Economy of China 2025

This study takes a data driven approach to China's economy. Despite having experienced the highest economic growth in history covering the largest population China attracts a high level of negative commentary in Western media pointing towards its imminent demise. We dispel this myth and show that China's economy is as robust as ever and that much of the negative views are based on taking data out of context. China is by far the largest economy in the world in real terms and its underlying strengths have not dissipated.

GDP growth 1960-2023
Inflation 1987-2022
Exports USD & Current Account
Exports & Imports by Product & Destination
IMF Data - Current a/c and NIIP
Revenue & expenditure 2022
GDP by sector 2018 - 2021
Employment by Sector
Central, Region & LGFV debt
Banking sector property exposure
China vs USA
Metals Consumption - China, World, USA
Oil & Gas
Electricity Output
Population, fertility & life expectancy

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