US Pet Market Outlook, 2024-2025

U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2024-2025

The US pet industry is at an inflection point of slow to no pet population growth, high (though slowly moderating) inflation, and pet shoppers looking to cut back. The promise of money savings and added value may be the oldest promotional maneuver. But with the economic trauma of the pandemic still rippling through, there may be no better time to focus on value in order to attract shoppers and engender loyalty. With projected pet population growth modest at best, the advancement of dollar sales remains largely a function of converting pet owners to higher priced products and services – aka premiumization. However, the cases for premiumization will need to be ever stronger, with a number of market areas ripe for development, including fresh pet food sold refrigerated or frozen and products and services offering demonstrable health benefits. With the pet industry continuing to trend in omnichannel and omnimarket directions, Packaged Facts anticipates ongoing modest but steady growth across all sectors through 2028, when sales are expected to top $190 billion. Characterizing a gradual return to normalcy during the forecast period will be the reinvigoration of trends including premiumization, health & wellness, sustainability, and all things digital including e-commerce, although the most positive short-term factors will likely be an improvement in consumer sentiment stemming from lessening inflation and overall economic improvement.

Scope and Methodology

This report analyzes current and projects future retail sales and trends across the U.S. pet industry. It examines collectively and separately four sectors of pet products and services – pet food, non-food pet supplies, veterinary services, and non-medical pet services – paying particular attention to the market impact of the post pandemic economy, omnichannel and omnimarket strategizing, and consumer mindsets and purchasing patterns.

The information contained in this report was obtained from primary and secondary research. Our consumer analysis draws mainly on two sources:

Packaged Facts’ Surveys of Pet Owners conducted on a regular basis, including in January 2024. These surveys have samples of 1,350-2,000 U.S. respondents age 18 or over, with the aggregate survey samples being representative of the national population by the primary demographic measures of gender, age bracket, race/ethnicity, geographic region, household income bracket, and presence of children in the household.

MRI-Simmons booklet-based consumer surveys through Fall 2023 of a large and random sample of approximately 25,000 consumers who in aggregate represent a statistically accurate cross-section of the U.S. population. Note that MRI-Simmons releases correspond to an approximately 12-month roll-up of survey fielding ending in the season indicated.

Our primary research also includes interviews with pet market experts and participation in pet industry events including the American Pet Products Association’s Global Pet Expos, GlobalPETS, Petfood Industry/Watt Publishing’s Petfood Forums, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council’s Pet Industry Leadership Summit, and the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) VMX Veterinary Conferences and Media/E-Commerce Summits. The analysis also reflects on-site examination of retail and service provider venues and Internet canvassing.

Secondary research includes information- and data-gathering from consumer business and trade publications including Fountain Report, Pet Age, Pet Business, Pet Care Weekly, Pet Product News International, Petfood Industry, and Veterinary Practice News; company profiles in trade and consumer publications; annual reports of companies in the pet market; and information culled from Packaged Facts’ extensive pet market research database and report collection. Our estimates of market size and company performance are based on reported revenues of pet product manufacturers, retailers, and pet services providers; background sales data from syndicated sales-tracking sources; surveys of independent and chain pet store retailers; government data including U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Surveys; and figures from other market research sources.

  • Executive Summary
    • Scope and Methodology
    • The Market
    • Industry Trends
    • Pet Food and Treats
    • Non-Food Pet Supplies
    • Veterinary Services Sector
    • Non-Medical Pet Services Sector
    • Retail and E-commerce Trends
    • Pet Ownership and Pet Population Trends
    • Opportunities
      • Table Use of "Buy Now, Pay Later" Plans Among Pet Owners, 2024 (percent)
      • Table Most Important Sources of Pet Care Information: By Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent)
  • Market Size and Growth
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Market Size & Growth
      • Pandemic and Inflation Fueled Dollar Growth
        • Table US Pet Market Retail Sales by Sector, 2018 – 2023 (billion dollars)
        • Table US Pet Market Retail Sales Annual Change by Sector, 2018 – 2023 (percent change over previous year)
      • Market Shares by Sector
        • Table Sector Share of US Pet Market Retail Sales, 2018 – 2023 and 2028P (percent)
      • Market Shares by Animal Type
        • Table Sector Sales of US Pet Market Retail Sales by Animal Type, 2023 (billion dollars)
        • Table Sector Share of US Pet Market Retail Sales by Animal Type, 2023 (percent)
      • Pet Product and Service Spending Levels
        • Table Dollar Sales Per Pet-Owning Household by Sector, 2018 – 2023 (dollars)
        • Table Dollar Sales Per Dog-Owning Household by Sector, 2018 – 2023 (dollars)
        • Table Dollar Sales Per Cat-Owning Household by Sector, 2018 – 2023 (dollars)
        • Table Dollar Sales per Individual Dog and Cat by Sector, 2023 (millions of dollars and dollars)
      • Retail Channel Trends: E-commerce Growth Continues to Outperform
        • Table US Retail Channel Sales of Pet Products by Channel Classification: Overall, Pet Food/Treats, and Pet Supplies, 2018 vs. 2023 (billion dollars)
        • Table Share of US Retail Channel Sales of Pet Products by Channel Classification: Overall, Pet Food/Treats, and Pet Supplies, 2018 vs. 2023 (percent)
        • Table US Retail Channel Sales of Pet Products by Channel Classification, 2018 – 2023 (billion dollars)
        • Table Growth in US Retail Channel Sales of Pet Products by Channel Classification, 2019 – 2023 (percent)
    • Looking Ahead
      • Moderate Growth Through 2028
        • Table Projected US Retail Sales of Products and Services, 2023 – 2028 (billion dollars)
      • Projected Growth by Product Versus Service Sectors
        • Table Projected US Retail Sales of Products and Services by Sector, 2023 – 2028P (billion dollars)
        • Table Projected Annual Change in US Retail Sales of Products and Services by Sector, 2023 – 2028P (percent change over previous year)
        • Table US Pet Market Compound Annual Growth Rates by Sector, 2018 – 2023 vs. 2023 – 2028P (percent)
      • Projected Growth by Retail Channel
        • Table Projected Growth by Pet Market Sector, 2023 vs. 2028P (billion dollars)
    • Market Drivers
      • A Challenging Environment Post Pandemic
        • Table Percentage Change in Consumer Price Index: Overall and by Pet Industry Sector, 2019 – 2023
        • Table Effects of the Economic Environment on Pet Owners, January 2022, February 2023, and January 2024 (percent negatively/positively affected)
        • Table Selected Pet Product Spending Psychographics, January 2022, February 2023, and January 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
        • Table Changes in Levels of Pet Care Spending in Last 12 Months, February 2021, January 2022, February 2023, and January 2024 (percent of pet care customers with 2+ years as pet owners)
      • Pet Population Outlook: Declining Dog Population Is Cause for Caution
        • Table Dog- and Cat-Owning Household Population by Generational Cohort, 2019 – 2023 (thousand households and numerical/percent change)
      • Macroeconomic Headwinds
      • Higher-Income Households Represent Two-Thirds of Spending
        • Table $70K+ Household Share of Pet Market Expenditures: By Classification, 2012 – 2021 (percent)
      • "Pets as Family"
        • Table Top Reasons Why Pet Owners Have Their Pet: By Type of Pet, 2024 (percent of pet owners)
      • Intensified Focus on Health and Wellness
      • Mystery Respiratory Illness in Dogs Bears Watching
  • Industry Trends
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Industry Trends
      • Overview
      • Consolidation Continues Apace
      • Pet Food Market Leaders
      • Non-Food Pet Supplies Market Leaders
      • Leading Veterinary and Non-Medical Pet Service Operators
      • Fast-Growing Franchises and Private Companies
      • The Supply Chain Situation
      • Pet Industry Leaders Back Promising Startups with Venture Funds
      • 2023 Sees a Number of Billion-Dollar Transactions but Fewer Deals Overall
      • Mergers, Acquisitions, Investments
  • Focus on Pet Food and Treats
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Pet Food and Treats
      • Double-Digit Inflation
        • Table Level of Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Pet Product Spending: Pet Owners Overall and Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
      • Trading Down
      • Pet Food: The No. 1 Pet Health Product
      • The Superpremium Evolution
      • Alternative Pet Foods' Rising Appeal
        • Table Pet Food Usage by Formulation Type, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
      • Freeze-Dried and Air-Dried Pet Foods
      • Advancements in Human-Grade Pet Food
      • Locally Sourced, Limited Ingredient, Made in USA
      • Smucker Downsizes Pet Food Portfolio
      • Post Jumps Full Force Into Pet Food
      • General Mills/Blue Buffalo Challenged by Value Shift
      • Mars Bulks Up Superpremium Portfolio Including Royal Canin
      • Purina Contributes Most to Nestlé Growth Despite Challenges
      • Science-Based Diets Including Hill's Are on a Roll
      • Sustainable Pet Food Formulas and Industry Initiatives
        • Table Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Pet Food Sustainability and Eco-Consciousness: Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of pet food purchasers)
      • Usage Rates Stabilize Across Pet Food/Treat Types
        • Table Household Usage of Pet Food or Treats by Type in Last 6 Months, 2019 – 2023 (percent of dog/cat-owning households)
      • Pet Treats: High Prices Hinder Volume Growth
  • Focus on Non-Food Pet Supplies
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Non-Food Pet Supplies
      • Pandemic Blowback
      • Home Centered Marketing and Product Design
      • Health & Wellness
      • Pet Medications Not Spared Substantial Headwinds
        • Table US Dollar Sales of Pet Medications, 2019 – 2023, 2024P, and 2028P
      • Pet Supplements Going Strong
        • Table US Retail Dollar Sales of Pet Supplements, 2019 – 2023, and 2024P and 2028P
      • Pet Tech/Technology Extends Omnimarket Reach
        • Table High-Tech Pet Products Purchased in Last 12 Months, February 2023 (percent of dog or cat owners)
        • Table Agreement with Statement, "Technology is allowing me to save time on pet care": Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
        • Table Agreement with Statement, "Technology is allowing me to spend more quality time with my pets": Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
        • Table Selected Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Smartphone Apps, 2024 (percent of pet owners)
      • Celebrities and Designer Brands Coming on Strong
      • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
        • Table Cat Litter Usage in Last 12 Months, 2020 – 2023 (percent of cat-owning households)
  • Focus on Veterinary Services
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Veterinary Sector Sales Overview
      • Topline Revenues and Growth
        • Table US Veterinary Sector Revenues: Overall and Services vs. Products, 2019 – 2023 (million dollars and percent change)
      • Dog Versus Cat Share of Veterinary Revenues
      • Revenues and Growth for Core Medical Services
        • Table US Medical Veterinary Service Revenues, 2019 – 2023 (million dollars and percent change)
      • Price Inflation for Veterinary Services
      • Veterinary Share of Non-Medical Pet Care Service Revenues
      • Sector Projections
        • Table Projected US Veterinary Sector Revenues: Overall and by Services vs. Products, 2023 vs. 2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Competitive Landscape
      • Overview of Service Providers
      • Industry Consolidation
      • Chewy Tests Vet Clinic Market
      • Usage Patterns by Service Provider Type
        • Table Usage Rates for Veterinary Services by Type of Provider: Dog Owners vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of veterinary customers)
      • Generational Patterns
        • Table Levels of Agreement with Statements Related to Vet Service Providers by Type/Location: Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of veterinary customers)
        • Table Most Important Sources of Pet Care Information: By Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent)
      • Telehealth Trends
        • Table Levels of Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Telehealth, 2024 (percent of veterinary customers)
      • Market Prospects for Traditional Vet Practices in Overall Medical Industry Context
    • Veterinary Service Usage and Spending Patterns
      • Usage Rates Are Down
        • Table Veterinary Service Usage Rates: Overall and by Dog/Cat Ownership, 2019 – 2023 (percent of dog/cat owning households)
      • Vet Services Customer Base
        • Table Client Base for Veterinary Services vs. Overall Dog/Cat Household Population, 2013, 2018, and 2023 (in millions of households)
      • Dog/Cat Owner Share of Client Base
      • Patterns for Regular/Check-Up vs. Urgent/Emergency Care Visits
      • Patterns by Number of Vet Visits
        • Table Patterns for Annual Number of Visits to Vet by Selected Dog/Cat Owner Classifications, 2013 – 2023 (odd-numbered years) (percent of veterinary customers)
      • The Income Factor to Use of Vet Services
      • Vet Care Spending Per Client Household
        • Table Veterinary Care Spending in Last 12 Months per Client Household: By Dollar Ranges, 2021 – 2023 (percent)
        • Table Veterinary Care Spending in Last 12 Months per Dog/Cat Ownership Classification: By Dollar Ranges, 2021 – 2023 (percent)
  • Focus on Pet Services
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Non-Medical Pet Services Sector
      • Market Segmentation and Performance by Category
        • Table US Sales of Non-Medical Pet Services by Category, 2022 – 2024P (billion dollars and percent change)
        • Table Share of US Pet Services Sales by Category, 2021 – 2023 (percent)
        • Table Changes in Levels of Spending on Non-Medical Pet Services in Last 12 Months, 2021 – 2024 (percent of pet services customers with 2+ years as pet owners)
        • Table Share of Pet Owners Facing Significant Challenges with Pet Care Costs: By Topline Sector and Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent)
        • Table Pet Services Usage Rates by Type: Overall and by Dog/Cat Ownership, 2019 – 2023 (percent of dog/cat owning households)
        • Table Overall Dog/Cat Customer Base for Pet Services by Type, 2019 – 2023 (thousand households and percent change)
        • Table Pet Care Services Considered Most Important to Health and Wellness: Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
      • The Franchise Revolution
      • Best Friends Pet Care Teams with Walmart, Meijer
      • Other Non-Franchise Pet Services Chains
      • Rover and Wag! Dominate App-Based Pet Sitting/Walking
      • Walmart Opens First Walmart Branded Pet Services Center
      • Pet Specialty Retailers Increasingly Reliant on Services
        • Table Selected Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Pet Services, 2024 (percent of pet services customers)
      • Chewy Focuses on CarePlus Pet Insurance, Virtual Vet Care
      • Pet Insurance Is Star Pet Services Performer
  • Retail and E-commerce Trends
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Retail Sector Sales Overview
      • Sales Overall and by Food Versus Non-Food Products
        • Table US Retail Sector Sales of Pet Products: Overall and by Pet Food/Treats vs. Non-Food Pet Supplies, 2020 – 2023 and 2028P (billion dollars)
        • Table US Retail Sector Sales of Pet Products: Overall and by Pet Food/Treats vs. Non-Food Pet Supplies, 2020 – 2023, 2028P (percent change)
      • Brick-and-Mortar Versus E-Commerce Sales
        • Table Pet Product Retail Sales and Shares: Overall and Brick-and-Mortar vs. E-Commerce, 2018 – 2023, 2028P (billion dollars, percent growth, and percent share)
      • Breakout of Brick-and-Mortar Sales: Mass Market Versus Pet Specialty
        • Table Brick-and-Mortar (In-Store) Retail Sales of Pet Products: By Sector, 2018 – 2023 (billion dollars, percent dollar growth, and percent of pet product sales)
    • Competitive Landscape
      • Pet Industry Reset
      • Mass, Pet Specialty, and Online Share of Customers
      • Leading Pet Specialty Retail Chains
        • Table Leading Pet Specialty Retailers in North America, 2023 (number of stores)
      • Consumer Priorities in Choosing Where and What to Buy
        • Table Especially Important Considerations in Choosing Where to Buy Pet Products, 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
      • The Omnipresent Internet
      • Customer Loyalty and Private Label
      • Subscription Purchasing and Direct-to-Consumer
      • Home and On-Demand Delivery Services
      • Payment Services
    • In-Store and E-Commerce Shopping Patterns
      • Topline Retail Shopping Patterns
        • Table Where/How Purchased Pet Products in Last 12 Months, 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
        • Table General In-Store vs. Online Shopping Patterns: Pet Owners Overall and by Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2023 vs. 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
        • Table Most Recent Purchase of Pet Products: In-Store, Online, by Smartphone App, 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
      • Channel Purchasing Patterns
        • Table Where Purchased Pet Food/Treats in Last 12 Months: In a Physical Store, by Pet Product Shoppers Overall and by Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of category purchasers)
        • Table Where Purchased Pet Food/Treats in Last 12 Months: Through the Website, by Pet Product Shoppers Overall and by Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of category purchasers)
        • Table Where Purchased Non-Food Pet Supplies in Last 12 Months: In a Physical Store, by Pet Product Shoppers Overall and by Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of category purchasers)
        • Table Where Purchased Non-Food Pet Supplies in Last 12 Months: Through the Website, by Pet Product Shoppers Overall and by Dog vs. Cat Owners, 2024 (percent of category purchasers)
      • Top Websites for Pet Products
        • Table Pet Food Cross-Shopping Indices Across Key Retailers and Retail Classifications, 2023
  • Pet Ownership and Population Trends
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Overview of Dog and Cat Ownership
      • Topline Pet Ownership Rates
        • Table Topline Pet Ownership Rates by Type, 2019 – 2023 (percent of overall households)
        • Table Number of Pet-Owning Households by Type, 2019 – 2023 (in millions)
      • Historical Dog vs. Cat Ownership Rates
        • Table Household Ownership Rates for Dogs vs. Cats, 2003 – 2023 (percent)
      • Widening Ownership by Age Bracket Drove Dog Population Growth
        • Table Household Ownership Rates for Dogs by Pet Owner Age Bracket, 2003 – 2023 (percent)
      • Puppy vs. Kitten Adoption Trends
        • Table Number of US Households with Dogs/Puppies vs. Cats/Kittens, 2013 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Dog and Cat Owner Household Projections
        • Table Dog and Cat Household Population, 2023 vs. 2030P (percent of overall households and million households)
    • Patterns by Dog or Cat Ownership Classification
      • Topline Ownership Rates and Population
        • Table Household Ownership Rates by Dog/Cat-Keeping Classification, 2018 – 2023 (percent)
        • Table Household Ownership Base by Dog/Cat-Keeping Classification, 2018 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Distribution Trends by Dog vs. Cat Ownership
        • Table Distribution Trends by Dog vs. Cat Ownership, 2018 – 2023 (percent of overall dog/cat households)
    • Focus on Dog Population Trends
      • Topline Ownership Rates and Population
        • Table Dog Ownership, 2018 – 2023 (percent and million households)
      • Trends by Number of Dogs Owned
        • Table Household Ownership Rates for Dogs: Overall and by Number of Dogs, 2018 – 2023 (percent of US households)
        • Table Dog Ownership Distribution by Number of Dogs, 2018 – 2023 (percent of dog-owning households)
        • Table Household Base of Dog Owners: Overall and by Number of Dogs, 2018 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Size of Dogs Owned
      • Puppy and Senior Dog Populations
        • Table Percentage of Dog-Owning Households With Puppies Under Age 1 or Senior Dogs Age 7+, 2018 – 2023 (percent)
        • Table Number of Dog-Owning Households With Puppies Under Age 1 or Senior Dogs Age 7+, 2018 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Overweight and Special Needs Dogs
    • Focus on Cat Population Trends
      • Topline Ownership Rates and Population
        • Table Cat Ownership, 2018 – 2023 (percent and million households)
      • Trends by Number of Cats Owned
        • Table Household Ownership Rates for Cats: Overall and by Number of Cats, 2018 – 2023 (percent of US households)
        • Table Cat Ownership Distribution by Number of Cats, 2018 – 2023 (percent of cat-owning households)
        • Table Household Base of Cat Owners: Overall and by Number of Cats, 2018 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Size of Cats Owned
      • Kitten and Senior Cat Populations
        • Table Percentage of Cat-Owning Households With Kittens Under Age 1 or Senior Cats Age 7+, 2018 – 2023 (percent)
        • Table Number of Cat-Owning Households With Kittens Under Age 1 or Senior Cats Age 7+, 2018 – 2023 (thousands)
      • Overweight and Special Needs Cats
    • Focus on Other Pets
      • 15% of Households Have Pets Other Than Dogs or Cats
        • Table Topline Ownership Rates for Pets Other Than Dogs or Cats, 2023 (percent of overall households)
      • Ownership Skews to Newer Pet Owners
      • Types of Small Animals Owned
      • Types of Herptiles Owned

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