Personal Hygiene in France industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market share, market size (value and volume 2018-23, and forecast to 2028). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.
Key Highlights
The books market is segmented into physical, e-book, and other books. The market value represents the retail sales.
The French Personal Hygiene market recorded revenues of $2,224.7 million in 2023, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3% between 2018 and 2023.
Market consumption volume increased with a CAGR of 1.3% between 2018 and 2023, to reach a total of 686 million units in 2023.
The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 2.6% over 2023-28, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $2,528.7 million by the end of 2028.
Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the personal hygiene market in France
Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the personal hygiene market in France
Leading company profiles reveal details of key personal hygiene market players’ global operations and financial performance
Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the France personal hygiene market with five year forecasts by both value and volume
Reasons to Buy
What was the size of the France personal hygiene market by value in 2023?
What will be the size of the France personal hygiene market in 2028?
What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the France personal hygiene market?
How has the market performed over the last five years?
Who are the top competitors in France's personal hygiene market?
1 Executive Summary
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Market share
1.8. Market rivalry
1.9. Competitive landscape
2 Market Overview
2.1. Market definition
2.2. Market analysis
3 Market Data
3.1. Market value
3.2. Market volume
4 Market Segmentation
4.1. Category segmentation
4.2. Geography segmentation
4.3. Market distribution
5 Market Outlook
5.1. Market value forecast
5.2. Market volume forecast
6 Five Forces Analysis
6.1. Summary
6.2. Buyer power
6.3. Supplier power
6.4. New entrants
6.5. Threat of substitutes
6.6. Degree of rivalry
7 Competitive Landscape
7.1. Market share
7.2. Who are the leading players in the French personal hygiene market?
7.3. Which companies have been most successful in increasing their market shares in the last 5 years (2018-2023)?
7.4. Which companies market shares have suffered over the same period (2018-2023)?
7.5. What are the most popular brands in the French personal hygiene market?
7.6. What have been the most significant M&A deals in the French personal hygiene market over the last three years (2020-2023) ?
8 Company Profiles
8.1. Unilever Plc.
8.2. Colgate-Palmolive Co
8.3. L'Oreal SA
8.4. Johnson & Johnson Services Inc
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Appendix
10.1. Methodology
10.2. Industry associations
10.3. Related MarketLine research
10.4. About MarketLine
List of Tables
Table 1: France personal hygiene market value: $ million, 2018-23
Table 2: France personal hygiene market volume: million units, 2018-23
Table 3: France personal hygiene market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-23
Table 4: France personal hygiene market category segmentation: $ million, 2018-23
Table 5: France personal hygiene market geography segmentation: $ million, 2023
Table 6: France personal hygiene market distribution: % share, by value, 2023
Table 7: France personal hygiene market value forecast: $ million, 2023-28
Table 8: France personal hygiene market volume forecast: million units, 2023-28
Table 9: France personal hygiene market share: % share, by value, 2023