the firm, as well as an informed future outlook.

Chapter 10 presents a qualitative analysis highlighting the various factors that need to be taken into consideration by oligonucleotide-based therapy developers, while deciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engage the services of a service provider.

Chapter 11 provides a detailed analysis of oligonucleotide-based manufacturing related initiatives of the big pharma players (shortlisted on the basis of the revenues generated by the top 5 pharmaceutical companies in 2020), featuring trends across various parameters, such as year of initiative, type of initiative and type of oligonucleotide.

Chapter 12 features an elaborate analysis of the various partnerships and collaborations that have been inked amongst players in this domain, in the time period 2014-2021. It provides a brief description on the various types of partnership models (which include asset purchase agreements, distribution agreements, manufacturing agreements, mergers / acquisitions, product development agreements, R&D agreements, service alliances, and others) that have been adopted by stakeholders in this domain. Further, it includes analyses based on the year of agreement, type of partner, and most active players. Furthermore, we have provided a world map representation of all the deals inked in this field, highlighting those that have been established within and across different continents.

Chapter 13 presents detailed analysis on the various expansion initiatives undertaken by service providers engaged in this domain, in order to augment their respective oligonucleotide manufacturing capabilities, over the period 2016-2021. It includes information on expansions carried out for increasing existing capabilities, as well as those intended for setting-up of new facilities by manufacturers engaged in this domain. The expansion instances that we came across were analyzed based on various parameters, including year of expansion, type of expansion (capability expansion, capacity expansion, facility expansion, and new facility), scale of operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), application (research and manufacturing operations), and location of manufacturing facility.

Chapter 14 features an in-depth analysis of more than 96 oligonucleotide-based therapy developers that are anticipated to partner with contract service providers and have been shortlisted on the basis of several relevant parameters, such as developer strength (which takes into account a company’s size and its experience in this field), pipeline strength and maturity (based on the number of pipeline drugs and affiliated stage of development) and availability of other oligonucleotide-based therapy capabilities.

Chapter 15 provides a detailed analysis of completed and ongoing clinical research studies of various oligonucleotide-based drug products, highlighting prevalent trends across several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, phase of development, type of oligonucleotide, current trial recruitment status, study focus area, key therapeutic areas (in terms of number of trials undertaken / conducted), enrolled patient population and trial location, and leading industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of trials undertaken / conducted).

Chapter 16 features a detailed analysis of the global / regional capacity of manufacturers that are engaged in the synthesis of oligonucleotides. The analysis takes into consideration the individual manufacturing capacities of various stakeholders (small, mid-sized, and large manufacturers) in the market, using data from both secondary and primary research. It also examines the likely distribution of the global oligonucleotide manufacturing capacity available across different types of companies (small, mid-sized, and large manufacturers), scales of operation (preclinical / clinical and commercial), and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific and rest of the world).

Chapter 17 features a detailed estimate of the annual demand for oligonucleotide-based drug products (in kilograms), offering an informed opinion on the required scale of supply (in terms of oligonucleotide synthesis services). In order to estimate the annual commercial demand, we considered the marketed oligonucleotide products; the analysis takes into consideration the target patient population, dosing frequency and dose strength of the aforementioned products. The annual clinical demand for oligonucleotide-based drug products was also estimated, taking into account the ongoing clinical trials.

Chapter 18 presents an insightful market forecast analysis, highlighting the likely growth of the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market, till 2031. In order to provide details on the future opportunity, our projections have been segmented on the basis of [A] type of manufacturing (custom manufacturing, and contract manufacturing), [B] type of oligonucleotide manufactured (antisense oligonucleotides, miRNA, shRNA, siRNA, and others), [C] scale of operation (clinical and commercial), [D] purpose of production (in-house operations and outsourced operations), [E] type of operation (API and FDF) [F] size of manufacturer (small, mid-sized, and large companies), [G] key therapeutic areas (autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, genetic disorders, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, neuromuscular disorders, oncological disorders, ophthalmic disorders, and other therapeutic areas), and [H] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific and rest of the world)

Chapter 19 features an insightful discussion on how the recent COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact the oligonucleotide synthesis market, along with information on the key initiatives undertaken by the developers engaged in this domain to overcome the challenges faced due to the pandemic.

Chapter 20 provides a detailed analysis capturing the key parameters and trends that are likely to influence the future of oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market, under a detailed SWOT framework.

Chapter 21 presents the insights generated from a detailed survey, wherein we invited multiple stakeholders involved in the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market.

Chapter 22 is a collection of interview transcripts of the discussions held with key stakeholders in this market. In this chapter, we have presented the details of our conversations with Hans-Peter Vornlocher (Managing Director, Axolabs), Tobias Pohlmann (Founder and Managing Director, BianoScience), Arun Shastry (Co-Founder and Managing Director, Hanugen Therapeutics) and Joachim Bertram (Chief Scientific Officer and Managing Director, IBA Life Sciences).

Chapter 23 is a summary of the entire report. It provides the key takeaways and presents our independent opinion of this market, based on the research and analysis described in the previous chapters. It also provides a recap of some of the upcoming future trends, which, we believe, are likely to influence the growth of oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification service providers.

Chapter 24 is an appendix, which provides tabulated data and numbers for all the figures provided in the report.

Chapter 25 is an appendix, which provides the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.

1. Preface
1.1. Scope Of The Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Key Questions Answered
1.4. Chapter Outlines
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
3.1. Context And Background
3.2. Overview Of Oligonucleotide-based Products
3.3. Types Of Oligonucleotides
3.3.1. Antisense Oligonucleotides
3.3.2. Aptamers
3.3.3. Mirna
3.3.4. Shrna
3.3.5. Sirna
3.3.6. Other Oligonucleotides
3.4. Custom Synthesis Of Oligonucleotides
3.4.1. Process Development And Characterization
3.4.2. Analytical Method Development
3.4.3. Method Validation And Testing
3.4.4. Quality Control And Quality Assurance
3.4.5. Key Challenges Associated With Custom Synthesis Of Oligonucleotides
3.5. Chemical Modification Of Oligonucleotides
3.5.1. Backbone Modification
3.5.2. Sugar Ring Modification
3.6. Purification Of Oligonucleotides
3.6.1. Desalting
3.6.2. Cartridge Purification
3.6.3. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (Page)
3.6.4. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Hplc)
3.7. Outsourcing Oligonucleotide Manufacturing
3.7.1. Need For Outsourcing
3.7.2. Commonly Outsourced Operations
3.7.3. Advantages Of Outsourcing Manufacturing Operations
3.7.4. Guidelines For Selecting A Service Provider
3.8. Growth Drivers And Roadblocks To Oligonucleotide Manufacturing
3.9. Recent Developments And Upcoming Trends
4. Market Landscape: Oligonucleotide Manufactureres (Research And Diagnostic Applications)
4.1. Chapter Overview
4.2. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers Focused On Research And Diagnostic Applications: Overall Market Landscape
4.2.1. Analysis By Year Of Establishment
4.2.2. Analysis By Company Size
4.2.3. Analysis By Scale Of Operation
4.2.4. Analysis By Geographical Location
4.2.5. Analysis By Location Of Manufacturing Facilities
4.2.6. Analysis By Regulatory Accreditations / Certifications Received
4.2.7. Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide Manufactured
4.2.8. Analysis By Type Of Offering
4.2.9. Analysis By Type Of Manufacturing Service(S) Offered
4.2.10. Analysis By Type Of Modification(S) Offered
4.2.11. Analysis By Type Of Purification Method(S) Used
5. Market Landscape: Oligonucleotide Manufactureres (Therapeutic Applications)
5.1. Chapter Overview
5.2. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers Focused On Therapeutic Applications: Overall Market Landscape
5.2.1. Analysis By Year Of Establishment
5.2.2. Analysis By Company Size
5.2.3. Analysis By Scale Of Operation
5.2.4. Analysis By Geographical Location
5.2.5. Analysis By Location Of Manufacturing Facilities
5.2.6. Analysis By Regulatory Accreditations / Certifications Received
5.2.7. Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide Manufactured
5.2.8. Analysis By Type Of Offering
5.2.9. Analysis By Type Of Manufacturing Service(S) Offered
5.2.10. Analysis By Type Of Modification(S) Offered
5.2.11. Analysis By Type Of Purification Method(S) Used
6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Oligonucleotide Manufactures (Research And Diagnostic Applications)
6.1. Chapter Overview
6.2. Key Assumptions And Methodology
6.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers Focused On Research And Diagnostic Applications: Company Competitiveness Analysis
6.3.1. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In North America
6.3.2. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In Europe
6.3.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In Asia-pacific
7. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Therapeutic Applications)
7.1. Chapter Overview
7.2. Key Assumptions And Methodology
7.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers Focused On Therapeutic Applications: Company Competitiveness Analysis
7.3.1. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In North America
7.3.2. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In Europe
7.3.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers In Asia-pacific
8. Company Profiles: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Research And Diagnostic Applications)
8.1. Chapter Overview
8.2. North America
8.2.1. Ajinomoto Bio-pharma Services Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.2.2. Integrated Dna Technologies Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.2.3. Sigma Aldrich Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.2.4. Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.3. Europe
8.3.1. Biospring Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.3.2. Kaneka Eurogentec Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.3.3. Microsynth Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
8.4. Asia-pacific And Row
8.4.1. Sumitomo Chemical Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9. Company Profiles: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Therapeutic Applications)
9.1. Chapter Overview
9.2. North America
9.2.1. Agilent Technologies Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.2.2. Nitto Denko Avecia Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.2.3. Trilink Biotechnologies Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.3. Europe
9.3.1. Cordenpharma Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.3.2. Lgc, Biosearch Technologies Company Overview Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.3.3. Lonza Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
9.4. Asia-pacific
9.4.1. Sta Pharmaceutical Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Manufacturing Facilities And Capabilities Recent Developments And Future Outlook
10. Make Versus Buy Decision Framework
10.1. Chapter Overview
10.2. Assumptions And Key Parameters
10.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers: Make Versus Buy Decision Making
10.3.1. Scenario 1
10.3.2. Scenario 2
10.3.3. Scenario 3
10.3.4. Scenario 4
10.4. Concluding Remarks
11. Big Pharma Initiatives
11.1. Chapter Overview
11.2. List Of Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Initiatives
11.2.1. Analysis By Year Of Initiative
11.2.2. Analysis By Type Of Initiative
11.2.3. Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide
12. Partnerships And Collaborations
12.1. Chapter Overview
12.2. Partnership Models
12.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers: Recent Partnerships And Collaborations
12.3.1. Analysis By Year Of Partnership
12.3.2. Analysis By Type Of Partnership
12.3.3. Analysis By Type Of Partner
12.3.4. Most Active Players: Analysis By Number Of Partnerships
12.3.5. Analysis By Region Intercontinental And Intracontinental Agreements Most Active Players: Analysis By Number Of Partnerships And Region
12.3.6. Analysis By Year Of Merger / Acquisition
12.3.7. Analysis By Type Of Acquisition
12.3.8. Key Value Drivers
13. Recent Expansions
13.1. Chapter Overview
13.2. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers: Recent Expansions
13.2.1. Analysis By Year Of Expansion
13.2.2. Analysis By Type Of Expansion
13.2.3. Analysis By Application
13.2.4. Analysis By Location Of Facility
13.2.5. Analysis By Expanded Facility Area
13.2.6. Analysis By Expanded Scale Of Operation
13.3.7. Most Active Players: Analysis By Number Of Expansions
13.3.8. Analysis By Region Continent-wise Distribution Country-wise Distribution
14. Likely Partner Analysis
14.1. Chapter Overview
14.2. Scoring Criteria And Key Assumptions
14.3. Scope And Methodology
14.4. Potential Strategic Partners
14.4.1. Likely Partners For Antisense Oligonucleotides Manufacturers
14.4.2. Likely Partners For Sirna Therapeutics Manufacturers
14.4.3. Likely Partners For Mirna Therapeutics Manufacturers
14.4.4. Likely Partners For Shrna And Sshrna Therapeutics Manufacturers
15. Clinical Trial Analysis
15.1. Chapter Overview
15.2. Scope And Methodology
15.3. Oligonucleotide-based Drug Products: Clinical Trial Analysis
15.3.1. Analysis By Trial Registration Year
15.3.2. Analysis By Phase Of Development
15.3.3. Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide
15.3.4. Analysis By Phase Of Development And Type Of Oligonucleotide
15.3.5. Analysis By Trial Recruitment Status
15.3.6. Analysis By Trial Focus Area
15.3.7. Analysis By Study Design
15.3.8. Geographical Analysis By Number Of Clinical Trials
15.3.9. Geographical Analysis By Enrolled Patient Population
15.3.10. Analysis By Type Of Sponsor / Collaborator
15.3.11. Most Active Players: Analysis By Number Of Registered Trials
16. Capacity Analysis
16.1. Chapter Overview
16.2. Key Assumptions And Methodology
16.3. Oligonucleotide Manufacturers: Global Installed Capacity
16.3.1. Analysis By Size Of Manufacturer
16.3.2. Analysis By Scale Of Operation
16.3.3. Analysis By Location Of Manufacturing Facility
17. Demand Analysis
17.1. Chapter Overview
17.2. Key Assumptions And Methodology
17.3. Global Demand For Oligonucleotide Manufacturing
17.3.1. Global Commercial Demand For Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide Analysis By Target Therapeutic Area Analysis By Region
17.3.2. Global Clinical Demand For Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide Analysis By Phase Of Development Analysis By Target Therapeutic Area Analysis By Region
17.4. Demand And Supply Analysis
17.4.1. Scenario 1
17.4.2. Scenario 2
17.4.3. Scenario 3
18. Market Sizing And Opportunity Analysis
18.1. Chapter Overview
18.2. Key Assumptions And Forecast Methodology
18.3. Global Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market, 2021-2031
18.4. Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Type Of Manufacturing, 2021-2031
18.4.1. Custom Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market, 2021-2031
18.4.2. Large-scale Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Type Of Oligonucleotide Manufactured, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Antisense Oligonucleotides, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Mirna, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Shrna, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Sirna, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Other Oligonucleotides, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Scale Of Operation, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Clinical Scale Operations, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Commercial Scale Operations, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Purpose Of Production, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For In-house Operations, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Outsourced Operations, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Type Of Operation, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Finished Dosage Form, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Target Therapeutic Area, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Autoimmune Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Cardiovascular Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Genetic Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Infectious Diseases, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Metabolic Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Neuromuscular Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Oncological Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Ophthalmic Disorders, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Other Therapeutic Areas, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Size Of Manufacturer, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Small Companies, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Mid-sized Companies, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market For Large Companies, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market: Analysis By Geography, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market In North America, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market In Europe, 2021-2031 Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Market In Asia-pacific And Rest Of The World, 2021-2031
19. Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Oligonucleotide Synthesis Market
19.1. Chapter Overview
19.2. Impact Of Covid-19 On Oligonucleotide Synthesis Market
19.2.1. Impact On Future Oligonucleotide Market Opportunity
19.3. Recuperative Initiatives Of Key Players
19.4. Recuperative Strategies For Businesses
19.4.1. Strategies For Implementation In The Short / Mid Term
19.4.2. Strategies For Implementation In The Long Term
20. Swot Analysis
20.1. Chapter Overview
20.2. Comparison Of Swot Factors
21. Survey Analysis
21.1. Chapter Overview
21.2. Overview Of Respondents
21.2.1. Analysis By Seniority Level Of Respondents
21.3. Analysis Of Survey Insights
21.3.1. Analysis By Type Of Offering
21.3.2. Analysis By Application
21.3.3. Analysis By Installed Manufacturing Capacity
21.3.4. Analysis By Location Of Manufacturing Facility
21.3.5. Analysis By Extent Of Outsourcing
21.3.6. Analysis By Current Market Opportunity
22. Executive Insights
22.1. Chapter Overview
22.2. Hanugen Therapeutics
22.2.1. Company Snapshot
22.2.2. Interview Transcript: Arun Shastry, Co-founder And Managing Director
22.3. Axolabs
22.3.1. Company Snapshot
22.3.2. Interview Transcript: Hans-peter Vornlocher, Managing Director
22.4. Iba Life Sciences
22.4.1. Company Snapshot
22.4.2. Interview Transcript: Joachim Bertram, Chief Scientific Officer And Managing Director
22.5. Bianoscience
22.5.1. Company Snapshot
22.5.2. Interview Transcript: Tobias Pohlmann, Founder And Managing Director
23. Concluding Remarks
24. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
25. Appendix 2: List Of Companies And Organizations

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