Home Healthcare Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

The older population today is leaning more towards home care versus nursing home care. This is a trend that's expected to continue to increase as life expectancies grow in the U.S. Home care is also commonly used for the younger population who are disabled or recuperating from an illness or accident. It can also be used for infants and children who need special medical care delivered in their homes. The notion of using home care is outweighing the aspects of using nursing homes, hospitals, hospices and other inpatient facilities. This is likely due to the convenience it provides and the relatively lower cost compared to institutional care. Those who need long-term care are choosing home care more and more. In fact, in the U.S., there are over 10 million people in all age ranges are estimated needing long-term care.

The CDC reports that around 70% of the patients receiving home health care are 65 and over. A fifth of that number is over the age 85. More than half of the patients are women (64%). The proportion of women in need of home care becomes considerably hire with age. This is due to the women's longer life spans. Men having home care makes sense, especially if the woman in the household is unable to do the chores. It's common for elderly men to be unable to perform household duties as compared to elderly women. This is due to age, as well as their inexperience in this area.

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