Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Alternatives: Plant-Based and Cell-Cultured Types, 3rd Edition

Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Alternatives: Plant-Based and Cell-Cultured Types, 3rd Edition

Packaged Facts report, Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Alternatives: Plant-Based and Cell-Cultured Types, evaluates the current landscape of the plant-based meat market and discusses plant-forward diets and eating philosophies. Consumers who eat plant-based meat, poultry, or seafood products and those who are open to trying cultivated meat products are examined. The report analyzes trends including consumer usage of plant-based alternative products, the reasons behind diet and lifestyle choices, retail and restaurant trends, and how the COVID-19 pandemic’s has impacted consumers are also investigated.

The report includes historical market size for the retail plant-based meat alternatives market for the years 2018 through 2023. Also provided are forecasts for the plant-based meat market from 2024 to 2029 and 2034. Details for the plant-based meat market include breakouts by meat type (beef, chicken, pork, seafood, turkey, fruit and vegetable non-analogs, non-specified meats, and other meat types), meat form, and storage method (refrigerated, frozen, or shelf-stable). Plant-based meat alternatives within the scope of this report include those that use plant proteins to attempt to replicate the flavors, functions, and/or textures of meat. These products’ naming and advertising conventions often incorporate terms such as: plant-based meat, vegetarian/vegan meat, meatless meat and words that are clearly altered forms of the names of the meat products that they are imitating (e.g., chick’n, saus’ge).

Included in this report are foodservice market estimates for plant-based meat alternatives by meat type for the years 2018 to 2023 and forecasts from 2024 to 2029 and 2034. In addition, the report also examines the uncertain landscape for cell-cultured (or cultivated, lab-grown) meat products. The reasons for and implications of shifts in consumer perception and behavior are analyzed in the context of market opportunities for the future.

Also discussed are major competitors in the plant-based meat alternatives space, funding for plant-based meat alternatives and cultivated meat companies, and development of ingredients and new products. There are dozens of tables in the report showcasing survey data on consumer demographics and psychographics and numerous marketing photographs.

  • Executive Summary
    • Concerns about Health, Animal Welfare, and the Environment Are Causing People to Turn to Plant-Forward Diets and Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
    • Historical Plant-Based Meat Alternative Sales Trends
    • The Future for Plant-Based Meat Products
    • Expanding Product Assortment Creating New Opportunities for Growth
    • Scope
  • Recent Historical Trends
    • Highlights
    • Pandemic-Era Effects on the Meat Industry
      • Consumers Have Become More Aware of How Meat Is Processed
      • Meat Plant Closures During the Pandemic
      • Increasing Meat Prices and Supply Shortages Can Make Plant-Based Meat More Attractive to Some Consumers
    • Rising Prices: From Supply Chain Crunches to Inflation
      • Table Consumer Concerns about Rising Food Prices, 2021 – 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Cutting Back on Household Expenses
        • Table Consumers Cutting Back on Household Expenses in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Types of Household Expenses Cut Back on in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Spending on “Extras”, 2023 – 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Private Labels Are More Desirable as Prices Rise
      • The Vast Majority of Consumers Have Noticed the Rising Cost of Food, and Many Are Changing Their Purchasing Decisions
      • Consumers Find Price More Important for Food Purchase Decisions in 2024
    • Snacking and Healthy Eating Habits
      • Snacking Trends Are Important to Plant-Based Foods
      • Trends in 2022
      • Changes to Snacking Habits in 2023
        • Table Current Snacking Activity Compared to Pre-Pandemic Levels, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Dining Out
      • Consumers Were Still Holding off on Dining Out in 2021 and 2022
      • 2023 Trends Result from Inflation and Changed Habits
    • Food Carryout, Delivery, Online Grocery Shopping, and Convenience Food Options
      • The COVID-19 Pandemic Was the Jumpstart the Online Grocery Market Needed
      • Impact on the Plant-Based Food Market
      • Activity in 2022
      • Activity in 2023 and 2024
        • Table Consumer Use of Food Ordering Methods in the Last 12 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Frequency of Food Ordering Methods in the Last 3 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers who have used each method in the last 12 months)
        • Table Consumer Frequency of Food Ordering Habits Now Compared to 12 Months Ago, 2024 (percent of consumers who have used each method in the last 12 months)
        • Table Consumer Expected Changes to the Frequency of Food Ordering Habits in the Next 12 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Work Habits
      • Food Trends in the Context of Changes to Work
      • Changes to Work Patterns Continued in 2022
      • Working from Home in 2023
        • Table Ability to Work from Home and Frequency of Remote Work, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Rating of Experiences Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers who have ever had each experience)
        • Table Consumer Opinions on Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of employed consumers)
      • Work Habits in 2024
        • Table Where Time Is Spent during a Typical Work Week, 2024 (percent of employed consumers)
      • Typical Work Arrangements
    • Changes to Travel Habits
      • Table Changes in Work and Leisure Travel Activity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Beyond the Pandemic Era: Future Concerns, Vaccines, and Sticky Habits
      • Concerns about COVID-19 Variants
      • Concerns about Future Potential Pandemic Outbreaks
        • Table Future Potential Pandemic Outbreak Concerns, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Vaccination for the Flu and COVID-19
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Plans, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Rates, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Some Consumers Are Continuing to Wear Masks in Public and to Avoid Crowds
        • Table Consumer Habits Regarding Masks, Crowds, and Testing for COVID-19, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Negative Personal Effects of the Pandemic
      • Mental and Physical Health Effects in 2022
      • Reporting Negative Mental States in 2023
      • Continuing Mental and Physical Health Effects in 2024
        • Table Current Feelings on Mental and Physical Symptoms Compared to “Normal” or Preferred Level, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Stress Levels and Impact on Food/Beverage Consumption
  • Overview and Market Trends
    • Highlights
    • Wins for Plant-Based Meat Suppliers Facing Definitional Challenges
    • Animal Welfare & Environmental Issues Surrounding Meat and Poultry
      • More Consumers Want Animals Raised for Food to Be Treated Humanely
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Humane Treatment of Animals Raised for Food, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • USDA Publishes New Rule on Organic Livestock Requirements
      • “Humane” Claims May Signify No Meaningful Difference in Production Methods
      • Meat and Poultry Agriculture and Environmental Issues Intertwined
    • Seafood Also Presents Issues, Although They Differ from Meat and Poultry
    • Trends in Meat and Seafood
      • Most Households Purchase Meat, and Strong Majorities of Consumers Consume Meat
      • Raising Animals More Naturally and Ethical Meat Consumption
      • Per Capita Meat Consumption Expected to Decline Slightly in 2025
        • Table Per Capita Meat Disappearance, 2018-2023, 2024E, 2025P (pounds)
      • Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Shipments
        • Table Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Shipments, 2018-2023, 2024E, 2028P (billion dollars and billion 2017 dollars at the manufacturer level)
      • Seafood Seen as Healthier than Meat
      • A “Reducetarian” Mindset is Growing Among Consumers Who Eat Meat (&It’s Not Just Among Flexitarians)
      • Cultured Meat and Meat Alternatives Could Come to Overtake the Conventional Meat Market
    • Clean Label Trends
      • There Is No Single Universal Definition of “Clean Label”
      • Popular Media Effects on Food Perceptions: Healthfulness, Safety, Environmental Sustainability, and Human and Animal Welfare Are Scrutinized
      • Different Levels of Processing
      • Some Plant-Based Meat Products Are Shedding the Image of Being Highly Processed
      • Companies Are Investing in Blockchain and Big Data to Satisfy Consumer Desires for Transparency
      • Consumers Think Small and Medium Businesses Have More Credibility
    • Convenient Meals Can Be the Ultimate Selling Point for Busy Consumers
      • Online Grocery
      • Prepared Meals and Convenience Foods at Retail
      • Meal Kits
      • Meal Delivery Services
  • Special Diets and Eating Trends
    • Highlights
    • Following Specific Eating Patterns/Diets
      • Special Eating Restrictions and Preferences Followed
        • Table Special Eating Restrictions and Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Younger Consumers and Those with Higher Incomes Are More Likely to Follow a Special Diet
      • Priorities Placed on Food Characteristics
        • Table Priorities Placed on Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Clean Label Priorities Placed on Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Motivations for Following Specific Eating Patterns
    • Plant-Forward Diets (Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, and Flexitarian)
      • Vegan
      • Vegetarian
      • Pescatarian
      • Flexitarian
      • Omnivore
      • Plant-Based Eating and Sustainability Are Buzzwords Important to the General Public
      • Penetration of Plant-Forward Eating Patterns
        • Table Prevalence of Plant-Forward Eating Habits/Diet Control, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Prevalence of Plant-Forward Eating Habits/Diet Control, 2019-2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Who Is the Target Audience for Plant-Based Meat Alternatives?
      • Reasoning for Plant-Based Eating Choices
        • Table Primary Eating Philosophy and Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Factors that Affect Diet, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Factors Strongly or Somewhat Affecting the Choice to Consume Plant-Based Meat Alternatives, 2024 (percent of plant-based meat consumers)
        • Table Agreement on Statements about Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, and Seafood, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Reasons for Not Consuming Plant-Based Meat Alternatives, 2024 (percent of consumers who do not eat plant-based meat products)
        • Table Reasons Consumers Are Not Open to Trying Cultivated, Cruelty-Free Meat Products, 2024 (percent of consumers not open to trying any of cultivated meat, poultry, or seafood products)
    • Mindful and Intuitive Eating
      • Definition
      • Motivations for Practicing Mindful Eating
      • Frequency of Feelings and Behaviors Associated with Mindful and Intuitive Eating Patterns
      • Relationship with Food
    • Food Allergies, Intolerances/Sensitivities, and Other Dietary Restrictions
      • Food Allergies and Intolerances Among Consumers
      • Commonly Avoided Ingredients and Allergens Are Often Used in Plant-Based Meat
      • Consumers Following Plant-Forward Diets Are More Likely to Report Food Allergies or Intolerances
        • Table Food Allergies, Gluten Intolerance, and Lactose Intolerance by Primary Diet/Eating Philosophy and Use of Plant-Based Milk and Burger Alternatives, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Snacking Trends
      • Frequency of Snacking
        • Table Frequency of Snacking Habits on a Typical Weekday, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Frequency of Snacking More Than Once a Day or Eating Breakfast, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Snacking Demographics
        • Table Always or Usually Eating Breakfast or Snacking More Than Once a Day by Demographic, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Always or Usually Eating Breakfast or Snacking More Than Once a Day by Plant-Based Demographic, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Reasons for Snacking
        • Table Reasons for Snacking, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Preferred Types of Snacks
        • Table Preferred Types of Snacks, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • “Snackification” of Meals
      • Product Examples
    • Nutrients Sought by Consumers
      • Consumers Continue to Seek Out Protein Sources
      • Sources Used to Consume Nutrients
      • Health Benefits Sought
      • Actions Taken to Avoid or Limit Saturated Fat
      • Sugars, Sweeteners, and Artificial Ingredients
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Sugars and Avoidance of Ingredients, 2024 (percent of consumers)
  • Market Size and Forecast
    • Highlights
    • Retail Sales of Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Products
      • Scope
      • Sales by Type
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Product Type, 2018-2024E (million dollars)
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Product Type, 2024E, 2025P-2029P, 2034P (million dollars)
      • Beef
      • Chicken
      • Pork
      • Veggie/Fruit Specified
      • Non-Specified Meat
      • Turkey
      • Seafood
      • Other Plant-Based Meat
      • Sales by Form
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Form, 2018-2024E (million dollars)
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Form, 2024E, 2025P-2029P, 2034P (million dollars)
      • Sales by Storage Method
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Storage Method, 2018-2024E (million dollars)
        • Table Plant-Based Meat Sales by Storage Method, 2024E, 2025P-2029P, 2034P (million dollars)
    • Foodservice Demand for Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Products
      • Scope
      • Sales by Type
        • Table Foodservice Demand for Plant-Based Meat by Product Type, 2018-2024E (million dollars)
        • Table Foodservice Demand for Plant-Based Meat by Product Type, 2024E, 2025P-2029P, 2034P (million dollars)
    • The Uncertain Landscape for Cell-Cultured (or Cultivated, Lab- Grown) Meat Products
      • Scope
      • The Beginning of Cultivated Meat Commercialization
      • A Pause on Cell-Cultured Meat
      • The Potential for Product Launches in the US – An Examination of Singapore
      • Challenges and Opportunities for Cultivated Meat
  • Market Leaders, Product Developments, and Innovations
    • Highlights
    • Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, &Seafood Brands
      • National Brands
        • Table Select Plant-Based Meat Companies/Brands by Products Offered and Founding Date
      • Private Labels
        • Table Select Plant-Based Meat Private Label Brands/Retailers by Products Offered
    • Incubators and Venture Capital Funds Helping Startup Companies Develop New Proteins
      • Table Select Incubators & Venture Capital Funds Active in the Alternative Protein Space
    • Funding for Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, &Seafood Companies
      • Table Investment in Select Plant-Based Meat & Ingredient Companies by Number of Funding Rounds and Latest Funding Round, (dollars in millions)
    • Funding for Cultivated/Cell-Based Meat, Poultry, &Seafood Companies
      • Table Investment in Select Cultivated Meat Companies by Number of Funding Rounds and Latest Funding Round (dollars in millions)
    • Comparison of Nutrition Information of Plant-Based Burgers
      • Table Comparison of Nutrition Information of Select Plant-Based Burgers, 2020
    • Ingredient Development
      • Ingredient Suppliers May Make Plant-Based Ingredients Used by Food Producers in Plant-Based Meat Products
      • Making Plant-Based Meat with a Cleaner Label
      • New Raw Materials and Processes Such as Fermentation Can Be Used to Develop Products That Better Mimic Conventional Animal Proteins
    • Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, &Seafood Market Leaders of Note
      • Before the Butcher
      • Beyond Meat
      • Gardein (Conagra Brands)
      • Good Catch Foods (Ahimsa Companies)
      • Impossible Foods
      • Lightlife Foods & Field Roast (Maple Leaf Foods)
      • MorningStar Farms, Incogmeato (Kellanova, formerly Kellogg)
      • Pure Farmland (Smithfield Foods)
      • Sweet Earth (Nestlé USA)
      • Tofurky (Morinaga Nutritional Foods)
      • Yves Veggie Cuisine (Hain Celestial)
  • Consumer Demographics: Who Eats Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, or Seafood Alternatives, and Who Is Open to Trying Cultivated Meat Products?
    • Highlights
    • Use of Plant-Based Meat Products
      • Historical Trends on Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers
        • Table Household Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers, 2019-2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burger Brands Used
        • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen Burger Brands, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Frequency of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burger Use
        • Table Packages of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers Used in the Last 30 Days, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Use of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
        • Table Consumer Use of Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Alternatives by Type, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Use of Plant-Based Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Alternatives by Form and Storage Method, 2024 (percent of consumers who eat any plant-based meat products)
      • Where Consumers Buy Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
        • Table Types of Stores Where Consumers Buy Plant-Based Meat Alternatives, 2024 (percent of plant-based meat consumers)
      • Overlap with Use of Plant-Based Meat and Plant-Based Dairy Products
        • Table Overlap with Use of Plant-Based Burgers and Plant-Based Milk in the Last 6 Months, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Overlap with Use of Plant-Based Meat and Plant-Based Dairy, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated, Cruelty-Free Meat Products, 2022 and 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Plant-Forward Diets Followed
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Types of Plant-Based Meat Eaten, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Gender
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Gender, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Gender, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Gender, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Age Bracket
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Age Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Age Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Age Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • LGBT Consumers
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by LGBT Affiliation, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Patterns Based on Household Income
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Household Income Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Household Income Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Household Income Bracket, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Regional Differences
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by US Region, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Urban, Suburban, and Rural Consumers
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by County Size, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Urban/Suburban/Rural Living, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Urban/Suburban/Rural Living, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Educational Attainment
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Educational Attainment, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Educational Attainment, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Educational Attainment, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Presence of Children in the Household
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Parenthood, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Presence of Children in the HH, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Presence of Children in the HH, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Race/Ethnicity
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Race/Ethnicity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Race/Ethnicity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Race/Ethnicity, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Online Grocery Shoppers (Food Delivery and Pickup Services)
      • Table Use of Vegetarian Frozen or Refrigerated Burgers and Following of Plant-Forward Diets by Use of Online Grocery Delivery Services in the Last 30 Days, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Use of Plant-Based Meat Products by Use of Online Grocery Websites in the Last 30 Days, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Openness to Trying Cultivated/Cruelty-Free Products by Use of Online Grocery Websites in the Last 30 Days, 2024 (percent of consumers)
  • Consumer Psychographics and Motivations for Eating Choices
    • Highlights
    • Consumers Who Eat Plant-Based Meat Products or Follow Plant- Forward Diets Are More Likely to Shop at Premium Grocers
      • Table Grocery Purchases from Selected Retailers in the Last 30 Days by Type of Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Grocery Shopping and Eating Habits
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Grocery Shopping and Eating Habits, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Grocery Shopping and Eating Habits, 2024 (percent of consumers who always or usually follow each behavior)
    • Cooking Skills
      • Table Consumer Confidence with Cooking Skills, 2024 (percent of consumers)
    • Organic Food Purchases
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Organic Food Purchases, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Organic Food Purchases, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
    • Food Processing and Clean Ingredients and Labels
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Clean Ingredients, Food Processing, and Labels, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Clean Ingredients, Food Processing, and Labels, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
    • Willingness to Pay More for Premium Food Characteristics
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Willingness to Pay More for Premium Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Willingness to Pay More for Premium Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
    • Humane Treatment of Animals and Local Sourcing
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Animal Products and Humane Treatment of Animals, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Animal Products and Humane Treatment of Animals, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
    • Sustainability Trends
      • What Consumers Think about Sustainability Issues and Sustainable Lifestyles
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Sustainability, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Sustainability, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
        • Table Importance of Practices When Living a Sustainable Lifestyle, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Importance of Practices When Living a Sustainable Lifestyle, 2024 (percent of consumers who think each practice is important)
      • Recycling and Composting Services
        • Table Consumer Access to Recycling and Composting Services, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Usage Frequency of Recycling and Composting Services, 2024 (percent of consumers who report using each service)
      • Thoughts on Packaging and Waste
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Recycling and Packaging Materials, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Agreement on Statements about Recycling and Packaging Materials, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree)
        • Table Packaging Types Considered Most Eco-Friendly, 2024 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Importance of Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Packaging Characteristics, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Consumers Think that Environmental Responsibility Is Personal
        • Table Environmental Attitudes among Organic/Natural Food Consumers, 2024 (percent of consumers who completely agree)
    • Consumer Attitudes on Food and Health
      • Cooking Attitudes
        • Table Cooking Attitudes by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Attitudes on Convenience Foods, Being Busy, and Stress
        • Table Attitudes on Convenience Foods, Being Busy, and Stress by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Nutrition and Health Attitudes
        • Table Nutrition and Health Attitudes by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Attitudes on Premium Foods and Paying for Food
        • Table Attitudes on Premium Foods and Paying for Food by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Openness to New Food Experiences
        • Table Attitudes on Openness to New Food Experiences by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Attitudes on Exercise and Alternative Medicine
        • Table Attitudes on Exercise, Mental Health, and Alternative Medicine by Plant-Forward Diets Followed, 2024 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
    • Consumer Perceptions of Processed Foods and Healthy Foods
      • Preferences for Product Labels Show “Natural”, “Organic”, and “Healthy” Increase Consumer Confidence in Food Safety
      • Many Consumers Limit Purchases of Processed Foods, But Most People Still Eat Them
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Processed Foods, 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • A Large Segment of the Population Avoids Added Sugars and Artificial Ingredients
        • Table Consumer Opinions about Added Sugar, Refined Sugar, and Artificial Ingredients 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Why People Eat Packaged Foods
      • Most People Say Eating a Healthy Diet Is Important to Them
      • Consumers Are More Likely to Consider Organic Foods and Foods without Artificial Ingredients or Additives to Be Healthy
      • People Use Similar Label Indicators to Determine Healthfulness of Foods When Dining Out
      • The Majority of Consumers Consider How Food Is Grown
      • Eating Fruits and Vegetables and Practicing Balance Are Most Important to Eating Healthier
      • Fitting Processed Foods into a Healthy Diet
      • Confusion on What “Processed Food” Means
      • Types of Foods Considered to Be Processed

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