Summary Non-Life Insurance in Vietnam industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value 2017-22, and forecast to 2027). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.
Key Highlights
Non-life insurance is typically defined as any insurance not determined to be life insurance. It includes automobile and homeowners' policies and provides payments depending on the loss from a particular financial event.
The Vietnamese non-life insurance market had total gross written premiums of $3 billion in 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.8% between 2017 and 2022.
The motor segment accounted for the market's largest proportion in 2022, with total gross written premiums of $0.8 billion, equivalent to 26.3% of the market's overall value.
In 2022, the Vietnamese non-life insurance market witnessed an annual growth of 17.5%. Factors such as a supportive regulatory environment, expanded collaborations, innovative products, and active distribution channels all contribute to the expansion of the non-life insurance market.
Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the non-life insurance market in Vietnam
Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the non-life insurance market in Vietnam
Leading company profiles reveal details of key non-life insurance market players’ global operations and financial performance
Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Vietnam non-life insurance market with five year forecasts
Reasons to Buy
What was the size of the Vietnam non-life insurance market by value in 2022?
What will be the size of the Vietnam non-life insurance market in 2027?
What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the Vietnam non-life insurance market?
How has the market performed over the last five years?
What are the main segments that make up Vietnam's non-life insurance market?
1 Executive Summary
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Category segmentation
1.4. Geography segmentation
1.5. Market rivalry
1.6. Competitive landscape
2 Market Overview
2.1. Market definition
2.2. Market analysis
3 Market Data
3.1. Market value
4 Market Segmentation
4.1. Category segmentation
4.2. Geography segmentation
5 Market Outlook
5.1. Market value forecast
6 Five Forces Analysis
6.1. Summary
6.2. Buyer power
6.3. Supplier power
6.4. New entrants
6.5. Threat of substitutes
6.6. Degree of rivalry
7 Competitive Landscape
7.1. Who are the leading players?
7.2. What strategies do the leading players follow?