3D Cell Culture Market (4th Edition), 2022-2035

3D Cell Culture Market (4th Edition), 2022-2035

Animal testing has been the most common method in various experimental studies in biomedical research, given their resemblance to humans in terms of genetics, anatomy, and physiology. Specifically, mice genome has 80% similarity with humans, which makes them excellent models for various research purposes. However, the use of animals in scientific research is associated with several ethical concerns, which led to the establishment of the principle of 3Rs- Replacement, Reduction and Refinement, to address the ethical concerns related to animal welfare and limit the use of animals in scientific research. As of 2018, this initiative led to 50% reduction in the use of animals as compared to the statistics noted in 1985. Further, the process of animal breeding / housing for scientific purposes is also associated with high costs and requires skilled labor. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that animal cell cultures are unable to accurately mimic the natural (in vivo) microenvironment as the cells cultured in monolayers are both morphologically and physiochemically different from their in vivo counterparts. These concerns have necessitated a transition from animal-based testing to the use of 3-dimensional (3D) cell culture models. Over time, advances in biotechnology and materials science have enabled the development of a variety of 3D cell culture systems in order to drive research across different application areas, including cancer research, drug discovery, tissue engineering and others.

At present, more than 140 companies offer 3D cell culture systems in a variety of formats, including scaffold-based products, scaffold-free products and 3D bioreactors. These systems have demonstrated to be capable of more accurately simulating the natural tissue microenvironment, offer increased cell-to-cell and cell-to-ECM interactions, more accurate evaluation of drug toxicity and cellular responses, and co-cultuirng of multiple cell types together. Moreover, there are certain complex 3D cell culture models that can even replace animal models exhibiting reproducible results and thereby, serving as better in vivo models across multiple application areas. Given the various benefits of such systems, the field has garnered the attention of various venture capital firms and strategic investors that have been providing financial support to drive research efforts focused on exploring different formats of 3D cell culture systems, including organoids and organ-on-chips across multiple application areas. Moreover, there has been an increase in scientific literature on 3D cell culture systems and collaborations for 3D bioreactors and cell culture products. Given the ongoing innovation in this field, and the paradigm shift from 2D cell culture systems and animal testing to 3D cell culture models, the market is likely to witness a significant growth in the foreseen future.

The “3D Cell Culture Market by Scaffold Format (Scaffold Based and Scaffold Free System), Products (Hydrogel / Extracellular Matrix (ECM), 3D Bioreactor, 3D Petri Dish, Hanging Drop Plate, Microfluidic System, Micropatterned Surface, Microcarrier, Solid Scaffold, and Suspension System), Application Areas (Cancer Research, Drug Discovery and Toxicology, Stem Cell Research, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine), Purpose (Research Use and Therapeutic Use), and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts (4th Edition), 2022-2035” report features an extensive study of the current landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely evolution of the market in the mid to long term. The study also features an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of various industry stakeholders engaged in this domain. Amongst other elements, the report includes:

  • A detailed discussion on the classification of 3D cell culture systems, categorized as scaffold based systems (hydrogels / ECMs, solid scaffolds, micropatterned surfaces and microcarriers), scaffold free systems (attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems) and 3D bioreactors.
  • An elaborate discussion on the methods used for fabrication of 3D matrices and scaffolds, highlighting the materials used, the process of fabrication, merits and demerits, and the applications of different fabrication methods.
  • An overview of the current market landscape of companies offering various 3D cell culture systems, including information on a number of relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, size of employee base, geographical presence, 3D cell culture format (scaffold based products, scaffold free products and 3D bioreactors), and type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems). In addition, the chapter provides information related to the companies providing 3D culture related services, and associated reagents / consumables.
  • A detailed assessment of the overall landscape of scaffold based products, along with analyses based on a number of relevant parameters, such as status of development (under development, developed not commercialized, and commercialized), type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, and microcarriers), source of scaffold (human based, chemical based, animal based, plant based, and polymer based), and fabrication material used. In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of scaffold based products, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
  • A detailed assessment of the overall landscape of scaffold free products, along with analyses based on a number of relevant parameters, such as status of development (under development, developed and not commercialized, and commercialized), type of product (attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems), type of material (human based, animal based, plant based and polymer based), and material used for fabrication. In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of scaffold free products, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
  • A detailed assessment of the overall landscape of 3D bioreactors, along with analyses based on a number of relevant parameters, such as type of 3D bioreactor (single-use, perfusion, fed-batch, and fixed-bed), status of development (under development, developed and not commercialized, and commercialized), typical working volume, scale of operation (lab scale, pre-clinical / clinical scale and commercial scale), type of manufacturing process (batch-continuous, fed-batch and continuous), type of cell culture system (mammalian cell, insect cell, microbial cell, and plant cell), type of molecule processed (vaccine, monoclonal antibody, recombinant protein, stem cell, cell therapy and gene therapy), and application area (drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, regenerative medicine / tissue engineering and cancer research). In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of 3D bioreactors, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
  • A detailed review of the key application areas (cancer research, drug discovery and toxicology, stem cell research, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine) for which various 3D cell culture products are being developed / used.
  • Elaborate profiles of prominent players offering Scaffold-based, Scaffold-free cell culture systems and 3D bioreactors (shortlisted based on the number of products being offered) that are engaged in the development of 3D cell culture products. Each company profile includes a brief overview of the company, financial / funding information (if available), details on its product portfolio, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.
  • An analysis of the investments made in the period between 2016-2022, including instances of seed financing, venture capital financing, debt financing, grants / awards, capital raised from IPOs and subsequent offerings, at various stages of development in small and mid-sized companies (established after 2005; with less than 200 employees) that are engaged in the development of 3D cell culture products.
  • An analysis of the various partnerships related to 3D cell culture products, which have been established since 2015, based on several parameters, such as year of agreement, type of partnership (product development and commercialization agreements, product integration and utilization agreements, product licensing agreement, research and development agreements, distribution agreements, acquisitions, joint venture and other agreements), 3D cell culture format (scaffold based products, scaffold free products and 3D bioreactor), type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems), and most active players. It also provides the regional distribution of players involved in the collaborations.
  • An in-depth analysis of over 6,400 patents that have been filed / granted for 3D cell culture products, between 2016-2021, based on parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, issuing authority involved, CPC symbols, type of applicant, emerging focus areas, leading patent assignees (in terms of number of patents filed / granted), patent characteristics and geography. It also includes a detailed patent valuation analysis.
  • An analysis of more than 3,800 peer-reviewed scientific articles related to 3D cell culture and its technologies, published since 2019, based on several parameters, such as year of publication, emerging focus areas, most popular authors, and most popular journals (in terms of number of articles published in the given time period and journal impact factor), top publisher and type of funding institute.
  • An in-depth competitiveness analysis of 3D bioreactors, taking into consideration the supplier power (based on the year of establishment of the 3D bioreactors developer) and key features of bioreactors, such as scale of operation (lab scale, pre-clinical / clinical scale and commercial scale), type of molecule supported (vaccine, monoclonal antibody, recombinant protein, stem cell, cell therapy and gene therapy), type of cell culture supported (mammalian cell, insect cell, microbial cell, and plant cell) and application area (drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, regenerative medicine/tissue engineering and cancer research).
  • A case study on the 3D cell culture products for organoids and organ-on-chips, along with analysis based on parameters, such as status of development, and area of applications. In addition, it presents details of the developer companies, along with information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
  • Insights from an industry-wide survey, featuring inputs solicited from various experts who are directly / indirectly involved in the development of 3D cell culture products, emphasized on the focus area of their company, type of 3D cell culture products offered, development status of the product(s), method of fabrication used, source of 3D cultured cells, application area of product(s), type of service(s) offered, and present and future market opportunity.
  • One of the key objectives of the report was to identify the primary growth drivers and estimate the potential future size of the 3D cell culture market. Based on various parameters, such as business segment, price of 3D cell culture products, and likely adoption of the 3D cell culture products, we have developed informed estimates on the likely evolution of the 3D cell culture systems market, for the period 2022-2035. Our year-wise projections of the current and forecasted opportunity have further been segmented across 3D cell culture format (scaffold based systems, scaffold free systems, and 3D bioreactors), type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems, and microfluidic systems), area of application (cancer research, drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine / tissue engineering), purpose (research use and therapeutic use), key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and rest of the world), and leading product developers. In order to account for future uncertainties and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three forecast scenarios, namely conservative, base and optimistic scenarios, representing different tracks of the industry’s growth.

    The opinions and insights presented in the report were influenced by discussions held with senior stakeholders in the industry. The report features detailed transcripts of interviews held with the following industry and non-industry players:
  • Brigitte Angres (Co-founder, Cellendes)
  • Bill Anderson (President and CEO, Synthecon)
  • Anonymous (President and CEO, Anonymous)
  • Anonymous (Co-founder and Vice President, Anonymous)
  • Scott Brush (Vice President, BRTI Life Sciences)
  • Malcolm Wilkinson (Managing Director, Kirkstall)
  • Ryder Clifford (Director, QGel) and Simone Carlo Rizzi (Chief Scientific Officer, QGel)
  • Tanya Yankelevich (Director, Xylyx Bio)
  • Jens Kelm (Chief Scientific Officer, InSphero)
  • Walter Tinganelli (Group Leader, GSI)
  • Darlene Thieken (Project Manager, Nanofiber Solutions)
  • Andrea Picon (Director, Business Development, FlexCell International)
  • Frank Junker (Chief Business Officer, InSphero)
  • Mohammed Mamunur Rahman (Manager, Business Development, MBL International)

    3D Cell Culture: Market Segmentations

    Market Segments Details

    Forecast Period
  • 2022 - 2035

  • 3D Cell Culture Format
  • Scaffold Based Systems
  • Scaffold Free Systems
  • 3D Bioreactors
  • Type of Product
  • Hydrogels / ECMs
  • Micropatterned Surfaces
  • Solid Scaffolds
  • Microcarriers
  • Attachment Resistant Surfaces
  • Suspension Systems
  • Microfluidic Systems
  • Area of Application
  • Cancer Research
  • Drug Discovery / Toxicity Testing
  • Stem cell research
  • Regenerative Medicine / Tissue Engineering
  • Purpose
  • Research Use
  • Therapeutic Use
  • Key Geographical Regions
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • MENA
  • Latin America
  • Rest of the World
  • Source: Roots Analysis

    All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


    The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we conduct interviews with experts in the area (academia, industry, medical practice and other associations) to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. The infromation is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Wherever possible, the available data has been validated from multiple sources of information.

    The secondary sources of information include
  • Annual reports
  • Investor presentations
  • SEC filings
  • Industry databases
  • News releases from company websites
  • Government policy documents
  • Industry analysts’ views
  • While the focus has been on forecasting the market over the coming years, the report also provides our independent view on various technological and non-commercial trends emerging in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.

  • Who are the leading industry players engaged in the development of 3D cell culture products?
  • Which are the most popular 3D cell culture products?
  • Which are the different application areas for which 3D cell culture products are being developed?
  • What are the key factors that are likely to influence the evolution of 3D cell culture systems market?
  • What is the trend of capital investments in the 3D cell culture systems market?
  • Which partnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in 3D cell culture market?
  • How is the current and future opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
  • What are the anticipated future trends related to 3D cell culture systems market?

    Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the insights captured in our research. It offers a high-level view on the current state and the likely evolution of the 3D cell culture systems market in the mid to long term.

    Chapter 3 provides a general introduction to 3D cell culture systems. The chapter presents information on the different types of cell cultures, methods of cell culturing and their application areas. The chapter also features a comparative analysis of 2D and 3D cultures, as well as highlights the current need and advantages of 3D culture systems.

    Chapter 4 provides an overview of the classification of 3D culture systems, namely scaffold based systems (hydrogels / ECMs, solid scaffolds, micropatterned surfaces and microcarriers), scaffold free systems (attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems) and 3D bioreactors. It also provides insights on the underlying concepts, advantages and disadvantages of the aforementioned products.

    Chapter 5 presents summary of different techniques that are commonly used for fabrication of 3D matrices and scaffolds. In addition, the chapter provides information on the working principle, benefits and limitations associated with each method used for fabricating scaffolds. In addition, the chapter features key takeaways from various research studies focused on matrices fabricated using the aforementioned methods.

    Chapter 6 includes information on around 140 industry players offering various 3D cell culture products. It features detailed analyses of developers, based on year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters, 3D cell culture format (scaffold based products, scaffold free products and 3D bioreactors), and type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems). In addition, the chapter provides different insightful representations, which include [A] a heat map representation, illustrating the distribution of developers, based on 3D cell culture format and location of headquarters, [B] tree map representation, presenting the distribution of developers, based on type of product and company size, and [C] world map representation, highlighting the regional distribution of headquarters of the developer companies.

    Chapter 7 presents information on around 200 scaffold based products that are either commercialized or under development. It features detailed analysis of these products based on a number of relevant parameters, such as status of development (under development, developed and not commercialized, and commercialized) type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, and microcarriers), source of scaffold (human based, chemical based, animal based, plant based, and polymer based), and fabrication material. In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of scaffold based products, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

    Chapter 8 presents information on around 40 scaffold free products that are either commercialized or under development. It features detailed analysis of these products based on a number of relevant parameters, such as status of development (under development, developed and not commercialized, and commercialized), type of product (attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems), type of material (human based, animal based, plant based and polymer based), and material used of fabrication. In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of scaffold free products, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

    Chapter 9 presents information on around 90 3D bioreactors that are either commercialized or under development. It features detailed analyses of these products based on a number of relevant parameters, such as type of 3D bioreactor (single-use, perfusion, fed-batch, and fixed-bed), status of development (under development, developed and not commercialized, and commercialized), typical working volume, scale of operation (lab scale, pre-clinical / clinical scale and commercial scale), type of manufacturing process (batch-continuous, fed-batch and continuous), type of cell culture system (mammalian cell, insect cell, microbial cell, and plant cell), type of molecule processed (vaccine, monoclonal antibody, recombinant protein, stem cell, cell therapy and gene therapy), and application area (drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, regenerative medicine / tissue engineering and cancer research). In addition, it presents details of the companies involved in the development of 3D bioreactors, providing information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

    Chapter 10 presents information on the key application areas (cancer research, drug discovery and toxicity screening, stem cell research, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine) for which various 3D cell culture products are being developed / used.

    Chapter 11 features elaborate profiles of prominent players engaged in the development of scaffold based products (offering at least five hydrogel / ECM products). Each company profile includes a brief overview of the company, details on its product portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

    Chapter 12 features elaborate profiles of prominent players engaged in the development of scaffold free products (offering at least three scaffold free cell culture products). Each company profile includes a brief overview of the company, details on its product portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

    Chapter 13 features elaborate profiles of prominent players that engaged in the development of 3D bioreactors (offering at least two bioreactors). Each company profile includes a brief overview of the company, details on its product portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.

    Chapter 14 features an analysis of the investments made in the period between 2016-2022, including instances of seed financing, venture capital financing, debt financing, grants / awards, capital raised from IPOs and subsequent offerings, at various stages of development in small and mid-sized companies (established after 2005; with less than 200 employees) that are engaged in the development of 3D cell culture products.

    Chapter 15 features an analysis of the various partnerships related to 3D cell culture products, that have been established since 2015, based on several parameters, such as year of agreement, type of partnership (product development and commercialization agreements, product integration and utilization agreements, product licensing agreement, research and development agreements, distribution agreements, acquisitions, joint venture and other agreements), 3D cell culture format (scaffold based products, scaffold free products and 3D bioreactor), type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems and microfluidic systems), and most active players. It also provides the regional distribution of players involved in the collaborations.

    Chapter 16 provides an in-depth analysis of over 6,400 patents that have been filed / granted for 3D cell culture products, between 2016-2021, based on parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, issuing authority involved, CPC symbols, type of applicant, emerging focus areas, leading patent assignees (in terms of number of patents filed / granted), patent characteristics and geography. It also includes a detailed patent valuation analysis.

    Chapter 17 features an analysis of more than 3,800 peer-reviewed scientific articles related to 3D cell culture and its technologies, published since 2019, based on several parameters, based on several parameters, such as year of publication, emerging focus areas, most popular authors, and most popular journals (in terms of number of articles published in the given time period and journal impact factor), top publisher and type of funding institute.

    Chapter 18 features an insightful competitiveness analysis of 3D bioreactors, taking into consideration the supplier power (based on the year of establishment of the 3D bioreactors developer) and key features of bioreactors, such as scale of operation (lab scale, pre-clinical/clinical scale and commercial scale), type of molecule supported (vaccine, monoclonal antibody, recombinant protein, stem cell, cell therapy and gene therapy), type of cell culture supported (mammalian cell, insect cell, microbial cell, and plant cell) and application area (drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, regenerative medicine / tissue engineering and cancer research).

    Chapter 19 is a case study providing an overview on the current market landscape of 3D cell culture products for organoids and organ-on-chips, along with analysis based on parameters, such as development status, and area of application. In addition, it presents details of the developer companies, along with information on their year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

    Chapter 20 presents an insightful market forecast analysis, highlighting the likely growth of 3D cell culture systems market, till 2035. In order to provide an informed future outlook, our projections have been segmented on the basis of [A] 3D cell culture format (scaffold based systems, scaffold free systems, and 3D bioreactors), [B] type of product (hydrogels / ECMs, micropatterned surfaces, solid scaffolds, microcarriers, attachment resistant surfaces, suspension systems, and microfluidic systems), [C] area of application (cancer research, drug discovery / toxicity testing, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine / tissue engineering), [D] purpose (research use and therapeutic use), [E] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, MENA and rest of the world), and [F] leading product developers.

    Chapter 21 presents insights from the survey conducted for this study. We contacted over 150 stakeholders involved in the development of 3D cell culture systems. The participants, who were primarily Founder / CXO / Senior Management level representatives of their respective companies, helped us develop a deeper understanding on the nature of their products / services and the associated commercial potential.

    Chapter 22 is a summary of the overall report. It presents a list of key takeaways and our independent opinions on the current market scenario.

    Chapter 23 is a collection of interview transcripts of the discussions held with various stakeholders in the industry. We have presented details of interviews held with Brigitte Angres (Co-founder, Cellendes), Bill Anderson (President and CEO, Synthecon), anonymous (President and CEO, Anonymous), anonymous (Co-founder and Vice President, Anonymous), Scott Brush (Vice President, BRTI Life Sciences), Malcolm Wilkinson (Managing Director, Kirkstall), Ryder Clifford (Director, QGel) and Simone Carlo Rizzi (Chief Scientific Officer, QGel), Tanya Yankelevich (Director, Xylyx Bio), Jens Kelm (Chief Scientific Officer, InSphero), Walter Tinganelli (Group Leader, GSI), and Darlene Thieken (Project Manager, Nanofiber Solutions), Andrea Picon (Director, Business Development, FlexCell International), Frank Junker (Chief Business Officer, InSphero) and Mamun Rahman (Manager, Business Development, MBL International)

    Chapter 24 is an appendix, that contains tabulated data and numbers for all the figures provided in the report.

    Chapter 25 is an appendix, that provide the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.

    1. PREFACE
    1.1. Scope of the Report
    1.2. Research Methodology
    1.3. Key Questions Answered
    1.4. Chapter Outlines
    3.1. Chapter Overview
    3.2. Types of Cell Cultures
    3.2.1. Primary Cell Cultures
    3.2.2. Cell Lines
    3.3. Morphology of Cells in Culture
    3.4. 2D Cell Cultures vs 3D Cell Cultures
    3.5. Overview of 3D Cell Culturing
    3.5.1. Components of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
    3.5.2. In Vitro Cell Culturing
    3.5.3. Selection of Culture Format
    3.6. Establishment and Maintenance of Cell Cultures
    3.6.1. Isolating Cells from Tissues
    3.6.2. Maintaining Cells in Culture
    3.6.3. Sub-Culturing / Passaging
    3.6.4. Cryogenic Storage
    3.7. Requirements for Maintaining Healthy Cell Cultures
    3.7.1. Safety Guidelines in a Cell Culture Facility
    3.7.2. Cell Culture Health and Optimal Conditions for Growth
    3.7.3. Cross Contamination in Cell Cultures
    3.7.4. Methods to Prevent Contamination
    3.8. Applications of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    3.8.1. Model Systems
    3.8.2. Drug Discovery and Preclinical Research
    3.8.3. Cancer Research
    3.8.4. Virology Research
    3.8.5. Genetic Engineering and Gene Therapy Research
    3.9. Advantages and Limitations of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    3.10. Future Perspectives
    4.1. 3D Cell Culture Classification
    4.2. Scaffold Based 3D Cell Cultures
    4.2.1. Hydrogels / ECM Analogs
    4.2.2. Solid Scaffolds
    4.2.3. Micropatterned Surfaces
    4.2.4. Microcarriers
    4.3. Scaffold Free 3D Cell Cultures
    4.3.1. Attachment Resistant Surfaces
    4.3.2. Suspension Culture Systems Hanging Drop Plates Magnetic Levitation and 3D Bioprinting
    4.3.3. Microfluidic Surfaces and Organs-on-Chips
    4.3.4. 3D Bioreactors
    4.4. Organoids
    5.1. Chapter Overview
    5.2. Methods for Fabricating Porous Scaffolds
    5.2.1. Particulate Leaching
    5.2.2. Solvent Casting
    5.2.3. Emulsion Templating
    5.2.4. Gas Foaming
    5.2.5. Melt Molding
    5.2.6. Microsphere Sintering
    5.3. Methods for Fabricating Fibrous Scaffolds
    5.3.1. Electrospinning
    5.3.2. Phase Separation
    5.3.3. Self-Assembly
    5.3.4. Fiber Mesh and Fiber Bonding
    5.4. Methods for Fabricating Hydrogels
    5.4.1. Gelation
    5.4.2. Solvent Casting and Particulate Leaching
    5.4.3. Gas Foaming
    5.4.4. Freeze Drying
    5.4.5. Co-polymerization / Crosslinking
    5.4.6. Microfluidics
    5.5. Methods for Fabricating Custom Scaffolds
    5.5.1. Stereo-Lithography
    5.5.2. 3D Bioprinting and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
    5.5.3. Fused Deposition Modeling
    5.5.4. Membrane Lamination
    5.5.5. Rapid Prototyping / Solid Free-Form Technique
    5.6. Methods for Fabricating Microspheres
    5.6.1. Solvent Evaporation
    5.6.2. Single and Double Emulsification
    5.6.3. Particle Aggregation
    5.7. Methods for Fabricating Native Scaffolds
    5.7.1. Decellularization
    6.1. Chapter Overview
    6.2. 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Overall Market Landscape
    6.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    6.2.2. Analysis by Company Size
    6.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    6.2.4. Analysis by 3D Cell Culture Format
    6.2.5. Analysis by Type of Product
    6.2.6. Analysis by 3D Cell Culture Format and Location of Headquarters
    6.2.7. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Product
    6.2.8. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    6.3. 3D Cell Cultures: List of Service Providers
    6.4. 3D Cell Cultures: List of Affiliated Assays, Kits and Reagents
    7.1. Chapter Overview
    7.2. Scaffold Based Products: Overall Market Landscape
    7.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development
    7.2.2. Analysis by Type of Product
    7.2.3. Analysis by Source of Scaffold
    7.2.4. Analysis by Material Used for Fabrication
    7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Product and Source of Scaffold
    7.2.6. Analysis by Type of Product and Material Used for Fabrication
    7.3. Scaffold Based Products: Developer Landscape
    7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    7.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    7.3.3. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Product
    7.3.4. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    7.3.5. Leading Developers: Analysis by Number of Scaffold Based Products
    8.1. Chapter Overview
    8.2. Scaffold Free Products: Overall Market Landscape
    8.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development
    8.2.2. Analysis by Type of Product
    8.2.3. Analysis by Material Used for Fabrication
    8.2.4. Analysis by Material Used for Scaffold
    8.2.5. Analysis by Type of Product and Material Used for Fabrication
    8.3. Scaffold Free Products: Developer Landscape
    8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    8.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    8.3.3. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Product
    8.3.4. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    8.3.5. Leading Developers: Analysis by Number of Scaffold Free Products
    9.1. Chapter Overview
    9.2. 3D Bioreactors: Overall Market Landscape
    9.2.1. Analysis by Type of 3D Bioreactor
    9.2.2. Analysis by Status of Development
    9.2.3. Analysis by Working Volume
    9.2.4. Analysis by Scale of Operation
    9.2.5. Analysis by Manufacturing Process
    9.2.6. Analysis by Type of Cell Culture System
    9.2.7. Analysis by Type of Molecule Processed
    9.2.8. Analysis by Area of Application
    9.3. 3D Bioreactors: Developer Landscape
    9.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    9.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    9.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    9.3.4. Leading Developers: Analysis by Number of 3D Bioreactors
    10.1. Chapter Overview
    10.2. 3D Cell Culture Systems in Cancer Research
    10.2.1. Need for 3D Culture Systems in Cancer Research Cancer Drug Screening with 3D Culture Systems
    10.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems in Drug Discovery and Toxicity Screening
    10.3.1. Drug Development Studies
    10.3.2. Toxicity Screening 3D Liver Models Other 3D Models
    10.4. 3D Cell Culture Systems in Stem Cell Research
    10.4.1. 3D Culture Systems in Stem Cell Differentiation
    10.4.2. In Vitro 3D Microenvironment to Induce Embryoid Body Formation
    10.5. 3D Cell Cultures in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
    10.6. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Analysis by Key Application Areas
    10.6.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Analysis by Key Application Areas and 3D Cell Culture Format Scaffold Based 3D Products: Analysis by Key Application Areas Scaffold Free 3D Products: Analysis by Key Application Areas 3D Bioreactors: Analysis by Key Application Areas
    11.1. Chapter Overview
    11.1.1. 3D Biotek Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    11.1.2. Advanced BioMatrix Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Development and Future Outlook
    11.1.3. Alphabioregen Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    11.1.4. Corning Life Sciences Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    11.1.5. REPROCELL Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    12.1. Chapter Overview
    12.1.1. CN Bio Innovations Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    12.1.2. Emulate Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    12.1.3. InSphero Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    12.1.4. MIMETAS Company Overview Financial Information Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    12.1.5. TissUse Company Overview Product Portfolio Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.1. Chapter Overview
    13.2. BISS TGT
    13.2.1. Company Overview
    13.2.2. Product Portfolio
    13.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.3. Celartia
    13.3.1. Company Overview
    13.3.2. Product Portfolio
    13.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.4. Cell Culture
    13.4.1. Company Overview
    13.4.2. Product Portfolio
    13.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.5. EBERS
    13.5.1. Company Overview
    13.5.2. Product Portfolio
    13.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.6. Flexcell International
    13.6.1. Company Overview
    13.6.2. Product Portfolio
    13.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.7. PBS Biotech
    13.7.1. Company Overview
    13.7.2. Product Portfolio
    13.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    13.8. Synthecon
    13.8.1. Company Overview
    13.8.2. Product Portfolio
    13.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    14.1. Chapter Overview
    14.2. Types of Funding
    14.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Funding and Investment Analysis
    14.3.1. Analysis by Number of Funding Instances
    14.3.2. Analysis by Amount Invested
    14.3.3. Analysis by Type of Funding
    14.3.4. Analysis by 3D Cell Culture Format
    14.3.5. Analysis by Type of Product
    14.3.6. Analysis by Geography
    14.3.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances
    14.3.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount of Funding
    14.3.9. Most Active Investors: Analysis by Number of Instances
    14.4 Summary of Funding and Investments
    15.1. Chapter Overview
    15.2. Partnership Models
    15.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems: List of Partnerships and Collaborations
    15.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership
    15.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partnership Analysis by Company Size and Type of Partnership
    15.3.3. Analysis by Type of Partner Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Partner
    15.3.4. Analysis by 3D Cell Culture Format Analysis by Year of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format Analysis by Type of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format
    15.3.5. Analysis by Type of Product Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Product Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
    15.3.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
    15.3.7. Regional Analysis
    15.3.8. Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements
    16.1. Chapter Overview
    16.2. Scope and Methodology
    16.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Patent Analysis
    16.3.1. Analysis by Type of Patent
    16.3.2. Analysis by Publication Year
    16.3.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Publication Year
    16.3.3. Analysis by Issuing Authority
    16.3.4. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    16.3.5. Analysis by Type of Applicant
    16.3.6. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
    16.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    16.3.8. Leading Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    16.4. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Patent Valuation Analysis
    16.5. Leading Patents: Analysis by Number of Citations
    17.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems: Publication Analysis
    17.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters
    17.3. Methodology
    17.3.1. Analysis by Year of Publication
    17.3.2. Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
    17.3.3. Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications
    17.3.4. Key Journals: Analysis by Number of Publications
    17.3.5. Key Publishers: Analysis by Number of Publications
    17.3.6. Leading Funding Institutes: Analysis by Number of Publications
    18.1. Chapter Overview
    18.2. Assumptions / Key Parameters
    18.3. Methodology
    18.4. Product Competitiveness Analysis: 3D Bioreactors
    18.4.1. Companies Headquartered in North America
    18.4.2. Companies Headquartered in Europe
    18.4.3. Companies Headquartered in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
    19.1. Chapter Overview
    19.2. Organoids and Organ-on-Chips: List of Products
    19.2.1. Analysis by Status of Development
    19.2.2. Analysis by Application Area
    19.3. Organoids and Organ-on-Chips: List of Product Developers
    19.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    19.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    19.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    20.1. Chapter Overview
    20.2. Key Assumptions and Forecast Methodology
    20.3. Global 3D Cell Culture Market, 2022-2035
    20.4. Global 3D Cell Culture Market: Distribution by Business Segment
    20.4.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market, 2022-2035
    20.4.2. 3D Cell Culture Consumables Market, 2022-2035
    20.4.3. 3D Cell Culture Services Market, 2022-2035
    20.5. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format
    20.5.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold Based Products, 2022-2035
    20.5.2. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold Free Products, 2022-2035
    20.5.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for 3D Bioreactors, 2022-2035
    20.6. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Type of Product
    20.6.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Attachment Resistant Surfaces, 2022-2035
    20.6.2. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Hydrogels / ECMs, 2022-2035
    20.6.3 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Micropatterned Surface, 2022-2035
    20.6.4. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microcarriers, 2022-2035
    20.6.5. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microfluidic Systems, 2022-2035
    20.6.6. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Solid Scaffolds, 2022-2035
    20.6.7. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Suspension Culture Systems, 2022-2035
    20.7. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Area of Application
    20.7.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Cancer Research, 2022-2035
    20.7.2 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing, 2022-2035
    20.7.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Stem Cell Research, 2022-2035
    20.7.4. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, 2022-2035
    20.8. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Purpose
    20.8.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Research Use, 2022-2035
    20.8.2 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Therapeutic Use, 2022-2035
    20.9. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Geography
    20.9.1. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in North America, 2022-2035
    20.9.2 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Europe, 2022-2035
    20.9.3. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035
    20.9.4. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Latin America, 2022-2035
    20.9.5. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2022-2035
    20.9.6. 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035
    21.1. Chapter Overview
    21.2. Overview of Respondents
    21.2.1. Designation of Respondents
    21.3. Survey Insights
    21.3.1. 3D Cell Culture Format
    21.3.2. Type of Product(s) Offered
    21.3.3. Status of Development of Product(s)
    21.3.4. Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    21.3.5. Method Used for Fabrication
    21.3.6. Area(s) of Application
    21.3.7. Services Offered for 3D Cell Cultures
    21.3.8. Current and Future Market Opportunity
    23.1. Chapter Overview
    23.2. Cellendes
    23.2.1. Company Snapshot
    23.2.2. Interview Transcript: Brigitte Angres, Co-founder
    23.3. Synthecon
    23.3.1. Company Snapshot
    23.3.2. Interview Transcript: Bill Anderson, President and Chief Executive Officer
    23.4. Anonymous
    23.4.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, President and Chief Executive Officer
    23.5. Anonymous
    23.5.1. Interview Transcript: Anonymous, Co-founder and Vice President
    23.6. BRTI Life Sciences
    23.6.1. Company Snapshot
    22.6.2. Interview Transcript: Scott Brush, Vice President
    23.7. Kirkstall
    23.7.1. Company Snapshot
    23.7.2. Interview Transcript: Malcolm Wilkinson, Non-Executive Director
    23.8. QGel
    23.8.1. Company Snapshot
    23.8.2. Interview Transcript: Ryder Clifford, Chief Executive Officer and Simone Carlo Rizzi, Chief Scientific Officer
    23.9. Xylyx Bio
    23.9.1. Company Snapshot
    23.9.2. Interview Transcript: Tanya Yankelevich, Former Director of Product Management and Business Development
    23.10. InSphero
    23.10.1. Company Snapshot
    23.10.2. Interview Transcript: Jens Kelm, Former Chief Scientific Officer
    23.11. GSI
    23.11.1. Company Snapshot
    23.11.2. Interview Transcript: Walter Tinganelli, Group Leader, Clinical Radiobiology
    23.12. Nanofiber Solutions
    23.12.1. Company Snapshot
    23.12.2. Interview Transcript: Darlene Thieken, Former Project Manager
    23.13. FlexCell International
    23.13.1. Company Snapshot
    23.13.2. Interview Transcript: Andrea Picon, Director of Business Development
    23.14. InSphero
    23.14.1. Company Snapshot
    23.14.2. Interview Transcript: Frank Junker, Chief Business officer
    23.15. MBL International
    23.15.1. Company Snapshot
    23.15.2. Interview Transcript: Mamun, Rahman, Manger, Business Development
    25. APPENDIX II:
    Figure 3.1 Classification of Cell Cultures
    Figure 3.2 Types of Cell Cultures
    Figure 3.3 Key Components of ECM
    Figure 3.4 Factors Influencing the Selection of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Figure 3.5 Methods Used for Isolation of Cells from Tissues
    Figure 3.6 Methods Used for Cryogenic Storage of Cell Cultures
    Figure 3.7 Biosafety Levels for Cell Cultures
    Figure 3.8 Key Applications of Cell Cultures
    Figure 3.9 Shapes of 3D Spheroids Generated via 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Figure 3.10 Advantages and Limitations of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Figure 4.1 Classification of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Figure 4.2 Natural Components of ECM Used for Fabrication of Scaffolds
    Figure 4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogels
    Figure 4.4 Advantages of Microcarriers
    Figure 4.5 Techniques Used for Formation of 3D Spheroids
    Figure 4.6 Structures of Spinner Flask and Rotating Wall Bioreactors
    Figure 6.1 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 6.2 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 6.3 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 6.4 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format
    Figure 6.5 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Type of Product
    Figure 6.6 Heat Map Representation: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format and Location of Headquarters
    Figure 6.7 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Product
    Figure 6.8 World Map Representation: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 7.1 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Status of Development
    Figure 7.2 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product
    Figure 7.3 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Source of Scaffold
    Figure 7.4 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Material Used for Fabrication
    Figure 7.5 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Source of Scaffold
    Figure 7.6 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Material Used for Fabrication
    Figure 7.7 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 7.8 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 7.9 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 7.10 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of Scaffold Based Products
    Figure 7.11 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Product
    Figure 8.1 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Status of Development
    Figure 8.2 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Type of Product
    Figure 8.3 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Method Used for Fabrication
    Figure 8.4 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Material Used for Fabrication
    Figure 8.5 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Material Used for Fabrication
    Figure 8.6 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 8.7 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 8.8 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 8.9 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of Scaffold Free Products
    Figure 8.10 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Product
    Figure 9.1 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Type of 3D Bioreactor
    Figure 9.2 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Status of Development
    Figure 9.3 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Working Volume
    Figure 9.4 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Scale of Operation
    Figure 9.5 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Manufacturing Process
    Figure 9.6 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Type of Cell Culture System
    Figure 9.7 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Type of Molecule Processed
    Figure 9.8 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Area of Application
    Figure 9.9 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 9.10 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 9.11 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 9.12 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of 3D Bioreactors
    Figure 10.1 Key Application Areas of 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Figure 10.2 3D Cell Culture Systems in Cancer Research
    Figure 10.3 3D Cell Culture Systems in Drug Discovery and Toxicity Screening
    Figure 10.4 Methods to Generate Embryoid Bodies
    Figure 10.5 Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches for Tissue Engineering
    Figure 10.6 3D Cell Culture Systems: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Figure 10.7 3D Cell Culture Systems: Distribution by Key Application Areas and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Figure 10.8 Scaffold Based 3D Products: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Figure 10.9 Scaffold Free 3D Products: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Figure 10.10 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Figure 13.1 Key Features of 3D Perfusion Bioreactors
    Figure 13.2 MagDrive and AirDrive Mechanisms for PBS Bioreactors
    Figure 13.3 Advantages of Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS)
    Figure 14.1 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Recipient Companies by Year of Establishment and Type of Funding, 2015 - 2021
    Figure 14.2 Funding and Investments: Cumulative Number of Funding Instances by Year, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.3 Funding and Investments: Cumulative Amount Invested, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Figure 14.4 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Instances by Type of Funding, 2015 –2021
    Figure 14.5 Funding and Investments: Year-Wise Distribution of Instances and Type of Funding, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.6 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Amount Invested and Type of Funding, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Figure 14.7 Funding and Investments: Year-Wise Distribution of Amount Invested and Type of Funding, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.8 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Number of Instances and Amount Invested by 3D Cell Culture Format, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.9 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Number of Instances and Amount Invested by Type of Product, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.10 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Geography
    Figure 14.11 Funding and Investments: Regional Distribution by Total Amount Invested, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 14.12 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Funding Instances, 2015 –2021
    Figure 14.13 Most Active Players: Distribution by Amount Raised, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Figure 14.14 Most Active Investors: Distribution by Number of Funding Instances, 2015 –2021
    Figure 14.15 Funding and Investment Summary, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Figure 15.1 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2015 – 2021
    Figure 15.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
    Figure 15.3 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Partnership
    Figure 15.4 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Partnership
    Figure 15.5 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
    Figure 15.6 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner
    Figure 15.7 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Partner
    Figure 15.8 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format
    Figure 15.9 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Figure 15.10 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Figure 15.11 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product
    Figure 15.12 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Product
    Figure 15.13 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
    Figure 15.14 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
    Figure 15.15 Partnerships and Collaborations: Regional Distribution
    Figure 15.16 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements
    Figure 16.1 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
    Figure 16.2 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Publication Year, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Figure 16.3 Patent Analysis: Distribution of Granted Patents by Publication Year, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Figure 16.4 Patent Analysis: Distribution of Filed Patents Publication Year, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Figure 16.5 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent and Publication Year, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Figure 16.6 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Issuing Authority
    Figure 16.7 Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
    Figure 16.8 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Year-wise Distribution by Type of Applicant, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Figure 16.9 Word Cloud Analysis: Distribution by Emerging Focus Area
    Figure 16.10 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Figure 16.11 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Figure 16.12 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age, 2002-2022
    Figure 16.13 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Relatuve Valuation
    Figure 17.1 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Year of Publication
    Figure 17.2 Word Cloud Analysis: Emerging Focus Areas
    Figure 17.3 Top Authors: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 17.4 Key Journals: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 17.5 Key Publishers: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 17.6 Leading Funding Institutes: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Figure 18.1 Competitiveness Analysis: 3D Bioreactors Developers based in North America
    Figure 18.2 Competitiveness Analysis: 3D Bioreactors Developers based in Europe
    Figure 18.3 Competitiveness Analysis: 3D Bioreactors Developers based in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World
    Figure 19.1 Organoids and Organ-on-Chips: Distribution by Status of Development
    Figure 19.2 Organoids and Organ-on-Chips: Distribution by Application Area
    Figure 19.3 Organoids and Organ-on-Chips Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Figure 19.4 Organoids and Organ-on-Chips Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Figure 19.5 Organoids and Organ-on-Chips Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Figure 20.1 Global 3D Cell Culture Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.2 Global 3D Cell Culture Market: Distribution by Business Segment, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 20.3 3D Cell Culture Systems Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.4 3D Cell Culture Consumables Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.5 3D Cell Culture Services Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.6. Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format, 2022-2035
    Figure 20.7 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold Based Products, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.8 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold Free Products, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.9 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for 3D Bioreactors, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.10 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Type of Product, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 20.11 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Attachment Resistant Surfaces, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.12 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Hydrogels / ECMs, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.13 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Micropatterned Surface, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.14 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microcarriers, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.15 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microfluidic Systems, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.16 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Solid Scaffolds, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.17 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Suspension Cultures, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.18 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Area of Application, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 20.19 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Cancer Research, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.20 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.21 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Stem Cell Research, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.22 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.23 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Purpose, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 20.24 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Research Use, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.25 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Therapeutic Use, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.26 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Geography, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 20.27 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in North America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.28 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Europe, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.29 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.30 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.31 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.32 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Rest of the World, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 20.33 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Leading Players, 2022
    Figure 20.34 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022, 2028 and 2035 (USD Million)
    Figure 21.1 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Year of Establishment of the Company
    Figure 21.2 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Company Size
    Figure 21.3 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Company Headquarters (Region-Wise)
    Figure 21.4 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Company Headquarters (Country-Wise)
    Figure 21.5 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Designation and Seniority Level
    Figure 21.6 Survey Insights: Distribution by Focus Area
    Figure 21.7 Survey Insights: Distribution by Type of 3D Cell Culture Products Offered
    Figure 21.8 Survey Insights: Distribution by Status of Development of Product(s)
    Figure 21.9 Survey Insights: Distribution by Method of Fabrication Used
    Figure 21.10 Survey Insights: Distribution by Source of Cultured Cells
    Figure 21.11 Survey Insights: Distribution by Key Applications
    Figure 21.12 Survey Insights: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Services Offered
    Figure 21.13 Survey Insights: Distribution by Current and Future Market Opportunity, 2022 and 2035
    Figure 22.1 Concluding Remarks: Overall Market Landscape of 3D Cell Culture Systems Market
    Figure 22.2 Concluding Remarks: Funding and Investments
    Figure 22.3 Concluding Remarks: Partnerships and Collaborations
    Figure 22.4 Concluding Remarks: Patent Analysis
    Figure 22.5 Concluding Remarks: Publication Analysis
    Figure 22.6 Concluding Remarks: Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
    Table 3.1 Morphology of Cells in a Culture
    Table 3.2 Differences between 2D and 3D Cell Cultures
    Table 3.3 Features of 3D Spheroids generated via 3D Cell Culture Systems
    Table 4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Scaffold Based and Scaffold Free Systems
    Table 4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural and Synthetic Scaffolds
    Table 4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural and Synthetic Hydrogels
    Table 4.4 Cell Cultures Used in Magnetic Levitation
    Table 4.5 Origin and Culture Techniques Used for Organoids
    Table 5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methods Used for Fabrication for Porous Scaffolds
    Table 5.2 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Porous Scaffolds
    Table 5.3 Methods for Fabrication Used of Fibrous Scaffolds
    Table 5.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methods Used for Fabrication of Fibrous Scaffolds
    Table 5.5 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Fibrous Scaffolds
    Table 5.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methods Used for Fabrication of Hydrogels
    Table 5.7 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Hydrogels
    Table 5.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methods Used for Fabrication of Custom Scaffolds
    Table 5.9 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Custom Scaffolds
    Table 5.10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Methods Used for Fabrication of Microspheres
    Table 5.11 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Microspheres
    Table 5.12 3D Cell Culture Studies Using Native Scaffolds
    Table 6.1 3D Cell Culture Systems: List of Developers
    Table 6.2 3D Cell Culture Systems: List of Service Providers
    Table 6.3 3D Cell Culture Systems: List of Assays, Kits and Reagents
    Table 7.1 Scaffold Based Products: List of Products
    Table 7.2 Scaffold Based Products: List of Developers
    Table 8.1 Scaffold Free Products: List of Products
    Table 8.2 Scaffold Free Products: List of Developers
    Table 9.1 3D Bioreactors: List of Products
    Table 9.2 3D Bioreactors: List of Developers
    Table 10.1 Scaffold Based Products: Information on Key Application Areas
    Table 10.2 Scaffold Free Products: Information on Key Application Areas
    Table 10.3 3D Bioreactors: Information on Key Application Areas
    Table 11.1 Scaffold Based Products (Hydrogel / ECM Developers): List of Companies Profiled
    Table 11.2 3D Biotek: Company Snapshot
    Table 11.3 3D Biotek: Key Characteristics of Hydrogels / ECMs
    Table 11.4 3D Biotek: Recent Developmnets and Future Outlook
    Table 11.5 Advanced BioMatrix: Company Snapshot
    Table 11.6 Advanced BioMatrix: Key Characteristics of Hydrogels / ECMs
    Table 11.7 Advanced BioMatrix: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 11.8 Alphabioregen: Company Snapshot
    Table 11.9 Alphabioregen: Key Characteristics of Hydrogels / ECMs
    Table 11.10 Alphabioregen: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 11.11 Corning Life Sciences: Company Snapshot
    Table 11.12 Corning Life Sciences: Key Characteristics of Hydrogels / ECMs
    Table 11.13 Corning Life Sciences: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 11.14 REPROCELL: Company Snapshot
    Table 11.15 REPROCELL: Key Characteristics of Hydrogels / ECMs
    Table 11.16 REPROCELL: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 12.1 Scaffold Free Products (Organ-on-Chips): List of Companies Profiled
    Table 12.2 CN Bio Innovations: Company Snapshot
    Table 12.3 CN Bio Innovations: Information on Financial Instances
    Table 12.4 CN Bio Innovations: Key Characteristics of Organ-on-Chips Products
    Table 12.5 CN Bio Innovations: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 12.6 Emulate: Company Snapshot
    Table 12.7 Emulate: Information on Funding Instances
    Table 12.8 Emulate: Key Characteristics of Organ-on-Chips Products
    Table 12.9 Emulate: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 12.10 InSphero: Company Snapshot
    Table 12.11 InSphero: Information on Funding Instances
    Table 12.12 InSphero: Key Characteristics of Organ-on-Chips Products
    Table 12.13 InSphero: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 12.14 MIMETAS: Company Snapshot
    Table 12.15 MIMETAS: Information on Funding Instances
    Table 12.16 MIMETAS: Key Characteristics of Organ-on-Chips Products
    Table 12.17 MIMETAS: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 12.18 TissUse: Company Snapshot
    Table 12.19 TissUse: Key Characteristics of Organ-on-Chips Products
    Table 12.20 TissUse: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.1 3D Bioreactors: List of Companies Profiled
    Table 13.2 BISS TGT: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.3 BISS TGT: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.4 BISS TGT: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.5 Celartia: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.6 Celartia: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.7 Celartia: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.8 Cell Culture: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.9 Cell Culture: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.10 EBERS: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.11 EBERS: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.12 EBERS: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.13 Flexcell International: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.14 Flexcell International: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.15 Flexcell International: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.16 PBS Biotech: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.17 PBS Biotech: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.18 PBS Biotech: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 13.19 Synthecon: Company Snapshot
    Table 13.20 Synthecon: Key Characteristics of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 13.21 Synthecon: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    Table 14.1 Funding and Investments: Information on Year of Investment, Type of Funding, Amount Raised and Investor, 2016 – 2021
    Table 14.2 Funding and Investments: Information on Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters of Recipients, Focus Area, and Type of Product, 2016 –2021
    Table 15.1 Partnerships and Collaborations: Information on Year of Partnership, Type of Partnership, and Partner, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Table 15.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Information on Type of Agreement, Focus Area, and Type of Product, 2016 – Q1 2022
    Table 16.1 Patent Analysis: CPC Symbols
    Table 16.2 Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
    Table 16.3 Patent Analysis: List of Top 10 CPC Symbols
    Table 16.4 Patent Analysis: List of Relatively High Value Patents
    Table 18.1 Survey Insights: Overview of Respondents
    Table 18.2 Survey Insights: Designation and Seniority Level
    Table 18.3 Survey Insights: Focus Area of the Company
    Table 18.4 Survey Insights: Type of 3D Cell Culture Products Offered
    Table 18.5 Survey Insights: Status of Development of Product(s)
    Table 18.6 Survey Insights: Method of Fabrication Used
    Table 18.7 Survey Insights: Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    Table 18.8 Survey Insights: Key Areas of Application
    Table 18.9 Survey Insights: 3D Cell Culture Services Offered
    Table 18.10 Survey Insights: Current Market Opportunity (2022)
    Table 18.11 Survey Insights: Future Market Opportunity (2035)
    Table 20.1 Cellendes: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.2 Synthecon: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.3 BRTI Life Sciences: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.4 Kirkstall: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.5 QGel: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.6 Xylyx Bio: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.7 InSphero: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.8 GSI: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.9 Nanofiber Solutions: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.10 FlexCell International: Company Snapshot
    Table 20.11 MBL International: Company Snapshot
    Table 21.1 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Table 21.2 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Table 21.3 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Table 21.4 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format
    Table 21.5 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Type of Product
    Table 21.6 3D Cell Culture System Developers: Distribution by Number of Products
    Table 21.7 Heat Map Representation: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format and Location of Headquarters
    Table 21.8 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Product
    Table 21.9 World Map Representation: Distribution by Location of Regional Headquarters
    Table 21.10 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Status of Development
    Table 21.11 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product
    Table 21.12 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    Table 21.13 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Method Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.14 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Material Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.15 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    Table 21.16 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Method Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.17 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Table 21.18 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Table 21.19 Scaffold Based Product Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Table 21.20 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of Scaffold Based Products
    Table 21.21 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Type of Product and Company Size
    Table 21.22 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Status of Development
    Table 21.23 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Type of Product
    Table 21.24 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    Table 21.25 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Method Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.26 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Material Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.27 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Source of 3D Cultured Cells
    Table 21.28 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Type of Product and Method Used for Fabrication
    Table 21.29 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Table 21.30 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Table 21.31 Scaffold Free Product Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Table 21.32 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of Scaffold Free Products
    Table 21.33 Tree Map Representation: Distribution by Type of Product and Company Size
    Table 21.34 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Type of 3D Bioreactor
    Table 21.35 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Working Volume
    Table 21.36 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
    Table 21.37 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Company Size
    Table 21.38 3D Bioreactor Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
    Table 21.39 Leading Developers: Distribution by Number of 3D Bioreactors
    Table 21.40 3D Cell Culture Systems: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Table 21.41 3D Cell Culture Systems: Distribution by Key Application Areas and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Table 21.42 Scaffold Based Products: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Table 21.43 Scaffold Free Products: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Table 21.44 3D Bioreactors: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Table 21.45 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Recipient Companies by Year of Establishment and Type of Funding, 2015 - 2021
    Table 21.46 Funding and Investments: Cumulative Number of Instances by Year, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.47 Funding and Investments: Cumulative Amount Invested, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Table 21.48 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Instances by Type of Funding, 2015 –2021
    Table 21.49 Funding and Investments: Year-Wise Distribution by Number of Instances and Type of Funding, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.50 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Amount Invested by Type of Funding, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Table 21.51 Funding and Investments: Year-Wise Distribution of Amount Invested and Type of Funding, 2015 –2021
    Table 21.52 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Instances and Amount Invested by 3D Cell Culture Format, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.53 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Instances and Amount Invested by Type of Product, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.54 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Geography
    Table 21.55 Funding and Investments: Regional Distribution by Total Amount Invested, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.56 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Funding Instances, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.57 Most Active Players: Distribution by Amount Raised, 2015 – 2021 (USD Million)
    Table 21.58 Most Active Investors: Distribution by Funding Instances, 2015 – 2021
    Table 21.59 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2015 - 2021
    Table 21.60 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
    Table 21.61 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Partnership
    Table 21.62 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Company Size and Type of Partnership
    Table 21.63 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
    Table 21.64 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Partner
    Table 21.65 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Partner
    Table 21.66 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format
    Table 21.67 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Table 21.68 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and 3D Cell Culture Format
    Table 21.69 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product
    Table 21.70 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Product
    Table 21.71 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
    Table 21.72 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
    Table 21.73 Partnerships and Collaborations: Regional Distribution
    Table 21.74 Partnerships and Collaborations: Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements
    Table 21.75 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
    Table 21.76 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Publication Year, 2016 - Q1 2022
    Table 21.77 Patent Analysis: Distribution of Granted Patents by Publication Year, 2016-Q1 2022
    Table 21.78 Patent Analysis: Distribution of Filed Patents Publication Year, 2016-Q1 2022
    Table 21.79 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Number of Patent Type and Publication Year, 2016-Q1 2022
    Table 21.80 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Issuing Authorities Involved
    Table 21.81 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Year-wise Distribution by Type of Applicant, 2016-Q1 2022
    Table 21.82 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Table 21.83 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
    Table 21.84 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age, 2002-2022
    Table 21.85 Patent Analysis: Valuation Analysis
    Table 21.86 Publication Analysis: Distribution by Publication Year, 2019-Q1 2022
    Table 21.87 Top Authors: Analysis by Number of Publications
    Table 21.88 Patent Analysis: Key Journals based on Number of Publications
    Table 21.89 Patent Analysis: Key Publisher based on Number of Publications
    Table 21.90 Leading Funding Institute: Distribution by Number of Publications
    Table 21.91 Global 3D Cell Culture Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.92 Global 3D Cell Culture Market: Distribution by Business Segment, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.93 3D Cell Culture Systems Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.94 3D Cell Culture Consumables Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.95 3D Cell Culture Services Market, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.96 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Format, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.97 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold based Products, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.98 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Scaffold Free Products, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.99 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Market 3D Bioreactors, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.100 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Type of Product, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.101 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Attachment Resistant Surfaces, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.102 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Hydrogels / ECMs, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.103 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Micropatterned Surface, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.104 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microcarriers, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.105 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Microfluidic Systems, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.106 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Solid Scaffolds, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.107 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Suspension Culture Systems, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.108 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Area of Application, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.109 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Cancer Research, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.110 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.111 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Stem Cell Research, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.112 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.113 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Purpose, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.114 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Research Use, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.115 3D Cell Culture Systems Market for Therapeutic Use, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.116 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Geography, 2022 and 2035
    Table 21.117 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in North America, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.118 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Europe, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.119 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Asia-Pacific, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.120 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Latin America, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2025-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.121 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.122 3D Cell Culture Systems Market in Rest of the World, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.123 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Distribution by Leading Players, 2022
    Table 21.124 Global 3D Cell Culture Systems Market: Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022, 2028 and 2035 (USD Million)
    Table 21.125 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Year of Establishment of Company
    Table 21.126 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Company Size
    Table 21.127 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Company Headquarters (Region-Wise)
    Table 21.128 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Company Headquarters (Country-Wise)
    Table 21.129 Survey Insights: Distribution of Respondents by Designation and Seniority Level
    Table 21.130 Survey Insights: Distribution by Focus Area
    Table 21.131 Survey Insights: Distribution by Type of 3D Cell Culture Products Offered
    Table 21.132 Survey Insights: Distribution by Development Status of Product(s)
    Table 21.133 Survey Insights: Distribution by Method of Fabrication Used
    Table 21.134 Survey Insights: Distribution by Source of Cultured Cells
    Table 21.135 Survey Insights: Distribution by Key Application Areas
    Table 21.136 Survey Insights: Distribution by 3D Cell Culture Services Offered
    Table 21.137 Survey Insights: Distribution by Current and Future Market Opportunity, 2022 and 2035
    The following companies and organizations have been mentioned in the report
    1. 101Bio
    2. 3D Biomatrix
    3. 3D Biotechnology Solutions
    4. 3D Biotek
    5. 3Dnamics
    6. 4Dcell
    7. 4titude
    8. AbbVie Ventures
    9. abc biopply
    10. Abcam
    11. ABL Europe
    12. Åbo Akademi University
    13. Abstraction Ventures
    14. Abzena
    15. Accellta
    16. Accurate International Biotechnology
    17. Advanced BioMatrix
    18. Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI)/BiofabUSA
    19. Advanced Scientifics
    20. Aetos Biologics
    21. Afirmus Biosource
    22. AGC
    23. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
    24. AIM Biotech
    25. Akero Therapeutics
    26. Akron Biotech
    27. Alector
    28. Allevi
    29. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
    30. Alphabioregen
    31. ALS Investment Fund
    32. AlveoliX
    33. American Laboratory Products
    34. AMS Biotechnology
    35. AnaPath Services
    36. Angel Investors
    37. AngelMD
    38. Angels 5K
    39. Angels in MedCity
    40. Angels Santé
    41. Anthrogenesis
    42. Aquitaine Science Transfert
    43. Aquiti Gestion
    44. AR Brown
    45. Arizona State University
    46. ARL Design
    47. ARTeSYN Biosolutions
    49. AstraZeneca
    50. Arizona State University
    51. ATEL Ventures
    52. Atera
    53. Avantor
    54. Axol Bioscience
    55. AxoSim
    56. AXT
    57. Axxicon
    58. BASF
    59. Bayer
    60. B-CULTURE
    61. BEOnChip
    62. Bi/ond
    63. Bio-Byblos Biomedical
    64. BioCat
    65. BioConcept
    67. Biogelx
    68. Bioinspired Solutions
    69. BioInvent International
    70. BIOKÉ
    71. BioLamina
    72. Biomaterials USA
    73. Biomerix
    74. BiomimX
    75. Biopredic International
    76. Bio-Techne
    77. BioTek Instruments
    78. BISS TGT
    79. Barcelona Liver Bioservices (BLB)
    80. Bonus BioGroup
    81. Bpifrance
    82. BRAIN
    83. BrainXell
    84. Brammer Bio
    85. Braveheart Investment Group
    86. Bristol-Myers Squibb
    87. Broad Institute
    88. BRTI Life Sciences
    89. Cambridge Bioscience
    90. CarThera
    91. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
    92. Celartia
    93. Cell Applications
    94. Cell Culture Company (C3)
    95. CellFiber
    96. Cell Guidance Systems
    97. CELLEC Biotek
    98. Cellendes
    99. Cellevate
    100. CELLnTEC
    101. CELLphenomics
    102. CellSpring
    103. CellSystems
    104. Celprogen
    105. CelVivo
    106. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
    107. Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)
    108. CESCO Bioengineering
    109. Charles River Laboratories
    110. Cherry Biotech
    111. China Regenerative Medicine International (CRMI)
    112. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    113. CITIC Securities
    114. CN Bio Innovations
    115. CN Innovations
    116. Collagen Solutions
    117. Commission for Technology and Innovation
    118. Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
    119. Comune di Milano
    120. Corning Life Sciences
    121. Cosmo Bio
    122. Creative Bioarray
    123. CSL
    124. Curi Bio
    125. Cyprio
    126. Cyprotex
    127. Cytiva
    128. Danaher
    129. Deepbridge Capital
    130. Demcon
    131. Development Bank of Wales
    132. DiPole Materials
    133. Downing Ventures
    134. Dynamic42
    135. EBERS
    136. Ectica Technologies
    137. EDITHGEN
    138. EDmicBio
    139. Electrospinning
    140. Emulate
    141. Enso Discoveries
    142. eNUVIO
    143. Eppendorf
    144. Esco Aster
    145. Esperante
    146. Ethicon
    147. Etica Technologies
    148. European Commission
    149. European Life Sciences Growth Fund (ELSGF)
    150. European Research Council (ERC)
    151. European Union (EU)
    152. Eurostars
    153. EU-ToxRisk
    154. Eva Scientific
    155. Evotec
    156. Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
    157. faCellitate
    158. Food and Drug Administration
    159. Fennik Life Sciences
    160. Ferentis
    161. FHNW University
    162. FiberCell Systems
    163. Fibralign
    164. Finep
    165. Finesse Solutions
    166. Finovam Gestion
    167. Flexcell International
    168. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
    169. Foundation for Technological Innovation
    170. Founder
    171. Founders Fund
    172. Freeline
    173. French Government
    174. Frequency Therapeutics
    175. FroggaBio
    176. Fujifilm
    177. FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical
    178. Funakoshi
    179. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
    180. Gabriel Investments
    181. Galapagos
    182. Galia Gestion
    183. Gamma 3
    184. Gelmetix
    185. Gelomics
    186. Gemini Bio
    187. Gemstone Biotherapeutics
    188. Genome Institute of Singapore
    189. Georgia Research Alliance
    190. German Research Foundation
    191. GlassWall Syndicate
    192. GlaxoSmithKline
    193. Global Cell Solutions
    194. Government of China
    195. Government of the Netherlands
    196. Great Stuff Ventures
    197. GSI
    198. HµREL
    199. Hamilton
    200. Harvard Apparatus
    201. Harvard College
    202. HCS Pharma
    203. Helvoet
    204. Heraeus Medical
    205. Hesperos
    206. Histogenics
    207. Hokkaido Soda
    208. HP Wild Holding
    209. Hubrecht Organoid Technology
    210. Human Models for Analysis of Pathways (HMAPs) Center
    211. Humanetics
    212. Hyamedix
    213. ibidi
    214. IMSS-Gulf Bio Analytical
    215. INITIO CELL
    216. Innovate UK
    217. Innovation Fund Denmark
    218. InoCure
    219. Inova Health System
    220. inRegen
    221. InSphero
    222. Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
    223. Invest Northern Ireland
    224. Invitrocue
    225. InvivoSciences
    226. Ionis Pharmaceuticals
    227. Irdi Soridec Gestion
    228. Janssen Biotech
    229. Japan Vilene Company
    230. Jellagen Marine Biotechnologies
    231. Johns Hopkins University
    232. JRI Orthopaedics
    234. Kero
    235. Kim & Friends
    236. Kirkstall
    237. KIYATEC
    238. KOKEN
    239. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen
    240. Kuraray
    241. LabCorp
    242. Laboratory for Integrated Micro Mechatronic Systems
    243. Laconia
    244. LAMBDA Laboratory Instruments
    245. Lantern Pharma
    246. Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine
    247. LBA Healthcare Management
    248. Lena Biosciences
    249. LFB Biomanufacturing
    250. Life Technologies
    251. Lifecore Biomedical
    252. LifeNet Health
    253. Laboratory for Integrated Micro-Mechatronic Systems (LIMMS)
    254. Lineage Cell Therapeutics
    255. Locate Bio
    256. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
    257. Lonza
    258. Lund University
    259. LuoLabs
    260. Manchester BIOGEL
    261. Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
    262. Maryland Momentum Fund
    263. Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF)
    264. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    265. MassChallenge
    266. MatTek Life Sciences
    267. MBL International
    268. Menicon Life Science
    269. Merck Accelerator
    270. Merck KGaA
    271. Michael J. Fox Foundation
    272. Michigan Technological University
    273. MicorFIT
    274. MicroDigital
    275. Micronit
    276. MicroTissues
    277. Midven
    278. MIMETAS
    279. Minerva Business Angel Network
    280. Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (France)
    281. Mirage Biomedicals
    282. Molecular Devices
    283. MTTlab
    284. Nano Dimension
    285. Nanobiose
    286. Nanofiber Solutions
    287. Nanogaia
    288. NanoSurface Biomedical
    289. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    290. National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    291. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
    292. National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)
    293. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    294. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
    295. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC)
    296. National Natural Science Foundation of China
    297. National Science Foundation (NSF)
    298. National University Hospital
    299. National University of Singapore
    300. NETRI
    301. Neuromics
    302. New Orleans BioFund
    303. Newable Private Investing
    304. Nexcelom Bioscience
    305. Nichirei Biosciences
    306. Nord France Amorquage
    307. Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research
    308. Nortis
    309. Nova Biomedical
    310. Novartis Venture Fund
    311. Noviocell
    312. Nucleus Biologics
    313. NYU Winthrop Hospital
    314. Olaregen Therapeutix
    315. Omni Life Science
    316. Oregon Health & Science University
    317. Organovo
    318. Orthomimetics
    319. OS Fund
    320. Oxford MEStar
    321. Pairnomix
    322. Pall Corporation
    323. Particle3D
    324. Path BioAnalytics
    325. PBS Biotech
    326. Peak Capital Advisors
    327. Pelo Biotech
    328. Pensees
    329. PepGel
    330. Percell Biolytica
    331. PerkinElmer
    332. Pfizer
    333. Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI)
    334. Pitch@Palace
    335. PL BioScience
    336. Plasticell
    337. Pluristem Therapeutics
    338. Portugal Ventures
    339. Precision Biologics
    340. Premedical Laboratories
    341. Primorigen Biosciences
    342. Principia SGR
    343. ProBio
    344. ProBioGen
    345. Prodizen
    346. PromoCell
    347. Protista International
    348. PT Rajawali Medika Mandiri
    349. QGel Bio
    350. QIAGEN
    351. Quintech Life Sciences
    352. RASA
    353. React4life
    354. Real Research
    355. RealBio Technology
    356. Regemat3D
    357. Repligen
    358. ReproCell
    359. Research Without Animal Experiment
    360. Revivocell
    361. Rigenerand
    362. Roche
    363. RoosterBio
    364. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
    365. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
    366. Saguaro Technologies
    367. SAICO Biosystems
    368. Sanofi Ventures
    369. SARSTEDT
    370. Sartorius
    371. S-BIO
    372. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
    373. ScienCell
    374. ScienCell Research Laboratories
    375. SciFi VC
    376. SciKon Innovation
    377. Scinus Cell Expansion
    378. Scottish Investment Bank
    379. ScreenIn3D
    380. Seres Therapeutics
    381. Shanghai Cienle Medical Technology
    382. Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (SIBCB)
    383. Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
    384. Siemens Technology
    385. Sigma-Aldrich
    386. SKE Research Equipment
    387. SmiLe Incubator
    388. SoloHill Engineering
    389. Sphere Fluidics
    390. Spheritech
    391. Spiber Technologies
    392. Stanford University
    393. Start-Up Chile
    394. State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology
    395. StemCell Systems
    396. STEMCELL Technologies
    397. Stemmatters
    398. StemoniX
    399. StemTek Therapeutics
    400. SUN bioscience
    401. Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
    402. SyndicateRoom
    403. Synthecon
    404. SynVivo
    405. TA Instruments
    406. Takeda
    407. Tampere University
    408. Tantti Laboratory
    409. tebu-bio
    410. Technical University of Berlin
    411. TEDCO
    412. Terumo
    413. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)
    414. The Idea Village
    415. Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
    416. Thermo Fisher Scientific
    417. TheWell Bioscience
    418. Tianjin Weikai Biological Engineering
    419. Tissue Click
    420. TissueLabs
    421. TissUse
    422. Tokyo Future Style
    423. TPG
    424. TreeFrog Therapeutics
    425. Trevigen
    426. Triumvirate Environmental
    427. Twinhelix
    428. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
    429. UK Innovation & Science Seed Fund
    430. UK Science and Technology Facilities Council
    431. United States Department of Defense
    432. University College London
    433. University Hospital Zurich (USZ)
    434. University of Alberta
    435. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
    436. University of Bath
    437. University of Brescia
    438. University of Bristol
    439. University of California
    440. University of Cambridge
    441. University of Central Florida
    442. University of Genoa
    443. University of Manchester
    444. University of Mannheim
    445. University of Milan
    446. University of Nottingham
    447. University of Sheffield
    448. University of Strathclyde
    449. University of Washington School of Pharmacy
    450. University of Zurich
    451. UPM Biomedicals
    452. UW Medicine
    453. VA Portland Health Care System
    454. Vanderbilt University
    455. Venture Kick
    456. Venturecraft
    457. VentureSouth
    458. Viscofan BioEngineering
    459. Visikol
    460. Vivo Biosciences
    461. VWR
    462. Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
    463. Women Who Tech
    464. XAnge
    465. Xenos
    466. XP Biomed
    467. Xylyx Bio
    468. Zhejiang University
    469. zPREDICTA

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