CAR-T Cell Therapies: Intellectual Property Landscape

CAR-T Cell Therapies: Intellectual Property Landscape

Cancer, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, claimed close to 10 million lives annually Although there are several treatment options available to control disease progression and keep malignant cells from spreading throughout the body, lasting remission is difficult to achieve. In this context, immunotherapies, a relatively recent addition to the gamut of anticancer interventions, have demonstrated significant promise. For instance, after multiple rounds of chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant, participating in two clinical trials of experimental anticancer interventions and targeted radiation therapy, Scott McIntyre was treated with a CAR T-cell therapy at the University of Chicago Medicine, in 2016. Till date, he is in complete remission from his diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This highly specific and promising form of treatment that harnesses the versatile effector machinery of the human immune system, has revolutionized cancer treatment across the world. CAR-T therapies have so far been evaluated and approved for several hematological malignancies; ABECMA® (relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma), BREYANZI® (relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma), TECARTUS™ (relapsed or refractory B-cell precursor ALL), KYMRIAH™ (relapsed or refractory DLBCL and relapsed or refractory ALL), YESCARTA™ (DLBCL, primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma, high grade B-cell lymphoma, and follicular lymphoma), are products involving the use of CAR-T cells, which have been approved by the US FDA.

Presently, the success rate for CAR T-cell therapies is estimated to be around 30% to 40%, offering lasting remission without requiring any additional treatments. Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), a commonly reported side effect of the treatment, is typically observed within a few days to a couple of weeks after CAR T-cell infusion. In severe cases, patients with CRS may need to be transferred to intensive care and even require life-support machines to stay alive. However, over time, medical science has developed the necessary means to control / treat CRS. In addition, a successful CAR-T cell graft is known to cause certain rare types of infections, which are generally observed in severely immunodeficient patients. This is because the programmed, effector T-cells also eliminate normal immune cells, which are responsible for keeping infections at bay, in a healthy host. Other barriers to therapeutic success include inadequate anti-tumor activity (in certain cases), antigen escape, restricted trafficking, and limited tumor infiltration. As a result, there is a lot happening in terms of innovation related to this promising segment of cell-based therapies; medical researchers are developing targeted interventions for different indications and also exploring ways to make the therapy safer. It is also worth mentioning that a lot of capital has also been invested to support R&D activity in this burgeoning field of research. This report attempts to identify key trends that describe the pace and focus of innovation related to CAR-T cell therapies, and make key observations / inferences regarding the development of intellectual capital in this domain.


The “CAR-T Cell Therapies: Intellectual Property Landscape” report features an extensive study of the historical and current collection of granted patents, patent applications and affiliated documents associated with the upcoming suite of programmable, personalized anticancer therapies. The information in this report has been presented across two deliverables, namely a MS Excel sheet, featuring an interactive dashboard, and an MS PowerPoint presentation, summarizing the ongoing activity in this domain, and key insights drawn from the available data. The report features the following details:

Overall Intellectual Property Landscape

An in-depth review of the various patents and affiliated IP documents that have been published related to technologies and methods associated with the therapeutic applications of CAR-T cells, featuring key insights on historical and recent trends.

Popular / Relevant Prior Art Search Expressions

An examination of IP literature, including a shortlist of key words and phrases that have been used to describe innovations involving CAR-T cells that are indicated for the treatment of different types of cancers. The analysis also features historical usage trends of the aforementioned terms in IP filings, key affiliated terms (which can be used to further identify similar innovations), and other related details.

Patent Valuation Analysis

A competitive benchmarking and valuation analysis of the IP documents published in this field of innovation, taking into account important parameters, such as type of IP document, year of application, time to expiry, number of citations and jurisdiction (factoring in regional GDP).

Patentability and Freedom to Operate

A systematic approach to identify relevant areas of innovation by analyzing published IP documents, defining the uniqueness of patented / patent pending innovations, understanding the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpointing jurisdictions where new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.

Analysis of Patent Applications

A detailed summary of the patent applications that were filed across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis segregates the intellectual capital in terms of area of innovation and intended applications, thereby, offering the means to understand key areas of research and identify innovation-specific IP filing trends.

Analysis of Granted Patents

An elaborate summary of the granted patents across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis segregates the intellectual capital in terms of area of innovation and intended applications; this offers the means to identify unique innovations that presently have marketing exclusivity, and the feasibility for innovators to enter into promising product markets.

Pockets of Innovation and White Spaces

An insightful analysis of the various CPC symbols mentioned in published IP literature and their affiliated families, in order to identify historical and existing pockets of innovation (based on the functional area / industry described by the elaborate and systematic system of classifying IP); the analysis also features a discussion on the prevalent white spaces (based on CPC symbols) in this area of research.

Claims Analysis

One of the objectives of the report was to analyze and summarize key inferences from the independent claims mentioned in granted, active patents in the dataset. Using a systematic segregation approach, we have analyzed trends associated with [A] the preamble, [B] type of patent (technology patent or method patent), [C] type of claim (open ended claim or closed ended claim) and [D] key elements of a claim (individual aspects of an innovation that are covered in a singular claim).


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary research and analyzed via proprietary methods / tools to develop a detailed perspective on the current status of the innovative advances in this domain and affiliated developer landscape that is spread across different global regions. Where possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include

    Company websites
    Annual reports
    Patent information aggregator portals
    Industry databases
    Press releases
    Industry analysts’ views

The insights presented are solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market, as gathered from various secondary sources of information.


Excel Deliverable

    Sheet 1 features details regarding how the input data for this project was collated, including the search strings used to query a popular patent database (, and data segregation notes.

    Sheet 2 is a summary MS Excel dashboard, offering a detailed graphical perspective of the intellectual property landscape of CAR-T cell therapies. It includes pictorial representations of the [A] overall patent landscape, [B] key prior art search expressions, [C] trends related to patent applications (including insights on patentability and freedom to operate), [D] trends related to granted patents (including insights on patentability and freedom to operate), [E] key inferences from a proprietary claims analysis, [F] list of popular CPC symbols (featuring key pockets of innovation), [G] list of popular applicants (shortlisted based on number of published IP documents).

    Sheet 3 is an elaborate tabular representation of the overall IP landscape, featuring information on the various patent application- and granted patent-related documents that have been published since 2000.

    Sheet 4 includes a tabular representation of key words and phrases that are used to describe CAR-T cell therapies.

    Sheet 5 is a subset of sheet 3, featuring all the patent applications, covering intellectual capital related to CAR-T cell therapies.

    Sheet 6 is a subset of sheet 3, featuring all the granted patents, covering intellectual capital related to CAR-T cell therapies.

    Sheet 7 is an insightful summary of key inferences from the independent claims mentioned in the granted, active patents in the dataset. We have used a systematic segregation approach to analyze trends associated with the preamble, type of patent (technology patent or method patent), type of claim (open ended claim or closed ended claim) and key elements of a claim (individual aspects of an innovation that are covered in a singular claim).

    Sheet 8 provides insights related to some of the key applicants in this field of research, featuring company-specific details (such as year of establishment, and location of headquarters), and inputs on their respective IP publication trends.

    Sheet 9 features an analysis of the most popular (in terms of frequency of appearance in the dataset) CPC symbols and CPC families, related to CAR-T cell therapies.

    Sheet 10 is an appendix which includes pivot tables that drive the charts and interactive elements for the complete IP landscape, in sheet 2.

    Sheet 11 is an appendix, featuring details related to the categorization done in the report, and important abbreviations used in reference to the data categories mentioned in the document.

PowerPoint Deliverable
    Chapter 1 briefly describes the need for better therapeutic options in the field of cancer treatment, and the key advantages of CAR-T cell therapies. It also features an overview of the intellectual property landscape related to this upcoming class of advanced therapy medicinal products.

    Chapter 2 and 3 feature brief (pictorial) summaries of the approach used for data collection and the key objectives of the study.

    Chapter 4 features an executive summary of the key insights generated from analyzing the intellectual property landscape of CAR-T cell therapies.

    Chapter 5 provides a brief overview of T-cell therapies, the concept of chimeric antigen receptors and their applicability in personalized medicine. It also features a summary of the key events and milestones associated with the development of one of the most versatile classes of immunotherapies. The chapter lists the various US FDA approved CAR-T cell therapies and their key benefits and limitations. It concludes with a brief description of the likely future of this class of biological interventions. It is worth mentioning that the inputs featured in this chapter were validated based on the opinions of key experts involved in this segment of the biopharmaceutical industry.

    Chapter 6 includes a review of the various patents and IP documents that have been published describing various technologies and methods associated with CAR-T cell therapies, featuring key insights on historical and recent trends.

    Chapter 7 features an insightful examination of IP literature, identifying key words and phrases that have been / are being used to describe CAR-T cell therapies. The chapter includes information on historical usage of the aforementioned expressions in IP filings, key affiliated terms (which can be used to further identify similar innovations), and other related trends.

    Chapter 8 offers insights generated from a competitive benchmarking and valuation analysis of the IP documents related to CAR-T cell therapies, taking into account important parameters, such as type of IP document, year of application, time to expiry, number of citations and jurisdiction (factoring in regional GDP).

    Chapter 9 provides a detailed summary of the patent applications that were filed across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis segregates the intellectual capital in terms of area of innovation and intended applications, thereby, offering the means to understand key areas of research and identify innovation-specific IP filing trends. Based on a systematic approach, the chapter highlights relevant areas of innovation from a deeper analysis of published IP documents, defining the uniqueness of patent pending innovations, understanding the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpointing jurisdictions where new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.

    Chapter 10 is an elaborate summary of the granted patents across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis uses a segregation criterion, based on type of product / solution and intended applications; this offers the means to identify unique innovations that presently have marketing exclusivity and explore future opportunities to enter into promising product markets, once their patents expire. Based on a systematic approach, the chapter highlights relevant areas of innovation from a deeper analysis of published IP documents, defining the uniqueness of patented innovations, understanding the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpointing jurisdictions where new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.

    Chapter 11 features profiles of some of the most popular applicant companies, which were shortlisted based on patent filing activity. Each profiles includes, a brief overview of the company, information on annual revenues (wherever available), details of its initiatives focused on the healthcare sector, names of key management team members and recent developments.

    Chapter 12 includes an insightful analysis of the various CPC symbols mentioned in the published IP literature and their affiliated families, in order to identify historical and existing pockets of innovation (based on the functional area / industry described by the elaborate and systematic system of classifying IP); the analysis also features a discussion on the prevalent white spaces (based on CPC symbols) in this area of research.

    Chapter 13 concludes the report by providing insights on anticipated developments in this domain (from the perspective of eminent industry representatives of stakeholders in this domain), and trends that are likely to shape the future of the CAR-T cell therapies market.

    Chapter 14 is a set of appendices.

1. Research Notes
2. Summary Dashboard
A. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape
B Key Prior Art Search Expressions
C. Key Trends related to Patent Applications (featuring Patentability & Freedom to Operate)
D. Key Trends related to Granted Patents (featuring Patentability & Freedom to Operate)
E. Claims Analysis
F. Key CPC Symbols
G. Key Applicants
3. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape Dataset
4. Prior Art Search Expressions (Keyword Analysis)
5. Patent Applications Dataset
6. Granted Patents Dataset
7. Claims Analysis
8. Key Applicants Analysis
9. CPC Analysis
10. Appendix I: Pivot Tables
11. Appendix II: Country / Geography Codes
12. Appendix III: Innovation Categories
1. Context
2. Project Approach
3. Project Objectives
4. Executive Summary
5. CAR-T cell therapies
5.1. Overview
5.2. History of Development
5.3. FDA Approved CAR-T cell therapies
5.4. Key Benefits and Limitations
5.5. Future Perspectives
6. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape
6.1. Overview
6.2. Analysis of Published IP Documents
6.3. Insights from Patent Applications
6.4. Insights from Granted Patents
7. Key Prior Art Search Expressions
7.1. Overview
7.2. Analysis of Prior Art Search Expressions
8. Intellectual Property Valuation Analysis
8.1. Valuation Overview
8.2. Analysis of Individual Value Ranks
8.2.1. Rank 1 IP Documents
8.2.2. Rank 2 IP Documents
8.2.3. Rank 3 IP Documents
8.2.4. Rank 4 IP Documents
8.2.5. Rank 5 IP Documents
8.3. Concluding Remarks
9. Analysis of Patent Applications
9.1. Overview
9.2. Relative Valuation of Patent Applications
9.3. Patentability & Freedom-to-Operate
10. Analysis of Granted Patents
10.1. Overview
10.2. Relative Valuation of Grated Patents
10.3. Patentability & Freedom-to-Operate
10.4. Analysis of Patent Claims
11. Key Applicants
11.1. Overview
11.2. Analysis of Key Applicants
11.2.1. University of Pennsylvania
11.2.2. Juno Therapeutics
11.2.3. Cellectis
11.2.4. University of California
11.2.5. bluebird bio
11.2.6. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
11.2.7. Novartis
11.2.8. Baylor College of Medicine
11.2.9. Kite Pharma
11.2.10. University of Texas
12. Pockets of Innovation and White Spaces
12.1. Overview
12.2. Pockets of Innovation
12.3. White Spaces
12.4. Concluding Remarks
13. Future Outlook
13.1. Overview
13.2. Contemporary Sentiments & Expert Opinions
13.3. Anticipated Future Developments & Trends
14. Appendices
The following companies and organizations have been mentioned in the report.
1. A2 Biotherapeutics
2. AbClon
3. Abion
4. Accurus Biosciences
5. Acerta Pharma
6. Achelois Oncology
7. Adaptimmune
8. Adicet Bio
9. Affyimmune Therapeutics
10. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
11. Akeso Therapeutics
12. Albert Einstein College of Medicine
13. Aleta BioTherapeutics
14. Allogene Therapeutics
15. Almac
16. Alpine Immune Sciences
17. Altor Bioscience
18. Ambrx
19. American Gene Technologies
20. Amgen
21. Ampsource Biopharma Shanghai
22. Apceth Biopharma
23. Arcellx
24. ARMO Biosciences
25. Asclepius Technology Company Group (Suzhou)
26. Asimov
27. Atara Biotherapeutics
28. Atossa Genetics
29. Autolus Therapeutics
30. Auxolytic
31. Avacta Life Sciences
32. Avectas
33. Ayala Pharmaceuticals
34. BCell Solutions
35. Batu Biologics
36. Baylor College of Medicine
37. Beam Therapeutics
38. Beijing Marino Biotechnology
39. Bellicum Pharmaceuticals
40. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
41. Benitec Biopharma
42. Berkeley Lights
43. BioMed Valley Discoveries
44. BioNTech
45. Biotheus
46. bluebird bio
47. Board of Regents - University of Texas System
48. Boston 3T Biotechnologies
49. Brigham and Women's Hospital
50. Broad Institute
51. Cafa Therapeutics
52. California Institute for Biomedical Research
53. California Institute of Technology
54. Cancer Research Technology
55. Cancer Targeting Systems
56. Carina Biotech
57. CARsgen Therapeutics
58. Cartesian Therapeutics
60. Cartherics
61. Case Western Reserve University
62. Celgene
63. Cell Design Labs
64. Cell Medica
65. Celldex Therapeutics
66. Cellect
67. Cellgentek
68. Celllular Biomedicine Group
69. Cellular Therapeutics
70. Cellyan Therapeutics
71. Celularity
72. CERo Therapeutics
73. Cerus Corporation
74. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
75. Connecticut Children's Medical Center
76. Chimera Bioengineering
77. Chongqing Precision Biotech
78. COARE Biotechnology
79. Constant Therapeutics
80. Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research
81. Crescendo Biologics
82. Crispr Therapeutics
83. CTG Pharma
84. Cue Biopharma
85. CureGenetics
86. Curocell
87. Cynata Therapeutics
88. CytoImmune Therapeutics
89. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
90. DaRen
91. Dartmouth College
92. Diagnologix
94. Dorian Therapeutics
95. Dragonfly Therapeutics
96. DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg – Hessen gGmbH
97. East Tennessee State University
98. EdiGene
99. Editas Medicine
100. ElevateBio
101. Elstar Therapeutics
102. Endocyte
103. Enlivex Therapeutics
104. Enochian Biopharma
105. EpiVax
106. Etubics Corporation
108. Eureka Therapeutics
109. Eutilex
110. Exuma Biotechnology
111. F1 Oncology
112. Fate Therapeutics
113. Five Prime Therapeutics
114. Flagship Pioneering
115. FloDesign Sonics
116. San Raffaele Hospital
117. Tettamanti Foundation
118. Telethon Foundation
119. Forevertek Biotechnology
120. Fortis Therapeutics
121. Forty Seven
122. Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics
123. Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute
124. Fundamenta Therapeutics
125. Wuling(Fuzhou) Biotechnology
126. GammaDelta Therapeutics
128. GE Healthcare Systems
129. GEMoaB Monoclonals
130. Genentech
131. Geneuin-Tech
132. GigaMune
133. GlaxoSmithKline
134. Good T cells
135. GPB Scientific
136. Gracell Biotechnologies
137. Green Cross LabCell
138. Gritstone Oncology
139. TCRCure Biopharma
140. Guangzhou Bio-gene Technology
141. Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health
142. Moffitt Cancer Center
143. HaemaLogiX
144. Hangzhou ConVerd
145. U-Cell Therapeutics
146. Harpoon Therapeutics
147. Harvard College
148. Health Research
149. Hebei Senlang Biotechnology
150. Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
151. Helix BioPharma
152. Helmholtz Zentrum München
153. Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
154. HRYZ Biotech
155. Hunan HuiRui Pharmaceutical
156. Humanigen
157. Igm Biosciences
158. Imel Biotherapeutics
159. Immatics Biotechnologies
160. Immatics Us
162. Immune Design
163. Immungene
164. Immunocore
165. Immunomedics
166. Immunotech Biopharm
167. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
168. IN8bio
169. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
170. Inhibrx
171. Innovative Cellular Therapeutics
172. Inscripta
173. Instil Bio
174. Cancer Research Institute
175. Intellia Therapeutics
176. Intima Bioscience
177. Intrexon
178. Io Therapeutics
179. Iovance Biotherapeutics
180. Janssen Biotech
181. Javelin Oncology
182. Jazz Pharmaceuticals
183. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
185. JSR Corporation
186. Cellectis
187. Juno Therapeutics
189. Jura Bio
190. Kangstem Biotech
191. King's College London
192. Kite Pharma
193. Hauner'sches Children's Hospital
194. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
195. Korea Reseach Institute of Bioscience & BioTechnology
196. KSQ Therapeutics
197. Kumquat Biosciences
198. Kyoto Prefectural University
199. La Jolla Institute for Immunology
200. Leucid Bio
201. Life Technologies
202. LionTCR
203. Lonza Cologne
204. Lonza
205. Lorantis
206. Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
207. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
208. Lycera
209. Mabimmune
210. MabSpace Biosciences
211. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
212. Maxcyte
213. Mayo Foundation For Medical Education
214. Med Manor Organics
216. Medical College of Wisconsin
217. Medicenna Therapeutics
218. Medigene
219. Medimmune
220. Medinet
221. Medisix Therapeutics
222. MicroCures
223. Millennium Pharmaceuticals
224. Miltenyi Biotec
225. Minerva Biotechnologies
226. Mingsight Pharmaceuticals
227. Modernatx
228. MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research
229. Monarch Biosciences
230. MUSC Foundation for Research Development
231. Mustang Bio
232. MVZ Prof. Dr. med. Niendorf Pathologie Hamburg-West
233. BioHeng
234. Nanjing Kaedi Biotech
235. Nanjing Legend Biotech
236. NanoTomer
237. Nantbio
238. Nantcell
239. Nantkwest
240. The National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev
241. Chungbuk National University
242. Nagoya University
243. NUS - National University of Singapore
244. Shiga University of Medical Science
245. NDSU Research Foundation
246. Nectintx
247. NeoImmuneTech
248. Neon Therapeutics
249. NexImmune
250. Nkarta
251. Noile-Immune Biotech
252. Novartis
253. Novoscope Ip
254. Oaiscell Biotechnologies
255. Obsidian Therapeutics
256. Innovation Ohio
257. OncoHost
258. Oncoimmune
259. Oncorus
260. OncoTab
261. OncoTherapy Science
262. ONK Therapeutics
263. Oncimmune
264. Orig3n
265. OxfordBiomedica
266. Pact Pharma
267. Pharos Vaccine
268. Pieris Pharmaceuticals
269. Poseida Therapeutics
270. Precision BioSciences
271. Precision NanoSystems
272. Precigen
273. Promab Biotechnologies
274. Protelica
275. Provincial Health Services Authority
276. PsiOxus Therapeutics
277. Purdue Research Foundation
278. QT Holding
279. Qu Biologics
280. Quell Therapeutics
281. Rambam MedTech
282. Refuge Biotech
283. Regen BioPharma
284. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
285. Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
286. Rinat Neuroscience
287. Shanghai JiaoTong University Ruijing Hospital
288. Russell Biotech
289. Sangamo Therapeutics
291. Scripps Research
292. Senti Biosciences
293. Shanghai Cell Therapy Group
294. Genbase-Shanghai Genbase Biotechnology
295. unicar-therapy
296. Shattuck Labs
297. Shenzhen Pregene Biopharma
298. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
299. Sorrento Therapeutics
300. SpringWorks Therapeutics
301. SQZ Biotech
302. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
303. Netherlands Cancer Institute
304. Sunshine Lake Pharma
305. Syndax Pharmaceuticals
307. Syno Minicircle Biotechnology
308. Takara Bio
309. Takeda
310. Tayu Huaxia Biotech Medical Group
311. TC BioPharm
312. TCR² Therapeutics
313. TCRCure
314. Technion Research & Development Foundation
315. Technical University of Munich
316. tella
317. Temple University-of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education
318. Terumo Global
319. Tessa Therapeutics
320. The Texas A&M University System
321. Fourth Military Medical University
322. Massachusetts General Hospital
323. Nemours Foundation
324. Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
325. University of Notre Dame
326. TheryCell
327. Thyas
328. Timmune Biotech
329. Torque Therapeutics
330. Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute
331. Translational Oncology at the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
332. University of Alabama at Birmingham
333. UCL Business
334. Umoja Biopharma
335. Aix-Marseille University
336. University of Alberta
337. University of Arizona
338. Bar-Ilan University
339. University of Basel
340. Charite University Hospital
341. University of Birmingham
342. University of Bonn
343. Boston University
344. Braunschweig University of Technology
345. University of British Columbia
346. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
347. University of California
348. University of Chicago
349. University of Colorado Board of Regents
350. Columbia University
351. Cornell University
352. Dankook University
353. University of Évry Val d'Essonne
354. Duke University
355. Emory University
356. University of Florida
357. University of Freiburg
358. Fudan University
359. University of Geneva
360. Ghent University
361. The George Washington University
362. University Health Network (UHN)
363. University of Houston System
364. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
365. Indiana University Research & Technology
366. University of Iowa Research Foundation
367. Thomas Jefferson University
368. Johns Hopkins University
369. University of Kansas
370. Keio University
371. University of Cologne
372. Kyoto University
373. Stanford University
374. Loyola University
375. Autonomous University of Madrid
376. University of Maryland, College Park
377. University of Massachusetts
378. China Medical University
379. University of Miami
380. Regents of the University of Michigan
381. Mie University
382. University of Minnesota
383. Monash University
384. Université de Montréal
385. University of Nantes
386. National University Corporation Kochi University
387. University of Nebraska–Lincoln
388. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
389. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
390. Northwestern University
391. University of Nottingham
392. University of Lausanne
393. University of Southern Denmark
394. University of Oslo
395. Oxford University Innovation
396. University of Paris
397. University of Pennsylvania
398. University of Pittsburgh
399. Princeton University
400. University of Regensburg
401. Rice University
402. University of Rouen
403. Rutgers University
404. Sapporo Medical University
405. Seoul National University
406. Shinshu University
407. SiChuan University
408. University of Southampton
409. University of Southern California
410. University of Strasbourg
411. University of Tennessee
412. University of Texas at Austin
413. University of Toledo
414. Tsinghua University
415. University of Tübingen
416. Vanderbilt University
417. University of Washington
418. Wayne State University
419. University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
420. Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
421. Yale University
422. Yamaguchi University
423. Zhejiang University
424. University of Cologne
425. University of Verona
426. Laval University
427. University of Houston System
428. UNUM Therapeutics
429. University of Victoria
430. UWELL BioPharma
431. Var2 Pharmaceuticals
432. Verastem Oncology
433. Blood Research Institute - Versiti
434. ViroMed
435. Vivia Biotech
436. Vor Biopharma.
437. Vycellix
438. Western Sydney Local Health District
439. West China hospital, sichuan university
440. University of Münster
441. Whitehead Institute
442. WindMIL Therapeutics
443. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
444. Wilson Wolf Manufacturing
445. Wugen
446. Wuhan Bio-Raid Biotechnology Co. Ltd.
447. WuXi Biologics
448. Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc.
449. Yeda Research & Development Co Ltd
450. Yissum Technology Transfer Company of the Hebrew University
451. Shanghai Yizun Pharmaceutical Technology
452. Yufan Biotechnologies
454. Zymeworks

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