Cats: US Pet Market Trends and Opportunities, 2nd Edition

Cats: US Pet Market Trends and Opportunities, 2nd Edition

As the second largest component of the U.S. pet industry by animal type, cats are a $43 billion market—representing 30% of total 2023 pet industry sales of $145 billion—and are poised to account for an even larger share of the business in the years ahead. As personal companions, cats stack up favorably against dogs on numerous fronts as smaller and generally easier to manage fur babies. Cats are typically lower-cost options compared to dogs, which is especially appealing for economically challenged households, and require less space for those with smaller homes or no backyards.

The US pet industry has long been overtly canine-centric, and this bias has not been lost on cat owners eager for additional product and service options. Marketers and retailers are realizing the drawback to this approach as the recent decline in the dog population has put a damper on sales. The greatest overarching opportunity for cat market advancement is therefore also the most obvious one: focus on felines. This Packaged Facts report, Cats: US Pet Market Trends and Opportunities, 2nd Edition, does just that, completely updated for the 2024 pet market environment, exploring trends and opportunities with a spotlight on cats, covering all four sectors of the industry—pet food, non-food pet supplies, veterinary services, and non-medical services. The report covers trends in product and service innovation, retailing, industry investment, and technology, along with a detailed look at cat ownership and cat owner demographics.

Scope of Report

This report examines growth and development opportunities in pet market products and services for cats, covering all four sectors of the U.S. pet industry—pet food, non-food pet supplies, the veterinary sector, and non-medical services. Topics addressed include product and service innovation, industry investment, technology, retailing, and cat ownership and cat owner demographics.

Report Methodology

The information contained in this report was obtained from primary and secondary research. Our primary research consumer analysis draws mainly on two sources:

Packaged Facts’ Surveys of Pet Owners, primarily the one conducted in January 2024. This survey has a sample of 1,600 US respondents aged 18 or over who, in aggregate, are representative of the primary demographic measures of the US Census Bureau including gender, age bracket, race/ethnicity, geographic region, household income bracket, and presence of children in the household.

MRI-Simmons booklet-based consumer surveys of a large and random sample of approximately 50,000 consumers through Winter 2023, who in aggregate represent a statistically accurate cross-section of the US population. Note that MRI-Simmons releases correspond to an approximately 12- to 14-month roll-up of survey fielding ending in the quarter indicated; the respondents and results for adjacent surveys are therefore partially overlapping, rather than mutually exclusive.

Our primary research also includes interviews with pet market experts and participation in pet industry events like the American Pet Products Association’s Global Pet Expo and Petfood Industry/Watt Publishing’s Petfood Forums. The analysis also reflects on-site examination of retail and service provider venues and online canvassing.

Secondary research includes information- and data-gathering from consumer business and trade publications, including Pet Age, Pet Business, Pet Product News International, and Petfood Industry; company profiles in trade and consumer publications; annual reports of companies in the pet market; and information culled from Packaged Facts’ extensive pet market research database and report collection. Our estimates of market size and company performance are based on reported revenues of pet product manufacturers, retailers, and pet services providers; background sales data from syndicated sales-tracking sources; surveys of independent and chain pet store retailers; government data including US Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Surveys; and figures from other market research sources.

  • Executive Summary
    • Market Overview
      • Scope of Report
      • Report Methodology
      • Cats in Context
      • Cats by the Numbers: Population Overview
      • Cats by the Numbers: Dollar Spending
      • Cat Owner Demographics
    • Pet Food
      • Introduction
      • Opportunities
    • Non-Food Pet Supplies
      • Introduction
      • Opportunities
    • Veterinary Sector
      • Introduction
      • Opportunities
    • Non-Medical Pet Services
      • Introduction
      • Opportunities
  • Market Overview
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Cats in Context
      • Felines to the Fore
      • Companionship, Love Top Reasons for Pet Ownership
        • Table Top Reasons Why Pet Owners Have Their Pet: By Type of Pet, 2024 (percent of pet owners)
        • Table Top Reasons For Having Cats not Dogs, by Generation, 2024 (percent of owners of cats not dogs)
        • Table Top Reasons For Having Cats not Dogs, by Income, 2024 (percent of owners of cats not dogs)
        • Table Top Reasons For Not Having Pets, by Generation, 2024 (percent of non-pet owners)
        • Table Top Reasons For Not Having Pets, by Income, 2024 (percent of non-pet owners)
      • Pet Population Outlook: Declining Dog Population Shifts Focus to Cats
        • Table Dog- and Cat-Owning Household Population by Generational Cohort, 2019 – 2023 (thousand households and numerical/percent change)
        • Table Cat Ownership by Generation and Gender, 2015 – 2024 (percent and index)
      • Cats Owners Struggle With Rising Prices
        • Table Level of Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Pet Product Spending: Cat vs. Dog Owners, 2024 (percent of pet product shoppers)
      • Cat Owners Concerned About Food, Pet Food Prices
      • Challenges to Pet Ownership
      • Cats Central to Home Life
        • Table Level of Agreement with Statement, "I consider my cats/dogs to be part of the family", 2024 (percent of cat and dog owners)
        • Table Level of Agreement with Statement, "My pets are central to my home life", 2024 (percent of cat and dog owners)
      • Cats as Personal Healthcare
        • Table Level of Agreement with Statement, "My pets are important to my physical/mental health", 2024 (percent of dog and cat owners)
      • Cat Opportunities Getting More Spotlight
    • Cats by the Numbers: Population Overview
      • Cat vs. Dog Ownership Rates
      • Number of Cat-Owning Households
        • Table Number of Cat-Owning Households, 2006/07 - 2023/24 (every other year) (thousands)
      • Number of Pet Cats
        • Table Number of Pet Cats, 2018 – 2023 (millions)
      • Trends by Number of Cats Owned
      • Puppy vs. Kitten Adoption Trends
        • Table Number of US Households with Cats/Kittens vs. Dogs/Puppies, 2013 – 2024 (thousands)
        • Table Percentage of Cat-Owning Households With Kittens Under Age 1 or Senior Cats Age 7+, 2018 – 2024 (percent)
        • Table Number of Cat-Owning Households With Kittens Under Age 1 or Senior Cats Age 7+, 2018 – 2024 (thousands)
        • Table Household Ownership of Cats: By Age of Cats, 2023/24 (percent and number of cat-owning households)
      • Cat Acquisition Patterns
        • Table Most Recent Cat Acquisition, 2024 (percent of cat owners adding a cat to household in past 12 months)
        • Table Source of Most Recent Cat Acquisition, 2024 (percent of cat owners adding a cat to household in past 12 months)
        • Table Factors Playing a Role Most Recent Cat Acquisition, 2024 (percent of cat owners adding a cat to household in past 12 months)
      • Overweight and Special Needs Cats
        • Table Share of Cat Owners Who Report Having Overweight, Special Needs, or Handicapped Cats, 2021 vs. 2023 (percent)
      • Size of Cats Owned
    • Cats by the Numbers: Dollar Spending
      • Cats at 30% of Pet Market Sales
        • Table US Pet Market Sales by Sector and Animal Type, 2023 (billion dollars and percent share)
      • Average Spending by Cat Household and Per Cat
        • Table Dollar Sales Per Pet-, Cat-, and Dog-Owning Household by Sector, 2023
        • Table Dollar Sales Per Cat and Dog by Sector, 2023
    • Cat Owner Demographics
      • 10-Year Growth Demographics for Owning Cats
        • Table Key Growth Demographics for Cat Ownership, 2012/13 - 2023/24 (thousands and percent)
      • 5-Year Growth Demographics for Owning Cats
        • Table Key Growth Demographics for Cat Ownership, 2017/2018 - 2023/24 (percent and percentage point change)
      • 10-Year Growth Demographics for Owning 2 and 3+ Cats
        • Table Key Growth Demographics for Ownership of Two Cats, 2012/13 - 2023/24 (thousands and percent)
        • Table Key Growth Demographics for Ownership of Three or More Cats, 2012/13 - 2023/24 (thousands and percent)
      • Detailed Demographic Tables
        • Table Cat Ownership Rates by Demographic: By Number of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (percent)
        • Table Total Number of Cat Ownership by Demographic: By Number of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (thousands)
        • Table Cat Ownership Indexes by Demographic: By Number of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (index with base = 100)
        • Table Cat Ownership Rates by Demographic: By Age of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (percent)
        • Table Total Number of Cat Ownership by Demographic: By Age of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (thousands)
        • Table Cat Ownership Indexes by Demographic: By Age of Cats in Household, 2023/24 (index with base = 100)
  • Pet Food
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Introduction
      • Cats in Context
        • Table Dollar Sales of Pet Food Per Pet-Owning Household and Per Pet, Cats vs. Dogs, 2023
      • Smucker Downsizes Pet Food Portfolio
      • Purina Cat Chow Marks 60th Anniversary
      • Temptations Expands from Treats to Food
      • Wag! Launches Cat Food Advisor
    • Opportunities
      • An Underserved Community
      • Cat Preference Most Important Factor to Pet Food Choice
        • Table Strongest Influences on Most Recent Pet Food Purchase, 2023 (percent of pet food purchasers)
      • Cat Food Spending Patterns
      • E-commerce, Omnichannel/Omnimarket
        • Table Online Sales and Shares of Pet Food, Overall vs. Cat Food and Treats, 2020, 2023, and 2028P (million dollars and percent share)
      • Value for the Price
      • Pet Food: The No. 1 Pet Health Product
        • Table Level of Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Pet Food and Pet Health: Cat Owners vs. Dog Owners, 2023 (percent of cat and dog owners)
      • Usage Rates Stabilize Across Pet Food/Treat Types
        • Table Household Usage of Pet Food or Treats by Type in Last 6 Months, 2019 – 2023 (percent of cat/dog-owning households)
      • Alternative Pet Foods' Rising Appeal
        • Table Pet Food Usage by Formulation Type, 2024 (percent of cat and dog owners)
      • Fresh Pet Food Leaving Cats Behind
      • Functional, Science-Based, and Veterinary Diets
      • Sustainable Pet Food Formulas and Industry Initiatives
        • Table Level of Agreement with Selected Statements Related to Pet Food Sustainability and Eco-Consciousness, 2023 (percent of cat and dog food purchasers)
      • Focus on Cat Treats
  • Non-Food Pet Supplies
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Introduction
      • Cats in Context
        • Table Dollar Sales of Non-Food Pet Supplies Per Pet-Owning Household and Per Pet, Cats vs. Dogs, 2023
    • Opportunities
      • Pandemic Blowback in Non-Food Supplies Market
        • Table Important Factors When Selecting Which Pet Products to Purchase and Where to Purchase Them, 2024 (percent of cat owners)
      • Focus on Litter
        • Table Litter Usage Trends, 2017 – 2024 (percent and thousands of cat-owning households)
        • Table Cat Litter Usage in Last 12 Months, 2020 – 2023 (percent of cat-owning households)
        • Table Cat Owner Attitudes Toward Natural and Environmentally Friendly Litter Products, by Generation, 2023 (percent of cat owners)
      • Health & Wellness
        • Table Percentage and Number of Dog or Cat Owners Who Use Flea/Tick or Other Parasiticides, 2023/24 (percent and thousands of cat- or dog-owning households)
      • Over Half of Cat Owners Use Parasiticide Drops/Spot-Ons
        • Table Usage Rates of Parasiticides by Type, 2023/24 (percent of cat- and dog-owning households)
      • Home Centered Marketing and Product Design
      • Pet Tech/Technology Extends Omnimarket Reach
        • Table Agreement with Statement, "Technology is allowing me to save time on pet care": Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
        • Table Agreement with Statement, "Technology is allowing me to spend more quality time with my pets": Overall and by Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent of dog/cat owners)
        • Table Selected Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Smartphone Apps, 2024 (percent of cat owners)
  • Veterinary Sector
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Introduction
      • Cats in Context
        • Table Dollar Sales of Non-Food Pet Supplies Per Pet-Owning Household and Per Pet, Cats vs. Dogs, 2023
      • Veterinary Inflation Outpaces Sales Growth
    • Opportunities
      • Targeting Cat Owners
        • Table Veterinary Service Usage Rates: Overall and by Dog/Cat Ownership, 2019 – 2023 (percent of dog/cat owning households)
      • Competing in an Omnimarket Context
      • Targeting Millennials/Gen Z
        • Table Most Important Sources of Pet Care Information: By Generational Cohort, 2024 (percent)
      • Targeting New Pet Owners
    • Reasons for Veterinary Visits
      • Table Selected Reasons for Veterinary Visits: For Dogs vs. Cats, 2021 vs. 2022 (percent of veterinary customers)
      • Pet Wellness Plans
      • Types of Veterinary Clinics Visited
      • Telehealth Trends
      • Detailed Demographic Tables
        • Table Veterinary Service User Demographics: Owners of Cats but not Dogs, 2023/24 (percentages, number, and index)
  • Non-Medical Pet Services
    • Chapter Highlights
    • Introduction
      • Cats in Context
        • Table Pet Services Sales, 2020 - 2023, 2024P, 2028P (million dollars)
        • Table Change in Pet Services Sales, 2020 - 2023, 2024P, 2028P (percent)
      • Cats an Underserviced Market Segment
        • Table Pet Services Sales by Type: Cats vs. Dogs, 2023 (million dollars and percent share)
        • Table Dollar Sales of Pet Services by Service Category Per Pet-Owning Household and Per Pet: Cats vs. Dogs, 2023 (million dollars)
      • Low Levels of Household Usage Rates
        • Table Topline Usage Rates for Pet Grooming Services: By Combination of Cats or Dogs Owned, 2014/15 - 2023/24 (thousands)
      • Pet Services Usage by Type
        • Table Pet Services Usage Rates by Type: Overall and by Cat/Dog Ownership, 2019 – 2023 (percent of cat/dog owning households)
    • Opportunities
      • Economic Stress/Inflation Takes a Toll
        • Table Changes in Levels of Spending on Non-Medical Pet Services in Last 12 Months, 2021 – 2024 (percent of cat-owning pet services customers with 2+ years as pet owners)
      • Pet Insurance
      • Omniservice
        • Table Selected Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Pet Services, 2024 (percent of pet services customers)
      • Pet Sitting and Boarding
      • Affluent Households

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