US Beverage Market Outlook 2024 – Opportunities & Challenges With Pricing, Better-For-You Options, & More

US Beverage Market Outlook 2024 – Opportunities & Challenges With Pricing, Better-For-You Options, & More


This report focuses on the market for select packaged beverage products sold to consumers in the United States via retail channels. All retail distribution channels are covered, including supermarkets and grocery stores, mass merchandisers and supercenters, warehouse clubs, specialty food stores, health/natural food stores, convenience stores, drugstores, dollar stores, vending machines, and direct sales channels like online and mail order. Market size data are provided at the retail sales level for 2018-2023, and projections are provided for 2023-2028.

The product categories covered include:
  • carbonated beverages
  • coffee
  • dairy beverages/dairy alternatives
  • energy and sports drinks
  • juice
  • tea
  • water (bottled and enhanced)
Alcoholic beverages are excluded from this report.

  • Executive Summary
    • Beverage Trends
    • Scope
    • Methodology
  • Trends from the Pandemic to the Inflation Era
    • Concerns about COVID-19 Exposure Remain
      • Most Still Consider the Pandemic a Health Threat
        • Table Coronavirus Health Concerns: "I am concerned about the…", 2021 – 2023 (% of consumers)
      • Vaccination for the Flu and COVID-19
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Plans, 2023 (% of consumers)
        • Table Consumer Vaccination Rates, 2024 (% of consumers)
      • Some Consumers Continue to Wear Masks in Public and Avoid Crowds
        • Table Consumer Habits Regarding Masks, Crowds, and Testing for COVID-19, 2024 (% of consumers)
    • Negative Personal Effects of the Pandemic
      • Reporting Negative Mental States in 2023
      • Continuing Mental and Physical Health Effects in 2024
        • Table Current Feelings on Mental and Physical Symptoms Compared to "Normal" or Preferred Level, 2024 (% of consumers)
      • Stress Levels and Impact on Food/Beverage Consumption
    • Work-From-Home Trends
      • Working from Home in 2023: Work from Home Ability and Frequency
        • Table Ability to Work from Home and Frequency of Remote Work, 2023 (% of consumers)
      • Work Habits in 2024: Typical Work Weeks
        • Table "How Much of Your Typical Work Week is Spent at the Following Locations?", 2024 (% of employed consumers)
      • Work Habits in 2024: Typical Work Arrangements
    • Home Cooking Remains Relatively High
      • Table Home Cooking Behaviors, Agree Completely, 2013 – 2023 (% of US adults)
    • Inflation and Prices
      • Many Consumers Are Concerned about Inflation and Rising Food Prices
        • Table Consumer Concerns about Rising Food Prices, 2023 – 2024 (% of consumers)
      • Vast Majority of Consumers Have Noticed the Rising Cost of Food; Many Changing Purchasing Decisions
      • Consumers Find Price More Important for Food Purchase Decisions in 2023
      • Cutting Back on Household Expenses
        • Table Consumer Spending on "Extras", 2023 – 2024 (% of consumers)
        • Table "If a food item is on sale, I buy multiple units to stock up." Agree Completely, 2013 – 2023 (% of US adults)
  • Overview
    • Beverage Retail Sales Forecast
      • Future Outperformers: Energy & Sports Drinks and Bottled Water
        • Table US Retail Dollar Sales by Top Beverage Categories, 2018, 2023 - 2028P (million dollars and percent)
      • Post-Pandemic: Dollar Sales Surge, Demand Suffers
        • Table US Retail Dollar Sales by Top Beverage Categories, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (million dollars and percent)
        • Table US Retail Dollar and Volume Sales by Top Beverage Categories, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (percent change)
        • Table Annual Price Changes by Top Beverage Categories, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (percent change)
    • Distribution Trends
      • E-Commerce and Grocery Delivery
        • Table Purchased Groceries Over Internet in Last 30 days, 2013 – 2023 (percent of US adults)
      • Faster and More Convenient Home Delivery
      • Drone Delivery
      • In-Home Delivery
      • DoorDash Expands SNAP Payments to More Grocers
    • Snacking
      • Frequency of Snacking and Reasons for Snacking
    • Convenience Stores Maintain Post-Pandemic Recovery
  • Beverage Trends
    • Healthier+
      • Table "I Buy Food Labeled As…", 2017 – 2023 (percent of US adults)
      • Natural
      • Healthy Food
      • Reduced or Zero Sugar
      • Processed Foods
      • Diet-Friendly
        • Table "Are you familiar with (heard of it and know what is involved in following it) any of the following diet and eating philosophies?", 2021 – 2023 (percent of consumers)
      • Weight Loss
    • Alternatives With Real Dairy Attributes
      • Dairy-Free, Plant-Based
        • Table Prevalence of Plant-Forward Eating Habits/Diet Control, 2019 – 2024 (percent of consumers)
      • Animal-Free Dairy
    • Ignite The Senses
    • Target Gamers
    • Kid-Focused
    • Hard Beverages
    • CBD-Infused
    • Partnerships a Win-Win
    • Influencer Inspired
    • Private Label Still Outperforming National Brands
      • Table Selected Private Label Department Dollar Sales Growth, 2021, 2022, 2023 (percent change)
      • Table Consumption Rates in last 6 months for Selected Store Brand Beverages, 2013-2023 (percent of US households)
    • Responsible New Product Development (NPD)
      • Packaging
  • Bottled and Enhanced Waters
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market to Exceed $38 Billion in 2028
        • Table Bottled and Enhanced Water Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million gallons, and percent change)
      • Segment Sales
        • Table Bottled and Enhanced Water Retail Sales: By Segment, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Consumer Preferences - Still Water Unflavored; Sparkling Water/Seltzer Flavored
        • Table Consumption Rates for Bottled Water, 2021-2023 (percent of households)
      • Still Water Consumed Far More than Sparkling or Seltzer
        • Table Drinks/Glasses of Bottled Water in Last 7 Days, 2023 (percent of households that drink bottled water and sparkling water/seltzer)
      • Water Filter Ownership Remains High
        • Table Water Filter Ownership, 2013-2023 (percent of households)
      • Gains Continue for Hard Seltzer Despite Slowdown
        • Table Consumption Rates for Flavored Alcoholic Beverages/Coolers, 2013-2023 (percent of adults)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Healthier+
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Comfort & Nostalgia
      • Sober Curious
      • Hard Seltzers/Waters
      • Responsible NPD
      • CBD-Infused
  • Carbonated Soft Drinks
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market Nearly $68 Billion in 2028
        • Table Carbonated Beverage Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million 1.5-gallon equivalents, and percent change)
      • Category Sales
        • Table Carbonated Beverage Retail Sales by Category, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Soda Consumption: Diet Up, Regular Down Since 2019
        • Table Consumption Rates for Carbonated Beverages, 2013-2023 (percent of adults)
      • Cans Gain but Plastic Bottles Still Popular Despite Environmental Concerns
        • Table Consumption Rates for Carbonated Beverages by Packaging Form, 2013-2023 (percent of adults that drink carbonated beverages)
      • Diet Cola Drinkers Consume More
        • Table Glasses of Selected Carbonated Beverages Drunk in Last 7 Days, 2013-2023 (percent of adults that drinks regular and diet colas)
      • Selected Differences Among Coca-Cola, Coke Zero Sugar, and Diet Coke Drinkers
        • Table Demographic Characteristics of Coke Classic, Coke Zero Sugar, and Diet Coke Drinkers, 2023 (Index)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Healthier+
      • Comfort & Nostalgia
      • Hard Soda
      • CBD-Infused
  • Coffee and Ready-to-Drink Coffee
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market to Reach $22 Billion in 2028
        • Table Coffee Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million ounces, and percent change)
      • Category/Segment Sales
        • Table Coffee Retail Sales: By Category and Segment, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • RTD Coffee Continues Gaining; Ground Coffee Consumed Most
        • Table Consumption Rates for Coffee Segments, 2013-2023 (percent of households)
      • Loose Grinds Still Widely Preferred Over Single-Serve Pods
        • Table Forms of Ground Coffee Used Most Often, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink ground coffee)
      • Consumers Overwhelmingly Prefer Unflavored Ground and Whole Bean Coffee
        • Table Flavor of Ground Coffee Drunk Most Often, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink ground and whole bean coffee)
      • Coffee Consumption Faltering
        • Table Cups of Ground Coffee (Regular or Decaf) Drunk Per Average Day, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink ground coffee)
      • Consumption of Customized and Specialty Drinks Drive Coffee Appliance Sales
        • Table Coffee Appliances Bought in Last 12 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Mindful Indulgence
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Comfort & Nostalgia
      • Influencer Inspired
      • Coffee Shop Experience At Home or On-The-Go
      • Single-Serve Options Beyond Pods
      • Hard Coffee
      • Responsible NPD
      • CBD-Infused
  • Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverages
    • Sales Outlook
      • Total Market to Reach Nearly $32 Billion in 2028
        • Table Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverages Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
      • Volume Sales
        • Table Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverages Market Retail Volume Sales, 2018-2028 (million pints)
      • Category and Segment Sales
        • Table Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverages Retail Sales: By Category and Segment, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Dairy Milk Consumption Decreasing; Milk Alternatives Increasing
        • Table Consumption Rates for Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverages, 2013-2023 (percent of households)
      • Most Milk Drinkers Prefer 2% and Whole
        • Table Kind of Milk Consumed in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink fresh milk)
      • Specialty Milk Consumption on The Rise
        • Table Type of Milk Consumed in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink milk)
      • Plastic Jugs Most Popular by Far; Carton Use Has Increased
        • Table Milk Package Used in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink milk)
      • Almond Milk Still Dominant But Oat Milk Gains
        • Table Type of Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives Consumed in Last 6 Months, 2016-2023 (percent of households that drink non-dairy milk alternatives)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Alternatives with Real Dairy Attributes
      • Animal-Free Dairy
      • Healthier+
      • Kid-Focused
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Responsible NPD
  • Energy and Sports Drinks
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market to Reach $53 Billion in 2028
        • Table Energy and Sports Drinks Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million ounces, and percent change)
      • Category and Segment Sales
        • Table Energy and Sports Drinks Retail Sales: By Segment, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Low Penetration for Energy Drinks Especially
        • Table Consumption Rates for Energy Drinks/Shots and Sports Drinks, 2013-2023 (percent of adults)
      • Drinks Dominate, Shots Remain Smaller Niche
        • Table Forms of Energy Drinks/Shots Drunk, 2013-2023 (percent of adults that drinks energy drinks/shots)
      • Energy Drinkers Tend to Consume More Units
        • Table Number of Energy Drinks/Shots and Sports Drinks Drunk in Last 30 Days, 2023 (percent of adults that drinks energy drinks/shots and sports drinks)
    • Key Opportunities
    • Healthier+
      • Rapid Hydration
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Target Gamers
  • Juices
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market Increasing to Nearly $24 Billion in 2028
        • Table Juice Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million ounces, and percent change)
      • Category Sales
        • Table Juice Market Retail Dollar Sales by Category, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Other Fruit Juice/Drink Consumption Strongest
        • Table Consumption Rates for Juices by Product, 2013-2023 (percent of US households)
      • Glass Bottles Experience Biggest Gains
        • Table Package Type of Orange Juice Drunk in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink orange juice)
      • Most Households Drink 2 or Fewer Glasses of OJ Daily
        • Table Glasses of Orange Juice Drunk by Household on Average Day, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink orange juice)
      • Apple Remains Favorite Flavor Ahead of Cranberry
        • Table Flavors of Other Fruit Juices/Drinks Drunk Most Often, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink other fruit juices/drinks)
      • Most Households Drink 2 or Fewer Glasses of Other Fruit Juice/Drinks Daily
        • Table Glasses of Other Fruit Juices/Drinks Drunk by Household on Average Day, 2013-2023 (percent of US households that drink other fruit juices/drinks)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Healthier-For-You
      • Healthier-For-Kids
      • Mindful Indulgence
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Hard Juices
      • CBD-Infused
  • Tea and Ready-to-Drink Tea
    • Sales Outlook
      • Market to Exceed $11 Billion in 2028
        • Table Tea and RTD Tea Retail Sales, 2018-2028 (million dollars, million ounces, and percent change)
      • Category and Segment Sales
        • Table Tea and RTD Tea Retail Sales by Category and Segment, 2016-2028 (million dollars and percent change)
    • Consumer Insights
      • Tea Bags Still Most Popular Despite Declines
        • Table Consumption Rates for Tea, 2013-2023 (percent of households)
      • Tea Drinkers Overwhelmingly Prefer Caffeinated
        • Table Type of Tea Drunk in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink tea bags/packages)
      • Regular Size Bags Overwhelmingly Preferred Format
        • Table Form of Tea Drunk in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink tea bags/packages)
      • Herbal Tea Consumption Increases Over Last Three Years
        • Table Flavor of Tea Drunk in Last 6 Months, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink tea bags/packages)
      • Most Hot Tea Drinkers Drink 2 or Fewer Cups Daily
        • Table Cups of Tea Drunk by Household on Average Day, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink tea bags/packages)
      • Flavored RTD Iced Tea Overwhelmingly Preferred
        • Table Type of RTD Iced Tea/Kombucha Drunk Most Often, 2013-2023 (percent of adults that drink RTD iced tea/kombucha)
      • Most Consume 1-2 RTD Teas Weekly; Relatively High Percentage Drink 9+
        • Table Drinks/Glasses of RTD Tea/Kombucha Drunk by Household in Last 7 Days, 2013-2023 (percent of households that drink RTD tea/kombucha)
    • Key Opportunities
      • Healthier+
      • Ignite the Senses
      • Hard Teas
      • CBD-Infused

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