Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035

Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading causes of mortality worldwide. In this context, it is important to highlight that around 10 million cancer deaths are reported globally each year. Further, it is estimated that, by 2030, around 21.4 million new patients are likely to be diagnosed with cancer annually. In fact, the global cancer burden is likely to increase by 70%, over the next two decades. With an aim to counter the rising number of cancer cases across the globe, several pharmaceutical players have developed cell invasion and migration assays to expediate the diagnosis process. It is worth highlighting that early diagnosis of cancer helps the patients to respond to therapy in an effective manner, thereby, increasing the chances of survival. Considering the various advantages offered by these cell-based assays, researchers across the globe have undertaken several initiatives to use these platforms for the diagnosis of a myriad of disease indications. The advancements in various technologies have propelled life science companies to use these assays in the drug discovery process, to enable the identification of potential lead candidates.

Given their extensive utilization in various drug discovery, tumor study and screening applications, there has been a significant rise in the revenue generation potential associated with cell invasion and migration assay kits. The current market landscape is consolidated and primarily dominated by the presence of large players. It is also worth mentioning that over 900 patents related to the implementation of invasion and migration assays have been filed / granted in the past few years, demonstrating the continued innovation in this domain. Taking into consideration both historical and recent developments, it is evident that the cell invasion and migration assay kits market is anticipated to grow at a significant pace in the coming years.


The “Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Market by Type of Assay (Cell Invasion Assay and Cell Migration Assay), Application Areas (Drug Discovery, Screening and Tumor Study), Detection Method Used (Colorimetry and Fluorometry) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022 – 2035” report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and the likely future potential associated with the cell invasion and migration assay market, over the next decade. The study also includes a detailed analysis of key drivers and trends within this evolving market. Amongst other elements, the report features:

  • A detailed overview of the current market landscape of companies engaged in offering cell invasion and migration assays based on several parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters, type of end-user (industry and non-industry).
  • A detailed overview of the overall market landscape of cell invasion and migration assays, based on several relevant parameters, such as type of cell culture (adherent and suspension cell culture), type of assay (cell invasion and cell migration assay), number of wells (24-well, 32-well, 48-well, 96-well and 384-well), pore size of wells (3 µm, 5 µm , 8 µm , 9 µm and 12 µm), type of ECM coating (basement membrane extract, collagen I, collagen IV, fibronectin and laminin,), storage temperature (ultra-low, frozen, refrigerated and room temperature), application area (drug discovery, screening and tumor study), detection method used (colorimetry and fluorometry) and number of assays performed.
  • An insightful product competitiveness analysis of cell invasion and migration assays, based on their supplier strength (in terms of years of experience and company size) and product portfolio strength (which takes into account type of cell culture, number of wells, type of ECM coating, kit components, application area, detection method used and number of assays performed).
  • Elaborate profiles of cell-based assay providers (large and mid-sized companies, established before 2000). Each profile features a brief overview of the company, along with information on its product portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.
  • A detailed review of around 675 peer-reviewed, scientific articles related to research on cell invasion and migration assays, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of publication, type of publication, popular keywords, top journals, top institutes and top authors (in terms of number of articles published).
  • An in-depth analysis of patents related to cell invasion and migration assays filed / granted since 2017, based on several relevant parameters, such as publication year, geographical location / patent jurisdiction, legal status, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant and leading players (in terms of number of patents filed / granted). In addition, it features a patent valuation analysis which evaluates the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the patents.
  • A detailed review of academic grants that have been awarded to various research institutes for projects focused on cell invasion and migration, during the period, 2017-2022, based on several parameters, such as year of grant award, amount awarded, support period, type of funding institute center, support period, grant application, purpose of grant award, grant activity code, NIH spending category, study section involved, popular NIH departments, recipient organization, regional distribution of recipient organization. Further, the chapter also highlights the popular recipient organizations, (in terms of number of grants and amount awarded) and prominent program officers.
  • A Bowman’s strategy clock framework to understand the pricing strategy of the cell invasion and migration assays offered by a company, along with its competitive position. In addition, it presents the equation devised to calculate the likely price of the cell invasion and migration assays based upon its characteristics.
One of the key objectives of the report was to estimate the existing market size and estimate the future size of cell invasion and migration assays market. We have provided informed estimates on the evolution of the market, over the period 2022-2035. Our year-wise projections of the current and future opportunity have further been segmented on the basis of [A] type of assay (cell invasion assay and cell migration assay), [B] application area (drug discovery, screening and tumor study), [C] detection method used (colorimetry and fluorometry) and [D] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and Rest of the World). In order to account for future uncertainties associated with some of the key parameters and to add robustness to our forecast model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios, portraying the conservative, base and optimistic tracks of the market’s evolution.

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Market Segmentations

Market Segments Details

Forecast Period
  • 2022 - 2035

Type of Assay
  • Cell Invasion Assay
  • Cell Migration Assay
Application Area
  • Drug Discovery
    • Screening
    • Tumor Study
    Detection Method Used
    • Colorimetry
    • Fluorometry
    Key Geographical Regions
    • North America
    • Europe
    • Asia-Pacific
    • MENA
    • Latin America
    • Rest of the World
    Source: Roots Analysis


    The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary research. For most of our projects, we conduct interviews with various experts in this domain (academia, industry, medical practice and other associations) in order to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. This is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Where possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

    The secondary sources of information include:
    • Annual reports
    • Investor presentations
    • SEC filings
    • Industry databases
    • News releases from company websites
    • Government policy documents
    • Industry analysts’ views
    While the focus has been on forecasting the market till 2035, the report also provides our independent view on various technological and non-commercial trends emerging in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.

    • Which companies are engaged in offering cell invasion and migration assays kits?
    • What is the most common assay format (in terms of number of wells) offered by cell invasion and migration assay providers?
    • What are the key geographical regions where cell invasion and migration assay providers are located?
    • What is the evolving trend of publications focused on cell invasion and migration assays?
    • Which companies are actively filing patents to drive innovation in the field of cell invasion and migration assays?
    • What are the key factors influencing the price of cell invasion and migration assays?
    • What are the key challenges associated with cell invasion and migration assays?
    • How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?

    Chapter 2 is an executive summary of key insights captured during our research. It offers a high-level view on the current state of cell invasion and migration assays market and its likely evolution in the short to mid-term and long-term.

    Chapter 3 provides a general introduction to cell invasion and migration, including a discussion on the Boyden Chamber’s principle. It further highlights different types of cell invasion and migration assays, along with information on the key challenges associated with this domain. Furthermore, it provides information on the role of kit components in cell invasion and migration assays and their various applications.

    Chapter 4 provides a detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies engaged in offering cell invasion and migration assays based on several parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters, type of end-user (industry and non-industry). It is worth highlighting that during our research, we were able to identify 83 cell invasion and migration assays that were assessed on various relevant parameters, such as type of cell culture (adherent cell culture and suspension cell culture), type of assay (cell invasion assay and cell migration assay), number of wells (24-well, 32-well, 48-well, 96-well and 384-well), pore size of wells (3 µm, 5 µm , 8 µm , 9 µm and 12 µm), type of ECM coating (basement membrane extract, collagen I, collagen IV, fibronectin and laminin,), storage temperature (ultra-low, frozen, refrigerated and room temperature), application area (drug discovery, screening and tumor study), detection method used (colorimetry and fluorometry) and number of assays performed.

    Chapter 5 provides an insightful product competitiveness analysis, highlighting the capabilities of cell invasion and migration assay kit providers, based on supplier strength (in terms of years of experience and company size) and product portfolio strength (taking into account type of cell culture, number of wells, type of ECM coating, kit components, application area, detection method used and number of assays performed).

    Chapter 6 provides elaborate profiles of key players (large and mid-sized companies, established before 2000) offering cell-based assay products. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, along with information on its product portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

    Chapter 7 provides a detailed review of around 675 peer-reviewed, scientific articles related to research on cell invasion and migration assays, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of publication, type of publication, and popular keywords, top journals, top institutes and top authors (in terms of number of articles published).

    Chapter 8 presents an analysis of patents related to cell invasion and migration assays, filed / granted since 2017, based on several relevant parameters, such as publication year, geographical location / patent jurisdiction, legal status, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant and leading players (in terms of number of patents). In addition, it features a patent valuation analysis, which evaluates the qualitative and quantitative aspects of patents.

    Chapter 9 presents an analysis on academic grants that have been awarded to various research institutes for projects focused on cell invasion and migration, during the period, 2017-2022, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of grant award, amount awarded, support period, type of funding institute center and support period, grant application, purpose of grant award, grant activity code, NIH spending category, study section involved, popular NIH departments, recipient organization, regional distribution of recipient organization. Further, the chapter also highlights the popular recipient organizations, (in terms of number of grants and amount awarded) and prominent program officers.

    Chapter 10 presents a Bowman’s strategy clock framework to understand the pricing strategy of the cell invasion and migration assays offered by a company, along with its competitive position. In addition, it presents the equation devised to calculate the likely price of the cell invasion and migration assays based upon its characteristics.

    Chapter 11 presents an insightful market forecast analysis, highlighting the future potential of cell invasion and migration assays market till 2035. We have segmented the market on the basis of type of assay (cell invasion assay and cell migration assay), application area (drug discovery, screening and tumor study), detection method used (colorimetry and fluorometry) and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and Rest of the World).

    Chapter 12 is a summary of the entire report. It provides the key takeaways and presents our independent opinion of the cell invasion and migration assays market, based on the research and analysis described in the previous chapters.

    Chapter 13 is an appendix, which provides tabulated data and numbers for all the figures provided in the report.

    Chapter 14 is an appendix, which provides the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.

    1. PREFACE
    1.1. Scope of the Report
    1.2. Research Methodology
    1.3. Key Questions Answered
    1.4. Chapter Outlines
    2.1. Chapter Overview
    3.1. Chapter Overview
    3.2. Overview of Cell Invasion and Migration Assays
    3.2.1. Introduction to Boyden Chamber Principle
    3.3. Classification of Cell Invasion / Migration Assays
    3.3.1. Scratch Assay
    3.3.2. Cell Exclusion Assay
    3.3.3. Spheroid Migration Assay
    3.3.4. Microcarrier Bead Assay
    3.3.5. Capillary Chamber Migration Assay
    3.3.6. Trans-well Invasion Assay
    3.3.7. Gelatin degradation assay
    3.3.8. Spheroid Invasion Assay
    3.4. Role of Kit Components in Cell Invasion / Migration Assays
    3.5. Applications of Cell Invasion / Migration Assays
    3.5.1. Screening and Detection
    3.5.2. Drug Discovery
    3.5.3. Cancer Research
    3.6. Future Perspectives
    4.1. Chapter Overview
    4.2. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: List of Providers
    4.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size
    4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    4.2.4. Analysis by Type of End-User
    4.3. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Market Landscape
    4.3.1. Analysis by Type of Cell Culture
    4.3.2. Analysis by Type of Assay
    4.3.3. Analysis by Number of Wells
    4.3.4. Analysis by Pore Size of Wells
    4.3.5. Analysis by Type of ECM Coating
    4.3.6. Analysis by Storage Temperature
    4.3.7. Analysis by Application Area
    4.3.8. Analysis by Detection Method Used
    4.3.9. Analysis by Number of Assays Performed
    4.3.10. Analysis by Type of Assay and Detection Method Used
    4.3.11. Analysis of Assay Providers by Type of Assay and Application Area (Grid Representation)
    4.3.12. Analysis of Assays by Type of Assay, Number of Assays Performed and Number of Wells (Heat Map Representation)
    5.1. Chapter Overview
    5.2. Key Assumptions and Parameters
    5.3. Methodology
    5.4. Product Competitiveness Analysis
    5.4.1. Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Small Companies
    5.4.2. Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Mid-sized Companies
    5.4.3. Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Large Companies
    5.4.4. Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Very Large Companies
    5.5. Product Competitiveness Analysis
    5.5.1. Cell Migration Assays Offered by Small Companies
    5.5.2. Cell Migration Assays Offered by Mid-sized Companies
    5.5.3. Cell Migration Assays Offered by Large Companies
    5.5.4. Cell Migration Assays Offered by Very Large Companies
    6.1. Chapter Overview
    6.2. Abcam
    6.2.1. Company Overview
    6.2.2. Product Portfolio
    6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    6.3. BioVision
    6.3.1. Company Overview
    6.3.2. Product Portfolio
    6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    6.4. Enzo Life Sciences
    6.4.1. Company Overview
    6.4.2. Product Portfolio
    6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    6.5. MilliporeSigma
    6.5.1. Company Overview
    6.5.2. Product Portfolio
    6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    6.6. R&D Systems
    6.6.1. Company Overview
    6.6.2. Product Portfolio
    6.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    6.7. Sigma-Aldrich
    6.7.1. Company Overview
    6.7.2. Product Portfolio
    6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    7.1. Chapter Overview
    7.2. Scope and Methodology
    7.3. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: List of Publications
    7.3.1. Analysis by Quarterly Trend of Publications (2021-2022)
    7.3.2. Analysis by Type of Publication
    7.3.3. Most Popular Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications
    7.3.4. Most Popular Publisher: Analysis by Number of Publications
    7.3.5. Most Popular Copyright Holder: Analysis by Number of Publications
    7.3.6. Publication Analysis: Most Popular Keywords
    7.3.7. Analysis by Affiliated Institutes
    7.3.8. Geographical Analysis of Affiliated Institutes
    7.3.9. Analysis by Funding Institutes
    8.1. Chapter Overview
    8.2. Scope and Methodology
    8.3. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Patent Analysis
    8.3.1. Analysis by Type of Patent
    8.3.2. Analysis by Patent Publication Year
    8.3.3 Year-wise Trend by Number of Granted Patent and Patent Applications
    8.3.4. Analysis by Issuing Authority
    8.3.5. Analysis by Patent Age
    8.3.6. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    8.3.7. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    8.4 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Patent Benchmarking Analysis
    8.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics
    8.4.2 Analysis by Geography
    8.5. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Patent Valuation Analysis
    9.1. Chapter Overview
    9.2. Scope and Methodology
    9.3. Cell Invasion and Migrations Assays: Grant Analysis
    9.3.1. Analysis by Year of Grant Award
    9.3.2. Analysis by Amount Awarded
    9.3.3. Analysis by Support Period
    9.3.4. Analysis by Funding Institute Center and Support Period
    9.3.5. Analysis by Type of Grant Application
    9.3.6. Analysis by Purpose of Grant Award
    9.3.7. Analysis By Activity Code
    9.3.8. Analysis by NIH Spending Category (Word Cloud Representation)
    9.3.9. Analysis by Study Section Involved
    9.3.10. Popular NIH Departments: Analysis by Number of Grants
    9.3.11. Analysis by Type of Recipient Organization
    9.3.12. Prominent Program Officers: Analysis by Number of Grants
    9.3.13. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Number of Grants
    9.3.14. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Grant Amount
    9.3.15. Analysis by Region of Recipient Organization
    10.1. Chapter Overview
    10.2. Bowman Strategy Clock
    10.2.1. Two Dimensions of Bowman Strategy Clock
    10.2.2. Eight Positions on Bowman Strategy Clock
    10.3. Roots Analysis Framework
    10.3.1. Methodology
    10.3.2. Theoretical Framework and Price Evaluation Hypothesis
    10.3.3. Results and Interpretation Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Type of Assay Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Number of Wells Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Pore Size of Wells Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Type of ECM Coating Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Storage Temperature Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Application Area Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Detection Method Used Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Number of Assays Performed
    11.1. Chapter Overview
    11.2. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions
    11.3. Global Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035
    11.4 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Analysis by Type of Assay
    11.4.1. Cell Invasion Assays Market, 2022-2035
    11.4.2. Cell Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035
    11.5. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Analysis by Application Area
    11.5.1. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Drug Discovery, 2022-2035
    11.5.2. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Screening, 2022-2035
    11.5.3. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Tumor Study, 2022-2035
    11.6. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Analysis by Detection Method Used
    11.6.1. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Colorimetry, 2022-2035
    11.6.2. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Fluorometry, 2022-2035
    11.7. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Analysis by Geography
    11.7.1. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in North America, 2022-2035
    11.7.2. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Europe, 2022-2035
    11.7.3. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035
    11.7.4. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Latin America, 2022-2035
    11.7.5. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2022-2035
    11.7.6. Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035
    12.1. Chapter Overview
    Figure 2.1 Executive Summary: Overall Market Landscape
    Figure 2.2 Executive Summary: Publication Analysis
    Figure 2.3 Executive Summary: Patent Analysis
    Figure 2.4 Executive Summary: Grant Analysis
    Figure 2.5 Executive Summary: Bowman Clock Pricing Strategy
    Figure 2.6 Executive Summary: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
    Figure 3.1 Mechanism of Cell Migration Assay
    Figure 3.2 Mechanism of Cell Invasion Assay
    Figure 4.1 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 4.2 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 4.3 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 4.4 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Type of End-User
    Figure 4.5 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Cell Culture
    Figure 4.6 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Assay
    Figure 4.7 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Number of Wells
    Figure 4.8 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Pore Size of Wells
    Figure 4.9 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of ECM Coating
    Figure 4.10 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Storage Temperature
    Figure 4.11 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Application Area
    Figure 4.12 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Detection Method Used
    Figure 4.13 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Number of Assays Performed
    Figure 4.14 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Assay and Detection Method Used
    Figure 4.15 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Type of Assay and Application Area (Grid Representation)
    Figure 4.16 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution of Assays by Type of Assay, Number of Assays Performed and Number of Wells (Heat Map Representation)
    Figure 5.1 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Small Companies (Peer Group 1)
    Figure 5.2 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Mid-sized Companies (Peer Group 2)
    Figure 5.3 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Large Companies (Peer Group 3)
    Figure 5.4 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Invasion Assays Offered by Very Large Companies (Peer Group 4)
    Figure 5.5 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Migration Assays Offered by Small Companies (Peer Group 1)
    Figure 5.6 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Migration Assays Offered by Mid-sized Companies (Peer Group 2)
    Figure 5.7 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Migration Assays Offered by Large Companies (Peer Group 3)
    Figure 5.8 Product Competitiveness Analysis: Distribution of Cell Migration Assays Offered by Very Large Companies (Peer Group 4)
    Figure 7.1 Publication Analysis: Quarterly Distribution of Publications, 2021-2022
    Figure 7.2 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Type of Publication
    Figure 7.3 Most Popular Journals: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 7.4 Most Popular Publishers: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 7.5 Most Popular Copyright Holders: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 7.6 Publication Analysis: Most Popular Keywords
    Figure 7.7 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Institutes
    Figure 7.8 Publication Analysis: Geographical Distribution of Affiliated Institutes
    Figure 7.9 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Funding Institutes
    Figure 8.1 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
    Figure 8.2 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year, 2017-2022
    Figure 8.3 Patent Analysis: Year-wise Trend by Number of Granted Patent and Patent Applications, 2017-2022
    Figure 8.4 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Issuing Authority
    Figure 8.5 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
    Figure 8.6 Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
    Figure 8.7 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Figure 8.8 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Figure 8.9 Patent Benchmarking Analysis: Distribution of Leading Industry Players by Patent Characteristics (CPC Symbols)
    Figure 8.10 Patent Benchmarking Analysis: Distribution of Leading Industry Players by International Patents
    Figure 8.11 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Patent Valuation
    Figure 9.1 Grant Analysis: Cumulative Trend by Year of Grant Award, 2017-2022
    Figure 9.2 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Amount Awarded (USD Million), 2017-2022
    Figure 9.3 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Support Period
    Figure 9.4 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Funding Institute Center and Support Period
    Figure 9.5 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Grant Application
    Figure 9.6 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Purpose of Grant Award
    Figure 9.7 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Activity Code
    Figure 9.8 Word Cloud: NIH Spending Category
    Figure 9.9 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Study Section Involved
    Figure 9.10 Popular NIH Departments: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Figure 9.11 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Recipient Organization
    Figure 9.12 Prominent Program Officers: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Figure 9.13 Popular Recipient Organizations: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Figure 9.14 Popular Recipient Organization: Distribution by Grant Amount
    Figure 9.15 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Region of Recipient Organization
    Figure 10.1 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Bowman Clock Pricing Strategy Matrix
    Figure 10.2 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Bowman Clock Pricing Strategy Graphical Interpretation
    Figure 11.1 Global Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.2 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Type of Assay
    Figure 11.3 Cell Invasion Assays Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.4 Cell Migration Assays Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.5 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Application Area
    Figure 11.6 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Drug Discovery, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.7 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Screening, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.8 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Tumor Study, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.9 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Detection Method Used
    Figure 11.10 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Colorimetry, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.11 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Fluorometry, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.12 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Geography
    Figure 11.13 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in North America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.14 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Europe, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.15 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.16 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.17 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 11.18 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 12.1 Concluding Remarks: Overall Market Landscape
    Figure 12.2 Concluding Remarks: Publication Analysis
    Figure 12.3 Concluding Remarks: Patent Analysis
    Figure 12.4 Concluding Remarks: Grant Analysis
    Figure 12.5 Concluding Remarks: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
    Table 3.1 Role of Kit Components in Cell Invasion / Migration Assays
    Table 4.1 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: List of Providers
    Table 4.2 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Type of Cell Culture
    Table 4.3 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Type of Assay
    Table 4.4 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Number of Wells
    Table 4.5 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Pore Size of Wells
    Table 4.6 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Type of ECM Coating
    Table 4.7 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Storage Temperature
    Table 4.8 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Application Area
    Table 4.9 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Detection Method Used
    Table 4.10 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Information on Number of Assays Performed
    Table 6.1 Abcam: Key Highlights
    Table 6.2 Abcam: Product Portfolio
    Table 6.3 Abcam: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 6.4 BioVision: Key Highlights
    Table 6.5 BioVision: Product Portfolio
    Table 6.6 Enzo Life Sciences: Key Highlight
    Table 6.7 Enzo Life Sciences: Product Portfolio
    Table 6.8 MilliporeSigma: Key Highlights
    Table 6.9 MilliporeSigma: Product Portfolio
    Table 6.10 R&D Systems: Key Highlights
    Table 6.11 R&D Systems: Product Portfolio
    Table 6.12 Sigma-Aldrich: Key Highlights
    Table 6.13 Sigma-Aldrich: Product Portfolio
    Table 7.1 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: List of Publications
    Table 8.1 Patent Analysis: CPC Symbols
    Table 8.2 Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
    Table 8.3 Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
    Table 8.4 Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
    Table 8.5 Patent Analysis: List of Relatively Higher Value Patents
    Table 10.1 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Type of Assay (USD)
    Table 10.2 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Number of Wells (USD)
    Table 10.3 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Pore Size of Wells (USD)
    Table 10.4 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Type of ECM Coating (USD)
    Table 10.5 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Storage Temperature (USD)
    Table 10.6 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Application Area (USD)
    Table 10.7 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Detection Method Used (USD)
    Table 10.8 Product Price Evaluation Matrix: Information on Number of Assays Performed (USD)
    Table 14.1 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Table 14.2 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Company Size
    Table 14.3 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Table 14.4 Cell Invasion and Migration Assay Providers: Distribution by Type of End-User
    Table 14.5 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Cell Culture
    Table 14.6 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Assay
    Table 14.7 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Number of Wells
    Table 14.8 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Pore Size of Wells
    Table 14.9 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of ECM Coating
    Table 14.10 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Storage Temperature
    Table 14.11 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Application Area
    Table 14.12 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Detection Method Used
    Table 14.13 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Number of Assays Performed
    Table 14.14 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Distribution by Type of Assay and Detection Method Used
    Table 14.15 Publication Analysis: Quarterly Distribution of Publications, 2021-2022
    Table 14.16 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Type of Publication
    Table 14.17 Most Popular Journals: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Table 14.18 Most Popular Publishers: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Table 14.19 Most Popular Copyright Holders: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Table 14.20 Publication Analysis: Most Popular Keywords
    Table 14.21 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Institutes
    Table 14.22 Publication Analysis: Geographical Distribution of Affiliated Institutes
    Table 14.23 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Funding Institutes
    Table 14.24 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
    Table 14.25 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year, 2017-2022
    Table 14.26 Patent Analysis: Year-wise Trend by Number of Granted Patent and Patent Applications, 2017-2022
    Table 14.27 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Issuing Authority
    Table 14.28 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
    Table 14.29 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Table 14.30 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Table 14.31 Patent Benchmarking Analysis: Distribution of Leading Industry Players by International Patents
    Table 14.32 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays: Patent Valuation
    Table 14.33 Grant Analysis: Cumulative Trend by Year of Grant Award, 2017-2022
    Table 14.34 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Grant Amount Awarded (USD Million), 2017- 2022
    Table 14.35 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Support Period
    Table 14.36 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Grant Application
    Table 14.37 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Purpose of Grant Award
    Table 14.38 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Activity Code
    Table 14.39 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Study Section Involved
    Table 14.40 Popular NIH Departments: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Table 14.41 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Types of Recipient Organization
    Table 14.42 Prominent Program Officers: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Table 14.43 Popular Recipient Organization: Distribution by Number of Grants
    Table 14.44 Popular Recipient Organization: Distribution by Grant Amount
    Table 14.45 Global Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.46 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Type of Assay
    Table 14.47 Cell Invasion Assays Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.48 Cell Migration Assays Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.49 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Application Area
    Table 14.50 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Drug Discovery, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.51 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Screening, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.52 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Tumor Study, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.53 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Detection Method Used
    Table 14.54 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Colorimetry, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.55 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market for Fluorometry, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.56 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market: Distribution by Geography
    Table 14.57 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in North America, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.58 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Europe, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.59 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Asia-Pacific, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.60 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Latin America, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.61 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Middle East and North Africa, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 14.62 Cell Invasion and Migration Assays Market in Rest of the World, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    The following companies / institutes / government bodies and organizations have been mentioned in this report.
    1. Abcam
    2. Acomhal Research
    3. Alabama State University
    4. Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    5. Assay Genie
    6. Baltimore VA Medical Center
    7. Baylor College of Medicine
    8. Beckman Research Institute
    9. BioVision
    10. Boston University
    11. Brigham and Women's Hospital
    12. Brown University
    13. California Institute of Technology
    14. California State Polytechnic University
    15. Carnegie Mellon University
    16. Case Western Reserve University
    17. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
    18. Cell Biolabs
    19. Cell Reprogramming & Therapeutics
    20. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    21. Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
    22. Columbia University Health Sciences
    23. Cornell University
    24. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
    25. Drexel University
    26. Duke University
    27. Echelon Biosciences
    28. Emory University
    29. Endomet Biosciences
    30. Enzo Life Sciences
    31. Fesarius Therapeutics
    32. Florida International University
    33. Florida State University
    34. Fox Chase Cancer Center
    35. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
    36. Georgetown University
    37. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
    38. Icahn School of Medicine
    39. Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
    40. Iowa State University
    41. Johns Hopkins University
    42. LifeSpan BioSciences
    43. Massachusetts General Hospital
    44. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    45. Mayo Clinic
    46. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    47. MilliporeSigma
    48. Morehouse School of Medicine
    49. MyBioSource
    50. National Cancer Institute
    51. New Mexico State University
    52. New York University
    53. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
    54. NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    55. Ohio State University
    56. Oregon Health & Science University
    57. Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
    58. Planet Biotechnology
    59. Platypus Technologies
    60. Ponce Health Sciences University
    61. R&D Systems
    62. Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
    63. Rockefeller University
    64. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
    65. Rowan University
    66. Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
    67. Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    68. Sanford Burnham Prebys
    69. Sapphire Biotech
    70. Sigma-Aldrich
    71. St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
    72. Stanford University
    73. Stony Brook University
    74. Stowers Institute for Medical Research
    75. Syntrix Biosystems
    76. Temple University
    77. Texas A&M University
    78. The Catholic University of America
    79. The University of Texas
    80. The University of Texas Health Science Center
    81. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
    82. Tufts University
    83. Tuskegee University
    84. Universidad Central Del Caribe
    85. University of Alabama
    86. University of Arizona
    87. University of Arkansas
    88. University of California
    89. University of Chicago
    90. University of Colorado Denver
    91. University of Connecticut
    92. University of Delaware
    93. University of Florida
    94. University of Houston
    95. University of Illinois
    96. University of Kentucky
    97. University of Louisville
    98. University of Maryland
    99. University of Miami
    100. University of Michigan
    101. University of Minnesota
    102. University of Nevada
    103. University of North Carolina
    104. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    105. University of Pennsylvania
    106. University of Pittsburgh
    107. University of Puerto Rico
    108. University of South Dakota
    109. University of Southern California
    110. University of Toledo
    111. University of Utah
    112. University of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    113. University of Virginia
    114. University of Washington
    115. University of Wisconsin-Madison
    116. Upstate Medical University
    117. Utah State University
    118. VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System
    119. Vanderbilt University
    120. Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    121. Veterans Health Administration
    122. Washington University
    123. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
    124. West Virginia University
    125. Whitehead Institute
    126. Wistar Institute
    127. Wright State University
    128. Yale University

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