Global Semiconductor Equipment Market (by Segment, Supply Chain, Dimension, & Region): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2026)

Global Semiconductor Equipment Market (by Segment, Supply Chain, Dimension, & Region): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2026)

Market Insight:

The electronic characteristics of a semiconductor material (mainly silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, and organic semiconductors) govern the function of a semiconductor device. Since the introduction of integrated circuits in the 1950s, transistor density has increased, aided by technical advances in the manufacturing process. Semiconductor equipment is the foundation of process advancement, since each new generation of process node require better and more complex manufacturing equipment.

Semiconductor equipment are used in the fabrication of semiconductors and integrated circuits, which are employed in the manufacturing process of a variety of industries such as medical, banking, telecommunications, automobiles, and so on, which has directly boosted the demand for semiconductor equipment. The global semiconductor equipment market is estimated to reach US$126.40 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 9.90%, during the forecast period.

Segment Covered:
  • By Segment: The report has segmented the global semiconductor equipment market into three different segments: Wafer equipment, Assembly and packaging equipment and Test equipment. The wafer equipment segment accounted for majority of market share. In the future, the demand for silicon wafers and equipment footprints would aid in the analysis of the semiconductor wafer fab equipment market. Furthermore, advancements in wafer technologies that have resulted in denser packaging of devices such as MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) and transistors are expected to lay the groundwork for new opportunities that companies can capitalize on.
  • By Supply Chain: The report splits the global semiconductor equipment market into three segments in terms of supply chain: IDM, OSAT, and Foundry. IDM segment held the largest share in semiconductor equipment market, while the same segment is the fastest growing during the forecast period, as IDM Semiconductor equipment market is expected to enhance their Integrated Circuit (IC) production capacity, the companies are partnering with semiconductor manufacturing equipment providers.
  • By Dimensions: The report provides the bifurcation of market into three segments on the basis of dimensions: 2D, 2.5D and 3D. 2.5D dimension packaging held the maximum share in semiconductor equipment market. The fastest growing segment is 3D dimensions due to heavy investments on the R&D by many key players, including Amkor Technology, ASE group, Silicon ware Precision Industries Co., Ltd., and others, leading to the improvement in advanced packaging techniques.
Geographic Coverage:

According to this report, the global semiconductor equipment market can be divided into four major regions, on the basis of geographical areas: Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. The countries covered in Asia Pacific region include the China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, while North America includes the US, Mexico, and Canada. Moreover, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Rest of Europe are included in the European region.

The Asia Pacific semiconductor equipment market enjoyed the largest market share, primarily owing to the dominance of China, Taiwan, South Korea, which are the Asia-Pacific most attractive market for semiconductor equipment. China is the world’s largest semiconductor equipment market. China’s semiconductor equipment market is expected to achieve solid growth, underpinned by high foundry capex expectations driven by rising demand; technology process development, where more equipment investment is needed; memory process development; photovoltaic demand driven by environmental production; and rising demand in LEDs, MEMS, power devices, and advanced packaging. Furthermore, Europe and North America are considered the emerging market for semiconductor equipment.

Top Impacting Factors:

Growth Drivers
  • Growth in Consumer Electronics Industry
  • Increased use of Semiconductors in Medical Devices
  • Mounting usage of semiconductor equipment in Gaming Industry
  • Rising Government Support
  • Functional Defects and Complexities
  • High Cost Associated
  • Increasing demand for Artificial Intelligence
  • Escalation of Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Surging Demand for Electronic vehicles
  • Emerging Industrial Robotics
  • Driver: Growth in Consumer Electronics Industry
The consumption of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, had increased over the years and one of the primary factors driving the growth of consumer electronics is the growing preference for smart electronic devices. Semiconductor chips, which are used as components in power devices, compactness optical sensors, and light emitters, are the basic requirement for the manufacture of these smart electronic devices. A semiconductor material is a device that allows electric current to pass through it and is used in devices such as CPUs. It is made up of a large number of transistors. These factors lead to increased demand for semiconductors, which translates into a higher demand for semiconductor equipment.
  • Challenge: Functional Defects and Complexities
The semiconductor equipment's are used in the manufacturing of semiconductors and integrated circuits. Advanced semiconductor fabrication can involve thousands of process steps, which makes the procedure very complex. Each piece of equipment at a process step has the potential to fail, resulting in a default and possibly reducing production yield. The fabrication of advanced semiconductors can involve thousands of parts sourced from a variety of suppliers. Some common fabrication equipment issues include corrosion, pressure regulator malfunction, or improperly sized or fitted seals. Any of these issues could have potentially large impacts on fabrication equipment performance and product quality. So, the functional defects and complexities can happen any time and can lead to delay in the manufacturing of products and delivery, which would directly disturb the supply chain.
  • Trend: Escalation of Internet of Things (IOT)
IoT depends on sensors and MEMS technology, they can monitor actions of connected objects and machines. IoT applications cannot work without sensors and integrated circuits, so all IoT devices would require semiconductors. This would result in increased demand for sensors, connectivity, memory, microcontrollers, and integrated circuits, which could put pressure on the existing semiconductor supply chain. Semiconductor manufacturers that choose to meet IoT demands now would be well positioned to take advantage of this developing market. Hence, the increasing penetration of IOT devices would boost the growth of the semiconductor equipment market.

The COVID-19 Analysis:

During the pandemic, semiconductor equipment manufacturers witnessed a fall for a very short period of time as lockdown was imposed suddenly. While in the second half of 2020 and after that, the semiconductor equipment market sharply increased exceeding the fall due to acceleration of global economies' digital transformation as pandemic has boosted the digitalization. Increased use of electronic devices due to online classes and work from home, indirectly increased the demand for semiconductor equipment as these devices need semiconductors and integrated circuits to be installed in them, which are manufactured from semiconductor equipment.

Analysis of Key Players:

The market for semiconductor equipment is concentrated with top five players accounted for more than 60% share. Chinese players accounted for less than 5% of the global market share, although they are expanding quickly. Further, key players of the semiconductor equipment market are:
  • Hitachi High Tech Corporation,
  • ASML Holding Semiconductor Company,
  • Applied Materials Inc.,
  • Lam Research Corporation,
  • Tokyo Electron Limited
  • KLA Corporation,
  • Teradyne Inc.,
  • Nikon Corporation
  • Canon Inc.,
  • Screen Holding Co. Ltd,
  • Advantest Corporation, and
  • ASM International N.V,
China domestic players are well-positioned for the semiconductor localization trend. Most of China’s semi equipment market share has been taken up by global leaders, who have absolute competitive edge in technology and customer base. Chinese players have been making good progress in R&D and customer verification, and have market share gain potentials in mid-to-low-end products.

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
2.1 Semiconductor Equipment: An Overview
2.1.1 Advantages of Semiconductor Equipment
Table 1: Advantages of Semiconductor Equipment
2.1.2 Semiconductor Equipment Segmentation
Table 2: Semiconductor Equipment Segmentation
3. Global Market Analysis
3.1 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market: An Analysis
3.1.1 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 3: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 4: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.1.2 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Segments (Wafer Equipment, Test Equipment, Assembly and Packaging Equipment)
Table 5: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
3.1.3 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Supply Chain (IDM, OSAT, Foundry)
Table 6: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Supply Chain; 2021 (Percentage, %)
3.1.4 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Dimensions (2D, 2.5D, 3D)
Table 7: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Dimension; 2021 (Percentage, %)
3.1.5 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region (Asia pacific, North America, Europe, Rest of the World)
Table 8: Global Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
3.2 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market: Segment Analysis
3.2.1 Global Assembly and Packaging Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 9: Global Assembly and Packaging Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 10: Global Assemble and Packaging Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.2 Global Test Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 11: Global Test Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 12: Global Test Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.3 Global Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 13: Global Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 14: Global Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.4 Global Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Segments (Logic, NAND, DRAM, Others)
Table 15: Global Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
3.2.5 Global Logic Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 16: Global Logic Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 17: Global Logic Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.6 Global NAND Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 18: Global NAND Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 19: Global NAND Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.7 Global DRAM Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 20: Global DRAM Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 21: Global DRAM Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.2.8 Global Others Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 22: Global Others Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 23: Global Others Wafer Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.3 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market: Supply Chain Analysis
3.3.1 Global IDM Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 24: Global IDM Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 25: Global IDM Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.3.2 Global OSAT Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 26: Global OSAT Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 27: Global OSAT Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.3.3 Global Foundry Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 28: Global Foundry Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 29: Global Foundry Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.4 Global Semiconductor Equipment Market: Dimension Analysis
3.4.1 Global 2D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 30: Global 2D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 31: Global 2D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.4.2 Global 2.5D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 32: Global 2.5D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 33: Global 2.5D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
3.4.3 Global 3D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 34: Global 3D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 35: Global 3D Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4. Regional Market Analysis
4.1 Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market: An Analysis
4.1.1 Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 36: Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 37: Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.1.2 Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region (China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan)
Table 38: Asia Pacific Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
4.1.3 China Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 39: China Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 40: China Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.1.4 Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 41: Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 42: Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.1.5 South Korea Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 43: South Korea Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 44: South Korea Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.1.6 Japan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 45: Japan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 46: Japan Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.2 North America Semiconductor Equipment Market: An Analysis
4.2.1 North America Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 47: North America Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 48: North America Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.2.2 North America Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region (The US, Canada, Mexico)
Table 49: North America Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
4.2.3 The US Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 50: The US Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 51: The US Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.2.4 Canada Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 52: Canada Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Million)
Table 53: Canada Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Million)
4.2.5 Mexico Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 54: Mexico Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Million)
Table 55: Mexico Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Million)
4.3 Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market: An Analysis
4.3.1 Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 56: Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 57: Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.3.2 Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region (Germany, Italy, UK, France)
Table 58: Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
4.3.3 Germany Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 59: Germany Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 60: Germany Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.3.4 Italy Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 61: Italy Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Million)
Table 62: Italy Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Million)
4.3.5 United Kingdom Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 63: United Kingdom Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Million)
Table 64: United Kingdom Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Million)
4.3.6 France Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 65: France Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Million)
Table 66: France Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Million)
4.3.7 Rest of Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 67: Rest of Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2020-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 68: Rest of Europe Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
4.4 Rest of World Semiconductor Equipment Market: An Analysis
4.4.1 Rest of World Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value
Table 69: Rest of World Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2017-2021 (US$ Billion)
Table 70: Rest of World Semiconductor Equipment Market by Value; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
5. Impact of COVID-19
5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Equipment Market
5.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Equipment
5.1.2 Post COVID-19 Impact
6. Market Dynamics
6.1 Growth Drivers
6.1.1 Growth in Consumer Electronics Industry
Table 71: Global Consumer Electronics Revenue; 2022-2026 (US$ Billion)
6.1.2 Rapid Urbanization
Table 72: Developed Economies and Developing Economies Urban Population; 2015, 2020 & 2050 (Million)
6.1.3 Increased use of Semiconductors in Medical Devices
6.1.4 Rising Government Support
6.1.5 Mounting usage of semiconductor equipment in Gaming Industry
6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 Functional Defects and Complexities
6.2.2 High Cost Associated
6.2.3 Geo Political Tension
6.3 Market Trends
6.3.1 Increasing demand for Artificial Intelligence
Table 73: Global Artificial Intelligence Market Revenue; 2020-2024 (US$ Billion)
6.3.2 Escalation of Internet of Things (IOT)
Table 74: Global Number of Internet of Things (IOT) connected devices; 2019-2024 (Billion)
6.3.3 Surging Demand for Electronic vehicles
Table 75: Global Electronic Vehicles Sales; 2017-2021 (Million)
6.3.4 Emerging Industrial Robotics
Table 76: Global Annual Installations of Industrial Robots; 2019-2024 (Thousands)
6.3.5 Launch of 5G Network
Table 77: Global 5G Network Revenue; 2020-2022 (US$ Million
6.3.6 Sustainability
6.2.7 New Advancements in Semiconductor Equipment
7. Competitive Landscape
7.1 Global Semiconductor Equipment Players by Market Share
Table 78: Global Semiconductor Equipment Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8. Company Profiles
8.1 Applied Materials Inc.
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Operating Segments
Table 79: Applied Materials Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.1.3 Business Strategy
8.2 ASML Holding Semiconductor Company
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Operating Regions
Table 80: ASML Holding Semiconductor Company Net Sales by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.2.3 Business Strategy
8.3 Tokyo Electron Limited
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Operating Segments
Table 81: Tokyo Electron Limited Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.3.3 Business Strategy
8.4 Lam Research Corporation
8.4.1 Business Overview
8.4.2 Operating Regions
Table 82: Lam Research Corporation Revenue by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.4.3 Business Strategy
8.5 KLA Corporation
8.5.1 Business Overview
8.5.2 Operating Segments
Table 83: KLA Corporation Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.5.3 Business Strategy
8.6 Teradyne Inc.
8.6.1 Business Overview
8.6.2 Operating Segments
Table 84: Teradyne Inc. Revenues by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.6.3 Business Strategy
8.7 Screen Holding Co. Ltd
8.7.1 Business Overview
8.7.2 Operating Segments
Table 85: Screen Holding Co. Ltd Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.7.3 Business Strategy
8.8 Advantest Corporation
8.8.1 Business Overview
8.8.2 Operating Segments
Table 86: Advantest Corporation Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.8.3 Business Strategy
8.9 Hitachi High Tech Corporation
8.9.1 Business Overview
8.9.2 Operating Segments
Table 87: Hitachi High Tech Corporation Revenues by Segments; 2022 (Percentage, %)
8.9.3 Business Strategy
8.10 ASM International N.V
8.10.1 Business Overview
8.10.2 Operating Regions
Table 88: ASM International Revenue by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.10.3 Business Strategy
8.11 Nikon Corporation
8.11.1 Business Overview
8.11.2 Operating Segments
Table 89: Nikon Corporation Revenue by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.11.3 Business Strategy
8.12 Canon Inc.
8.12.1 Business Overview
8.12.2 Operating Segments
Table 90: Canon. Inc. Net Sales by Segments; 2021 (Percentage, %)
8.12.3 Business Strategy

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