The gig economy lets individuals provide services, share resources, and sell goods to other individuals via online platforms. It has been ranked as one of the 10 most important ideas that is changing the world. Pioneered by Airbnb, eBay, and Uber, among others, the gig economy now includes hundreds of companies in the U.S. and has become a major business sector worldwide.
The gig economy has seven segments: accommodations, delivery services, freelance services, online marketplaces, peer-to-peer lending, resource sharing, and ride sharing. The Gig Economy 2025 provides an assessment for each of these segments. Over 75 market leaders within these segments are profiled. Profiles are also provided for the publically traded corporations within the gig economy.
Dating only to the 1990s, the gig economy is the newest among major business sectors and business opportunities abound. The Gig Economy 2025 guides the identification, analysis, and development of these opportunities.