Clinical Chemistry Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis

Clinical Chemistry is a fast growing industry primarily focused on analysis of bodily fluids. Also known as chemical pathology, and clinical biochemistry, the clinical chemistry industry is comprised of over 700 unique types of tests. Some of the more well-known tests within the industry include general tests (i.e. blood tests), special tests (i.e. electrophoresis), clinical endocrinology tests (i.e. diagnostic tests of endocrine disorders), toxicology tests (i.e. studies of drug abuse) and urinalysis. These tests can be done individual or within panel screenings. Since its humble origins in the late 19th century using simple chemical tests to analyze blood and urine to more sophisticated tests of spectrophotometry and immunoassay used today, the Clinical Chemistry Industry has explored by leaps and bounds. Access multiple market research reports on the state of the Clinical Chemistry industry and its multifaceted societal, biomedical and economic impact by accessing the reports found below.
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Clinical Chemistry Industry Research & Market Reports

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