Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low-Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities, 2nd Edition

Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low-Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities, 2nd Edition

In recent years, high protein and low-carb eating has been popular among people trying to lose weight or generally improve their health. Several specific eating programs, such as the ketogenic and paleo diets, also emphasize low carbohydrate consumption as a component of a larger nutritional or lifestyle regimen.In general, eating too many calories from any type of food can cause weight gain because unused food energy is stored in the body. However, over the past several decades, consumer ire has shifted from high fat eating to excess consumption of sugars and carbohydrates as the main contributors to weight gain. Viewing sugars or carbs as “the enemy” has led many people to follow diets that reduce or eschew them, including the newer paleo and keto diets, as well as diets that were developed much earlier, such as the Atkins and South Beach diets. Many consumers think that these diets can help prevent weight gain because they are “better for you”.

As consumer interest in keto and paleo diets has risen, many new food and diet products have been released with keto and paleo label claims. Such products have a perception of being healthier/better for losing weight, and are therefore being sought out by consumers who are not following a specific diet but are instead seeking to increase protein intake and reduce sugar/carb consumption.

Opportunities exist in developing food and beverage product lines that specifically target keto and paleo dieters. However, potential gains for products that feature more general low-carb or high protein labeling are even greater: Packaged Facts survey results indicate that more than half of consumers view high protein designations as a high priority on food labels, while 30% place a high priority on low-carb food labels. This is much greater than the percentages of consumers who place a high priority on keto or paleo labeling.

With a focus on “what’s next” and current consumer trends, Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities is packed with insights about consumer trends, behavior, and motivations to help food producers, retailers, packaging companies, employers, and investors gauge consumer perspectives and find areas for growth in a competitive market.Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities delivers actionable predictions and recommendations designed to guide producers, retailers, and investors in making business decisions by providing data and insights about consumer behavior and what consumers think about low-carb/high protein diets and foods marketed for these diets.


Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities is the go-to source for a complete understanding of U.S. consumer trends regarding keto, paleo, Atkins, South Beach, Whole30, and other low-carb diets. This report combines Packaged Facts’ extensive monitoring of the food and beverage market with proprietary surveys, and evaluates current trends and future directions for marketing and retailing, along with consumer patterns during the pandemic and inflation area and across the broader food and beverage market.

This Packaged Facts report examines the dynamics of the current landscape for consumer trends in the high protein/low carb and keto and paleo markets.

The keto (or ketogenic) diet mandates very low carbohydrate intake, high fat, and adequate protein content. The strictness of this diet is intended to bring the body into ketosis for faster weight loss. It forces the body to burn fat by making carbohydrates scarce. This diet tends to be the lowest in carbohydrate content compared to other low-carb diets.

The paleo (or Paleolithic) diet, also called the “caveman diet” or the “stone age diet”, consists of foods that may have (or could have) been eaten by our Paleolithic counterparts. There are different variants of the diet, with some being fully plant-based and some featuring animal products. The diet encourages adherents to avoid processed foods and opt instead for whole options like vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, eggs, meat, and seafood. Besides the broad category of “processed”, forbidden foods include dairy products, grains, added/refined sugars, legumes, salt, alcohol, and coffee.

Although the paleo diet is not specifically low-carb, in practice the allowed foods tend to provide fewer carbohydrates and more protein and fat content than standard American diets.

Low-carb diets including keto, paleo, Atkins, South Beach, Whole30, and general low-carb diets are analyzed. This report considers both packaged foods and beverages with paleo and keto claims, as well as whole foods that fit with these eating styles. Consumer demographics, perceptions, motivations, and attitudes on food, diet, and health are considered.

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumers are also analyzed in a broad sense, as well as in the context of following a keto or paleo diet.

The reasons for and implications of shifts in consumer perception and behavior are analyzed in the context of present and future market opportunities.

Additionally, Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities has dozens of tables highlighting numerical survey data on household product usage and consumer demographics and psychographics as well as numerous marketing photographs. This report goes in-depth on COVID-19 and inflation trends that have affected the food and beverage market.

Report Methodology

The information contained in Keto and Paleo Consumers: High Protein/Low Carb Diet Trends and Opportunities was developed from primary and secondary research sources. Primary research includes interviews with food and beverage market experts; participation in and attendance at food industry events; and extensive internet canvassing.

Primary research also includes national online consumer polls of U.S. adult consumers (age 18+) conducted on an ongoing basis by Packaged Facts to analyze attitudes of consumers and their relevant food and beverage preferences.

Survey data from MRI-Simmons are used to analyze the demographics and psychographics of consumers following special diets including keto, paleo, Atkins, South Beach, and Whole30.

Supplementing Packaged Facts’ exclusive surveys are analysis of the 2022 and 2023 Food & Health Surveys conducted by the International Food Information Council, which analyze consumer food purchase decisions, diet and lifestyle choices, snacking activity, and perception of health benefits in foods.

  • Executive Summary
    • Keto and Paleo Diets and Low-Carb/High Protein Eating
    • Recent Trends in Dieting and Interest in Weight Maintenance/Weight Loss
    • Various High-Protein/Low-Carb Eating Plans Appeal to Different Demographics
    • Scope
  • Recent Historical Trends from the Pandemic to the Inflation Era
    • Highlights
    • Boosted Online Grocery Shopping Activity
      • Activity Spiked in 2020 during the Early Part of the Pandemic
        • Table Coronavirus Food Purchase Habits: "Because of the coronavirus, I am…", 2020 - 2021 (percent of consumers)
      • Many Consumers Continued Ordering More Groceries Online in 2021 and 2022
      • Frequency of Grocery Shopping in 2023: In-Person vs. Online
      • Use of Meal Kit Delivery Services
    • Many Consumers Are Still Holding off on Dining Out
    • Increased Use of Food Carryout and Delivery and Convenience Food Options
    • Snacking and Healthy Eating Habits
      • Trends from 2021-2022
        • Table Coronavirus Eating Habits: "Because of the coronavirus, I am eating more…", 2021 (percent of consumers)
      • Changes to Snacking Habits in 2023
        • Table Current Snacking Activity Compared to Pre-Pandemic Levels, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Concerns about COVID-19 Exposure Have Remained
      • Most Still Consider the Pandemic a Health Threat Personally or to Family/Friends
        • Table Coronavirus Health Concerns: "I am concerned about…", 2020 - 2021 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Coronavirus Health Concerns: "I am concerned about…", 2022 - 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Concerns about COVID-19 Variants
      • Concerns about Future Potential Pandemic Outbreaks
        • Table Future Potential Pandemic Outbreak Concerns, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Vaccination Plans Reveal Many Consumers Are Taking COVID-19 and the Flu Seriously, Though Fewer May Be Getting Vaccinated Than Who Report Concerns
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Plans, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Keto and Paleo Dieters Express More Pandemic Concerns and Are More Likely to Be Getting the Newest COVID-19 Booster in 2023
        • Table Coronavirus Health Concerns: "I am concerned about…" by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Plans by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who have already gotten vaccines or will definitely get them by the end of 2023)
    • Negative Personal Effects of the Pandemic
      • Negative Effects Reported in 2020 and 2021
        • Table Coronavirus Concerns: "The coronavirus has negatively affected my…", 2020 - 2021 (percent of consumers)
      • Continuing Mental and Physical Health Effects
      • Stress Levels and Impact on Food/Beverage Consumption
    • Near Term Effects on Work Habits
      • Changes to Work Patterns Continued in 2021 and 2022
      • Working from Home in 2023
        • Table Ability to Work from Home and Frequency of Remote Work, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Rating of Experiences Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of consumers who have ever had each experience)
        • Table Consumer Opinions on Working at a Co-Working Space or Working from Home, 2023 (percent of employed consumers)
    • Rising Prices: From Supply Chain Crunches to Inflation
      • Many Consumers Are Concerned about Inflation and Rising Food Prices
        • Table Consumer Concerns about Rising Food Prices, 2021 - 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • The Vast Majority of Consumers Have Noticed the Rising Cost of Food, and Many Are Changing Their Purchasing Decisions
      • Consumers Find Price More Important for Food Purchase Decisions in 2023
      • Cutting Back on Household Expenses
        • Table Consumers Cutting Back on Household Expenses in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Types of Household Expenses Cut Back on in the Last 12 Months, 2022 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Spending on "Extras", 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Food Shortages: Supply Chains Challenge Brands and Products
      • Concerns about Food Shortages
        • Table Consumer Concerns about Food Shortages, 2021 - 2022 (percent of consumers)
      • Stockpiling of Food and Beverage Items
        • Table Consumer Stockpiling of Food and Beverage Products, 2022 (percent of consumers)
  • Overview and Market Trends
    • Highlights
    • Keto, Paleo, Low-Carb, and High Protein Diets
      • Special Diet Characteristics
      • Familiarity with Special Diets
        • Table Familiarity with Special Diets, 2021, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Food Allergies, Intolerances/Sensitivities, and Other Dietary Restrictions
      • Prevalence
      • Rising Rates of Reported Food Allergies and Lactose Intolerance over Time
        • Table Food Allergies and Lactose Intolerance, 2018 - 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Food Preferences and Allergies/Intolerances
        • Table Foods that Consumers Generally Eat, Generally Don't Like, or Are Allergic or Intolerant/Sensitive to by Type, 2022 (percent of consumers)
      • Purchases of Foods with Allergy-Friendly Labels
      • Many Consumers Purchase Allergy-Friendly Foods for Reasons Other Than an Allergy or Intolerance
    • Plant-Based and Plant-Forward Trends
      • Definitions
      • Plant-Based Eating and Sustainability Are Buzzwords Important to the General Public
      • One-Fourth of Consumers Claim to Primarily Follow a Flexitarian Diet in 2023
      • A "Reducetarian" Mindset is Growing Among Consumers Who Eat Animal Products (and It's Not Just Among Flexitarians)
    • Snacking Trends
      • Most Consumers Snack Daily
      • Preferred Types of Snacks
        • Table Preferred Types of Snacks, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • "Snackification" of Meals
      • When Consumers Snack Throughout the Day
      • What Consumers Snack on in the Morning and the Evening/Late Night
      • Product Examples
    • The COVID-19 Pandemic Was the Jumpstart the Online Grocery Market Needed
      • Impact on the Keto and Paleo Market
    • Nutrients and Ingredients Sought by Consumers
      • Protein Is the Most Popular Nutrient That People Try to Consume
      • Sources Used to Consume Nutrients
      • Consumers Report Increasing Consumption of Protein from Poultry and Whole-Plant Sources
      • Functional Health Benefits
      • Avoiding or Limiting Sugar Intake
      • Reasons for Avoiding or Limiting Sugar Intake
      • Sugar Continues to Be Preferred Over Low/No-Calorie Sweeteners
        • Table Preferences for Sweetener Types, 2022 (percent of consumers)
      • Many Sweeteners Are Considered Unsafe by Consumers
      • Avoiding or Limiting Sodium
      • Information Consumers Seek Out on Nutrition Facts Labels
    • Mindful and Intuitive Eating
      • Definition
      • How People Are Practicing Mindful and Intuitive Eating
      • Relation to Low-Carb and High Protein Diets
      • Dieting Activity
      • Frequency of Feelings and Behaviors Associated with Mindful and Intuitive Eating Patterns
      • Consumer Mindfulness Index
    • Concerns about Food Waste
      • Most Consumers Are Concerned about Food Waste
        • Table Levels of Concern about the Environment and Sources of Food Waste, 2022 (percent of consumers)
      • How Consumers Reduce Food Waste
      • Opportunities for Low-Carb and Keto/Paleo Foods
  • Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb Trends
    • Highlights
    • Outlook for Keto and Paleo Food Market
    • "Better-for-You" Trends
      • Clean Label Trends
      • Organic and Non-GMO
      • Sugar-Free/No Sugar Added Products and Alternative Sweeteners
      • Addition of Nuts, Fruit, Seeds, and "Superfoods" for Increased Nutrition
      • Vegan/Plant-Based Products Appeals to Those Looking to Eat a Plant-Forward Diet
      • Grass-Fed
    • Functional Foods and Beverages
    • Home Baking Trends
    • Direct-to Consumer (DTC) and Online Marketing
      • New Companies and Products with Niche Appeal May Choose DTC Channels
      • Subscriptions Save Consumers Money and Boost Sales
      • Private Labels
    • In-Store Purchasing Trends
      • Retail Stores Rely More On Impulse Purchases
      • Bringing Product Claims Front and Center
      • Private Label Products Are a Driver of Store Traffic and Retailer Loyalty
  • Consumer Demographics
    • Highlights
    • Prevalence of Paleo and Keto Diets and Interest in High Protein and Low-Carb Foods and Diets
      • Table Frequency of Following Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Diets, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Statements about Looking for and Paying More for Foods Based on Keto and Paleo Labels, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Priorities Placed on Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb Food Labels 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Gender
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Gender, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Gender, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Trends by Age Bracket and Generation
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Age Bracket, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Generation, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Age Bracket, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Patterns Based on Household Income
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Household Income Bracket, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Household Income Bracket, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Regional Differences
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by US Region, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by US Region, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Urban, Suburban, and Rural Consumers
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by County Size, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Urban, Suburban, or Rural Living, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Educational Attainment
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Educational Attainment, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Educational Attainment, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Presence of Children in the Household and Marital/Partnership Status
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Presence of Children in the Household and Parenthood, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Parenthood and Marital/Partnership Status, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Race/Ethnicity
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Race/Ethnicity, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Race/Ethnicity, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Plant-Forward Consumers
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Primary Diet/Eating Philosophy, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Primary Diet/Eating Philosophy, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Online Grocery Shoppers (Food Delivery and Pickup Services)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, or Whole30 Diets; Buying Food Labeled High Protein or Low- Carb by Use of Online Grocery Delivery Services, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Following Keto, Paleo, or Low-Carb Diets; Keto, Paleo, High Protein, and Low-Carb High Priorities; Look for or Would Pay More for Keto or Paleo Foods by Shopping Online for Groceries in the Last 30 Days, 2023 (percent of consumers)
  • Consumer Psychographics
    • Highlights
    • Special Eating Restrictions or Preferences
      • Table Extent to Which Consumers Report Following a Special Diet, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Table Special Diets Followed by Consumers, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Levels of Stress, Anxiety, Tiredness, and Loneliness
      • Table "Please rate how you currently feel in these areas (stress, tiredness, anxiety, loneliness), compared to your `normal' or preferred level", by Gender and Age Bracket, 2023 (percent of respondents who reported feeling more of these characteristics)
      • Table "Please rate how you currently feel in these areas (stress, tiredness, anxiety, loneliness), compared to your `normal' or preferred level", by Household Income Bracket and Work from Home Status, 2023 (percent of respondents who reported feeling more of these characteristics)
      • Table "Please rate how you currently feel in these areas (stress, tiredness, anxiety, loneliness), compared to your `normal' or preferred level", by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of respondents who reported feeling more of these characteristics)
    • Some Consumers Who Do Not Follow the Keto or Paleo Diet Look for Keto and Paleo Labels and Would Pay More for These Products
      • Table Statements about Keto and Paleo Foods, 2023 (percent of consumers)
    • Food Attitudes
      • Priorities Placed on Food Characteristics
        • Table Priorities Placed on Foods, 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Carbs and Proteins
        • Table Statements about Carbohydrates and Protein, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Statements about Carbohydrates and Protein by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree)
      • Food Restrictions and Nutritional Benefits
        • Table Statements about Nutritional Benefits and Food Restrictions, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Statements about Nutritional Benefits and Food Restrictions by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree)
      • Sweeteners and Low Calorie Products
        • Table Statements about Sweeteners and Low Calorie Products, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Statements about Sweeteners and Low Calorie Products by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree)
      • Snacking
        • Table Statements about Snacking, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Statements about Snacking by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree)
      • Cooking and Eating Out at Restaurants
        • Table Statements about Cooking and Eating Out at Restaurants, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
      • Premium Tastes and Openness to Novelty
        • Table Statements about Premium and Novel Food Preferences, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
        • Table Factors that Entice Consumers to Try New Foods, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Factors that Entice Consumers to Try New Foods by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (1 out of 3) (percent of consumers who say factors have strong impacts)
        • Table Factors that Entice Consumers to Try New Foods by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (continued, 2 out of 3) (percent of consumers who say factors have strong impacts)
        • Table Factors that Entice Consumers to Try New Foods by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (continued, 3 out of 3) (percent of consumers who say factors have strong impacts)
        • Table Interest in Food Concepts, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Interest in Food Concepts by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who are very interested)
      • Food Nutrition and Buying Food on Sale
        • Table Statements about Food Nutrition and Buying Food on Sale, 2023 (percent of consumers who agree completely)
    • Shopping Behavior
      • Meal Planning and Impulse Purchases
        • Table Statements about Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Statements about Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who usually or always report each activity)
      • Grocery Store Sections Shopped
        • Table Frequency of Shopping in Grocery Store Sections, 2023 (percent of consumers)
        • Table Frequency of Shopping in Grocery Store Sections by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (1 out of 3) (percent of consumers who shop each section at least nearly every trip)
        • Table Frequency of Shopping in Grocery Store Sections by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (continued, 2 out of 3) (percent of consumers who shop each section at least nearly every trip)
        • Table Frequency of Shopping in Grocery Store Sections by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (continued, 3 out of 3) (percent of consumers who shop each section at least nearly every trip)
    • Cooking Skills
      • Confidence Level and Self-Rating of Cooking Skills
        • Table Consumer Confidence Level and Self-Rating of Cooking Skills, 2023 (percent of consumers) Confidence Level and Self-Rating of Cooking Skills
        • Table Consumer Confidence Level and Self-Rating of Cooking Skills by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023 (percent of consumers who rate themselves highly)
      • Use of Microwave Ovens
        • Table Frequency of Microwave Oven Use by Keto, Paleo, and Low-Carb Dieting and Food Priorities, 2023(percent of consumers)
        • Table How Consumers Use Microwave Ovens, 2023 (percent of consumers who use microwave ovens)

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