Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods, 3rd Edition

Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods, 3rd Edition

There is no single universal definition of “clean label”, and this term is not used on food product packaging; products “free from” ingredients such as allergens, pesticides, hormones, artificial ingredients, and preservatives are key to the trend. However, attributes that products feature rather than lack are also important distinguishing characteristics. Claims of environmental sustainability; company transparency; wholesome, simple ingredients; and humanely raised animals are commonly employed by marketers to get the attention of people looking for clean labels.

“Clean label” covers three broad areas of concern – what is in the food, how it is produced, and who produces it. Factors important to clean labels include:
  • fewer and more recognizable ingredients
  • minimal processing that does not include preservatives, additives, or artificial ingredients (in other words, an approximation of the cooking and preparation done in home kitchens)
  • exclusion of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs
  • sustainable, environmentally responsible production and shipping practices
  • product traceability and company transparency
  • ethical, socially conscious business practices
  • conscious (often local) sourcing
  • truth in advertising
Clean label is a spectrum, so some products may be perceived as “cleaner” than others. Opinions on this vary from person to person, but consumers generally believe that companies cannot hide behind clean label claims printed on packaging. Instead, many people think that ingredient and nutritional panels speak for themselves and allow them to accurately judge a given product’s cleanliness.

Clean label and organic consumers – those who almost always buy or make every effort to eat clean label and organic foods – make up a relatively small part of the population. However, general consumers frequently hold similar opinions about the safety, quality, and healthfulness of foods, which leads many people to buy organic and clean label products.

Significant numbers of consumers think that these product features are premium, healthier, and better for animals and the planet; many are willing to pay more for such products. Expanding availability to neighborhoods and venues where these foods have traditionally not been available (e.g., convenience stores) are key to increasing access and awareness. As production processes change to accommodate the demand for cleaner foods, prices may drop enough for more consumers to purchase them regularly.

With a focus on “what’s next” and current consumer trends, Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods is packed with insights about consumer trends, behavior, and motivations to help food and beverage producers, retailers, packaging firms, employers, and investors gauge consumer perspectives and find areas for growth in a competitive market.

Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods delivers actionable predictions and recommendations designed to guide producers, retailers, and investors in making business decisions by providing data and insights about organic and clean label shoppers.


Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods is the go-to source for a complete understanding of consumers who seek out organic and clean label food and beverage products.

This Packaged Facts report analyses trends among consumers who buy and eat organic and clean label food and beverage products. The scope of analysis is centered on consumer perceptions, motivations, and behavior.

The report identifies opportunities and challenges central to the growth of the food and beverage market with a focus on organic, clean label, and other “better-for-you” foods.

Analysis within Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods combines Packaged Facts’ extensive monitoring of the food and beverage market with proprietary surveys, and evaluates current trends and future directions and opportunities, along with challenges during the pandemic and inflation era and across the broader food and beverage market.

Report Methodology

The information contained in Organic and Clean Label Food Shoppers: US Market Trends & Opportunities in Packaged Foods was developed from primary and secondary research sources. Primary research includes interviews with food and beverage market experts; participation in and attendance at food industry events; and extensive internet canvassing.

Primary research also includes national online consumer polls of U.S. adult consumers (age 18+) conducted on an ongoing basis by Packaged Facts to analyze attitudes of consumers and their relevant food and beverage preferences.

Survey data from MRI-Simmons are used to analyze the demographics and psychographics of consumers.

Supplementing Packaged Facts’ exclusive surveys is analysis from the International Food Information Council Foundation’s (IFIC) 2024 Public Perceptions of Processed Foods Report and the 2024 Public Perceptions of Pesticide & Produce Consumption Report provide. These reports provide valuable insight into consumers’ perspectives on food purchasing decisions and diet and lifestyle choices. Additionally, IFIC’s 2023 Food and Health Survey is used to provide other useful information on consumer behavior.

  • Executive Summary
    • What Is "Clean Label"?
      • The Spectrum From Minimally Processed to Ultra-Processed Foods
      • Expanding Availability & Lower Prices Are Key Factors to Increasing Sales of Clean Label & Organic Foods
      • Key Consumer Trends
    • Scope
  • Recent Historical Trends
    • Highlights
    • Rising Prices: From Supply Chain Crunches to Inflation
      • Table Consumer Concerns about Rising Food Prices, 2021 – 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Cutting Back on Household Expenses
        • Table Consumers Cutting Back on Household Expenses in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Types of Household Expenses Cut Back on in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Spending on "Extras", 2023 – 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Private Labels Are More Desirable as Prices Rise
      • The Vast Majority of Consumers Have Noticed the Rising Cost of Food, and Many Are Changing Their Purchasing Decisions
      • Consumers Find Price More Important for Food Purchase Decisions in 2023
    • Snacking and Healthy Eating Habits
      • Snacking Trends Are Important to Organic and Clean Label Foods
      • Trends in 2022
      • Changes to Snacking Habits in 2023
        • Table Current Snacking Activity Compared to Pre-Pandemic Levels, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Snacking and Breakfast Habits in 2024
        • Table Frequency of Snacking Habits on a Typical Weekday, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Frequency of Snacking More Than Once a Day or Eating Breakfast, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Always or Usually Eating Breakfast or Snacking More Than Once a Day by Demographic, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Reasons for Snacking
        • Table Reasons for Snacking, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Preferred Types of Snacks
        • Table Preferred Types of Snacks, 2023
      • "Snackification" of Meals
    • Dining Out
      • Consumers Were Still Holding off on Dining Out in 2021 and 2022
      • 2023 Trends Result from Inflation and Changed Habits
    • Food Carryout, Delivery, Online Grocery Shopping, and Convenience Food Options
      • Activity in 2022
      • Activity in 2023 and 2024
        • Table Consumer Use of Food Ordering Methods in the Last 12 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Frequency of Food Ordering Methods in the Last 3 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers who have used each method in the last 12 months)
        • Table Consumer Frequency of Food Ordering Habits Now Compared to 12 Months Ago, 2024 (percent of consumers who have used each method in the last 12 months)
        • Table Consumer Expected Changes to the Frequency of Food Ordering Habits in the Next 12 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Work Habits
      • Food Trends in the Context of Changes to Work
      • Changes to Work Patterns Continued in 2022
      • Working from Home in 2023
        • Table Ability to Work from Home and Frequency of Remote Work, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Rating of Experiences Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers who have ever had each experience)
        • Table Consumer Opinions on Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of employed consumers)
      • Work Habits in 2024
        • Table Where Time Is Spent during a Typical Work Week, 2024 (percent of employed consumers)
    • Changes to Travel Habits
      • Table Changes in Work and Leisure Travel Activity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Beyond the Pandemic Era: Future Concerns, Vaccines, and Sticky Habits
      • Concerns about COVID-19 Variants
      • Concerns about Future Potential Pandemic Outbreaks
        • Table Future Potential Pandemic Outbreak Concerns, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Vaccination for the Flu and COVID-19
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Plans, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Rates, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Some Consumers Are Continuing to Wear Masks in Public and to Avoid Crowds
        • Table Consumer Habits Regarding Masks, Crowds, and Testing for COVID-19, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Negative Personal Effects of the Pandemic
      • Mental and Physical Health Effects in 2022
      • Reporting Negative Mental States in 2023
      • Continuing Mental and Physical Health Effects in 2024
        • Table Current Feelings on Mental and Physical Symptoms Compared to "Normal" or Preferred Level, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Stress Levels and Impact on Food/Beverage Consumption
  • Clean Label Overview
    • Highlights
    • Popular Media Effects on Food Perceptions: Healthfulness, Safety, Environmental Sustainability, and Human and Animal Welfare Are Scrutinized
    • Definitions & Standards
    • Clean Label
      • There Is No Single Universal Definition of "Clean Label"
      • Consumers Think There Is No Hiding Behind a Clean Label
      • Many Consumers Believe Cleaner Foods Are Healthier, Tastier, Safer, and Better
      • Different Levels of Processing
    • Organic
      • Definition
      • Changes to USDA Organic Livestock Requirements
    • Natural
    • Non-GMO
    • Allergy Friendly Labeling
    • Gluten-Free
    • Grass-Fed
    • Animal Welfare-Related Label Claims
    • Consumer Perceptions of Processed Foods and Healthy Foods
      • Many Consumers Limit Purchases of Processed Foods, But Most People Still Eat Them
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Processed Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • A Large Segment of the Population Avoids Added Sugars and Artificial Ingredients
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Added Sugar, Refined Sugar, and Artificial Ingredients 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Why People Eat Packaged Foods
      • Most People Say Eating a Healthy Diet Is Important to Them
      • Consumers Are More Likely to Consider Organic Foods and Foods without Artificial Ingredients or Additives to Be Healthy
      • People Use Similar Label Indicators to Determine Healthfulness of Foods When Dining Out
      • The Majority of Consumers Consider How Food Is Grown
      • Eating Fruits and Vegetables and Practicing Balance Are Most Important to Eating Healthier
      • Fitting Processed Foods into a Healthy Diet
      • Confusion on What "Processed Food" Means
      • Types of Foods Considered to Be Processed
  • Organic & Clean Label Foods: Overview & Market Trends
    • Highlights
    • Organic Penetration and Sales Estimates from Different Sources
    • Specialty Food Sales
    • Organic Food Household Usage Rates
      • Table Household Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months by Category, 2018-2024 (percent of households)
      • Table Household Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months by Category, 2018-2024 (continued), (percent of households)
    • Organic Farming Takes Root, But Imports Still Meet Much of Demand
    • Reformulating Ingredients for Packaged Foods and Beverages to Be Clean Label Friendly
      • Taste and Function are Key
      • Colors Are Also Crucial for the Visual Appeal of Clean Label Products, Especially with Generation Z and Millennials
    • Animal Welfare Issues
      • More Consumers Want Animals Raised for Food to Be Treated Humanely
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Humane Treatment of Animals Raised for Food, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • USDA Publishes New Rule on Organic Livestock Requirements
      • "Humane" Claims May Signify No Meaningful Difference in Production Methods
    • Plant-Based Substitutes for Animal Products Facing Definitional Challenges
    • Personalized Nutrition
    • Convenient Meal Delivery Services Are Emphasizing Freshness and Healthy Foods
    • Companies Have Invested in Blockchain and Big Data to Satisfy Consumer Desires for Transparency
    • Consumers Think Small and Medium Businesses Have More Credibility
    • Food Safety Issues
      • Keeping Food Safe and the Use of Pesticides Are Top Consumer Concerns
      • Reasons for Being Concerned or Not Being Concerned with Pesticides
      • Concerns about Pesticide Use Cause Many Consumers to Avoid Certain Foods
      • Despite Pesticide Concerns, Significant Minorities of Consumers Agree That Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables Outweigh the Risks of Pesticides
      • Organic Agriculture and Pesticide Use
      • Trusted Sources about Safety of Pesticides
      • Chemical Contaminants Can Be a Food Safety Issue, And May Be Worse for Some Organic Foods
  • Organic & Clean Label Retail Trends
    • Highlights
    • Where Organic and Clean Label Consumers Shop, and Why
      • Organic and Cleaner Private Label Brands Have Wide Availability
        • Table Selected Private Label Brands Catering to Organic and Clean Label Consumers Brand Retail Store Notes/Attributes
      • Organic and Clean Label Consumers Shop Around
        • Table Venues Where Consumers Purchase Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Groceries, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Clean Label and Organic Consumers Place Higher Priority on the Shopping Experience
        • Table Priorities When Choosing Where to Shop for Groceries, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Priorities When Choosing Where to Shop for Groceries, 2024 (percent of consumers who rate each element as a high priority of 1 or 2)
        • Table Priorities When Choosing Where to Shop for Groceries, 2024 (percent of consumers who rate each element as a high priority of 1 or 2)
      • Online Grocery Shopping and Food Delivery More Popular with Organic/Natural Shoppers
        • Table Use of Online Grocery Shopping and Food Delivery Services, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Organic/Natural Foods Are More Mainstream Than Ever
      • Organic/Natural Shopper Preferences
        • Table Consumer Shopping Preferences & Behaviors, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
    • Trends in Fresh Produce
      • Consumers Are Being More Deliberate in Produce Purchases to Reduce Food Waste
      • Merchandising Is Key to Selling More Produce
      • Opportunities for New Fresh Produce Products
      • Who Buys Organic Produce?
        • Table Characteristics of Organic Produce Buyers, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends in Meat & Seafood
      • Seafood Sustainability
      • Most Households Purchase Meat, and Strong Majorities of Consumers Consume Meat
      • Raising Animals More Naturally and Ethical Meat Consumption
      • Opportunities for New Meat & Seafood Products
      • Who Buys Organic Meat?
        • Table Characteristics of Organic Meat Buyers, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends in Dairy
      • Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products Has Fallen Significantly Over the Past Two Decades, Particularly Due to Decreases in Milk Consumption in Favor of Plant-Based Milk Alternatives
      • Opportunities for New Dairy Products
      • Plant-Based Dairy Alternatives
      • Who Buys Organic Dairy Products?
        • Table Characteristics of Organic Dairy Buyers, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends in Packaged/Processed Foods
      • The Clean Label Tradeoff
      • Snacks
      • Vegetarian and Vegan Foods
      • Opportunities for New Organic Kitchen Staples
      • Who Buys Organic Packaged Foods?
        • Table Characteristics of Organic Packaged Food Buyers, 2024 (percent of consumers)
  • Consumer Demographics
    • Highlights
    • Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic and Clean Label Foods
    • Trends by Gender
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Gender, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Gender, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Age Bracket/Generation
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Age Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Age Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Generation, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Household Income
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Household Income Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Household Income Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Race/Ethnicity Also Play a Role
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Race/Ethnicity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Race/Ethnicity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Presence of Children
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Parenthood, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Parenthood and Presence of Children in the Household, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Educational Achievement
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Educational Attainment, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by Educational Attainment, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Geographic Region
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Urbanization Trends
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Urban, Suburban, and Rural Living, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by County Size, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Online Grocery Shopping
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Use of Online Grocery Websites in the Last 30 Days, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by County Size, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Overlap with Plant-Based Eating
      • Table Intentionally Shopping for and Seeking out Organic, Clean Label, and Specialty Diet Foods by Primary Eating Philosophy, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Organic Foods in the Last 6 Months, Regularly Eating Organic Foods, and Buying Food Labeled as Natural or Organic by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
  • Consumer Psychographics
    • Highlights
    • Special Eating Restrictions and Preferences
      • Table Special Eating Restrictions and Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Priorities Placed on Food Characteristics
      • Table Priorities Placed on Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Clean Label Priorities Placed on Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Grocery Shopping and Eating Habits
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Grocery Shopping and Eating Habits, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
    • Cooking Skills
      • Table Consumer Confidence with Cooking Skills, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Organic Food Purchases
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Organic Food Purchases, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Food Processing and Clean Ingredients and Labels
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Clean Ingredients, Food Processing, and Labels, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Sugars and Ingredients to Avoid
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Sugars and Avoidance of Ingredients, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Willingness to Pay More for Premium Food Characteristics
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Willingness to Pay More for Premium Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Humane Treatment of Animals and Local Sourcing
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Animal Products and Humane Treatment of Animals, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Sustainability Trends
      • What Consumers Think about Sustainability Issues and Sustainable Lifestyles
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Sustainability, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Importance of Practices When Living a Sustainable Lifestyle, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Recycling and Composting Services
        • Table Consumer Access to Recycling and Composting Services, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Usage Frequency of Recycling and Composting Services, 2024 (percent of consumers who report using each service)
      • Thoughts on Packaging and Waste
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Recycling and Packaging Materials, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Packaging Types Considered Most Eco-Friendly, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Importance of Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Packaging Characteristics, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Consumers Think that Environmental Responsibility Is Personal
        • Table Environmental Attitudes among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Clean Label Attitudes
      • Table Clean Label Attitudes among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Foodie Preferences Common with Organic/Natural Consumers
      • Table "Foodie" Sentiments among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Engagement with Foods Through Cooking
      • Table Thoughts on Cooking among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Novelty and Openness to Exploring New Foods
      • Table Interest in Novel Foods and Experiences among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Clean Label Consumers Consider Themselves Influential in Peer Groups & Communities
      • Table Influences on People and Community among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)

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