Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Intelligent Cockpit Business Research Report, 2022 (II)

Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Intelligent Cockpit Business Research Report, 2022 (II)

Tier1 Intelligent Cockpit Research: The mass production of innovative cockpits gathers pace, and penetration of new technologies is on a rapid rise

Global OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers are racing for the implementation of innovative “smart cockpit technologies. In the next 2-3 years, we will see the mass production of many innovative intelligent cockpits which will experience a great revolution to HMI modes.

Intelligent Cockpit Computing Business: Development Towards Domain Integration and Central Computing

The development trends of intelligent cockpit computing unit: cockpit domain, domain integration, zonal, central computing platform, cloud computing. Judging from their moves in smart cockpit display business, domain integration and central computing will become the new focus of Tier 1 suppliers.

Through the lens of vehicle architecture, domain control unit (DCU) connects traditional cockpit electronic parts, and further integrates ADAS and V2X, beneficial to a better fusion of intelligent driving, in-vehicle connectivity, infotainment, etc. Ultimately, the vehicles will be centrally controlled by central controllers. A total solution turns a smart car into a mobile living space from a means of transportation.

Tier 1 suppliers of intelligent cockpit have started to integrate relevant ADAS functions in cockpit DCU and provide UX customization. Harman now supports the integration of L0 ADAS functions (including AR navigation, 360° surround view, DMS/OMS and E-mirror) into smart cockpit.

In the future, Harman will support L1-L2+ functions through the fusion of intelligent cockpit DCU and ADAS DCU, offering OEMs with opportunities to reduce costs and system complexity. Without additional hardware, intelligent cockpit platforms can be provided to automakers as standalone products through ADAS ECUs. Harman envisages the level 1 and 2 dual node concept being introduced into vehicles from 2024/2025 onwards.

Viewed from the deployment of chip vendors, Qualcomm prioritizes the chip fabrication process in both the 4th-Gen Snapdragon Cockpit Platform and the Snapdragon Ride Platform for Autonomous Driving simultaneously, so that the Snapdragon Ride SoC and the fourth-generation Snapdragon cockpit chip will achieve cross-domain converged computing. The L2+ version of NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion 8.1 uses two Orin SoCs, one for autonomous driving and the other for in-cabin applications. Besides, NVIDIA has launched the DRIVE Concierge cockpit software solution and the DRIVE IX software stack enabling integration of in-cabin algorithms.

Intelligent Cockpit Display Business: Emerging Product Innovations, General Availability of New Technologies

The cockpit display business layout of leading Tier 1 suppliers reveals innovations in automotive display products. In the next 3-5 years, new technologies such as the integration of instrument cluster and HUD, A pillar -to- A pillar integrated console display, AR-HUD, curved display and glasses-free 3D will accelerate to be installed and available massively, with its penetration on a rapid rise.

(1) Application trend of cluster display technology: Instrument cluster will be further integrated with HUD (AR-HUD)

Pioneers represented by Tesla Model 3 and Model Y have “forcibly” removed the independent cluster in front of the steering wheel and display all information on the central screen. Volkswagen is also deliberately ignoring the clusters of its ID. series, from which it is showed that instrument cluster gets increasingly combined with HUD, especially AR-HUD.

In the second half of 2021, Hyundai Mobis successfully launched the world's first Clusterless HUD that integrates cluster and HUD functions. Patent registrations have been completed in South Korea, China, the United States, and Germany. The product is being vigorously promoted to OEMs;

In March 2022, the intelligent cockpit diagram of Li Auto L9 revealed that the L9 may use AR-HUD in lieu of the cluster, which is likely to represent the future trend of cockpit design.

The intelligent cockpit of Neta S has a hidden full LCD cluster which is embedded (with a moderate size) in the center console. Through AR-HUD, it provides richer vehicle information and enables AR navigation and other functions.

(2) Application trend of center console display technology: From multi-screen integrated center console to pillar-to-pillar integrated center console screen

The automotive display has extended from the original independent cluster + center console to multi-screen, integrated, curved OLED, pillar-to-pillar and from-left-to-right display, accompanied by a deeper fusion of touch feedback, voice control, gesture control, biometrics identification and other new technologies.

The integrated center console display in support of the liftable mode has been seen on Voyah, IM L7 and other models. Continental intends to offer pillar-to-pillar integrated center console screen for a high-volume production model in 2024. The integrated display solution from one A-pillar to another features lower cost and stronger controllability compared with the multi-screen commonly used by automakers. It will be installed in the Mercedes-Benz E/S Class first. .

(3) Application trend of HUD technology: HUD installations soar, and AR-HUD will be widely used in battery-electric vehicles

HUD falls into C-HUD, W-HUD and AR-HUD. C-HUD was the first to be popularized, but with limited market coverage, and it has been shrinking, finding application in the aftermarket. W-HUD prevails in the Chinese new car market as a standard or option for medium and high-end models. AR-HUD, a kind of frontier technology pursued by OEMs and Tier1 in recent years, is also the main orientation of HUD technology.

In China, the HUD penetration rate in passenger cars exceeded 5% in 2021, with installations totaling 1,037,000 units which grew by over 60%. By 2025, HUD penetration will reach 20%, of which AR-HUD will account for 25-30%, according to ResearchInChina.

The technology route of HUD with PGU using geometric optics mainly includes:
TFT-LCD roadmap. TFT solution is mostly used in W-HUD, but some vendors such as Continental, ADAYO, etc. use TFT-LCD in AR-HUD. The current unit cost of W-HUD using TFT technology remains at about RMB1,000, whereas the unit cost of AR-HUD using TFT technology is between RMB2,000 - RMB2,500.

The PGU of TFT-LCD is largely supplied by Japan-based JDI and Kyocera. Besides, Panasonic can produce PGUs by itself. Taiwan-based AUO and Innolux as well as China-based BOE and Tianma Microelectronics also offer TFT-LCD PGUs.

Continental will mainly promote TFT-based AR-HUDs in the Chinese market. The size is optimized to 7-8 liters, which saves more than 30% cost compared to DLP solutions. The virtual image size is 9°x3° (equivalent to a projection range of 29 inches and a projection distance of 4.5 meters). When the projection distance is above 4.5m, the road coverage will be 17-40m. In China, 70-80% of driving scenarios are seen on urban roads, so most of the needs are in the pavement area within 40 meters, which can be met basically.

The unit cost of AR-HUD using DLP technology is as high as RMB3,000-4,000. In the next 3-5 years, traditional low-cost TFT solutions and high-end DLP solutions will develop in parallel in the field of passenger car HUDs.

The AR-HUD based on DLP technology has a larger virtual image size and farther projection distance, and covers a wider pavement (about 100 meters), but it is still difficult to solve the problems about volume and cost.

Although it is similar to DLP technology in the display mode, the liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) technology solution can achieve higher resolution, namely 1080x1920. Tier1 suppliers such as Hardstone, Huawei and Beijing ASU Tech have begun to work on LCoS solutions; Will Semiconductor, Nanjing SmartVision Electronics, etc. have realized the localization of LCoS chips.

MEMS laser projection technology does not suffice for automotive requirements for the time being, but it may be applied to L4/L5 autonomous vehicles in the future.

At present, the mass-produced AR-HUDs basically follow the geometric optical projection solution of W-HUDs, which requires a super large aspherical mirror to increase the projection distance (the AR-HUD VID should be above 10m), resulting in the package size being too large to meet the requirements of OEMs. Holographic technology (holographic optical waveguide, HOE, CGH, etc.) so far has become the focus of automakers and suppliers now that it can not only slash volume, but also widen the FOV.

Holographic optical waveguide and HOE are two routes of static holography. Within the scope of dynamic holography, CGH (Computer Generated Holography) is the real holographic technology that can be defined by software. SeeReal, CY Vision, Envisics, etc. master the core technology of CGH. Denso is also deploying CGH. In a nutshell, there is still a window of 3-5 years before the mass production of next-generation AR HUDs based on optical waveguide, HOE and other technologies.

(4) Application trend of curved display technology: Still confined to luxury models due to extremely high costs

At present, vehicles basically use 2D flat glass covers. Only a handful of production models employ large-curved 3D glass covers. For example, the new Cadillac Escalade is equipped with a curved OLED display, and the Mercedes-Benz EQS adopts a special-shaped multi-screen.

3D cover glass will be an eye-catching new trend. For instance, Cadillac’s curved OLED display is made up of three separate screens, which are integrated as a one-piece 38-inch huge display system with the help of two pieces of AGC's curved cover glass.

The automotive OLED display market is mainly dominated by LG Display, Samsung Display and BOE. LG Display and Samsung Display are scheduled to provide OLED products with high brightness and longer service life after 2022. Denso has invested in JOLED, the only Japanese OLED supplier, to accelerate the development and mass production of automotive OLED displays.

Denso will integrate with JOLED's organic EL display panel printing technology, for faster development and production of various organic EL panels such as clusters and central displays.

(5) Application trend of glasses-free 3D technology: Glasses-free 3D curved clusters + glasses-free 3D navigation

A glasses-free 3D cluster uses parallax barrier technology to split images, forming two different, slightly offset viewing angles for the left and right eyes respectively, thus producing 3D images. Based on a camera built in the display, the technology detects the driver's line of sight and adjusts the position of the 3D view to precisely aim at the driver's head. Continental is launching its volume-production display featuring autostereoscopic 3D technology on the market in the HMC Genesis GV80 high-line variant.

Continental is developing an innovative cockpit solution, the Natural 3D Lightfield Instrument Cluster, in cooperation with Silicon Valley-based Leia Inc. The 3D-image produced by the Lightfield display is made up of a total of eight perspectives of the same object that subtly vary according to the point-of-view. There is no need to change the overall structure, just placing a light guide plate on its rear layer can achieve the desired effect.

In July 2021, Continental, HERE and Leia Inc partnered to bring 3D navigation into display solutions for vehicle cockpits. HERE’s 3D depiction of buildings and topography are displayed in Continental’s Natural 3D Display with Leia’s Lightfield technology.

Intelligent Cockpit Communication Business

In the future, suppliers that simply provide T-Box hardware will not be competitive. Some T-Box vendors are trying to master software and operating system, and gearing towards central gateway and communication domain computing platform solutions.

In 2021, Bosch launched the automotive communication computing platform to provide customers with a safe and reliable high-performance software innovation platform with multi-domain control and super computing power. Besides, it is integrated with a multitude of communication architectures such as in-vehicle communication, wireless communication, and OTA. The automotive computing platform also in possession of rich communication resources and storage resources can act as an in-vehicle data center and provide a robust hardware foundation for automotive APP services.

Bosch T-Box integrates Ethernet, external antennas (OTA required) and embedded Linux.

In addition, T-BOX's further integration with high-performance smart antennas is the crucial technology for the integrated vehicle connectivity. For remote access keys, navigation systems and intelligent communication technologies, there are a large number of wireless communication interfaces inside and outside vehicle, which can integrate 5G and V2X technologies.

“Cockpit Integrated with DMS/OMS” Business

New cars in the European market must be equipped with driver monitoring systems (DMS) from July 2022 pursuant to the roadmap previously released by Euro NCAP. From 2022, new cars should be outfitted with occupant monitoring systems (OMS), especially a reward is given to Child Presence Detection. OMS will be included as a standard configuration from 2024.

Features of Continental's integrated driver & occupant monitoring system solution (DMS and OMS):

For the first time, cameras are directly integrated into displays (akin to the concept of under-display cameras of mobile phones), instead of being integrated into steering wheels, clusters, rearview mirrors or A-pillars.
The precise positioning of radar sensors ensures that all areas of cockpits are covered evenly. In contrast, traditional camera OMS solutions have problems in blind spots, light effects, and complex configuration of multiple cameras.
Based on this integrated system, Continental hopes to continuously add more new functions in the future. For example, it expects to record and evaluate the health indicators such as pulse, respiratory rate or body temperature of drivers and occupants.

In addition, the gesture information of the cockpit sensing system will be combined with biological parameter analysis information to detect pivotal physiological data, improve driver monitoring technology, and enhance the safety and comfort of occupants.

Intelligent Cockpit Information Security Business

Automotive remote upgrade solutions are evolving with the demand of the industry, from SOTA (Software Over the Air) updates of the cockpit infotainment system and FOTA updates of all ECUs on vehicles to comprehensive solutions for remote measurement, remote cloud diagnosis, big data platforms and algorithms covering the entire life cycle of vehicle.

As a network communication hub in vehicles and a bridge between the networks inside and outside vehicle, automotive gateways function as a firewall of the automotive cybersecurity to greatly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.

Three Development Stages of FOTA

FOTA 1.0
In this stage, upgrades of non-safety-related components (infotainment system upgrades, such as T-Box, head unit, APPs, OS, etc.) are implemented, which are easy since functional safety is not involved.

FOTA 2.0
FOTA involves all ECUs in the CAN bus network, that is, it contains non-safety-related and safety-related ECUs, including engine, chassis and so on. The biggest challenge at this stage is security. In Bosch's system, all components of FOTA 2.0 can meet the requirements for ECU data programming above ASIL B, and implement ECU upgrade and rollback strategies while ensuring functional safety.

FOTA 3.0
Besides the remote upgrade of ECUs, FOTA 3.0 supports the scalability of more functions, such as:
1. Remote diagnosis, remote calibration, remote measurement;
2. Predictive diagnosis and edge computing algorithms based on big data;
3. ECU upgrade and parallel writing for the next-generation EEA (Ethernet). The biggest challenge at this stage lies in in-depth understanding of the electrical architecture of automotive electronics, components and operating systems in the technological reform.

Bosch's automotive security OTA software management solution combines a software management system and ESCRYPT's Key Management Solution Secure Software Updates to address end-to-end and embedded security, managing all the certificates and keys for ECUs and efficient and secure OTA updates.

Harman strategically acquired Symphony Teleca and Redbend in 2015, and established a fourth division, i.e., Connected Services, to provide OTA services for OEMs. In 2016, Harman acquired TowerSec, a global automotive cybersecurity company and launched the end-to-end automotive cybersecurity platform Harman Shield.

Global and China Tier1 Intelligent Cockpit Research Report 2022 has two volumes:
The first volume researches six Tier 1 suppliers (Bosch, Continental, Denso, Valeo, Faurecia, and Panasonic) with a total of 420 pages;
The second volume studies seven Tier 1 suppliers (Aptiv, Visteon, LG Electronics, HELLA, Samsung Harman, Desay SV, and Joyson Electronics) with a total of 430 pages.

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1 Cockpit Business of Harman
1.1 Operation of Harman
Profile of Harman
Products and Services of Harman HCS Division
Harman Will Build Highly Integrated Intelligent Cockpit Scenarios
Distribution of Harman’s Production Bases
Distribution of Harman’s R&D Centers
Harman Automotive Core Team (1)
Harman Automotive Core Team (2)
Harman Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
Harman Cockpit Domain Control Platform Solutions
Harman ExP Intelligent Cockpit Solutions (1)
Harman ExP Intelligent Cockpit Solutions (2)
Harman Introduced Three New ExP Solutions at CES 2021
Harman Cockpit Domain Controller Platform Solutions
Harman ExP Intelligent Cockpit Platform Software and Hardware Architecture
Harman Device Virtualization
Harman Intelligent Cockpit Platforms Follow the Development Trends of Automotive E/E Architecture
Harman Intelligent Cockpit Platforms Are Divided into Entry-Level, Intermediate and Advanced Types
Harman Intelligent Cockpit Domain Integrates ADAS Capabilities
Harman’s Development Plan for Intelligent Cockpit and ADAS Function Integration
Underlying Hardware Architecture of Harman Intelligent Cockpit (1)
Underlying Hardware Architecture of Harman Intelligent Cockpit (2)
Samsung Harman DRVLINE Autonomous Driving Domain Control Platform
Samsung Harman DRVLINE Autonomous Driving Domain Control Platform: SoC Products Planning
Samsung Automotive SoC Product Lines
Cockpit SoC: Samsung Cockpit Processor Exynos Auto V9 Series
Cockpit SoC: Samsung Cockpit Processor Exynos 88XX Series
1.2 Harman’s In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and Display Business
Harman Uses Qt Design Tools for Vehicle HMI Development
Harman Supplied MGU Head Unit to BMW
Harman Created Augmented Reality (AR) Navigation Technology for Mercedes-Benz A-Class
Samsung Digital Cockpit 2021: Simplifying Communication and Providing Interesting Mobility Experience
Samsung Digital Cockpit 2021: Key Features and Configurations
Samsung Digital Cockpit 2021 VS Digital Cockpit 2020
Cockpit of BAIC ARCFOX αS Huawei Inside (HI) Edition
Harman Provided Intelligent Cockpit Products for BAIC ARCFOX Brand Models
1.3 Harman’s Telematics Business
Global Market Share of Harman T-BOX (TCU)
Harman's Newly Acquired Subsidiary Savari
Harman's Newly Acquired Subsidiary Savari: Key Products
Harman TCU and C-V2X Products
Harman’s Future Development Plan for TCU and C-V2X
1.4 Harman’s Vehicle Vision and DMS Business
Harman Cockpit Platform Integrates Multiple Vehicle Vision and DMS Product Lines
Harman DMS for L3 Autonomous Driving
Harman E-Mirror Solution
1.5 Harman’s Telematics Security Business
Harman OTA Technology Solutions
Harman OTA Product Architecture
OTA is Part of Harman Ignite Cloud Platform
Development History of Harman OTA
Remote Vehicle Updating Service
OTA Solutions and Features: Smart Delta Upgrade
OTA Solutions and Features: Harman Shield
OTA Solutions and Features: Harman OTA Insights
OTA Solutions and Features: Binary Scanning Technology
OTA Solutions and Features: Differential Algorithms
Harman OTA Cooperation Mode
Harman OTA Application Cases (1)
Harman OTA Application Cases (2)
Harman OTA Business Trends
Harman Telematics Security Products
Harman Shield Cybersecurity Analytics Center (CSAC)
Harman Partnered with Regulus Cyber to Create Cybersecurity Solutions
Harman Provided Ethernet AVB Solution for Li Auto
1.6 Summary of Harman’s Cockpit Business
Summary of Harman’s Module Suppliers and Partners (1)
Summary of Harman’s Module Suppliers and Partners (2)
2 Cockpit Business of Aptiv
2.1 Operation of Aptiv
Organizational Structure of Aptiv
Operation of Aptiv, 2021
Aptiv Acquired Software Firm Wind River
Aptiv's New Strategic Position and R&D Expenses
Aptiv Global Software Development System
Distribution of Aptiv’s R&D Centers in China
Layout of Aptiv's Cockpit Electronics Bases in China
Core Team of Aptiv (1)
Core Team of Aptiv (2)
2.2 Aptiv - Smart Vehicle Architecture
Aptiv Launched Smart Vehicle ArchitectureTM (SVATM) Design
Aptiv Worked with Semiconductor Firm Valens to Develop SVATM
Aptiv Smart Vehicle Architecture (SVA) Approach
Aptiv SVATM: Software Defined Platform
Aptiv SVATM: Network Topology
Aptiv SVATM: Functional Safety Features
Aptiv SVATM: Evolution Planning
Aptiv SVATM: Technical Advantages
Aptiv Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
2.3 Aptiv - Cockpit Domain Controller
Aptiv Cockpit Controller: Development Progress
Aptiv’s Development Plan for Cockpit Domain Controllers
Aptiv’s Intelligent Cockpit Computing Platform and Software Architecture
Aptiv Integrated Cockpit Controller (ICC)
Aptiv’s Cockpit Domain Controller Customers
Aptiv ICC Chips
Aptiv Cockpit Domain Control System Solutions
Aptiv Entry-level Integrated Cockpit Controller Solution
Aptiv Intermediate Integrated Cockpit Controller Solution
Aptiv Advanced Integrated Cockpit Controller Solution
Aptiv's Future-oriented VEMS for Autonomous Driving
Aptiv Integrated Cockpit Controller System Architecture
Aptiv Domain Controller System: Hardware Architecture
Aptiv Domain Controller System: Functional Safety Levels
Aptiv’s Domain Controller Product Planning and Technology Route
Aptiv’s Future Layout of Zone Controllers
2.4 Aptiv - Intelligent Head Unit (IVI/Infotainment/Display)
Aptiv Intelligent Head Unit: Development Process
Aptiv's First Android-based IVI System Was Successfully Mass-produced and Launched on Market
2.5 Aptiv - Vehicle Displays (Center Console, Instrument Cluster, HUD, etc.)
Aptiv - LCD Cluster/3D Multi-layer Display (3D MLD)
Aptiv and Raythink Showcased An AR-HUD Intelligent Cockpit
Aptiv Cockpit HMI Products: Cockpit Gesture Control Mode
Aptiv Cockpit HMI Products: Cockpit Gesture Control Architecture and Customers
Aptiv Cockpit HMI products: Cockpit Gesture Control Grouped Products
2.6 Aptiv - T-BOX/C-V2X/5G
Aptiv T-BOX/C-V2X/5G: Development Process
Development of Aptiv Autonomous Driving/Human-Computer Interaction
Application of Aptiv Human-Computer Interaction Technology
Aptiv V2X Services
Aptiv V2X Security Certificate Management System Architecture
Aptiv’s V2X Product Planning and Technology Route
Aptiv Cooperated with China Telecom to Build A 5G V2E Laboratory
2.7 Aptiv - Driver Monitoring System (DMS)
Aptiv In-Cabin Sensing System
Aptiv Driver Sensing System
Aptiv Automotive ADAS Sensor System
Aptiv DMS: Driver Behavior Monitoring System Business
Aptiv DMS: Driver Behavior Monitoring System Development Planning
Aptiv DMS: Evolution from Driver Perception to Overall Cockpit Perception
Aptiv DMS: Examples of Cockpit Perception Monitoring System Software Solutions
2.8 Aptiv - Other Cockpit Functional Modules
Aptiv Connected Services
Aptiv OTA Business Layout
Aptiv’s Internet Data Service Platform and OTA Business
Aptiv’s OTA Software Provider Movimento
Edge Processing and Data Collection of Aptiv Internet Data Service Platform
Apti’s Internet Data Service Platform and OTA Business
Aptiv's New SVA Supports OTA Updates
Global R&D and Production Layout of Aptiv's Telematics Business
Aptiv Provides Open Source Autonomous Driving Datasets for Autonomous Driving Researchers
2.9 Summary of Aptiv’s Cockpit Business
Summary of Aptiv’s Module Suppliers and Partners
3 Cockpit Business of Visteon
3.1 Operation of Visteon
Operation of Visteon, 2021
Visteon Cockpit Product Lines Layout
Five Core Areas in Which Visteon Makes Key Deployments (1)
Five Core Areas in Which Visteon Makes Key Deployments (2)
Visteon's Development Trend Planning for Cockpit Electronics and Autonomous Driving (1)
Visteon's Development Trend Planning for Cockpit Electronics and Autonomous Driving (2)
Visteon's Development Trend Planning for Cockpit Electronics and Autonomous Driving (3)
Visteon Integrated Cockpit Electronics Boast Higher Value Per Vehicle (ASP)
Core Team of Visteon
Distribution of Visteon's R&D Centers in China
Distribution of Visteon’s Cockpit Electronics Production Bases in China
Visteon Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
3.2 Visteon Cockpit Domain Controllers
Development Trends of Visteon Cockpit Domain Controllers
Visteon Domain Architecture Planning: Three-domain EEA
Visteon Domain Architecture Planning: Supper Core and Zone Controllers
Visteon Domain Architecture Planning: Challenges of Zonal Architecture
Visteon SmartCore Cockpit Domain Controller (1)
Visteon SmartCore Cockpit Domain Controller (2)
Visteon SmartCore Cockpit Domain Controller (3)
Visteon Released the New-generation SmartCore Cockpit Domain Controller in 2021
Typical Customer Base of Visteon SmartCore
Visteon Joined Hands with ECARX and Qualcomm to Jointly Develop Intelligent Cockpit Solutions
New Geely Xingyue L SUV Packs Visteon's SmartCore Domain Controller
Visteon's Multi-Domain Fusion Ideas
3.3 Visteon's Vehicle Display Business
Development Trends of Visteon’s New Vehicle Display Products
Visteon microZone Display Technology
Visteon’s Instrument Cluster Business
Visteon DICore™
Visteon RenderCore™
Visteon Glasses-free 3D Dashboard - 3D i-Cockpit@
Visteon’s Display Business
Yanfeng Visteon Supplied the Industry's Largest Vehicle Displays to Ford
Visteon Cockpit Solutions with Flexible Displays
Visteon Curved OLED eMirror
Visteon Sensor-UX Display Structure
Visteon Partnered with Corning to Produce Curved Display Systems
Visteon HUD Products
Visteon HUD Product Planning
Visteon AR HUD
Visteon’s Development Plan for Cockpit Displays
Visteon’s Instrument Cluster Business Planning
Visteon’s Vehicle Display Business Planning
3.4 Visteon’s Head Unit and In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) Business
Visteon IVI Platform
Visteon IVI System Architecture
Visteon IVI System Software Architecture
Visteon IVI Ecosystem
Visteon Provided IVI Systems for Brazilian Volkswagen Nivus
Visteon’s Infotainment Business
3.5 Visteon’s DMS Business
Visteon’s DMS business
Visteon's DMS-based Intelligent Solutions
3.6 Visteon OTA and Security Solutions
Visteon OTA Solutions
Visteon Cybersecurity Solutions
3.7 Summary of Visteon’s Cockpit Business
Summary of Visteon’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (1)
Summary of Visteon’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (2)
4 Cockpit Business of LG Electronics
4.1 Operation of LG Electronics
Technical Centers and Organizational Structure of LG Electronics
LG Electronics’ Auto Parts Solutions R&D Direction
Distribution of LG Electronics’ R&D Centers
Core Members of LG Electronics (1)
Core Members of LG Electronics (2)
LG Electronics' Global Presence
LG Electronics’ Cockpit Electronics Production Bases
LG Electronics’ Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
4.2 LG Electronics - Cockpit Domain Controllers
LG Electronics’ Cockpit Controllers: Development Progress
LG Electronics - Entertainment Domain Controller ICAS3
LG Electronics - Volkswagen ID.3/ID.4 E3 Electronic Architecture
LG Electronics - Entertainment Domain Controller ICAS3 (1)
LG Electronics - Entertainment Domain Controller ICAS3 (2)
LG Electronics Partnered with BlackBerry to Advance Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies
Development of LG Electronics’ Linux WebOS Platform
LG Strives to Build WebOS-based Automotive Platform Solutions
LG Electronics Joined ACRN (Hypervisor)
4.3 LG Electronics – Intelligent Head Unit (IVI/Infotainment/Display)
LG Electronics and Qualcomm Joined Hands
LG Electronics - Conniro Car Entertainment System
LG Electronics - Audio System (Display)
4.4 LG Electronics - Vehicle Displays (Center Console, Instrument Cluster, HUD, etc.)
LG Electronics’ Vehicle Displays: Development Progress
LG Electronics - Vehicle Flexible Display P-OLED
LG Electronics - Cadillac Escalade P-OLED Curved Display
LG Electronics Provided P-OLED for Mercedes-Benz’s High-end Model S Class
LG Electronics - HUD Experience Offered by Flexible Transparent Display
LG Electronics - Development of Automotive OLED Display
LG Electronics - Tesla Model 3 15-inch LCD Display: Technical Features
LG Electronics - Tesla Model 3 15-inch LCD Display: Parameters (1)
LG Electronics - Tesla Model 3 15-inch LCD Display: Parameters (2)
LG Electronics - Tesla Model 3 15-inch LCD Display: Parameters (3)
LG Electronics – Head-up Display
LG Electronics - Integrated Display System
4.5 LG Electronics - T-BOX/C-V2X/5G
Global Market Share of LG Electronics’ T-BOX (TCU)
LG Electronics - T-Box
LG Electronics - V2X Security Technology
LG Electronics’ C-V2X Module Uses Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X Chipset
4.6 LG Electronics - L2.5+ Automated Parking System
G Electronics - Around View Monitor (AVM)
LG Electronics and Mercedes-Benz Collaborated to Create a Smart Camera System
4.7 LG Electronics - Driver Monitoring System (DMS)
LG Electronics - Advanced Driver Assistance System
LG Electronics - Driver Monitoring System (DMS), In-Cabin Monitoring (ICM) AI Software
LG Electronics - LG and Microsoft Joined Hands
4.8 LG Electronics - Cockpit Security Modules
LG Acquired Automotive Cybersecurity Startup Cybellum for USD240 Million
LG Electronics Will Develop 3D Camera-based Safe Driving Assistance Systems
4.9 LG Electronics - Other Cockpit Function Modules
LG Electronics - Wireless Charger
Apple Would Be Close TO SIGNING A Deal with LG’s Joint Venture to Manufacture Apple Car
4.10 Summary of LG Electronics’ Cockpit Business
Summary of LG Electronics’ Module Suppliers and Partners (1)
Summary of LG Electronics’ Module Suppliers and Partners (2)
5 x Cockpit Business of HELLA
5.1 Operation of HELLA
Faurecia Bought A 60% Stake in HELLA
Business Scope and Market Potential of Faurecia after Acquisition of HELLA
Synergies of Faurecia's Acquisition of HELLA (1)
Synergies of Faurecia's Acquisition of HELLA (2)
Synergies of Faurecia's Acquisition of HELLA (3)
HELLA’s Technical Centers and Organizational Structure
HELLA's Global R&D Centers and Production Bases
HELLA’s R&D Centers Layout in China
Production Bases Layout of HELLA's Automotive Electronics Business in China
Development History and Prospects of HELLA Shanghai Electronics Co., Ltd.
Asia Pacific Core Team of HELLA Electronics
HELLA Automotive Electronics System
HELLA's Key Layout for Future Mobility
HELLA's Strategic Positioning for Electrification
HELLA's Electrification Technology Route Layout
HELLA's Autonomous Driving Technology Planning
Hella Sold Driver Assistance Software Subsidiary Hella Aglaia
HELLA Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
5.2 HELLA ECU and Body Control Module
Development Trends of HELLA Cockpit and Body ECU Products
Development Trends of Body Domain Controllers (PEPS+BCM+Gateway)
HELLA Body Control Module (BCM)
HELLA Will Mass-produce Smart Car Keys Using Ultra-wideband (UWB)
HELLA's Next-generation Car Entry System: HELLA Smart Access
HELLA Conventional Car Entry Systems: Remote Key and ID Transmitter
5.3 HELLA Cockpit Lighting System
Development Trends of HELLA Intelligent Lighting System Products
HELLA Launched Interior Lighting Systems Fusing with Intelligent Driving
HELLA Exterior Intelligent Lighting System Works with Autonomous Driving
HELLA High Resolution Lighting System - Digital Light SSLH | HD
HELLA Cockpit Lighting Control Unit
HELLA Cockpit Lighting Control System - TRAILER TOW MODULES
Faurecia and Hella Presented an Initial Joint Concept for the Vehicle Interior of the Future
HELLA PM2.5 Sensor
5.4 HELLA’s Automated Parking Business
Development Trends of HELLA Automated Parking Products
HELLA Provides Fusion Perception Modules for Automated Parking
HELLA 77GHz Radar Sensor
HELLA Launched New-generation Steering Electronics
5.5 Summary of HELLA’s Cockpit Business
Summary of HELLA’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
6 Cockpit Business of Desay SV
6.1 Operation of Desay SV
Operation of Desay SV, 2021
Desay SV's R&D Expenses, 2021 (1)
Desay SV's R&D Expenses, 2021 (2)
Distribution of Desay SV’s R&D Centers
Distribution of Desay SV’s Production Bases
Global Presence of Desay SV
Core Team of Desay SV
The Latest Progress in Desay SV's Three Major Businesses, 2021 (1)
The Latest Progress in Desay SV's Three Major Businesses, 2021 (2)
Desay SV Released Smart Solution Smart Mobility Solution
Desay SV Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
6.2 Desay SV Cockpit Domain Controller
Desay SV Intelligent Cockpit 3.0
Desay SV’s Cockpit Domain Controller Business
Desay SV’s Cockpit Domain Controller Application Cases: Li Auto ONE
Desay SV’s Cockpit Domain Controller Application Cases: Tiggo 8 PLUS (1)
Desay SV’s Cockpit Domain Controller Application Cases: Tiggo 8 PLUS (2)
Desay SV Digital Cluster + Cockpit Domain Controller + Cockpit Interaction System Blue Whale OS 4.0
Desay SV Teamed Up with BlackBerry to Launch A Dual-Screen Virtual Smart Cabin Domain Controller
Desay SV Cooperated with Huawei on Huawei HiCar Intelligent Connectivity Solution
Desay SV Intelligent Cockpit Domain Controller Project Passed ASPICE CL2 Assessment
Desay SV Cockpit Domain Controller: Trend for Multi-domain Fusion
6.3 Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: Strategic Partnerships with Xpeng Motors and NVIDIA
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: Application Directions -Towards Highway Pilot and AVP Solution
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: Features and SOP Progress of IPU01-IPU04
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: IPU01-IPU04 Technology Roadmap
Desay SV IPU04 (Based on NVIDIA Orin) Was Applied by Li Auto
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: IPU04 Hardware Architecture
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: IPU04 Software Architecture
Desay SV Autonomous Driving Domain Controller: Ecosystem Building
6.4 Desay SV’s Head Unit and Vehicle Display Business
Development Trends of Desay SV's Head Unit and Vehicle Displays
Desay SV Head Unit + IVI + Display System Business (1)
Desay SV Head Unit + IVI + Display System Business (2)
Desay SV’s New Multi-screen Interaction Products Business
Desay SV High-end Display Technology
Desay SV Intelligent Cockpit Technology Upgrade Route
6.5 Desay SV Cockpit Air Conditioning and Thermal Management
Development Trends of Desay SV Air Conditioning Control
Desay SV’s Automotive Air Conditioner Controller Business
6.6 Desay SV’s Telematics Business
Development Trends of Desay SV Telematics
Desay SV’s T-BOX/C-V2X Business
Desay SV's T-BOX + V2X + Telematics Platform Is Being Commercialized
Desay SV’s T-BOX/C-V2X Business
6.7 Desay SV’s Automated Parking Business
Desay SV’s Automated Parking Business
Desay SV Integrated Fully Automated Parking System
Desay SV's Surround View + Integrated Parking Application Cases
Desay SV Will Launch An Automated Valet Parking (AVP) Solution in Its Next Step
6.8 Desay SV’s DMS Business
Desay SV's Driver Behavior Monitoring and Identification System Business
Desay SV Provided Surround View Cameras for NIO ET7
Desay SV Provided In-Car Cameras and Face Recognition for ENOVATE EM7 and Tiggo 8 PLUS
6.9 Desay SV’s Telematics and Information Security Business
Desay SV’s Telematics Business Unit Passed ASPICE CL3 Assessment
Desay SV’s Telematics Security, Big Data and OTA Business
Desay SV Telematics Big Data Solution
Desay SV Telematics Security Solution
Desay SV Passed ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certification
6.10 Summary of Desay SV’s Cockpit Business
Summary of Desay SV’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (1)
Summary of Desay SV’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (2)
7 Cockpit Business of Joyson Electronic
7.1 Operation of Joyson Electronic
Distribution of Joyson Electronic’s Divisions
Joyson Electronic’s Technical Centers and Organizational Structure
Distribution of Joyson Electronic’s Global R&D Centers
Distribution of Joyson Electronic’s R&D Centers in China
Distribution of KSS’ R&D Centers of Active Safety Systems (Front View, Surround View, Automated Parking, DMS, etc.)
Smart Mobility Solutions of Joyson Electronic’s Four Divisions
Role and Position of Joyson Electronic's Intelligent Driving Business
Product Development Directions of Joyson Electronic
Core Team of Joyson Electronic (1)
Core Team of Joyson Electronic (2)
Distribution of Intelligent Telematics System Production Bases of Joyson Electronic in China
Distribution of Other Intelligent Manufacturing Production Bases of Joyson Electronic in China
Distribution of Automotive Safety System Production Bases of Joyson Electronic in China
Distribution of Automotive Electronic System Production Bases of Joyson Electronic in China
Distribution of Automotive Functional Parts and Assembly Production Bases of Joyson Electronic in China
Joyson Electronic’s Cockpit Electronics Product Lines
7.2 Joyson Electronic Cockpit Domain Controller
Joyson Electronic Cockpit Domain Controller: Development Process
Joyson Electronic’s Domain Controller Business
Joyson Electronic’s Domain Controller Hardware Has Boasted Advantages in All Aspects
Subdivision of Joyson Electronic Cockpit Domain Controller Software
Development Directions of Joyson Electronic Domain Controller Technology
Joyson Electronic Cockpit Domain Controller Chips
7.3 Joyson Electronic Intelligent Head Unit (IVI/Infotainment/Display)
Joyson Electronic Intelligent Head Unit: Development Process
Classification of Joyson Electronic Telematics System Products
Joyson Electronic CNS3.0 Telematics System
Joyson Electronic Intelligent Cockpit Solutions
Joyson Electronic Innovative Intelligent Cockpit System
Joyson Electronic Conventional In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems
Joyson Electronic Dual OS Cockpit Solution
Joyson Electronic and Huawei Cooperated to Build Competitive Advantages in Intelligent Cockpits
7.4 Joyson Electronic Vehicle Displays (Center Console, Cluster, HUD, etc.)
Joyson Electronic In-Vehicle Infotainment System
Joyson Electronic Vehicle Control System Products
Joyson Electronic Integrated Electric Steering Wheel
Joyson Electronic 3D Landscape Control
7.5 Joyson Electronic Automotive Air Conditioner Controller
Joyson Electronic’s Automotive Air Conditioner Controller Business (1)
Joyson Electronic’s Automotive Air Conditioner Controller Business (2)
7.6 Joyson Electronic T-BOX/C-V2X/5G
Joyson Electronic 5G+V2X: Development Process
Joyson Electronic Established JOYNEXT for an Attempt to Develop 5G-V2X
Technical Features of Joyson Electronic V2X Products
JOYNEXT Continues to Enhance the Penetration of Vehicle 5G Telematics Technology
Joyson Electronic 5G Modules
7.7 Joyson Electronic L2.5+ Automated Parking System
Joyson Electronic’s Automated Parking Sensor Business
Joyson Electronic Deployed LiDAR and Joined Hands with Innovusion to Enable NIO ET7
7.8 Joyson Electronic Driver Monitoring System (DMS)
Joyson Electronics Provided A Driver Attention System for Cadillac
Joyson Electronic’s Driver Behavior Monitoring and Identification System Business (Visual DMS)
Joyson Electronic Active Steering Wheel System Solution (Non-visual DMS)
7.9 Joyson Electronic Cockpit Safety Modules
Classification of Joyson Electronic Cockpit Safety Modules
Joyson Electronic Passive Safety System
7.10 Joyson Electronic’s Other Cockpit Business
Joyson Electronic’s OTA Business (1)
Joyson Electronic’s OTA Business (2)
7.11 Summary of Joyson Electronic’s Cockpit Business
Summary of Joyson Electronic’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (1)
Summary of Joyson Electronic’s Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers (2)

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