Overriding concerns about pet health and wellness and the central part pets play in the household prompted pet owners to continue spending on pet supplements throughout 2022, driving the market to nearly $2.3 billion, a 22% increase from 2021 and reflecting an 17% CAGR for 2017-2022. Although inflation accounts for much of this dollar advancement, the sales growth is a continuation of the double-digit increases experienced in both 2020 and 2021. Packaged Facts survey results from November 2022 show that nearly half of pet supplements purchasers spent more on supplements in the previous 12 months than in 2021, a positive sign amidst economic uncertainty. Other factors favoring supplement purchasing include a growing reliance on calming/anxiety supplements, the expanding population of senior pets, and a shift towards science-based and veterinarian-formulated supplements. The market outlook for pet supplements remains solid, with U.S. retail sales expected to grow at a brisk pace through 2027.
Packaged Facts’ Pet Supplements in the U.S., 9th Edition provides a detailed examination of how these trends are playing out as marketers seek new ways to make supplements an integral part of pets’ wellness routines. Despite the favorable outlook, pet supplement marketers continue to compete with marketers of functional, condition-specific treats and foods as pet owners seek out ways to address their pets’ nutritional needs in convenient and pet-pampering formats. Another long-term battle in the largely mature market is how to remain relevant by identifying and utilizing the latest, on-trend ingredients while assuring consumers of product safety and efficacy, and engendering more support among the veterinary community.
Building on the analyses presented in previous editions of this report, this fully updated ninth edition covers historical and projected retail sales from 2017 through 2027, competitive strategies of key players, and trends in new product development including condition-specific formulations, lifestage-focused products, feline supplements, veterinarian-developed products, and carry-overs from the human supplements market, as well as retail channel trends. The report provides an in-depth examination of the CBD market, following trends in regulation, consumer perceptions, new product development, and marketing. Featuring exclusive data from Packaged Facts’ Surveys of Pet Owners, the report details pet supplement purchasing trends as well as attitudes and demographic characteristics of both conventional and CBD pet supplement purchasers.
Executive Summary
Scope of Report
The Market
Market Size and Composition
Market Outlook
Pet Supplement Regulation
Market Projection
Marketer and Retail Trends
Competitive Overview
Retail Trends
Marketing and New Product Trends
Condition-Specific Formulas Front and Center
Veterinary Formulas Add Scientific Weight
Natural Supplements
Calming Aids and Anxiety Support Supplements
CBD Offers More than Just Anxiety Treatment
Joint Health Supplements
Condition-Specific Lines Cover All the Bases
Omegas and Fish Oil Supplements
Immunity-Related Supplements Get COVID Boost
Probiotics Linked to Digestive Support and Immunity
Allergy/Skin & Coat Supplements
Alternative Formats
Lifestage-Specific Supplements
Cat Supplements Offer More Than Hairball Relief
Supplements for Other Pets
Consumer Trends
Consumer Purchasing, Buying Habits, and Attitudes
Demographic Trends
Challenge: Rising Prices, Economic Pressures
Opportunity 1: Health and Wellness
Opportunity 2: Condition-Specific and Customized Supplements
Opportunity 3: Researching CBD
Opportunity 4: Calming, Immune Products Benefit from Pandemic-Heightened Anxiety
Opportunity 5: Senior Pets
Opportunity 6: Omnichannel Marketing
Opportunity 7: Getting More Veterinarians on Board
Opportunity 8: Science-Based Supplements
The Market
Chapter Highlights
Scope of Report
Report Methodology
Market Size and Composition
Pet Supplement Sales Surpass $2 Billion
Table U.S. Retail Sales Pet Supplements, 2017-2022 (million dollars and percent)
Pet Supplement Sales by Channel
Table U.S. Retail Sales of Pet Supplements, Vet Sector vs. Retail Sector 2018-2022 (million dollars and percent)
Products for Dogs Dominate Pet Supplement Sales
Market Outlook
Price Inflation Top-of-Mind Concern
Table Spending Changes From January 2022 to August 2022, 2022 (percent of pet owners)
Supply Chain Woes Persist
Human Supplement and Pet Supplement Use Overlap
Focus on Health and Wellness
Table Level of Agreement with Statement: "My pets are important to my physical/mental health", February 2023 (percent of dog, cat, and other pet owners)
Table Percent of Dog- and Cat-Owning Households With Senior Dogs/Cats Age 7+, 2017-2022 (percent)
Pet Supplements Compete with Pet Food on Health and Wellness
Table Condition-Specific Pet Supplements, Pet Food, and Pet Treat Purchase Rates, Past 12 Months, November 2022 (percent of pet supplement purchasers)
Pets Central to Home Life
Pets and Owners Physically Closer than Ever
Pet Owner Interest in CBD Supplements Persists
Table U.S. Retail Sales of Pet CBD Products, 2018-2027 (million dollars and percent)
Veterinarians Harbor Enormous Market Clout
Pet Supplement Regulation
FDA and AAFCO Monitor Pet Supplements
National Animal Supplement Council
The AVMA and Pet Supplements
Regulating CBD
Market Projection
Table Projected Retail Sales of Pet Supplements, 2022-2027 (million dollars and percent)
Marketer and Retail Trends
Chapter Highlights
Competitive Overview
Standing Out in the Growing Crowd
Pet Supplement Channel Lines in the Omnimarket Era
Pet Owner Brand Preference
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Investments
Pet Supplements Market Expansion and Accolades
Four Pet Supplement Marketers Make Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Businesses List
Retail Trends
Internet Ahead of Brick-and-Mortar Use in Pet Supplement Purchasing
Top Online Marketers and Brands
Pet Supplement Merchandising in Pet Specialty Retailers
Mass-Market and Farm & Feed Channels
Marketing and New Product Trends
Chapter Highlights
Marketing and New Product Trends
Condition-Specific Formulas Front and Center
Veterinary Formulas Add Scientific Weight
Natural Supplements
Calming Aids and Anxiety Support Supplements
CBD Offers More than Just Anxiety Treatment
Joint Health Supplements
Condition-Specific Lines Cover All the Bases
Omegas and Fish Oil Supplements
Immunity-Related Supplements Get COVID Boost
Probiotics Linked to Digestive Support and Immunity
Allergy/Skin & Coat Supplements
Alternative Formats
Lifestage-Specific Supplements
Cat Supplements Offer More Than Hairball Relief
Supplements for Other Pets
Consumer Trends
Chapter Highlights
Overview of Pet Supplement Purchasing
Note on Data Sources
Consumer Purchasing, Buying Habits, and Attitudes
Dog Owners More Likely to Purchase Supplements
Most Supplement Purchasers Are Confident in Product Quality
Factors Influencing Pet Supplement Purchases
Pet Supplement Formats
Condition-Specific Pet Supplements
Internet Ahead of Brick-and-Mortar Shopping in Pet Supplement Purchasing
Use of Special Offers and Promotions
Demographic Trends
Homes with Children and Urban Dwellers Skew High for Pet Supplement Use
Table Demographic Indices for Pet Supplement Purchasing, November 2022 (index of pet supplement purchasers)
Gen Z, Households with Young Children Skew High for Pet CBD Supplement Purchases
Table Demographic Indices for Pet and Human CBD Supplement Purchasing, November 2022 (index of pet CBD supplement purchasers)