Poland is the largest transition economy in Eastern Europe. Since 1991 its economy has been totally transormed from smoke belching industries integrated into the East to modern industry exporting worldwide. The share of the workforce employed in agriculture has also fallen dramtaically.such that the rofile of its workers is that of an advanced country. Poland had a recent Constitutional crisis which brought it into conflict with the EU but this is being resolved. It retains use of the Zloty rather than opting to join the Euro.
GDP growth 1991-2023
GDP USD & PPP Inflation 1970-2022
Exports USD & Current Account Exports & Imports by Product & DestinationIMF Data - Current a/c and NIIPDebt to GDP % Revenue & expenditure 2023
Social Security Pensions DefenseEmployment data
HousingHealth Cover Exports in more detail Electricity generation Population, fertility & life expectancy