Mexico Laundry Appliances Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 - 2027)
The demand for appliances is considered cyclical in nature. Mexico is one of the major appliances suppliers in the South America region. Energy-efficient and sustainable appliances are expected to drive the demand for laundry appliances in the market. Thriving steel and iron industry are also expected to positively influence the market. As more and more households are using energy households it is essential for households to measure differences in energy consumption levels where appliances play a central role.
Laundry appliances are used for cleaning textiles and other works related to textiles. Smart washing machines and dryers that are connected to the internet, mobile appliances, and devices are gaining preference among consumers. Increased use of IoT and connected appliances are going to positively influence the smart washing machine appliances. Multifunctional appliances such as machines that can perform two functions at the same time are also offered by players such as the launch of the Twin wash brand by LG in the market.
Key Market TrendsIncrease in Imports of Washing Machines in MexicoWashing machines are essential appliances and are one of the major appliances categories that are being used for people around the globe for washing and drying clothes. Varieties of washing machines are sold in Mexico's market with different capacities, functioning, drying, water system light, and detergent control among other attributes. Prices in the market have become a function of the brand, model, and place of purchase.
There is a rise in imports of the washing machine in Mexico over the years due to the rising necessity of keeping clothes clean and free of odor, bacteria. Imports in the year 2019 rose by 1.9% year-on-year. China, the United States, and Vietnam are the major importers of the washing machines to Mexico with China having 40.4%, United States 19.6%, and Vietnam with a 12.5% market share.
Growth of Residential Laundry Appliances in MexicoThe residential sector is witnessing moe demand of the laundry appliances in Mexico's market. Due to hectic lifestyles, consumers want to save on the time spent on washing and taking care of clothes and appliances. Young people who share their homes and dual-income family members who have a busier lifestyle are leading to the growth of residential laundry appliances in the market. Most of the time is spent by them in commuting, exercising, and working, hence to take care of laundry they require appliances that are expected to keep the demand for laundry appliances in the market. Dryers have lower penetration as compared to washing machines which can represent an opportunity for players in the market. However, growing laundry services and dry cleaning are increasing competition for residential sector appliances.
Competitive LandscapeMexico's laundry appliances are competitive in nature with global and regional players in the market. Mabe is one of the dominant players in the market in terms of production and holds a large share in the market, the company has acquired several other companies in the market. Various players are focusing on the launch of the new products in the market that reduces consumer washing time. Manufacturers are investing in Smart washing machine technologies to gain a competitive share of the market.
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