Liposome Development and Liposome Manufacturing Services Market by Type of Product Formulation


As per Roots Analysis, the global liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market is estimated to grow to USD 2.34 billion by 2035, at a CAGR of 9.7% during the forecast period, till 2035.

The market sizing and opportunity analysis has been segmented across the following parameters:

Type Of Product Formulation



Type of Scale of Operation

Discovery / Research


Clinical and Commercial

Type of End User

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology,





Other Industries


North America



Latin America

Middle East and North Africa


Low drug solubility and its corresponding impact on bioavailability have remained a primary cause of concern for several drug candidates. According to a recent study, approximately 40% of marketed pharmacological products and close to 90% of drug candidates under development, have been associated with solubility and / or permeability issues, resulting in poor bioavailability. It is worth noting that, every year, a large number of drugs fail to reach the market due to poor bioavailability and issues associated with aqueous solubility. As a result, the industry is actively seeking various tools / methods to mitigate this challenge. Amongst the different approaches employed to enhance the bioavailability of therapeutic interventions, liposomes and other lipidic excipients have garnered the attention of drug developers, owing to their ability to act as drug carriers for complex, albeit highly promising therapeutics.

Manufacturing of liposomes is a highly complex and capital-intensive process fraught with a range of challenges, including highly technical processes (which demand niche and specialized expertise), infrastructure limitations, capacity constraints, and challenges in achieving clinical-grade production. Given the technical complexities associated with the manufacturing of such formulations, developers are increasingly relying on service providers. With increase in the number of liposome based therapeutics, the liposome development and manufacturing services market is anticipated to witness a steady growth in the near future.


The report delves into the current state of the liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market and identifies potential growth opportunities within the industry. Some key findings from the report include:

1.Presently, over 70 players claim to offer a wide range of liposome development and manufacturing services across different scales of operation.

2.Leveraging their expertise, stakeholders offer a variety of services for a myriad of highly potent liposomes; around 60% of the service providers possess the capability for stability analysis of liposomes.

3.Close to 700 patents related to liposomes have been filed by various stakeholders in order to protect the intellectual property generated within this field.

4.The growing interest is also reflected by the events being organized globally; such platforms provide an opportunity to industry stakeholders / researchers to share ideas and develop a better understanding of liposomes.

5.800+ clinical trials related to liposomes have been registered till date; the majority (38%) of these trials were / are being conducted across various clinical sites based in Europe.

6.Since 2017, more than 6,000+ articles focused on liposomes have been published in high-impact journals, highlighting the substantial efforts undertaken by researchers.


Therapeutic Formulations Occupy the Largest Share of the Liposome Development and Liposome Manufacturing Services Market

Based on the type of product formulation, the market is segmented into therapeutic and nutraceutical. Currently, the therapeutic formulation holds the maximum share of the liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market. It is worth highlighting that the liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market for nutraceuticals is likely to grow at a relatively higher CAGR.

Clinical Scale is Likely to Dominate the Liposome Development and Liposome Manufacturing Services Market

Based on the scale of operation, the market is segmented into discovery / research, preclinical, clinical and commercial. At present, the clinical scale captures the highest share of the liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market. It is worth highlighting that the discovery / research scale is to drive the market in the future with a relatively higher CAGR.

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry Occupies the Largest Share of the Liposome Development and Liposome Manufacturing Services Market

Based on the type of end-user, the market is segmented into pharmaceutical and biotechnology, cosmetics, food, agricultural, academic, and other industries. Currently, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry holds the maximum share of the liposome development and liposome manufacturing services market. This trend is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

North America Accounts for the Largest Share of the Market

Based on key geographical regions, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America. The majority share is expected to be captured by players based in North America. It is worth highlighting that, over the years, the market in Latin America is expected to grow at a higher CAGR.

Example Players in the Liposome Development and Liposome Manufacturing Services Market

Baxter BioPharma Solutions

Charles River Laboratories


Fresenius Kabi





Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis: The report features an in-depth analysis of the liposome development and manufacturing services market, focusing on key market segments, including [A] type of product formulation, [B] type of scale of operation, [C] type of end user, and [D] key geographical regions.

Market Landscape: A comprehensive evaluation of liposome development and manufacturing service providers involved in the liposome development and manufacturing services market, considering various parameters, such as [A] year of establishment, [B] company size (in terms of number of employees), [C] region of headquarters, [D] types of method(s) for liposome preparation, [E] type of service(s) offered, [F] liposome bioconjugation target(s), [G] scalability, [H] liposome analysis and characterization method(s), [I] application(s) of liposomes, [J] scale of operation and [K] end user (s).

Company Profiles: In-depth profiles of key industry players offering liposome development and manufacturing services across various geographies, focusing on [A] company overviews, [B] financial information (if available), [C] service portfolio, [D] recent developments and [E] an informed future outlook.

Clinical Trial Analysis: Examination of completed, ongoing, and planned clinical studies of liposomes based on parameters like [A] trial registration year, [B] trial status, [C] trial registration year and patients enrolled, [D] trial phase, [E] type of sponsor / collaborator, [F] study design, [G] leading players (in terms of number of trials conducted), [H] disease indication(s), [I] popular therapeutic areas, [J] type of treatment, [K] emerging focus areas and [L] regional distribution of trials (in terms of number of trials conducted and trial status).

Publication Analysis: A detailed review of scientific articles related to research on liposomes, based on several relevant parameters, such as [A] year of publication, [B] application area(s), [C] emerging focus areas and [D] the top journals (in terms of number of publications and impact factor).

Patent Analysis: Detailed analysis of various patents filed / granted for liposomes based on [A] type of patent, [B] patent publication year, [C] granted patents and patent applications, [D] geography, [E] CPC symbols, [F] emerging focus areas, [G] type of organization, [H] leading players (in terms of number of patents granted / filed) and [I] patent characteristics. It also includes a patent benchmarking analysis and a detailed valuation analysis.

Global Event Analysis: An analysis of recent events, covering webinars, conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums and summits that were organized for stakeholders in this market, based on several relevant parameters, such as [A] year of event, [B] event platform, [C] type of event, [D] geography, [E] evolutionary trends in event agenda, [F] most active event organizers, [G] active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of events that each company participated in), [H] seniority level of event speakers, [I] affiliated department of event speakers, [J] most active speakers (in terms of number of events) and [K] a geographical mapping of upcoming events.

Outsourcing: Go / No-Go Framework: An insightful framework that emphasizes the key indicators and factors that needs to be considered by liposome developers to determine whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or outsource the manufacturing operation to contract service providers.


How many companies are currently engaged in this market?

Which are the leading companies in this market?

What factors are likely to influence the evolution of this market?

What is the current and future market size?

What is the CAGR of this market?

How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?


The report provides a comprehensive market analysis, offering detailed revenue projections of the overall market and its specific sub-segments. This information is valuable to both established market leaders and emerging entrants.

Stakeholders can leverage the report to gain a deeper understanding of the competitive dynamics within the market. By analyzing the competitive landscape, businesses can make informed decisions to optimize their market positioning and develop effective go-to-market strategies.

The report offers stakeholders a comprehensive overview of the market, including key drivers, barriers, opportunities, and challenges. This information empowers stakeholders to stay abreast of market trends and make data-driven decisions to capitalize on growth prospects.


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1. Preface
1.1. Scope Of The Report
1.2. Market Segmentation
1.3. Research Methodology
1.4. Key Questions Answered
1.5. Chapter Outlines
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
3.1. Chapter Overview
3.2. Introduction To Liposomes
3.3. Formation Of Liposomes
3.4. Classification Of Liposomes
3.5. Liposome As A Drug Delivery System
3.5.1. Liposomal Drug Delivery Platforms
3.5.2. Therapeutic Applications Of Liposomes In Drug Delivery
3.6. Methods For Liposome Preparation
3.7. Post-preparation Treatments
3.7.1. Freeze-thawing
3.7.2. Freeze-drying
3.8. Liposome Analysis And Characterization Methods
3.9. Pharmaceutical And Industrial Applications Of Liposomes
3.9.1. Drug Delivery
3.9.2. Gene Delivery
3.9.3. Vaccine Delivery
3.9.4. Cancer Therapy
3.9.5. Agricultural Industry
3.9.6. Cosmetics
3.9.7. Food Industry
3.10. Challenges In Liposome Development And Manufacturing
3.11. Need For Outsourcing Of Liposome Development And Manufacturing
3.12. Future Perspectives
4. Market Landscape: Liposome Development And Manufacturing Service Providers
4.1. Chapter Overview
4.2. Liposome Development And Manufacturing Service Providers Landscape
4.2.1. Analysis By Year Of Establishment
4.2.2. Analysis By Company Size
4.2.3. Analysis By Region Of Headquarters
4.2.4. Analysis By Company Size And Region Of Headquarters
4.2.5. Analysis By Type Of Method(S) Used For Liposome Preparation
4.2.6. Analysis By Type Of Service(S) Offered
4.2.7. Analysis By Liposome Bioconjugation Target(S)
4.2.8. Analysis By Scalability
4.2.9. Analysis By Liposome Analysis And Characterization Method(S)
4.2.10. Analysis By Application(S) Of Liposomes
4.2.11. Analysis By Type Of Service(S) Offered, Application(S) And Product Formulation
4.2.12. Analysis By Scale Of Operation
4.2.13. Analysis By End User(S)
4.2.14. Analysis By Scale Of Operation And End User(S)
5. Company Profiles
5.1. Chapter Overview
5.2. Key Players Based In North America
5.2.1. Baxter Biopharma Solutions Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.2.2. Charles River Laboratories Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.3. Key Players Based In Europe
5.3.1. Evonik Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.3.2. Fresenius Kabi Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.3.3. Gea Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.3.4. Intertek Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
5.4. Key Players Based In Asia-pacific
5.4.1. Fujifilm Company Overview Financial Information Service Portfolio Recent Developments And Future Outlook
6. Clinical Trial Analysis
6.1. Chapter Overview
6.2. Scope And Methodology
6.3. Liposomes: Clinical Trial Analysis
6.3.1. Analysis By Trial Registration Year
6.3.2. Analysis By Trial Status
6.3.3. Analysis By Trial Registration Year And Trial Status
6.3.4. Analysis By Trial Registration Year And Patients Enrolled
6.3.5. Analysis By Trial Phase
6.3.6. Analysis By Trial Phase And Patients Enrolled
6.3.7. Analysis By Type Of Sponsor / Collaborator
6.3.8. Analysis By Study Design
6.3.9. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Trials
6.3.10. Most Active Non-industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Trials
6.3.11. Most Popular Disease Indication(S): Analysis By Number Of Trials
6.3.12. Most Popular Therapeutic Area(S): Analysis By Number Of Trials
6.3.13. Analysis By Type Of Treatment
6.3.14. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
6.3.15. Analysis By Top Indication(S) And Trial Phase
6.3.16. Analysis By Top Indication(S) And Leading Industry Players
6.3.17. Geographical Analysis By Number Of Clinical Trials
6.3.18. Geographical Analysis By Number Of Patients Enrolled
7. Publication Analysis
7.1. Chapter Overview
7.2. Scope And Methodology
7.3. Liposomes: Recent Publications
7.3.1. Analysis By Year Of Publication
7.3.2. Analysis By Application Area(S)
7.3.3. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
7.3.4. Key Journals: Analysis By Number Of Publications
7.3.5. Key Journals: Analysis By Impact Factor
7.3.6. Key Journals: Analysis By Year-wise Number Of Publications
8. Patent Analysis
8.1. Chapter Overview
8.2. Scope And Methodology
8.3. Liposomes: Patent Analysis
8.3.1. Analysis By Patent Publication Year
8.3.2. Analysis By Granted Patents And Patent Applications
8.3.3. Analysis By Geography
8.3.4. Analysis By Cpc Symbols
8.3.5. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
8.3.6. Analysis By Type Of Organization
8.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Patents
8.3.8. Leading Non-industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Patents
8.3.9. Leading Individual Assignees: Analysis By Number Of Patents
8.4. Liposomes: Patent Benchmarking Analysis
8.4.1. Analysis By Patent Characteristics
8.5. Liposomes: Patent Valuation Analysis
8.6. Leading Patents: Analysis By Number Of Citations
9. Global Event Analysis
9.1. Chapter Overview
9.2. Scope And Methodology
9.3. Liposome Development And Manufacturing: Global Events Analysis
9.3.1. Analysis By Year Of Event
9.3.2. Analysis By Event Platform
9.3.3. Analysis By Type Of Event
9.3.4. Analysis By Year Of Event And Type Of Event
9.3.5. Analysis By Geography
9.3.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Evolutionary Trends In Event Agenda / Key Focus Area
9.3.7. Most Active Event Organizers
9.4. Liposome Development And Manufacturing: Speaker Analysis
9.4.1. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Events
9.4.2. Most Active Non-industry Players: Analysis By Number Of Events
9.4.3. Analysis By Seniority Level Of Event Speakers
9.4.4. Analysis By Affiliated Department Of Event Speakers
9.4.5. Most Active Speakers: Analysis By Number Of Events
9.5. Geographical Mapping Of Upcoming Events
9.6. Concluding Remarks
10. Outsourcing: Go / No-go Framework
10.1. Chapter Overview
10.2. Outsourcing: Go / No-go Framework
10.3. Liposome-based Therapeutic Developers Outsourcing: Go / No-go Framework
10.3.1. Key Parameters And Assumptions
10.3.2. Methodology
10.3.3. Results And Interpretations Very Small Companies Small Companies Mid-sized Companies Large Companies Very Large Companies
11. Market Forecast And Opportunity Analysis
11.1. Chapter Overview
11.2. Key Assumptions And Methodology
11.3. Global Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market, Till 2035
11.3.1. Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market: Distribution By Type Of Product Formulation, Current Year And 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Therapeutics, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Nutraceuticals, Till 2035
11.3.2. Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market: Distribution By Scale Of Operation, Current Year And 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Discovery / Research Scale Of Operation, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Preclinical Scale Of Operation, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Clinical Scale Of Operation, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Commercial Scale Of Operation, Till 2035
11.3.3. Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market: Distribution By End User, Current Year And 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Pharmaceutical And Biotechnology Industry, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Food Industry, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Agricultural Industry, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Cosmetic Industry, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Academics, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market For Other Industries, Till 2035
11.3.4. Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market: Distribution By Key Geographical Regions, Current Year And 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market In North America, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market In Europe, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market In Asia-pacific, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market In Middle East And North Africa, Till 2035 Liposome Development And Manufacturing Services Market In Latin America, Till 2035
12. Concluding Remarks
13. Executive Insights
14. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
15. Appendix 2: List Of Companies And Organizations

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